public function doGet(WebAppRequest $req, WebAppResponse $res)
     $resource = substr(\Innomatic\Webapp\WebAppContainer::instance('\\Innomatic\\Webapp\\WebAppContainer')->getCurrentWebApp()->getHome(), 0, -1) . $req->getPathInfo();
     // If this is a directory, check that a welcome file exists
     if (is_dir($resource)) {
         $this->welcomeFiles = \Innomatic\Webapp\WebAppContainer::instance('\\Innomatic\\Webapp\\WebAppContainer')->getCurrentWebApp()->getWelcomeFiles();
         $path = $this->getRelativePath($req);
         $welcomeFile = $this->findWelcomeFile($path);
         if ($welcomeFile != null) {
             $resource = $resource . $welcomeFile;
         } else {
             $res->sendError(WebAppResponse::SC_FORBIDDEN, $req->getRequestURI());
     // Make sure that this path exists on disk
     if ($req->getPathInfo() == '/index' or !file_exists($resource . '.php')) {
         $res->sendError(WebAppResponse::SC_NOT_FOUND, $req->getRequestURI());
     // Core directory is private
     if (substr($req->getPathInfo(), 0, 6) == '/core/') {
         $res->sendError(WebAppResponse::SC_FORBIDDEN, $req->getRequestURI());
     // Resource must reside inside the webapp
     if (\Innomatic\Security\SecurityManager::isAboveBasePath($resource, \Innomatic\Webapp\WebAppContainer::instance('\\Innomatic\\Webapp\\WebAppContainer')->getCurrentWebApp()->getHome())) {
         $res->sendError(WebAppResponse::SC_FORBIDDEN, $req->getRequestURI());
     include $resource . '.php';
 public function doUninstallAction($params)
     // Checks if the name is valid.
     if (!strlen($params['name'])) {
         $this->mLog->logEvent('ScriptComponent::doUninstallAction', 'In application ' . $this->appname . ', component ' . $params['name'] . ': Empty script file name', \Innomatic\Logging\Logger::ERROR);
         return false;
     // Cheks that the script file name does not contain malicious code.
     if (\Innomatic\Security\SecurityManager::isAboveBasePath($this->container->getHome() . 'core/scripts/' . $params['name'], $this->container->getHome() . 'core/scripts/')) {
         $this->mLog->logEvent('ScriptComponent::doUninstallAction', 'In application ' . $this->appname . ', component ' . $params['name'] . ': Malicious script file name', \Innomatic\Logging\Logger::ERROR);
         return false;
     // Checks if the script file exists.
     if (!file_exists($this->container->getHome() . '/core/scripts/' . $params['name'])) {
         $this->mLog->logEvent('ScriptComponent::doUninstallAction', 'In application ' . $this->appname . ', component ' . $params['name'] . ': Missing script file', \Innomatic\Logging\Logger::ERROR);
         return false;
     if (!@unlink($this->container->getHome() . 'core/scripts/' . $params['name'])) {
         $this->mLog->logEvent('ScriptComponent::doUninstallAction', 'In application ' . $this->appname . ', component ' . $params['name'] . ': Unable to remove script file', \Innomatic\Logging\Logger::ERROR);
         return false;
     return true;
  * Overwrites webapp skeleton with a new one.
  * The previous skeleton is not deleted, it is only overwritten.
  * @param string $webappName
  * @param string $skeletonName
  * @return bool
 public static function applyNewSkeleton($webappName, $skeletonName)
     $home = \Innomatic\Webapp\WebAppContainer::instance('\\Innomatic\\Webapp\\WebAppContainer')->getHome();
     // Checks that the webapp name doesn't contain a malicious path.
     if (\Innomatic\Security\SecurityManager::isAboveBasePath($home . $webappName, $home)) {
         return false;
     // Strips any path info from the skeleton name.
     $skeletonName = basename($skeletonName);
     // Checks if the given skeleton exits, otherwise uses default one.
     if (!is_dir($home . 'innomatic/core/conf/skel/webapps/' . $skeletonName . '-skel/')) {
         return false;
     // Copies the skeleton to the webapp directory, overwriting previos skeleton.
     return \Innomatic\Io\Filesystem\DirectoryUtils::dirCopy($home . 'innomatic/core/conf/skel/webapps/' . $skeletonName . '-skel/', $home . $webappName . '/');
 public function remove()
     $result = false;
     $hook = new \Innomatic\Process\Hook($this->rootda, 'innomatic', 'domain.remove');
     if ($hook->callHooks('calltime', $this, '') == \Innomatic\Process\Hook::RESULT_OK) {
         $query = $this->rootda->execute('SELECT * FROM domains WHERE id=' . (int) $this->domainserial);
         $data = $query->getFields();
         // Set the current domain object so that any component relying on
         // the InnomaticContainer current domain does not fail
         // Removes domain users.
         // They must be removed before disabling applications
         // and dropping the database.
         // Disables all applications.
         if ($this->container->getEdition() == \Innomatic\Core\InnomaticContainer::EDITION_MULTITENANT) {
             $args['dbname'] = $data['domaindaname'];
             $args['dbhost'] = $data['dataaccesshost'];
             $args['dbport'] = $data['dataaccessport'];
             $args['dbuser'] = $data['dataaccessuser'];
             $args['dbpass'] = $data['domaindapass'];
             $args['dbtype'] = $data['dataaccesstype'];
             $args['dblog'] = $this->container->getHome() . 'core/domains/' . $data['domainid'] . '/log/dataaccess.log';
         // Removes cached items.
         $cache_gc = new \Innomatic\Datatransfer\Cache\CacheGarbageCollector();
         $cache_gc->removeDomainItems((int) $data['id']);
         // Removes domain from root database.
         $this->rootda->execute('DELETE FROM domains WHERE id=' . (int) $data['id']);
         $this->rootda->execute('DELETE FROM applications_options_disabled WHERE domainid=' . $this->domainserial);
         $log = $this->container->getLogger();
         $log->logEvent($data['domainid'], 'Removed domain ' . $data['domainid'], \Innomatic\Logging\Logger::NOTICE);
         if (!empty($data['domainid']) and !in_array($data['domainid'], $this->reservedNames)) {
             if (!\Innomatic\Security\SecurityManager::isAboveBasePath($this->container->getHome() . 'core/domains/' . $data['domainid'], $this->container->getHome() . 'core/domains/')) {
                 // Removes domain directory inside Innomatic webapp
                 \Innomatic\Io\Filesystem\DirectoryUtils::unlinkTree($this->container->getHome() . 'core/domains/' . $data['domainid']);
             // Removes domain webapp
         if ($hook->callHooks('domainremoved', $this, '') == \Innomatic\Process\Hook::RESULT_OK) {
             $result = true;
         // Tells the security manager that the domain has been removed.
         if ($this->container->getConfig()->Value('SecurityAlertOnDomainOperation') == '1') {
             $innomatic_security = new \Innomatic\Security\SecurityManager();
             $innomatic_security->sendAlert('Domain ' . $data['domainid'] . ' has been removed');
     return $result;