  * Homepage action.
  * @return void
  * @Route("/", methods={"GET", "POST"}, name="home-index-index")
 public function indexAction()
     $currentUrl = 'home';
     $formData = $jsonData = $error = [];
     // Search keyword in specified field model
     $searchKeywordInData = ['title'];
     $page = (int) $this->request->getQuery('page', null, 1);
     $orderBy = (string) $this->request->getQuery('orderby', null, 'id');
     $orderType = (string) $this->request->getQuery('ordertype', null, 'asc');
     $keyword = (string) $this->request->getQuery('keyword', null, '');
     // optional Filter
     $id = (int) $this->request->getQuery('id', null, 0);
     $status = (int) $this->request->getQuery('status', null, 0);
     $datecreated = (int) $this->request->getQuery('datecreated', null, 0);
     $formData['columns'] = '*';
     $formData['conditions'] = ['keyword' => $keyword, 'searchKeywordIn' => $searchKeywordInData, 'filterBy' => ['id' => $id, 'status' => $status, 'datecreated' => $datecreated]];
     $formData['orderBy'] = $orderBy;
     $formData['orderType'] = $orderType;
     $paginateUrl = $currentUrl . '?orderby=' . $formData['orderBy'] . '&ordertype=' . $formData['orderType'];
     if ($formData['conditions']['keyword'] != '') {
         $paginateUrl .= '&keyword=' . $formData['conditions']['keyword'];
     $myProducts = ProductMap::getList($formData, $this->recordPerPage, $page);
     $myCategories = Category::parent_sort(Category::find(['order' => 'orderno ASC'])->toArray());
     $this->bc->add($this->lang->_('title-home'), 'home');
     $this->bc->add($this->lang->_('title-list-product-map'), '');
     $this->view->setVars(['bc' => $this->bc->generate(), 'myCategories' => $myCategories, 'formData' => $formData, 'error' => $error, 'myProducts' => $myProducts, 'paginator' => $myProducts, 'paginateUrl' => $paginateUrl]);
  * Start Import Product Queue action.
  * @return void
 public function importAction($param1 = null, $param2 = null)
     $redis = new \Redis();
     $redis->connect('', 6379);
     $queue = $this->getDI()->get('queue');
     $config = $this->getDI()->get('config');
     $filefive = $this->getDI()->get('filefive');
     while ($job = $queue->reserve()) {
         $message = $job->getBody();
         $data = $message[0];
         // Get offline product data from mysql db
         $myProductQueue = ProductQueue::findFirst(['pid = :haravanProductId: AND status = :status: AND sid = :storeId:', 'bind' => ['haravanProductId' => $data['haravanProductId'], 'status' => ProductQueue::STATUS_QUEUE, 'storeId' => $data['storeId']]]);
         if ($myProductQueue) {
             $pass = false;
             $myStore = Store::findFirstById($data['storeId']);
             // get content, image and import to five.vn db
             $product = json_decode($myProductQueue->pdata);
             $cleanData = strip_tags($product->body_html);
             // insert table ADS
             $myAds = new Ads();
             $myAds->assign(['uid' => $myStore->uid, 'udid' => "", 'rid' => $product->id, 'cid' => $myProductQueue->fcid, 'title' => $product->title, 'slug' => Utils::slug($product->title), 'description' => $cleanData, 'price' => $product->variants[0]->price, 'instock' => 1, 'cityid' => 0, 'districtid' => 0, 'status' => 1, 'isdeleted' => 0, 'seokeyword' => $product->tags, 'lastpostdate' => time()]);
             if ($myAds->create()) {
                 $pass = true;
                 if (isset($product->images)) {
                     // Insert table IMAGES
                     foreach ($product->images as $img) {
                         $response = \Requests::get($img->src);
                         if ($response->status_code == 200) {
                             // Download image to local
                             $filePart = explode('.', $img->filename);
                             $namePart = $filePart[0];
                             $extPart = $filePart[1];
                             $path = rtrim($config->global->product->directory, '/\\') . '/' . date('Y') . '/' . date('m') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
                             $fullPath = $config->global->staticFive . $path;
                             $uploadOK = $filefive->put($path . $namePart . '.' . $extPart, (string) $response->body);
                             // Resise image
                             $myResize = new PhImage($fullPath . $namePart . '.' . $extPart);
                             $orig_width = $myResize->getWidth();
                             $orig_height = $myResize->getHeight();
                             $height = $orig_height * 1200 / $orig_width;
                             $mediumHeight = $orig_height * 600 / $orig_width;
                             $smallHeight = $orig_height * 200 / $orig_width;
                             $myResize->resize(1200, $height)->crop(1200, $height)->save($fullPath . $namePart . '.' . $extPart);
                             $myResize->resize(600, $mediumHeight)->crop(600, $mediumHeight)->save($fullPath . $namePart . '-medium' . '.' . $extPart);
                             $myResize->resize(200, $smallHeight)->crop(200, $smallHeight)->save($fullPath . $namePart . '-small' . '.' . $extPart);
                             if ($uploadOK) {
                                 // Save to db
                                 $myImage = new Images();
                                 $myImage->assign(['aid' => $myAds->id, 'name' => $myAds->title, 'path' => $path . $namePart . '.' . $extPart, 'status' => Images::STATUS_ENABLE, 'orderNo' => $img->position]);
                                 if ($myImage->save()) {
                                     // Update first image to ads table
                                     if ($img->position == 1) {
                                         $myAds->image = $path . $namePart . '.' . $extPart;
                                 } else {
                                     echo "cannot save image!";
                             } else {
                                 echo "cannot download image!";
                         } else {
                             echo "cannot get image url!";
                 $imageName = strlen($myAds->image) > 0 ? $myAds->image : "";
                 // Save to product_map table
                 $myProduct = new ProductMap();
                 $myProduct->assign(['sid' => $myStore->id, 'uid' => $myStore->uid, 'hid' => $data['haravanProductId'], 'aid' => $myAds->id, 'cid' => $myAds->cid, 'title' => $myAds->title, 'price' => $myAds->price, 'image' => $imageName, 'slug' => $myAds->slug, 'status' => $myAds->status]);
                 // Delete queued data. (Production)
                 // $myProductQueue->delete();
             } else {
                 $pass = false;
             if ($pass) {
                 $myProductLog = new ProductLog();
                 $myProductLog->assign(['sid' => $myStore->id, 'message' => 'Ads name ' . $myAds->title . ' has been created!', 'type' => ProductLog::TYPE_IMPORT, 'status' => ProductLog::STATUS_COMPLETED, 'class' => 'succcess']);
                 // update okie
                 $myCategoryMap = CategoryMap::findFirst(['hid = :haravanId: AND fid = :fid: AND sid = :storeId:', 'bind' => ['haravanId' => $data['haravanId'], 'fid' => $myProductQueue->fcid, 'storeId' => $data['storeId']]]);
                 // generate total process, when import a product success
                 $totalItem = CategoryMap::sum(['column' => 'totalItem', 'conditions' => 'hid = ' . $data['haravanId'] . ' AND sid = ' . $data['storeId']]);
                 $totalItemSync = CategoryMap::sum(['column' => 'totalItemSync', 'conditions' => 'hid = ' . $data['haravanId'] . ' AND sid = ' . $data['storeId']]);
                 $process = $totalItemSync * 100 / $totalItem;
                 // Push process
                 $meta = ['shopName' => $myStore->name, 'record' => $process];
                 $redis->publish('notification', json_encode($meta));
                 // send message.
                 // When process all products in category map, update store mapped to OK
                 if ($process == 100) {
                     $myStore->mapped = Store::MAPPED;
                     $myProductLog = ProductLog::findFirst('status = ' . ProductLog::STATUS_CURRENT_PROCESSING . ' AND type = ' . ProductLog::TYPE_IMPORT . ' AND sid = ' . $myStore->id);
                     $myProductLog->status = ProductLog::STATUS_COMPLETED;
  * Webhook update product action.
  * @return void
  * @Route("/update", methods={"POST"}, name="import-product-update")
 public function updateAction()
     if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_HARAVAN_HMAC_SHA256'])) {
         $myApp = AppModel::findFirstById(1);
         $hmac_header = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_HARAVAN_HMAC_SHA256'];
         $data = file_get_contents('php://input');
         $verified = Utils::verify_webhook($data, $hmac_header, $myApp->sharedSecret);
         if ($verified) {
             $product = json_decode($data);
             $cleanData = strip_tags($product->body_html);
             $myStore = StoreModel::findFirst(['name = :storeName:', 'bind' => ['storeName' => $_SERVER['HTTP_HARAVAN_SHOP_DOMAIN']]]);
             // Create session information
             $this->session->get('oauth_token') != "" ? $this->session->get('oauth_token') : $this->session->set('oauth_token', $myStore->accessToken);
             $this->session->get('shop') != "" ? $this->session->get('shop') : $this->session->set('shop', $myStore->name);
             $this->session->get('sid') != "" ? $this->session->get('sid') : $this->session->set('sid', $myStore->id);
             // Get collection id from collect API
             $haravanCollection = EnHelper::getInstance('haravan', 'import')->getCollectsByProductId($product->id);
             // if category already mapped to five -> continue, else -> exit
             $myCategoryMap = CategoryMap::findFirst(['hid = :hid:', 'bind' => ['hid' => $haravanCollection[0]->collection_id]]);
             if (!$myCategoryMap) {
             // if not found product id -> exit
             $myAds = AdsModel::findFirst(['rid = :rid:', 'bind' => ['rid' => $product->id]]);
             if (!$myAds) {
             // Update table ADS
             $myAds->assign(['uid' => $myStore->uid, 'title' => $product->title, 'description' => $cleanData, 'price' => $product->variants[0]->price, 'seokeyword' => $product->tags, 'lastpostdate' => time()]);
             if ($myAds->update()) {
                 // Update to product_map table
                 $myProduct = ProductMap::findFirst(['hid = :hid:', 'bind' => ['hid' => $product->id]]);
                 $myProduct->assign(['title' => $myAds->title, 'price' => $myAds->price]);
                 if ($myProduct->update()) {
                     error_log($myProduct->title . ' created success!');
                 // Delete queued data. (Production)
                 // $myProductQueue->delete();
     } else {
         error_log('Request not from haravan');