private function getExceptionData($exception) { $data = []; $data['host'] = Request::server('HTTP_HOST'); $data['method'] = Request::method(); $data['fullUrl'] = Request::fullUrl(); if (php_sapi_name() === 'cli') { $data['host'] = parse_url(config('app.url'), PHP_URL_HOST); $data['method'] = 'CLI'; } $data['exception'] = $exception->getMessage(); $data['error'] = $exception->getTraceAsString(); $data['line'] = $exception->getLine(); $data['file'] = $exception->getFile(); $data['class'] = get_class($exception); $data['storage'] = array('SERVER' => Request::server(), 'GET' => Request::query(), 'POST' => $_POST, 'FILE' => Request::file(), 'OLD' => Request::hasSession() ? Request::old() : [], 'COOKIE' => Request::cookie(), 'SESSION' => Request::hasSession() ? Session::all() : [], 'HEADERS' => Request::header()); $data['storage'] = array_filter($data['storage']); $count = $this->config['count']; $data['exegutor'] = []; $data['file_lines'] = []; $file = new SplFileObject($data['file']); for ($i = -1 * abs($count); $i <= abs($count); $i++) { list($line, $exegutorLine) = $this->getLineInfo($file, $data['line'], $i); $data['exegutor'][] = $exegutorLine; $data['file_lines'][$data['line'] + $i] = $line; } // to make Symfony exception more readable if ($data['class'] == 'Symfony\\Component\\Debug\\Exception\\FatalErrorException') { preg_match("~^(.+)' in ~", $data['exception'], $matches); if (isset($matches[1])) { $data['exception'] = $matches[1]; } } return $data; }
/** * create Business * * @return Response Rendered view of Business creation form */ public function create() { $this->log->info(__METHOD__); $plan = Request::query('plan') ?: 'free'; $this->log->info(" plan:{$plan}"); $timezone = $this->guessTimezone(null); $categories = $this->listCategories(); $business = new Business(); return view('manager.businesses.create', compact('business', 'timezone', 'categories', 'plan')); }
/** * create Business * * @return Response Rendered view of Business creation form */ public function create() { $plan = Request::query('plan') ?: 'free'; $this->log->info("Manager\\BusinessController: create: plan:{$plan}"); $location = GeoIP::getLocation(); $timezone = $location['timezone']; $this->log->info("Manager\\BusinessController: create: timezone:{$timezone} location:" . serialize($location)); $categories = Category::lists('slug', 'id')->transform(function ($item, $key) { return trans('' . $item); }); Flash::success(trans('manager.businesses.msg.create.success', ['plan' => trans("pricing.plan.{$plan}.name")])); return view('manager.businesses.create', compact('timezone', 'categories', 'plan')); }
public static function sortableTh($fieldName, $route, $label = null) { $output = "<th>"; $sortType = "asc"; if (Request::input("sort") == $fieldName and Request::input("sortType") == "asc") { $sortType = "desc"; } $params = array_merge(Request::query(), ['sort' => $fieldName, 'sortType' => $sortType]); $href = route($route, $params); $output .= "<a href='{$href}'>"; $label = $label ?: ucwords(str_replace("_", " ", $fieldName)); $output .= $label; if (Request::input("sort") == $fieldName) { $output .= " <i class='fa fa-sort-alpha-" . Request::input("sortType") . "'></i>"; } $output .= "</a>"; $output .= "</th>"; return $output; }
<?php /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Application Routes |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Here is where you can register all of the routes for an application. | It's a breeze. Simply tell Laravel the URIs it should respond to | and give it the controller to call when that URI is requested. | */ use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Cache; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Redis; get('/', function () { // $data = [ // 'event' => 'UserSignedUp', // 'data' => [ // 'username' => 'JohnDoe' // ] // ]; // Redis::publish('test-channel', json_encode($data)); event(new \App\Events\UserSignedUp(\Illuminate\Support\Facades\Request::query('name'))); return view('welcome'); });
/** * Show the form for finalizing a password reset. * * @return \Illuminate\View\View */ public function reset() { $token = Request::query('token') ?: Request::old('token'); if (!$token) { return $this->redirect('login'); } return $this->view('c::auth.reset', ['formAction' => $this->url('attemptReset'), 'token' => $token]); }
/** * @return array */ protected function _getPostInput() { $input = Request::all(); $get = Request::query(); return array_diff($input, $get); }