public function projectInfo($name)
     /** @var Database $db */
     $db = DB::getMongoDB();
     $nodes = $db->nodes->find(['type' => ['$in' => ['project_module', 'project_theme', 'project_core', 'project_distribution', 'project_theme_engine', 'project_drupalorg']], 'field_project_machine_name' => $name])->toArray();
     if (count($nodes) == 0) {
     $node = reset($nodes);
     return $node;
 public function cijobsRefresh(JobStatusService $job_status_service)
     $job = $job_status_service->getJobStatus('pift_ci_jobs', function () {
         /** @var Database $db */
         $db = DB::getMongoDB();
         $last_job = $db->pift_ci_jobs->findOne([], ['sort' => ['updated' => -1], 'limit' => 1]);
         return $last_job->updated;
     if (!empty($job->queued)) {
         return response()->json(['message' => 'The request is already queued. You should see updates soon.'])->setStatusCode(406);
     $req = new PiftCiJobCollectionRequest(['sort' => 'updated', 'direction' => 'DESC']);
     $options = ['last_updated' => $job->last_updated];
     $this->dispatch(new RetrievePiftCiJobCollectionJob($req, $options));
     $job->queued = true;
     return response()->json(['message' => 'We have queued the request. You should see updates soon.'])->setStatusCode(202);
 public function handle(JobStatusService $job_status_service)
     $job = $job_status_service->getJobStatus('pift_ci_jobs', function () {
         /** @var Database $db */
         $db = DB::getMongoDB();
         $last_job = $db->pift_ci_jobs->findOne([], ['sort' => ['updated' => -1], 'limit' => 1]);
         return $last_job->updated;
     if (!empty($job->queued)) {
         $this->error('The request is already queued. You should see updates soon.');
         return 1;
     $req = new PiftCiJobCollectionRequest(['sort' => 'updated', 'direction' => 'DESC']);
     $options = ['last_updated' => $job->last_updated];
     $this->dispatch(new RetrievePiftCiJobCollectionJob($req, $options));
     $job->queued = true;
     $this->line('The request is now queued. You should see updates soon.');
     return 0;
 public function projectIssueCount(Request $request)
     /** @var Database $db */
     $db = DB::getMongoDB();
     $match = ['type' => 'project_issue'];
     if ($request->input('open_issues')) {
         $match['field_issue_status'] = ['$in' => array_map(function ($value) {
             return (string) $value;
         }, static::$openIssueStatus)];
     $issues = $db->nodes->aggregate([['$match' => $match], ['$group' => ['_id' => ['project' => '$'], 'count' => ['$sum' => 1]]], ['$sort' => ['count' => -1]], ['$limit' => 200]])->toArray();
     $ret = [];
     foreach ($issues as $issue) {
         $project = $db->nodes->findOne(['_id' => $issue->_id->project]);
         if ($project) {
             $ret[] = ['_id' => $project['nid'], 'title' => $project['title'], 'machine_name' => $project['field_project_machine_name'], 'type' => $project['type'], 'value' => $issue->count];
     return response()->json($ret);
 public function projectsGrowth()
     /** @var Database $db */
     $db = DB::getMongoDB();
     $nodes = $db->nodes->aggregate([['$match' => ['type' => ['$in' => ['project_module', 'project_theme', 'project_core', 'project_distribution', 'project_theme_engine']]]], ['$project' => ['_id' => 0, 'created' => 1, 'type' => 1, 'tsday' => ['$mod' => ['$created', 86400]]]], ['$project' => ['_id' => 0, 'type' => 1, 'ts' => ['$subtract' => ['$created', '$tsday']]]], ['$group' => ['_id' => ['day' => '$ts', 'project_type' => '$type'], 'count' => ['$sum' => 1]]], ['$sort' => ['' => 1]]]);
     $projects = ['project_module' => [], 'project_theme' => [], 'project_core' => [], 'project_distribution' => [], 'project_theme_engine' => []];
     $last_timestamps = ['project_module' => 0, 'project_theme' => 0, 'project_core' => 0, 'project_distribution' => 0, 'project_theme_engine' => 0];
     $min_timestamp = mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2000);
     foreach ($nodes as $node) {
         $type = $node->_id->project_type;
         // We can just save the last timestamp per each project type as the
         // list is sorted by timestamp anyway.
         $last_timestamps[$type] += $node->count;
         // We don't return data for before 2000.
         if ($node->_id->day < $min_timestamp) {
         $projects[$type][date('Y-m-d', $node->_id->day)] = $last_timestamps[$type];
     return response()->json($projects);
 public function handle(JobStatusService $job_status_service)
     $type = $this->argument('type');
     $job = $job_status_service->getJobStatus('nodes-' . $type, function () use($type) {
         /** @var Database $db */
         $db = DB::getMongoDB();
         $last_job = $db->nodes->findOne([], ['sort' => ['changed' => -1], 'type' => $type, 'limit' => 1]);
         return $last_job->changed;
     if (!empty($job->queued)) {
         $this->error('The request is already queued. You should see updates soon.');
         return 1;
     $req = new NodeCollectionRequest(['type' => $type, 'sort' => 'changed', 'direction' => 'DESC']);
     $options = ['last_updated' => $job->last_updated, 'type' => $type];
     $this->dispatch(new RetrieveNodeCollectionJob($req, $options));
     $job->queued = true;
     $this->line('The request is now queued. You should see updates soon.');
     return 0;
文件: Settings.php 项目: vtl3000/rest
  * @param string $collectionName
  * @return bool
 public function deleteCollection($collectionName)
     $dbResponse = DB::getMongoDB()->dropCollection($collectionName);
     return isset($dbResponse['ok']) ? (bool) $dbResponse['ok'] : false;
 public function userCountryGrowth()
     /** @var Database $db */
     $db = DB::getMongoDB();
     $users = $db->users->aggregate([['$project' => ['_id' => 0, 'created' => 1, 'field_country' => 1, 'tsday' => ['$mod' => ['$created', 86400]]]], ['$project' => ['_id' => 0, 'field_country' => 1, 'ts' => ['$subtract' => ['$created', '$tsday']]]], ['$group' => ['_id' => ['day' => '$ts', 'country' => '$field_country'], 'count' => ['$sum' => 1]]], ['$sort' => ['' => 1]]]);
     $users_count = [];
     $last_timestamps = [];
     $min_timestamp = mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2000);
     foreach ($users as $user) {
         $country = $user->_id->country;
         if (!$country) {
             $country = "na";
         $country = strtolower(str_replace(" ", "-", $country));
         if (!isset($last_timestamps[$country])) {
             $last_timestamps[$country] = 0;
         if (!isset($users_count[$country])) {
             $users_count[$country] = [];
         // We can just save the last timestamp per each project type as the
         // list is sorted by timestamp anyway.
         $last_timestamps[$country] += $user->count;
         // We don't return data for before 2000.
         if ($user->_id->day < $min_timestamp) {
         $users_count[$country][date('Y-m-d', $user->_id->day)] = $last_timestamps[$country];
     return response()->json($users_count);