public function getReport() { if ($this->error === false) { return array(sprintf(mt('setup', 'General configuration has been successfully written to: %s'), Config::resolvePath('config.ini'))); } elseif ($this->error !== null) { return array(sprintf(mt('setup', 'General configuration could not be written to: %s. An error occured:'), Config::resolvePath('config.ini')), sprintf(mt('setup', 'ERROR: %s'), IcingaException::describe($this->error))); } }
public function getReport() { if ($this->error === false) { return array(sprintf(mt('monitoring', 'Command transport configuration has been successfully created: %s'), Config::resolvePath('modules/monitoring/commandtransports.ini'))); } elseif ($this->error !== null) { return array(sprintf(mt('monitoring', 'Command transport configuration could not be written to: %s. An error occured:'), Config::resolvePath('modules/monitoring/commandtransports.ini')), sprintf(mt('setup', 'ERROR: %s'), IcingaException::describe($this->error))); } }
public function getReport() { $okMessage = mt('setup', 'Module "%s" has been successfully enabled.'); $failMessage = mt('setup', 'Module "%s" could not be enabled. An error occured:'); $report = array(); foreach ($this->moduleNames as $moduleName) { if (isset($this->errors[$moduleName])) { $report[] = sprintf($failMessage, $moduleName); $report[] = sprintf(mt('setup', 'ERROR: %s'), IcingaException::describe($this->errors[$moduleName])); } else { $report[] = sprintf($okMessage, $moduleName); } } return $report; }
public function getReport() { $report = array(); if ($this->backendIniError === false) { $report[] = sprintf(mt('monitoring', 'Monitoring backend configuration has been successfully written to: %s'), Config::resolvePath('modules/monitoring/backends.ini')); } elseif ($this->backendIniError !== null) { $report[] = sprintf(mt('monitoring', 'Monitoring backend configuration could not be written to: %s. An error occured:'), Config::resolvePath('modules/monitoring/backends.ini')); $report[] = sprintf(mt('setup', 'ERROR: %s'), IcingaException::describe($this->backendIniError)); } if ($this->resourcesIniError === false) { $report[] = sprintf(mt('monitoring', 'Resource configuration has been successfully updated: %s'), Config::resolvePath('resources.ini')); } elseif ($this->resourcesIniError !== null) { $report[] = sprintf(mt('monitoring', 'Resource configuration could not be udpated: %s. An error occured:'), Config::resolvePath('resources.ini')); $report[] = sprintf(mt('setup', 'ERROR: %s'), IcingaException::describe($this->resourcesIniError)); } return $report; }
/** * Validate the given form data and check whether a BIND-request is successful * * @param array $data The data to validate * * @return bool */ public function isValid($data) { if (false === parent::isValid($data)) { return false; } if (isset($data['skip_validation']) && $data['skip_validation']) { return true; } if (isset($data['domain']) && $data['domain']) { try { $this->discovery = Discovery::discoverDomain($data['domain']); if ($this->discovery->isSuccess()) { return true; } } catch (Exception $e) { $this->error(sprintf($this->translate('Could not find any LDAP servers on the domain "%s". An error occurred: %s'), $data['domain'], IcingaException::describe($e))); } } else { $labeller = new ErrorLabeller(array('element' => $this->getElement('domain'))); $this->getElement('domain')->addError($labeller->translate(Zend_Validate_NotEmpty::IS_EMPTY)); } return false; }
/** * Return this item rendered to HTML * * @return string */ public function __toString() { try { return $this->render(); } catch (Exception $e) { return IcingaException::describe($e); } }
/** * Return a string representation of the passed arguments * * This method provides three different processing techniques: * - If the only passed argument is a string it is returned unchanged * - If the only passed argument is an exception it is formatted as follows: * <name> in <file>:<line> with message: <message>[ <- <name> ...] * - If multiple arguments are passed the first is interpreted as format-string * that gets substituted with the remaining ones which can be of any type * * @param array $arguments The arguments to format * * @return string The formatted result */ protected static function formatMessage(array $arguments) { if (count($arguments) === 1) { $message = $arguments[0]; if ($message instanceof Exception) { $messages = array(); $error = $message; do { $messages[] = IcingaException::describe($error); } while ($error = $error->getPrevious()); $message = implode(' <- ', $messages); } return $message; } return vsprintf(array_shift($arguments), array_map(function ($a) { return is_string($a) ? $a : ($a instanceof Exception ? IcingaException::describe($a) : json_encode($a)); }, $arguments)); }
public function getReport() { $report = array(); if ($this->groupIniError === false) { $report[] = sprintf(mt('setup', 'User Group Backend configuration has been successfully written to: %s'), Config::resolvePath('groups.ini')); } elseif ($this->groupIniError !== null) { $report[] = sprintf(mt('setup', 'User Group Backend configuration could not be written to: %s. An error occured:'), Config::resolvePath('groups.ini')); $report[] = sprintf(mt('setup', 'ERROR: %s'), IcingaException::describe($this->groupIniError)); } if ($this->groupError === false) { $report[] = sprintf(mt('setup', 'User Group "%s" has been successfully created.'), mt('setup', 'Administrators', '')); } elseif ($this->groupError !== null) { $report[] = sprintf(mt('setup', 'Unable to create user group "%s". An error occured:'), mt('setup', 'Administrators', '')); $report[] = sprintf(mt('setup', 'ERROR: %s'), IcingaException::describe($this->groupError)); } if ($this->memberError === false) { $report[] = sprintf(mt('setup', 'Account "%s" has been successfully added as member to user group "%s".'), $this->data['username'], mt('setup', 'Administrators', '')); } elseif ($this->memberError !== null) { $report[] = sprintf(mt('setup', 'Unable to add account "%s" as member to user group "%s". An error occured:'), $this->data['username'], mt('setup', 'Administrators', '')); $report[] = sprintf(mt('setup', 'ERROR: %s'), IcingaException::describe($this->memberError)); } return $report; }
public function getReport() { $report = array(); if ($this->authIniError === false) { $report[] = sprintf(mt('setup', 'Authentication configuration has been successfully written to: %s'), Config::resolvePath('authentication.ini')); } elseif ($this->authIniError !== null) { $report[] = sprintf(mt('setup', 'Authentication configuration could not be written to: %s. An error occured:'), Config::resolvePath('authentication.ini')); $report[] = sprintf(mt('setup', 'ERROR: %s'), IcingaException::describe($this->authIniError)); } if ($this->dbError === false) { $report[] = sprintf(mt('setup', 'Account "%s" has been successfully created.'), $this->data['adminAccountData']['username']); } elseif ($this->dbError !== null) { $report[] = sprintf(mt('setup', 'Unable to create account "%s". An error occured:'), $this->data['adminAccountData']['username']); $report[] = sprintf(mt('setup', 'ERROR: %s'), IcingaException::describe($this->dbError)); } if ($this->permIniError === false) { $report[] = isset($this->data['adminAccountData']['username']) ? sprintf(mt('setup', 'Account "%s" has been successfully defined as initial administrator.'), $this->data['adminAccountData']['username']) : sprintf(mt('setup', 'The members of the user group "%s" were successfully defined as initial administrators.'), $this->data['adminAccountData']['groupname']); } elseif ($this->permIniError !== null) { $report[] = isset($this->data['adminAccountData']['username']) ? sprintf(mt('setup', 'Unable to define account "%s" as initial administrator. An error occured:'), $this->data['adminAccountData']['username']) : sprintf(mt('setup', 'Unable to define the members of the user group "%s" as initial administrators. An error occured:'), $this->data['adminAccountData']['groupname']); $report[] = sprintf(mt('setup', 'ERROR: %s'), IcingaException::describe($this->permIniError)); } return $report; }
public function getReport() { if ($this->error === false) { $report = $this->messages; $report[] = mt('setup', 'The database has been fully set up!'); return $report; } elseif ($this->error !== null) { $report = $this->messages; $report[] = mt('setup', 'Failed to fully setup the database. An error occured:'); $report[] = sprintf(mt('setup', 'ERROR: %s'), IcingaException::describe($this->error)); return $report; } }
public function dispatch(Params $overrideParams = null) { if ($this->commandName === null) { echo $this->docs()->usage($this->moduleName); return false; } elseif ($this->actionName === null) { echo $this->docs()->usage($this->moduleName, $this->commandName); return false; } try { if ($this->moduleName) { $this->app->getModuleManager()->loadModule($this->moduleName); $obj = $this->getModuleCommandInstance($this->moduleName, $this->commandName); } else { $obj = $this->getCommandInstance($this->commandName); } if ($overrideParams !== null) { $obj->setParams($overrideParams); } $obj->init(); return $obj->{$this->actionName . 'Action'}(); } catch (Exception $e) { if ($obj && $obj instanceof Command && $obj->showTrace()) { echo $this->formatTrace($e->getTrace()); } $this->fail(IcingaException::describe($e)); } }
/** * Create links w/ {@link createLink()} in the given text that matches to the subject from {@link getPattern()} * * In case of errors a debug message is recorded to the log and any subsequent call to {@link createLinks()} will * be a no-op. * * @param string $text * * @return string */ public final function createLinks($text) { if ($this->lastError !== null) { return $text; } try { $pattern = $this->getPattern(); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->fail('Can\'t create ticket links: Retrieving the pattern failed: %s', IcingaException::describe($e)); return $text; } if (empty($pattern)) { $this->fail('Can\'t create ticket links: Pattern is empty'); return $text; } if (is_array($pattern)) { $text = $this->applyTicketPatterns($text, $pattern); } else { try { $text = preg_replace_callback($pattern, array($this, 'createLink'), $text); } catch (ErrorException $e) { $this->fail('Can\'t create ticket links: Pattern is invalid: %s', IcingaException::describe($e)); return $text; } catch (Exception $e) { $this->fail('Can\'t create ticket links: %s', IcingaException::describe($e)); return $text; } } return $text; }
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function __construct() { parent::__construct('Setup abortion'); }