  * @test
 public function it_gets_all_messages_after_the_given_date_and_sets_them_as_read()
     $imap = $this->getImap();
     /** @noinspection PhpUndefinedMethodInspection */
     $imap->shouldReceive('sort')->with('SINCE "11-Jan-2016"', SORTDATE, true, 0)->andReturn([1, 2]);
     $mailboxManager = new ImapMailboxService($imap);
     $this->assertEquals([1, 2], $mailboxManager->getMessagesAfter('2016-01-11', SORTDATE, true, false));
//$messageNumbers = $mailboxService->getMessagesBetween('2016-01-17','2016-01-18');
$folders = ImapFolderCollectionFactory::create($mailboxService->getAllFolders());
// Uses getMailbox() method from the ImapConnection helper trait, or you can do: $imap->getConnection()->getMailbox()->getFolder();
$currentFolder = $mailboxService->getMailbox()->getFolder();
$aliases = $mailboxService->getAliases();
$isTrash = false;
if (isset($aliases['trash'])) {
    if ($aliases['trash'] == $currentFolder) {
        $isTrash = true;
// Show all messages for the trash folder, as these are usually auto deleted at specified time periods. So there shouldn't be too many!
if ($isTrash) {
    $messageNumbers = $mailboxService->getAllMessages();
} else {
    $messageNumbers = $mailboxService->getMessagesAfter(time());
$messages = ImapMessageCollectionFactory::create($messageNumbers, $imap);

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require_once '../../vendor/autoload.php';
use Humps\ImapCacheManager\Memcache\MemcacheMessageCache;
use Humps\ImapCacheManager\Memcache\MemcacheServer;
use Humps\ImapCacheManager\ImapMessageCache;
use Humps\MailManager\Factories\ImapFactory;
use Humps\MailManager\ImapMailboxService;
// The number of days the message should remain cached for (Max: 30). Use 0 for never expires
const CACHE_DURATION = 28;
// The memcache server host
const HOST = 'localhost';
// The memcache server port
const PORT = 11211;
// Pass the cacheBody parameter as false if you do not want to cache the message body.
$cacheBody = isset($_REQUEST['cacheBody']) ? $_REQUEST['cacheBody'] : true;
$folder = isset($_REQUEST['folder']) ? $_REQUEST['folder'] : 'INBOX';
// Create the MailboxService so we can access our mailbox
$imap = ImapFactory::create($folder, '../imap_config/config.php');
$mailboxService = new ImapMailboxService($imap);
// Create the cache service
$cacheServer = MemcacheServer::connect(HOST, PORT);
$cache = new MemcacheMessageCache($cacheServer);
$messageCache = new ImapMessageCache($cache, $imap);
// Get messages after the last time a message was cached (this is a timestamp, which ImapMailboxService will handle)
$lastCached = $cacheServer->getLastCached() ? $cacheServer->getLastCached() : time() - 60 * 60 * 24;
echo $lastCached;
$messages = $mailboxService->getMessagesAfter($lastCached);
// Convert the CACHE_DURATION to seconds.
$expires = 60 * 60 * 24 * CACHE_DURATION;
// Now cache the messages
$messageCache->cacheMessages($messages, true, $expires);