/** * Creates a new Location model. * If creation is successful, the browser will be redirected to the 'view' page. * @return mixed */ public function actionCreate() { $model = new Location(); if ($model->load(\Yii::$app->request->post()) && $model->save()) { return $this->redirect(['view', 'id' => $model->id]); } else { return $this->render('create', ['model' => $model]); } }
private function _dummyLocation($countryId, $name, $postCode) { //CityTranslation::find()->where(['language_id' => 'EN', 'name' => $name])->queryScalar(); $dummyCity = new \humanized\location\models\location\City(['language_id' => 'EN']); try { $dummyCity->save(); try { $dummyCityTranslation = new \humanized\location\models\translation\CityTranslation(['language_id' => 'EN', 'city_id' => $dummyCity->id, 'name' => $name]); $dummyCityTranslation->save(); try { $dummyLocation = new \humanized\location\models\location\Location(['postcode' => $postCode, 'city_id' => $dummyCity->id, 'country_id' => $countryId]); $dummyLocation->save(); } catch (Exception $ex) { } } catch (Exception $ex) { } } catch (\Exception $ex) { } }
public function actionCopyFromSource() { $chunkSize = 500; $chunkPointer = 1; $recordCount = \Yii::$app->db->createCommand('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM source')->queryScalar(); $unit = $recordCount / 100; $this->_msg = 'Processing ' . $recordCount . ' values'; $base = 'SELECT * FROM source'; $continue = true; while ($continue) { $qry = "{$base} LIMIT {$chunkSize} OFFSET {$chunkPointer}"; echo $qry; $records = \Yii::$app->db->createCommand($qry)->queryAll(); foreach ($records as $record) { if ($record['Country'] != 'BE' && $record['Country'] != 'NL') { $location = new Location(['country_id' => strtoupper($record['Country']), 'postcode' => $record['Postcode'], 'cityName' => $record['City'], 'cityLanguage' => $record['Language']]); echo $location->country_id . '::' . $location->postcode . '::' . $location->cityName . '::' . $location->cityLanguage . "\n"; $location->save(); } } $this->_msg = $chunkPointer / $chunkSize . ' Percent Completed'; $this->printStatus(); $chunkPointer += $chunkSize; if ($chunkPointer > $recordCount) { $continue = false; } } return 0; }