/** * Register page * Show the register form, but redirect to main-page if user is already logged-in */ public function index() { if (LoginModel::isUserLoggedIn()) { Redirect::home(); } else { $this->View->render('register/index'); } }
/** * This method controls what happens when you move to /overview/showProfile in your app. * Shows the (public) details of the selected user. * @param $user_id int id the the user */ public function showProfile($user_id) { if (isset($user_id)) { $this->View->render('profile/showProfile', array('user' => UserModel::getPublicProfileOfUser($user_id))); } else { Redirect::home(); } }
/** * Edit user name (perform the real action after form has been submitted) */ public function editUsername_action() { // check if csrf token is valid if (!Csrf::isTokenValid()) { LoginModel::logout(); Redirect::home(); \Huge\Core\Application::stop(); } UserModel::editUserName(Request::post('user_name')); Redirect::to('user/editUsername'); }
/** * The logout action * Perform logout, redirect user to main-page */ public function logout() { LoginModel::logout(); Redirect::home(); \Huge\Core\Application::stop(); }