  * Approve a group
  * @return void
 public function approveTask()
     // Incoming
     $ids = Request::getVar('id', array());
     // Get the single ID we're working with
     if (!is_array($ids)) {
         $ids = array($ids);
     // Do we have any IDs?
     if (!empty($ids)) {
         // foreach group id passed in
         foreach ($ids as $id) {
             // Load the group page
             $group = new Group();
             // Ensure we found the group info
             if (!$group) {
             //set the group to be published and update
             $group->set('approved', 1);
             // log publishing
             Log::log(array('gidNumber' => $group->get('gidNumber'), 'action' => 'group_approved', 'comments' => 'approved by administrator'));
         // Output messsage and redirect
         App::redirect(Route::url('index.php?option=' . $this->_option . '&controller=' . $this->_controller, false), Lang::txt('COM_GROUPS_APPROVED'));
  * Remove member(s) from a group
  * Disallows removal of last manager (group must have at least one)
  * @return void
 public function removeTask()
     // Check for request forgeries
     Request::checkToken(['get', 'post']);
     $gid = Request::getVar('gid', '');
     // Load the group page
     $group = new Group();
     // Get all the group's managers
     $managers = $group->get('managers');
     // Get all the group's members
     $members = $group->get('members');
     $users_mem = array();
     $users_man = array();
     // Incoming array of users to remove
     $id = Request::getInt('id', 0);
     // Ensure we found an account
     if (!$id) {
         \App::abort(404, Lang::txt('COM_MEMBERS_NOT_FOUND'));
     if (in_array($id, $members)) {
         $users_mem[] = $id;
     if (in_array($id, $managers)) {
         $users_man[] = $id;
     // Remove users from members list
     $group->remove('members', $users_mem);
     // Remove users from managers list
     $group->remove('managers', $users_man);
     // Save changes
     // Push through to the groups view
  *  Save group settings
  * @return 		void
 public function saveTask()
     // Check if they're logged in
     if (User::isGuest()) {
     // Incoming
     $g_gidNumber = Request::getInt('gidNumber', 0, 'post');
     $c_gidNumber = Request::getVar('gidNumber', 0, 'post');
     if ((string) $g_gidNumber !== (string) $c_gidNumber) {
         App::abort(404, Lang::txt('COM_GROUPS_ERROR_NO_ID'));
     if (!$g_gidNumber && !User::authorise('core.create', $this->_option) || $g_gidNumber && !User::authorise('core.edit', $this->_option)) {
         return App::redirect(Route::url('index.php?option=' . $this->_option), Lang::txt('COM_GROUPS_ERROR_NOT_AUTH'), 'warning');
     $g_cn = trim(Request::getVar('cn', '', 'post'));
     $g_description = preg_replace('/\\s+/', ' ', trim(Request::getVar('description', Lang::txt('NONE'), 'post')));
     $g_discoverability = Request::getInt('discoverability', 0, 'post');
     $g_public_desc = Sanitize::stripScripts(trim(Request::getVar('public_desc', '', 'post', 'none', 2)));
     $g_private_desc = Sanitize::stripScripts(trim(Request::getVar('private_desc', '', 'post', 'none', 2)));
     $g_restrict_msg = Sanitize::stripScripts(trim(Request::getVar('restrict_msg', '', 'post', 'none', 2)));
     $g_join_policy = Request::getInt('join_policy', 0, 'post');
     $tags = trim(Request::getVar('tags', ''));
     $lid = Request::getInt('lid', 0, 'post');
     $customization = Request::getVar('group', '', 'POST', 'none', 2);
     $plugins = Request::getVar('group_plugin', '', 'POST');
     $params = Request::getVar('params', array(), 'POST');
     $g_discussion_email_autosubscribe = Request::getInt('discussion_email_autosubscribe', 0, 'post');
     //Check authorization
     if ($this->_authorize() != 'manager' && $g_gidNumber != 0 && !$this->_authorizedForTask('group.edit')) {
         $this->_errorHandler(403, Lang::txt('COM_GROUPS_ERROR_NOT_AUTH'));
     //are we editing or creating
     if ($g_gidNumber) {
         $group = Group::getInstance($g_gidNumber);
         $this->_task = 'edit';
         $before = Group::getInstance($g_gidNumber);
     } else {
         $this->_task = 'new';
         $group = new Group();
         $before = new Group();
     // Check for any missing info
     if (!$g_cn) {
         $this->setNotification(Lang::txt('COM_GROUPS_SAVE_ERROR_MISSING_INFORMATION') . ': ' . Lang::txt('COM_GROUPS_DETAILS_FIELD_CN'), 'error');
     if (!$g_description) {
         $this->setNotification(Lang::txt('COM_GROUPS_SAVE_ERROR_MISSING_INFORMATION') . ': ' . Lang::txt('COM_GROUPS_DETAILS_FIELD_DESCRIPTION'), 'error');
     // Ensure the data passed is valid
     if ($g_cn == 'new' || $g_cn == 'browse') {
         $this->setNotification(Lang::txt('COM_GROUPS_SAVE_ERROR_INVALID_ID'), 'error');
     if (!$this->_validCn($g_cn)) {
         $this->setNotification(Lang::txt('COM_GROUPS_SAVE_ERROR_INVALID_ID'), 'error');
     if ($this->_task == 'new' && Group::exists($g_cn, true)) {
         $this->setNotification(Lang::txt('COM_GROUPS_SAVE_ERROR_ID_TAKEN'), 'error');
     // Get the logo
     $logo = '';
     if (isset($customization['logo'])) {
         $logo_parts = explode("/", $customization['logo']);
         $logo = array_pop($logo_parts);
     // Plugin settings
     $plugin_access = '';
     foreach ($plugins as $plugin) {
         $plugin_access .= $plugin['name'] . '=' . $plugin['access'] . ',' . "\n";
     // Run content through validation and spam filters
     if (trim($g_public_desc)) {
         $results = Event::trigger('content.onContentBeforeSave', array('com_groups.group.public_desc', &$g_public_desc, $this->_task == 'new'));
         foreach ($results as $result) {
             if ($result === false) {
                 $this->setNotification(Lang::txt('COM_GROUPS_SAVE_ERROR_FAILED_VALIDATION'), 'error');
     // Push back into edit mode if any errors
     if ($this->getNotifications()) {
         $group->set('cn', $g_cn);
         $group->set('description', $g_description);
         $group->set('public_desc', $g_public_desc);
         $group->set('private_desc', $g_private_desc);
         $group->set('join_policy', $g_join_policy);
         $group->set('restrict_msg', $g_restrict_msg);
         $group->set('discoverability', $g_discoverability);
         $group->set('discussion_email_autosubscribe', $g_discussion_email_autosubscribe);
         $group->set('logo', $logo);
         $group->set('plugins', $plugin_access);
         $this->lid = $lid;
         $this->group = $group;
         $this->tags = $tags;
     // Build the e-mail message
     if ($this->_task == 'new') {
         $subject = Lang::txt('COM_GROUPS_SAVE_EMAIL_REQUESTED_SUBJECT', $g_cn);
         $type = 'groups_created';
     } else {
         $subject = Lang::txt('COM_GROUPS_SAVE_EMAIL_UPDATED_SUBJECT', $g_cn);
         $type = 'groups_changed';
     if ($this->_task == 'new') {
         $group->set('cn', $g_cn);
         $group->set('type', 1);
         $group->set('published', 1);
         $group->set('approved', $this->config->get('auto_approve', 1));
         $group->set('created', Date::toSql());
         $group->set('created_by', User::get('id'));
         $group->add('managers', array(User::get('id')));
         $group->add('members', array(User::get('id')));
     // merge incoming settings with existing params
     $params = new Registry($params);
     $gParams = new Registry($group->get('params'));
     //set group vars & Save group
     $group->set('description', $g_description);
     $group->set('public_desc', $g_public_desc);
     $group->set('private_desc', $g_private_desc);
     $group->set('join_policy', $g_join_policy);
     $group->set('restrict_msg', $g_restrict_msg);
     $group->set('discoverability', $g_discoverability);
     $group->set('logo', $logo);
     $group->set('plugins', $plugin_access);
     $group->set('discussion_email_autosubscribe', $g_discussion_email_autosubscribe);
     $group->set('params', $gParams->toString());
     // Process tags
     $gt = new Tags($group->get('gidNumber'));
     $gt->setTags($tags, User::get('id'));
     // Rename the temporary upload directory if it exist
     $log_comments = '';
     Event::trigger('groups.onGroupAfterSave', array($before, $group));
     if ($this->_task == 'new') {
         if ($lid != $group->get('gidNumber')) {
             $config = $this->config;
             $bp = PATH_APP . DS . trim($this->config->get('uploadpath', '/site/groups'), DS);
             if (is_dir($bp . DS . $lid)) {
                 rename($bp . DS . $lid, $bp . DS . $group->get('gidNumber'));
         $log_action = 'group_created';
         // Trigger the functions that delete associated content
         // Should return logs of what was deleted
         $logs = Event::trigger('groups.onGroupNew', array($group));
         if (count($logs) > 0) {
             $log_comments .= implode('', $logs);
     } else {
         $log_action = 'group_edited';
     // log invites
     Log::log(array('gidNumber' => $group->get('gidNumber'), 'action' => $log_action, 'comments' => $log_comments));
     // Build the e-mail message
     // Note: this is done *before* pushing the changes to the group so we can show, in the message, what was changed
     $eview = new \Hubzero\Component\View(array('name' => 'emails', 'layout' => 'saved'));
     $eview->option = $this->_option;
     $eview->user = User::getRoot();
     $eview->group = $group;
     $message['plaintext'] = $eview->loadTemplate();
     $message['plaintext'] = str_replace("\n", "\r\n", $message['plaintext']);
     $message['multipart'] = $eview->loadTemplate();
     $message['multipart'] = str_replace("\n", "\r\n", $message['multipart']);
     // Get the administrator e-mail
     $emailadmin = Config::get('mailfrom');
     // Get the "from" info
     $from = array('name' => Config::get('sitename') . ' ' . Lang::txt(strtoupper($this->_name)), 'email' => Config::get('mailfrom'));
     //only email managers if updating group
     if ($type == 'groups_changed') {
         // build array of managers
         $managers = $group->get('managers');
         // create new message
         if (!Event::trigger('onSendMessage', array($type, $subject, $message, $from, $managers, $this->_option))) {
             $this->setNotification(Lang::txt('GROUPS_ERROR_EMAIL_MANAGERS_FAILED'), 'error');
     //only inform site admin if the group wasn't auto-approved
     if (!$this->config->get('auto_approve', 1) && $group->get('approved') == 0) {
         // create approval subject
         $subject = Lang::txt('COM_GROUPS_SAVE_WAITING_APPROVAL', Config::get('sitename'));
         // build approval message
         $link = 'https://' . trim($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], DS) . DS . 'groups' . DS . $group->get('cn');
         $link2 = 'https://' . trim($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], DS) . DS . 'administrator';
         $html = Lang::txt('COM_GROUPS_SAVE_WAITING_APPROVAL_DESC', $group->get('description'), $link, $link2);
         $plain = Lang::txt('COM_GROUPS_SAVE_WAITING_APPROVAL_DESC', $group->get('description'), $link, $link2);
         // create new message
         $message = new \Hubzero\Mail\Message();
         // build message object and send
         $message->setSubject($subject)->addFrom($from['email'], $from['name'])->setTo($emailadmin)->addHeader('X-Mailer', 'PHP/' . phpversion())->addHeader('X-Component', 'com_groups')->addHeader('X-Component-Object', 'group_pending_approval')->addHeader('X-Component-ObjectId', $group->get('gidNumber'))->addPart($plain, 'text/plain')->addPart($html, 'text/html')->send();
     // create home page
     if ($this->_task == 'new') {
         // create page
         $page = new Page(array('gidNumber' => $group->get('gidNumber'), 'parent' => 0, 'lft' => 1, 'rgt' => 2, 'depth' => 0, 'alias' => 'overview', 'title' => 'Overview', 'state' => 1, 'privacy' => 'default', 'home' => 1));
         // create page version
         $version = new Page\Version(array('pageid' => $page->get('id'), 'version' => 1, 'content' => "<!-- {FORMAT:HTML} -->\n<p>[[Group.DefaultHomePage()]]</p>", 'created' => Date::toSql(), 'created_by' => User::get('id'), 'approved' => 1));
     // Show success message to user
     if ($this->_task == 'new') {
         $this->setNotification(Lang::txt('COM_GROUPS_CREATED_SUCCESS', $group->get('description')), 'passed');
     } else {
         $this->setNotification(Lang::txt('COM_GROUPS_UPDATED_SUCCESS', $group->get('description')), 'passed');
     // Redirect back to the group page
     App::redirect(Route::url('index.php?option=' . $this->_option . '&cn=' . $group->get('cn')));
  * Unapprove a group
  * @return  void
 public function unapproveTask()
     // Check for request forgeries
     if (!User::authorise('core.manage', $this->_option) && !User::authorise('core.admin', $this->_option) && !User::authorise('core.edit', $this->_option) && !User::authorise('core.edit.state', $this->_option)) {
         App::abort(403, Lang::txt('JERROR_ALERTNOAUTHOR'));
     // Incoming
     $ids = Request::getVar('id', array());
     // Get the single ID we're working with
     if (!is_array($ids)) {
         $ids = array($ids);
     $i = 0;
     // foreach group id passed in
     foreach ($ids as $id) {
         // Load the group page
         $group = new Group();
         // Ensure we found the group info
         if (!$group) {
         // Set the group to be published and update
         $group->set('approved', 0);
         // log publishing
         Log::log(array('gidNumber' => $group->get('gidNumber'), 'action' => 'group_unapproved', 'comments' => 'unapproved by administrator'));
     if ($i) {
     // Output messsage and redirect