/** * Send Email upon error. * * @param string $message holds the error to send */ public static function sendEmail($message) { if (self::$emailError == true) { $mail = new Mail(); $mail->setFrom(SITEEMAIL); $mail->addAddress(SITEEMAIL); $mail->subject('New error on ' . SITETITLE); $mail->body($message); $mail->send(); } }
public function forgotpassword() { $this->data['title'] = 'Forgot Password'; if (isset($_POST) && !empty($_POST)) { $user = new User(); $hash = new \Models\Hash(); $user_details = $user->get_row(array('email' => $_POST['email'])); if ($user_details->email != '') { //SEND ACCOUNT DETAILS TO USER $fullname = $user_details->firstname . ' ' . $user_details->lastname; $subject = 'Reset Password'; $uniqid = uniqid(); $insert_hash = $hash->create(array('user_id' => $user_details->id, 'hash' => $uniqid, 'status' => 'active')); $hash = DIR . 'account/resetpassword/' . $uniqid; $mail = new Mail(); $mail->template('forgotpassword'); $mail->password($user_details->email, $subject, $fullname, $hash); $this->data['success'] = "A reset link has been sent to your email!" . "<br> Click on link to reset."; } else { $this->data['error'] = 'This email does not exist in our records!'; } } View::rendertemplate('header', $this->data); View::render('account/forgotpassword', $this->data); View::rendertemplate('footer', $this->data); }
public static function sendEmail($message) { if (self::$emailError == true) { $mail = new Mail(); $mail->setFrom('*****@*****.**'); $mail->CharSet = 'UTF-8'; $mail->addAddress('*****@*****.**'); $mail->subject('Новая ошибка на ' . SITETITLE); $mail->body($message); $mail->send(); } }
/** * Entrem un Array de Localitats i generem les entrades... **/ public static function generaEntradaFromLocalitats($LlistatLocalitats, ComandaTableObject $CTO) { $mail = new Mail(); $html = ""; $htmlMail = ""; $PrimeraEntrada = true; //Per cada sessió,, agafem tots els seients i generem el QR amb el corresponent email foreach ($LlistatLocalitats as $idSessio => $D) { foreach ($D['Localitats'] as $id => $LTO) { $id = $LTO->getLocalitatIdString(); $QR = $LTO->getCodiQR(); $nomArxiu = $id; //Genero el QR \PHPQRCode\QRcode::png($QR, self::$URL_ENTRADES . $nomArxiu . '.png', \PHPQRCode\Constants::QR_ECLEVEL_L, 8, 1); //Afegim el QR del seient al correu que enviarem $mail->AddEmbeddedImage(self::$URL_ENTRADES . $nomArxiu . '.png', $id); //Genero l'entrada en HTML per aquest seient $html .= self::generaEntrada($D['SessioData'], $CTO, $nomArxiu, $QR, $LTO, $PrimeraEntrada); $htmlMail .= self::generaEntradaMail($QR, $id, $D['SessioData'], $LTO, $CTO); $PrimeraEntrada = false; } } //Si tenim alguna sessió, faig la impressió if (sizeof($LlistatLocalitats) > 0) { $html .= '</body></html>'; //Carrego l'html de la comanda per mail $htmlMailFinal = file_get_contents(BASEURL . '/app/templates/default/json/emailTemplate.html'); $htmlMailFinal = str_replace("%%ENTRADA%%", $htmlMail, $htmlMailFinal); //Genero el PDF de la comanda $dompdf = new \DOMPDF(); //Carrego l'HTML de les entrades $dompdf->load_html($html); //Ho guardo al disc en format PDF $dompdf->set_paper('a4', 'portrait'); $dompdf->render(); $output = $dompdf->output(); $FILE_URL = self::$URL_ENTRADES . $CTO->comanda['co_Codi'] . '.pdf'; $FILE_WEB = self::$URL_WEB . $CTO->comanda['co_Codi'] . '.pdf'; file_put_contents($FILE_URL, $output); //Carrego un mail per si el vull enviar $mail->addAddress($CTO->comanda['co_EmailCompra']); $mail->subject("La Gorga | Les seves entrades "); $mail->body($htmlMailFinal); $mail->AddAttachment($FILE_URL); return array('Mail' => $mail, "Html" => $html, "FILE_URL" => $FILE_URL, "FILE_WEB_URL" => $FILE_WEB); } }
public static function sendEmail($message) { $mail = new \Helpers\PhpMailer\Mail(array('type' => 'php')); $subject = 'Novo erro no ' . SITETITLE; $from = array('mail' => SITEEMAIL, 'name' => SITETITLE); $destination = array(SITEEMAIL . "," . SITETITLE); $mail->quick($subject, $message, $from, $destination); }
public function signup($slug = null) { $this->data['title'] = 'Join Us'; $statusModel = new Status(); $roleModel = new Role(); $userModel = new User(); if (isset($_POST['email']) && !empty($_POST['email'])) { $firstname = $_POST['firstname']; $email = $_POST['email']; if ($_POST['password'] == $_POST['password2']) { $encrypted = md5($_POST['password']); $row_count = $userModel->getColRow('user_email', $email); if (!is_bool($row_count)) { Session::set('error', 'Email exists in our records, please use a different email'); } else { $userArray = array('user_firstname' => $firstname, 'user_email' => $email, 'user_password' => $encrypted, 'user_role_id' => Role::id('user'), 'user_status_id' => Status::id('active')); $userArray = Gump::xss_clean($userArray); $userArray = Gump::sanitize($userArray); $is_valid = Gump::is_valid($userArray, array('user_firstname' => 'required|max_len,200|min_len,1', 'user_email' => 'required|max_len,200|min_len,1', 'user_password' => 'required|max_len,200|min_len,1')); if ($is_valid === true) { $user_id = $userModel->create($userArray); if ($user_id > 0) { $slug = Url::generateSafeSlug($firstname . $user_id); //send email $subject = 'Welcome to GbeduMobile'; $content .= "You just opened a new account with us, Get login details below<br><br>"; $content .= "Username: "******"<br>"; $content .= "Password: "******"<br>"; if (ENVIRONMENT == 'production') { $mail = new Mail(); $mail->general($email, $subject, $firstname, $content); } Session::set('success', 'Login details has been sent to your email, Congrats!'); Url::redirect('home'); } else { Session::set('error', 'Operation Fails, Please contact admin'); } } else { Session::set('error', $is_valid); } } } else { Session::set('error', 'Password does not match!'); } } View::rendertemplate('header', $this->data); View::render('account/signup', $this->data); View::rendertemplate('footer', $this->data); }