/** * @param type $atomname * @param type $atomsize * @param type $atom_data * @param type $baseoffset * @param type $atomHierarchy * @param type $ParseAllPossibleAtoms * * @return bool * * @link http://developer.apple.com/techpubs/quicktime/qtdevdocs/APIREF/INDEX/atomalphaindex.htm */ public function QuicktimeParseAtom($atomname, $atomsize, $atom_data, $baseoffset, &$atomHierarchy, $ParseAllPossibleAtoms) { $info =& $this->getid3->info; $atom_parent = array_pop($atomHierarchy); array_push($atomHierarchy, $atomname); $atom_structure['hierarchy'] = implode(' ', $atomHierarchy); $atom_structure['name'] = $atomname; $atom_structure['size'] = $atomsize; $atom_structure['offset'] = $baseoffset; //echo GetId3_lib::PrintHexBytes(substr($atom_data, 0, 8)).'<br>'; //echo GetId3_lib::PrintHexBytes(substr($atom_data, 0, 8), false).'<br><br>'; switch ($atomname) { case 'moov': // MOVie container atom // MOVie container atom case 'trak': // TRAcK container atom // TRAcK container atom case 'clip': // CLIPping container atom // CLIPping container atom case 'matt': // track MATTe container atom // track MATTe container atom case 'edts': // EDiTS container atom // EDiTS container atom case 'tref': // Track REFerence container atom // Track REFerence container atom case 'mdia': // MeDIA container atom // MeDIA container atom case 'minf': // Media INFormation container atom // Media INFormation container atom case 'dinf': // Data INFormation container atom // Data INFormation container atom case 'udta': // User DaTA container atom // User DaTA container atom case 'cmov': // Compressed MOVie container atom // Compressed MOVie container atom case 'rmra': // Reference Movie Record Atom // Reference Movie Record Atom case 'rmda': // Reference Movie Descriptor Atom // Reference Movie Descriptor Atom case 'gmhd': // Generic Media info HeaDer atom (seen on QTVR) $atom_structure['subatoms'] = $this->QuicktimeParseContainerAtom($atom_data, $baseoffset + 8, $atomHierarchy, $ParseAllPossibleAtoms); break; case 'ilst': // Item LiST container atom $atom_structure['subatoms'] = $this->QuicktimeParseContainerAtom($atom_data, $baseoffset + 8, $atomHierarchy, $ParseAllPossibleAtoms); // some "ilst" atoms contain data atoms that have a numeric name, and the data is far more accessible if the returned array is compacted $allnumericnames = true; foreach ($atom_structure['subatoms'] as $subatomarray) { if (!is_int($subatomarray['name']) || count($subatomarray['subatoms']) != 1) { $allnumericnames = false; break; } } if ($allnumericnames) { $newData = array(); foreach ($atom_structure['subatoms'] as $subatomarray) { foreach ($subatomarray['subatoms'] as $newData_subatomarray) { unset($newData_subatomarray['hierarchy'], $newData_subatomarray['name']); $newData[$subatomarray['name']] = $newData_subatomarray; break; } } $atom_structure['data'] = $newData; unset($atom_structure['subatoms']); } break; case "": case "": case "": case "": case "": $atomname = Helper::BigEndian2Int($atomname); $atom_structure['name'] = $atomname; $atom_structure['subatoms'] = $this->QuicktimeParseContainerAtom($atom_data, $baseoffset + 8, $atomHierarchy, $ParseAllPossibleAtoms); break; case 'stbl': // Sample TaBLe container atom $atom_structure['subatoms'] = $this->QuicktimeParseContainerAtom($atom_data, $baseoffset + 8, $atomHierarchy, $ParseAllPossibleAtoms); $isVideo = false; $framerate = 0; $framecount = 0; foreach ($atom_structure['subatoms'] as $key => $value_array) { if (isset($value_array['sample_description_table'])) { foreach ($value_array['sample_description_table'] as $key2 => $value_array2) { if (isset($value_array2['data_format'])) { switch ($value_array2['data_format']) { case 'avc1': case 'mp4v': // video data $isVideo = true; break; case 'mp4a': // audio data break; } } } } elseif (isset($value_array['time_to_sample_table'])) { foreach ($value_array['time_to_sample_table'] as $key2 => $value_array2) { if (isset($value_array2['sample_count']) && isset($value_array2['sample_duration']) && $value_array2['sample_duration'] > 0) { $framerate = round($info['quicktime']['time_scale'] / $value_array2['sample_duration'], 3); $framecount = $value_array2['sample_count']; } } } } if ($isVideo && $framerate) { $info['quicktime']['video']['frame_rate'] = $framerate; $info['video']['frame_rate'] = $info['quicktime']['video']['frame_rate']; } if ($isVideo && $framecount) { $info['quicktime']['video']['frame_count'] = $framecount; } break; case 'aART': // Album ARTist // Album ARTist case 'catg': // CaTeGory // CaTeGory case 'covr': // COVeR artwork // COVeR artwork case 'cpil': // ComPILation // ComPILation case 'cprt': // CoPyRighT // CoPyRighT case 'desc': // DESCription // DESCription case 'disk': // DISK number // DISK number case 'egid': // Episode Global ID // Episode Global ID case 'gnre': // GeNRE // GeNRE case 'keyw': // KEYWord // KEYWord case 'ldes': case 'pcst': // PodCaST // PodCaST case 'pgap': // GAPless Playback // GAPless Playback case 'purd': // PURchase Date // PURchase Date case 'purl': // Podcast URL // Podcast URL case 'rati': case 'rndu': case 'rpdu': case 'rtng': // RaTiNG // RaTiNG case 'stik': case 'tmpo': // TeMPO (BPM) // TeMPO (BPM) case 'trkn': // TRacK Number // TRacK Number case 'tves': // TV EpiSode // TV EpiSode case 'tvnn': // TV Network Name // TV Network Name case 'tvsh': // TV SHow Name // TV SHow Name case 'tvsn': // TV SeasoN // TV SeasoN case 'akID': // iTunes store account type // iTunes store account type case 'apID': case 'atID': case 'cmID': case 'cnID': case 'geID': case 'plID': case 'sfID': // iTunes store country // iTunes store country case '©alb': // ALBum // ALBum case '©art': // ARTist // ARTist case '©ART': case '©aut': case '©cmt': // CoMmenT // CoMmenT case '©com': // COMposer // COMposer case '©cpy': case '©day': // content created year // content created year case '©dir': case '©ed1': case '©ed2': case '©ed3': case '©ed4': case '©ed5': case '©ed6': case '©ed7': case '©ed8': case '©ed9': case '©enc': case '©fmt': case '©gen': // GENre // GENre case '©grp': // GRouPing // GRouPing case '©hst': case '©inf': case '©lyr': // LYRics // LYRics case '©mak': case '©mod': case '©nam': // full NAMe // full NAMe case '©ope': case '©PRD': case '©prd': case '©prf': case '©req': case '©src': case '©swr': case '©too': // encoder // encoder case '©trk': // TRacK // TRacK case '©url': case '©wrn': case '©wrt': // WRiTer // WRiTer case '----': // itunes specific if ($atom_parent == 'udta') { // User data atom handler $atom_structure['data_length'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 0, 2)); $atom_structure['language_id'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 2, 2)); $atom_structure['data'] = substr($atom_data, 4); $atom_structure['language'] = $this->QuicktimeLanguageLookup($atom_structure['language_id']); if (empty($info['comments']['language']) || !in_array($atom_structure['language'], $info['comments']['language'])) { $info['comments']['language'][] = $atom_structure['language']; } } else { // Apple item list box atom handler $atomoffset = 0; if (substr($atom_data, 2, 2) == "�") { // not sure what it means, but observed on iPhone4 data. // Each $atom_data has 2 bytes of datasize, plus 0x10B5, then data while ($atomoffset < strlen($atom_data)) { $boxsmallsize = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, $atomoffset, 2)); $boxsmalltype = substr($atom_data, $atomoffset + 2, 2); $boxsmalldata = substr($atom_data, $atomoffset + 4, $boxsmallsize); switch ($boxsmalltype) { case "�": $atom_structure['data'] = $boxsmalldata; break; default: $info['warning'][] = 'Unknown QuickTime smallbox type: "' . Helper::PrintHexBytes($boxsmalltype) . '" at offset ' . $baseoffset; $atom_structure['data'] = $atom_data; break; } $atomoffset += 4 + $boxsmallsize; } } else { while ($atomoffset < strlen($atom_data)) { $boxsize = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, $atomoffset, 4)); $boxtype = substr($atom_data, $atomoffset + 4, 4); $boxdata = substr($atom_data, $atomoffset + 8, $boxsize - 8); if ($boxsize <= 1) { $info['warning'][] = 'Invalid QuickTime atom box size "' . $boxsize . '" in atom "' . $atomname . '" at offset: ' . ($atom_structure['offset'] + $atomoffset); $atom_structure['data'] = null; $atomoffset = strlen($atom_data); break; } $atomoffset += $boxsize; switch ($boxtype) { case 'mean': case 'name': $atom_structure[$boxtype] = substr($boxdata, 4); break; case 'data': $atom_structure['version'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($boxdata, 0, 1)); $atom_structure['flags_raw'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($boxdata, 1, 3)); switch ($atom_structure['flags_raw']) { case 0: // data flag // data flag case 21: // tmpo/cpil flag switch ($atomname) { case 'cpil': case 'pcst': case 'pgap': $atom_structure['data'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($boxdata, 8, 1)); break; case 'tmpo': $atom_structure['data'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($boxdata, 8, 2)); break; case 'disk': case 'trkn': $num = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($boxdata, 10, 2)); $num_total = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($boxdata, 12, 2)); $atom_structure['data'] = empty($num) ? '' : $num; $atom_structure['data'] .= empty($num_total) ? '' : '/' . $num_total; break; case 'gnre': $GenreID = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($boxdata, 8, 4)); $atom_structure['data'] = Module\Tag\Id3v1::LookupGenreName($GenreID - 1); break; case 'rtng': $atom_structure[$atomname] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($boxdata, 8, 1)); $atom_structure['data'] = $this->QuicktimeContentRatingLookup($atom_structure[$atomname]); break; case 'stik': $atom_structure[$atomname] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($boxdata, 8, 1)); $atom_structure['data'] = $this->QuicktimeSTIKLookup($atom_structure[$atomname]); break; case 'sfID': $atom_structure[$atomname] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($boxdata, 8, 4)); $atom_structure['data'] = $this->QuicktimeStoreFrontCodeLookup($atom_structure[$atomname]); break; case 'egid': case 'purl': $atom_structure['data'] = substr($boxdata, 8); break; default: $atom_structure['data'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($boxdata, 8, 4)); } break; case 1: // text flag // text flag case 13: // image flag // image flag default: $atom_structure['data'] = substr($boxdata, 8); break; } break; default: $info['warning'][] = 'Unknown QuickTime box type: "' . Helper::PrintHexBytes($boxtype) . '" at offset ' . $baseoffset; $atom_structure['data'] = $atom_data; } } } } $this->CopyToAppropriateCommentsSection($atomname, $atom_structure['data'], $atom_structure['name']); break; case 'play': // auto-PLAY atom $atom_structure['autoplay'] = (bool) Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 0, 1)); $info['quicktime']['autoplay'] = $atom_structure['autoplay']; break; case 'WLOC': // Window LOCation atom $atom_structure['location_x'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 0, 2)); $atom_structure['location_y'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 2, 2)); break; case 'LOOP': // LOOPing atom // LOOPing atom case 'SelO': // play SELection Only atom // play SELection Only atom case 'AllF': // play ALL Frames atom $atom_structure['data'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int($atom_data); break; case 'name': // // case 'MCPS': // Media Cleaner PRo // Media Cleaner PRo case '@PRM': // adobe PReMiere version // adobe PReMiere version case '@PRQ': // adobe PRemiere Quicktime version $atom_structure['data'] = $atom_data; break; case 'cmvd': // Compressed MooV Data atom // Code by ubergeekØubergeek*tv based on information from // http://developer.apple.com/quicktime/icefloe/dispatch012.html $atom_structure['unCompressedSize'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 0, 4)); $CompressedFileData = substr($atom_data, 4); if ($UncompressedHeader = @gzuncompress($CompressedFileData)) { $atom_structure['subatoms'] = $this->QuicktimeParseContainerAtom($UncompressedHeader, 0, $atomHierarchy, $ParseAllPossibleAtoms); } else { $info['warning'][] = 'Error decompressing compressed MOV atom at offset ' . $atom_structure['offset']; } break; case 'dcom': // Data COMpression atom $atom_structure['compression_id'] = $atom_data; $atom_structure['compression_text'] = $this->QuicktimeDCOMLookup($atom_data); break; case 'rdrf': // Reference movie Data ReFerence atom $atom_structure['version'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 0, 1)); $atom_structure['flags_raw'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 1, 3)); $atom_structure['flags']['internal_data'] = (bool) ($atom_structure['flags_raw'] & 0x1); $atom_structure['reference_type_name'] = substr($atom_data, 4, 4); $atom_structure['reference_length'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 8, 4)); switch ($atom_structure['reference_type_name']) { case 'url ': $atom_structure['url'] = $this->NoNullString(substr($atom_data, 12)); break; case 'alis': $atom_structure['file_alias'] = substr($atom_data, 12); break; case 'rsrc': $atom_structure['resource_alias'] = substr($atom_data, 12); break; default: $atom_structure['data'] = substr($atom_data, 12); break; } break; case 'rmqu': // Reference Movie QUality atom $atom_structure['movie_quality'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int($atom_data); break; case 'rmcs': // Reference Movie Cpu Speed atom $atom_structure['version'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 0, 1)); $atom_structure['flags_raw'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 1, 3)); // hardcoded: 0x0000 $atom_structure['cpu_speed_rating'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 4, 2)); break; case 'rmvc': // Reference Movie Version Check atom $atom_structure['version'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 0, 1)); $atom_structure['flags_raw'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 1, 3)); // hardcoded: 0x0000 $atom_structure['gestalt_selector'] = substr($atom_data, 4, 4); $atom_structure['gestalt_value_mask'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 8, 4)); $atom_structure['gestalt_value'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 12, 4)); $atom_structure['gestalt_check_type'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 14, 2)); break; case 'rmcd': // Reference Movie Component check atom $atom_structure['version'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 0, 1)); $atom_structure['flags_raw'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 1, 3)); // hardcoded: 0x0000 $atom_structure['component_type'] = substr($atom_data, 4, 4); $atom_structure['component_subtype'] = substr($atom_data, 8, 4); $atom_structure['component_manufacturer'] = substr($atom_data, 12, 4); $atom_structure['component_flags_raw'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 16, 4)); $atom_structure['component_flags_mask'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 20, 4)); $atom_structure['component_min_version'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 24, 4)); break; case 'rmdr': // Reference Movie Data Rate atom $atom_structure['version'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 0, 1)); $atom_structure['flags_raw'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 1, 3)); // hardcoded: 0x0000 $atom_structure['data_rate'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 4, 4)); $atom_structure['data_rate_bps'] = $atom_structure['data_rate'] * 10; break; case 'rmla': // Reference Movie Language Atom $atom_structure['version'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 0, 1)); $atom_structure['flags_raw'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 1, 3)); // hardcoded: 0x0000 $atom_structure['language_id'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 4, 2)); $atom_structure['language'] = $this->QuicktimeLanguageLookup($atom_structure['language_id']); if (empty($info['comments']['language']) || !in_array($atom_structure['language'], $info['comments']['language'])) { $info['comments']['language'][] = $atom_structure['language']; } break; case 'rmla': // Reference Movie Language Atom $atom_structure['version'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 0, 1)); $atom_structure['flags_raw'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 1, 3)); // hardcoded: 0x0000 $atom_structure['track_id'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 4, 2)); break; case 'ptv ': // Print To Video - defines a movie's full screen mode // http://developer.apple.com/documentation/QuickTime/APIREF/SOURCESIV/at_ptv-_pg.htm $atom_structure['display_size_raw'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 0, 2)); $atom_structure['reserved_1'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 2, 2)); // hardcoded: 0x0000 $atom_structure['reserved_2'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 4, 2)); // hardcoded: 0x0000 $atom_structure['slide_show_flag'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 6, 1)); $atom_structure['play_on_open_flag'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 7, 1)); $atom_structure['flags']['play_on_open'] = (bool) $atom_structure['play_on_open_flag']; $atom_structure['flags']['slide_show'] = (bool) $atom_structure['slide_show_flag']; $ptv_lookup[0] = 'normal'; $ptv_lookup[1] = 'double'; $ptv_lookup[2] = 'half'; $ptv_lookup[3] = 'full'; $ptv_lookup[4] = 'current'; if (isset($ptv_lookup[$atom_structure['display_size_raw']])) { $atom_structure['display_size'] = $ptv_lookup[$atom_structure['display_size_raw']]; } else { $info['warning'][] = 'unknown "ptv " display constant (' . $atom_structure['display_size_raw'] . ')'; } break; case 'stsd': // Sample Table Sample Description atom $atom_structure['version'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 0, 1)); $atom_structure['flags_raw'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 1, 3)); // hardcoded: 0x0000 $atom_structure['number_entries'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 4, 4)); $stsdEntriesDataOffset = 8; for ($i = 0; $i < $atom_structure['number_entries']; ++$i) { $atom_structure['sample_description_table'][$i]['size'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, $stsdEntriesDataOffset, 4)); $stsdEntriesDataOffset += 4; $atom_structure['sample_description_table'][$i]['data_format'] = substr($atom_data, $stsdEntriesDataOffset, 4); $stsdEntriesDataOffset += 4; $atom_structure['sample_description_table'][$i]['reserved'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, $stsdEntriesDataOffset, 6)); $stsdEntriesDataOffset += 6; $atom_structure['sample_description_table'][$i]['reference_index'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, $stsdEntriesDataOffset, 2)); $stsdEntriesDataOffset += 2; $atom_structure['sample_description_table'][$i]['data'] = substr($atom_data, $stsdEntriesDataOffset, $atom_structure['sample_description_table'][$i]['size'] - 4 - 4 - 6 - 2); $stsdEntriesDataOffset += $atom_structure['sample_description_table'][$i]['size'] - 4 - 4 - 6 - 2; $atom_structure['sample_description_table'][$i]['encoder_version'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_structure['sample_description_table'][$i]['data'], 0, 2)); $atom_structure['sample_description_table'][$i]['encoder_revision'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_structure['sample_description_table'][$i]['data'], 2, 2)); $atom_structure['sample_description_table'][$i]['encoder_vendor'] = substr($atom_structure['sample_description_table'][$i]['data'], 4, 4); switch ($atom_structure['sample_description_table'][$i]['encoder_vendor']) { case "": // audio atom $atom_structure['sample_description_table'][$i]['audio_channels'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_structure['sample_description_table'][$i]['data'], 8, 2)); $atom_structure['sample_description_table'][$i]['audio_bit_depth'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_structure['sample_description_table'][$i]['data'], 10, 2)); $atom_structure['sample_description_table'][$i]['audio_compression_id'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_structure['sample_description_table'][$i]['data'], 12, 2)); $atom_structure['sample_description_table'][$i]['audio_packet_size'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_structure['sample_description_table'][$i]['data'], 14, 2)); $atom_structure['sample_description_table'][$i]['audio_sample_rate'] = Helper::FixedPoint16_16(substr($atom_structure['sample_description_table'][$i]['data'], 16, 4)); switch ($atom_structure['sample_description_table'][$i]['data_format']) { case 'avc1': case 'mp4v': $info['fileformat'] = 'mp4'; $info['video']['fourcc'] = $atom_structure['sample_description_table'][$i]['data_format']; //$info['warning'][] = 'This version of GetId3Core() ['.$this->getid3->version().'] does not fully support MPEG-4 audio/video streams'; // 2011-02-18: why am I warning about this again? What's not supported? break; case 'qtvr': $info['video']['dataformat'] = 'quicktimevr'; break; case 'mp4a': default: $info['quicktime']['audio']['codec'] = $this->QuicktimeAudioCodecLookup($atom_structure['sample_description_table'][$i]['data_format']); $info['quicktime']['audio']['sample_rate'] = $atom_structure['sample_description_table'][$i]['audio_sample_rate']; $info['quicktime']['audio']['channels'] = $atom_structure['sample_description_table'][$i]['audio_channels']; $info['quicktime']['audio']['bit_depth'] = $atom_structure['sample_description_table'][$i]['audio_bit_depth']; $info['audio']['codec'] = $info['quicktime']['audio']['codec']; $info['audio']['sample_rate'] = $info['quicktime']['audio']['sample_rate']; $info['audio']['channels'] = $info['quicktime']['audio']['channels']; $info['audio']['bits_per_sample'] = $info['quicktime']['audio']['bit_depth']; switch ($atom_structure['sample_description_table'][$i]['data_format']) { case 'raw ': // PCM // PCM case 'alac': // Apple Lossless Audio Codec $info['audio']['lossless'] = true; break; default: $info['audio']['lossless'] = false; break; } break; } break; default: switch ($atom_structure['sample_description_table'][$i]['data_format']) { case 'mp4s': $info['fileformat'] = 'mp4'; break; default: // video atom $atom_structure['sample_description_table'][$i]['video_temporal_quality'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_structure['sample_description_table'][$i]['data'], 8, 4)); $atom_structure['sample_description_table'][$i]['video_spatial_quality'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_structure['sample_description_table'][$i]['data'], 12, 4)); $atom_structure['sample_description_table'][$i]['video_frame_width'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_structure['sample_description_table'][$i]['data'], 16, 2)); $atom_structure['sample_description_table'][$i]['video_frame_height'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_structure['sample_description_table'][$i]['data'], 18, 2)); $atom_structure['sample_description_table'][$i]['video_resolution_x'] = Helper::FixedPoint16_16(substr($atom_structure['sample_description_table'][$i]['data'], 20, 4)); $atom_structure['sample_description_table'][$i]['video_resolution_y'] = Helper::FixedPoint16_16(substr($atom_structure['sample_description_table'][$i]['data'], 24, 4)); $atom_structure['sample_description_table'][$i]['video_data_size'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_structure['sample_description_table'][$i]['data'], 28, 4)); $atom_structure['sample_description_table'][$i]['video_frame_count'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_structure['sample_description_table'][$i]['data'], 32, 2)); $atom_structure['sample_description_table'][$i]['video_encoder_name_len'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_structure['sample_description_table'][$i]['data'], 34, 1)); $atom_structure['sample_description_table'][$i]['video_encoder_name'] = substr($atom_structure['sample_description_table'][$i]['data'], 35, $atom_structure['sample_description_table'][$i]['video_encoder_name_len']); $atom_structure['sample_description_table'][$i]['video_pixel_color_depth'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_structure['sample_description_table'][$i]['data'], 66, 2)); $atom_structure['sample_description_table'][$i]['video_color_table_id'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_structure['sample_description_table'][$i]['data'], 68, 2)); $atom_structure['sample_description_table'][$i]['video_pixel_color_type'] = $atom_structure['sample_description_table'][$i]['video_pixel_color_depth'] > 32 ? 'grayscale' : 'color'; $atom_structure['sample_description_table'][$i]['video_pixel_color_name'] = $this->QuicktimeColorNameLookup($atom_structure['sample_description_table'][$i]['video_pixel_color_depth']); if ($atom_structure['sample_description_table'][$i]['video_pixel_color_name'] != 'invalid') { $info['quicktime']['video']['codec_fourcc'] = $atom_structure['sample_description_table'][$i]['data_format']; $info['quicktime']['video']['codec_fourcc_lookup'] = $this->QuicktimeVideoCodecLookup($atom_structure['sample_description_table'][$i]['data_format']); $info['quicktime']['video']['codec'] = $atom_structure['sample_description_table'][$i]['video_encoder_name_len'] > 0 ? $atom_structure['sample_description_table'][$i]['video_encoder_name'] : $atom_structure['sample_description_table'][$i]['data_format']; $info['quicktime']['video']['color_depth'] = $atom_structure['sample_description_table'][$i]['video_pixel_color_depth']; $info['quicktime']['video']['color_depth_name'] = $atom_structure['sample_description_table'][$i]['video_pixel_color_name']; $info['video']['codec'] = $info['quicktime']['video']['codec']; $info['video']['bits_per_sample'] = $info['quicktime']['video']['color_depth']; } $info['video']['lossless'] = false; $info['video']['pixel_aspect_ratio'] = (double) 1; break; } break; } switch (strtolower($atom_structure['sample_description_table'][$i]['data_format'])) { case 'mp4a': $info['audio']['dataformat'] = 'mp4'; $info['quicktime']['audio']['codec'] = 'mp4'; break; case '3ivx': case '3iv1': case '3iv2': $info['video']['dataformat'] = '3ivx'; break; case 'xvid': $info['video']['dataformat'] = 'xvid'; break; case 'mp4v': $info['video']['dataformat'] = 'mpeg4'; break; case 'divx': case 'div1': case 'div2': case 'div3': case 'div4': case 'div5': case 'div6': $info['video']['dataformat'] = 'divx'; break; default: // do nothing break; } unset($atom_structure['sample_description_table'][$i]['data']); } break; case 'stts': // Sample Table Time-to-Sample atom $atom_structure['version'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 0, 1)); $atom_structure['flags_raw'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 1, 3)); // hardcoded: 0x0000 $atom_structure['number_entries'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 4, 4)); $sttsEntriesDataOffset = 8; //$FrameRateCalculatorArray = array(); $frames_count = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < $atom_structure['number_entries']; ++$i) { $atom_structure['time_to_sample_table'][$i]['sample_count'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, $sttsEntriesDataOffset, 4)); $sttsEntriesDataOffset += 4; $atom_structure['time_to_sample_table'][$i]['sample_duration'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, $sttsEntriesDataOffset, 4)); $sttsEntriesDataOffset += 4; $frames_count += $atom_structure['time_to_sample_table'][$i]['sample_count']; // THIS SECTION REPLACED WITH CODE IN "stbl" ATOM //if (!empty($info['quicktime']['time_scale']) && ($atom_structure['time_to_sample_table'][$i]['sample_duration'] > 0)) { // $stts_new_framerate = $info['quicktime']['time_scale'] / $atom_structure['time_to_sample_table'][$i]['sample_duration']; // if ($stts_new_framerate <= 60) { // // some atoms have durations of "1" giving a very large framerate, which probably is not right // $info['video']['frame_rate'] = max($info['video']['frame_rate'], $stts_new_framerate); // } //} // //$FrameRateCalculatorArray[($info['quicktime']['time_scale'] / $atom_structure['time_to_sample_table'][$i]['sample_duration'])] += $atom_structure['time_to_sample_table'][$i]['sample_count']; } $info['quicktime']['stts_framecount'][] = $frames_count; //$sttsFramesTotal = 0; //$sttsSecondsTotal = 0; //foreach ($FrameRateCalculatorArray as $frames_per_second => $frame_count) { // if (($frames_per_second > 60) || ($frames_per_second < 1)) { // // not video FPS information, probably audio information // $sttsFramesTotal = 0; // $sttsSecondsTotal = 0; // break; // } // $sttsFramesTotal += $frame_count; // $sttsSecondsTotal += $frame_count / $frames_per_second; //} //if (($sttsFramesTotal > 0) && ($sttsSecondsTotal > 0)) { // if (($sttsFramesTotal / $sttsSecondsTotal) > $info['video']['frame_rate']) { // $info['video']['frame_rate'] = $sttsFramesTotal / $sttsSecondsTotal; // } //} break; case 'stss': // Sample Table Sync Sample (key frames) atom if ($ParseAllPossibleAtoms) { $atom_structure['version'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 0, 1)); $atom_structure['flags_raw'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 1, 3)); // hardcoded: 0x0000 $atom_structure['number_entries'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 4, 4)); $stssEntriesDataOffset = 8; for ($i = 0; $i < $atom_structure['number_entries']; ++$i) { $atom_structure['time_to_sample_table'][$i] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, $stssEntriesDataOffset, 4)); $stssEntriesDataOffset += 4; } } break; case 'stsc': // Sample Table Sample-to-Chunk atom if ($ParseAllPossibleAtoms) { $atom_structure['version'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 0, 1)); $atom_structure['flags_raw'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 1, 3)); // hardcoded: 0x0000 $atom_structure['number_entries'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 4, 4)); $stscEntriesDataOffset = 8; for ($i = 0; $i < $atom_structure['number_entries']; ++$i) { $atom_structure['sample_to_chunk_table'][$i]['first_chunk'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, $stscEntriesDataOffset, 4)); $stscEntriesDataOffset += 4; $atom_structure['sample_to_chunk_table'][$i]['samples_per_chunk'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, $stscEntriesDataOffset, 4)); $stscEntriesDataOffset += 4; $atom_structure['sample_to_chunk_table'][$i]['sample_description'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, $stscEntriesDataOffset, 4)); $stscEntriesDataOffset += 4; } } break; case 'stsz': // Sample Table SiZe atom if ($ParseAllPossibleAtoms) { $atom_structure['version'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 0, 1)); $atom_structure['flags_raw'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 1, 3)); // hardcoded: 0x0000 $atom_structure['sample_size'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 4, 4)); $atom_structure['number_entries'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 8, 4)); $stszEntriesDataOffset = 12; if ($atom_structure['sample_size'] == 0) { for ($i = 0; $i < $atom_structure['number_entries']; ++$i) { $atom_structure['sample_size_table'][$i] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, $stszEntriesDataOffset, 4)); $stszEntriesDataOffset += 4; } } } break; case 'stco': // Sample Table Chunk Offset atom if ($ParseAllPossibleAtoms) { $atom_structure['version'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 0, 1)); $atom_structure['flags_raw'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 1, 3)); // hardcoded: 0x0000 $atom_structure['number_entries'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 4, 4)); $stcoEntriesDataOffset = 8; for ($i = 0; $i < $atom_structure['number_entries']; ++$i) { $atom_structure['chunk_offset_table'][$i] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, $stcoEntriesDataOffset, 4)); $stcoEntriesDataOffset += 4; } } break; case 'co64': // Chunk Offset 64-bit (version of "stco" that supports > 2GB files) if ($ParseAllPossibleAtoms) { $atom_structure['version'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 0, 1)); $atom_structure['flags_raw'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 1, 3)); // hardcoded: 0x0000 $atom_structure['number_entries'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 4, 4)); $stcoEntriesDataOffset = 8; for ($i = 0; $i < $atom_structure['number_entries']; ++$i) { $atom_structure['chunk_offset_table'][$i] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, $stcoEntriesDataOffset, 8)); $stcoEntriesDataOffset += 8; } } break; case 'dref': // Data REFerence atom $atom_structure['version'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 0, 1)); $atom_structure['flags_raw'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 1, 3)); // hardcoded: 0x0000 $atom_structure['number_entries'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 4, 4)); $drefDataOffset = 8; for ($i = 0; $i < $atom_structure['number_entries']; ++$i) { $atom_structure['data_references'][$i]['size'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, $drefDataOffset, 4)); $drefDataOffset += 4; $atom_structure['data_references'][$i]['type'] = substr($atom_data, $drefDataOffset, 4); $drefDataOffset += 4; $atom_structure['data_references'][$i]['version'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, $drefDataOffset, 1)); $drefDataOffset += 1; $atom_structure['data_references'][$i]['flags_raw'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, $drefDataOffset, 3)); // hardcoded: 0x0000 $drefDataOffset += 3; $atom_structure['data_references'][$i]['data'] = substr($atom_data, $drefDataOffset, $atom_structure['data_references'][$i]['size'] - 4 - 4 - 1 - 3); $drefDataOffset += $atom_structure['data_references'][$i]['size'] - 4 - 4 - 1 - 3; $atom_structure['data_references'][$i]['flags']['self_reference'] = (bool) ($atom_structure['data_references'][$i]['flags_raw'] & 0x1); } break; case 'gmin': // base Media INformation atom $atom_structure['version'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 0, 1)); $atom_structure['flags_raw'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 1, 3)); // hardcoded: 0x0000 $atom_structure['graphics_mode'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 4, 2)); $atom_structure['opcolor_red'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 6, 2)); $atom_structure['opcolor_green'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 8, 2)); $atom_structure['opcolor_blue'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 10, 2)); $atom_structure['balance'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 12, 2)); $atom_structure['reserved'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 14, 2)); break; case 'smhd': // Sound Media information HeaDer atom $atom_structure['version'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 0, 1)); $atom_structure['flags_raw'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 1, 3)); // hardcoded: 0x0000 $atom_structure['balance'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 4, 2)); $atom_structure['reserved'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 6, 2)); break; case 'vmhd': // Video Media information HeaDer atom $atom_structure['version'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 0, 1)); $atom_structure['flags_raw'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 1, 3)); $atom_structure['graphics_mode'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 4, 2)); $atom_structure['opcolor_red'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 6, 2)); $atom_structure['opcolor_green'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 8, 2)); $atom_structure['opcolor_blue'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 10, 2)); $atom_structure['flags']['no_lean_ahead'] = (bool) ($atom_structure['flags_raw'] & 0x1); break; case 'hdlr': // HanDLeR reference atom $atom_structure['version'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 0, 1)); $atom_structure['flags_raw'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 1, 3)); // hardcoded: 0x0000 $atom_structure['component_type'] = substr($atom_data, 4, 4); $atom_structure['component_subtype'] = substr($atom_data, 8, 4); $atom_structure['component_manufacturer'] = substr($atom_data, 12, 4); $atom_structure['component_flags_raw'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 16, 4)); $atom_structure['component_flags_mask'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 20, 4)); $atom_structure['component_name'] = $this->Pascal2String(substr($atom_data, 24)); if ($atom_structure['component_subtype'] == 'STpn' && $atom_structure['component_manufacturer'] == 'zzzz') { $info['video']['dataformat'] = 'quicktimevr'; } break; case 'mdhd': // MeDia HeaDer atom $atom_structure['version'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 0, 1)); $atom_structure['flags_raw'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 1, 3)); // hardcoded: 0x0000 $atom_structure['creation_time'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 4, 4)); $atom_structure['modify_time'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 8, 4)); $atom_structure['time_scale'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 12, 4)); $atom_structure['duration'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 16, 4)); $atom_structure['language_id'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 20, 2)); $atom_structure['quality'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 22, 2)); if ($atom_structure['time_scale'] == 0) { $info['error'][] = 'Corrupt Quicktime file: mdhd.time_scale == zero'; return false; } $info['quicktime']['time_scale'] = isset($info['quicktime']['time_scale']) ? max($info['quicktime']['time_scale'], $atom_structure['time_scale']) : $atom_structure['time_scale']; $atom_structure['creation_time_unix'] = Helper::DateMac2Unix($atom_structure['creation_time']); $atom_structure['modify_time_unix'] = Helper::DateMac2Unix($atom_structure['modify_time']); $atom_structure['playtime_seconds'] = $atom_structure['duration'] / $atom_structure['time_scale']; $atom_structure['language'] = $this->QuicktimeLanguageLookup($atom_structure['language_id']); if (empty($info['comments']['language']) || !in_array($atom_structure['language'], $info['comments']['language'])) { $info['comments']['language'][] = $atom_structure['language']; } break; case 'pnot': // Preview atom $atom_structure['modification_date'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 0, 4)); // "standard Macintosh format" $atom_structure['version_number'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 4, 2)); // hardcoded: 0x00 $atom_structure['atom_type'] = substr($atom_data, 6, 4); // usually: 'PICT' $atom_structure['atom_index'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 10, 2)); // usually: 0x01 $atom_structure['modification_date_unix'] = Helper::DateMac2Unix($atom_structure['modification_date']); break; case 'crgn': // Clipping ReGioN atom $atom_structure['region_size'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 0, 2)); // The Region size, Region boundary box, $atom_structure['boundary_box'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 2, 8)); // and Clipping region data fields $atom_structure['clipping_data'] = substr($atom_data, 10); // constitute a QuickDraw region. break; case 'load': // track LOAD settings atom $atom_structure['preload_start_time'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 0, 4)); $atom_structure['preload_duration'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 4, 4)); $atom_structure['preload_flags_raw'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 8, 4)); $atom_structure['default_hints_raw'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 12, 4)); $atom_structure['default_hints']['double_buffer'] = (bool) ($atom_structure['default_hints_raw'] & 0x20); $atom_structure['default_hints']['high_quality'] = (bool) ($atom_structure['default_hints_raw'] & 0x100); break; case 'tmcd': // TiMe CoDe atom // TiMe CoDe atom case 'chap': // CHAPter list atom // CHAPter list atom case 'sync': // SYNChronization atom // SYNChronization atom case 'scpt': // tranSCriPT atom // tranSCriPT atom case 'ssrc': // non-primary SouRCe atom for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($atom_data) % 4; ++$i) { $atom_structure['track_id'][$i] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, $i * 4, 4)); } break; case 'elst': // Edit LiST atom $atom_structure['version'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 0, 1)); $atom_structure['flags_raw'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 1, 3)); // hardcoded: 0x0000 $atom_structure['number_entries'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 4, 4)); for ($i = 0; $i < $atom_structure['number_entries']; ++$i) { $atom_structure['edit_list'][$i]['track_duration'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 8 + $i * 12 + 0, 4)); $atom_structure['edit_list'][$i]['media_time'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 8 + $i * 12 + 4, 4)); $atom_structure['edit_list'][$i]['media_rate'] = Helper::FixedPoint16_16(substr($atom_data, 8 + $i * 12 + 8, 4)); } break; case 'kmat': // compressed MATte atom $atom_structure['version'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 0, 1)); $atom_structure['flags_raw'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 1, 3)); // hardcoded: 0x0000 $atom_structure['matte_data_raw'] = substr($atom_data, 4); break; case 'ctab': // Color TABle atom $atom_structure['color_table_seed'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 0, 4)); // hardcoded: 0x00000000 $atom_structure['color_table_flags'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 4, 2)); // hardcoded: 0x8000 $atom_structure['color_table_size'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 6, 2)) + 1; for ($colortableentry = 0; $colortableentry < $atom_structure['color_table_size']; ++$colortableentry) { $atom_structure['color_table'][$colortableentry]['alpha'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 8 + $colortableentry * 8 + 0, 2)); $atom_structure['color_table'][$colortableentry]['red'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 8 + $colortableentry * 8 + 2, 2)); $atom_structure['color_table'][$colortableentry]['green'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 8 + $colortableentry * 8 + 4, 2)); $atom_structure['color_table'][$colortableentry]['blue'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 8 + $colortableentry * 8 + 6, 2)); } break; case 'mvhd': // MoVie HeaDer atom $atom_structure['version'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 0, 1)); $atom_structure['flags_raw'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 1, 3)); $atom_structure['creation_time'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 4, 4)); $atom_structure['modify_time'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 8, 4)); $atom_structure['time_scale'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 12, 4)); $atom_structure['duration'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 16, 4)); $atom_structure['preferred_rate'] = Helper::FixedPoint16_16(substr($atom_data, 20, 4)); $atom_structure['preferred_volume'] = Helper::FixedPoint8_8(substr($atom_data, 24, 2)); $atom_structure['reserved'] = substr($atom_data, 26, 10); $atom_structure['matrix_a'] = Helper::FixedPoint16_16(substr($atom_data, 36, 4)); $atom_structure['matrix_b'] = Helper::FixedPoint16_16(substr($atom_data, 40, 4)); $atom_structure['matrix_u'] = Helper::FixedPoint2_30(substr($atom_data, 44, 4)); $atom_structure['matrix_c'] = Helper::FixedPoint16_16(substr($atom_data, 48, 4)); $atom_structure['matrix_d'] = Helper::FixedPoint16_16(substr($atom_data, 52, 4)); $atom_structure['matrix_v'] = Helper::FixedPoint2_30(substr($atom_data, 56, 4)); $atom_structure['matrix_x'] = Helper::FixedPoint16_16(substr($atom_data, 60, 4)); $atom_structure['matrix_y'] = Helper::FixedPoint16_16(substr($atom_data, 64, 4)); $atom_structure['matrix_w'] = Helper::FixedPoint2_30(substr($atom_data, 68, 4)); $atom_structure['preview_time'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 72, 4)); $atom_structure['preview_duration'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 76, 4)); $atom_structure['poster_time'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 80, 4)); $atom_structure['selection_time'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 84, 4)); $atom_structure['selection_duration'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 88, 4)); $atom_structure['current_time'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 92, 4)); $atom_structure['next_track_id'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 96, 4)); if ($atom_structure['time_scale'] == 0) { $info['error'][] = 'Corrupt Quicktime file: mvhd.time_scale == zero'; return false; } $atom_structure['creation_time_unix'] = Helper::DateMac2Unix($atom_structure['creation_time']); $atom_structure['modify_time_unix'] = Helper::DateMac2Unix($atom_structure['modify_time']); $info['quicktime']['time_scale'] = isset($info['quicktime']['time_scale']) ? max($info['quicktime']['time_scale'], $atom_structure['time_scale']) : $atom_structure['time_scale']; $info['quicktime']['display_scale'] = $atom_structure['matrix_a']; $info['playtime_seconds'] = $atom_structure['duration'] / $atom_structure['time_scale']; break; case 'tkhd': // TracK HeaDer atom $atom_structure['version'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 0, 1)); $atom_structure['flags_raw'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 1, 3)); $atom_structure['creation_time'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 4, 4)); $atom_structure['modify_time'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 8, 4)); $atom_structure['trackid'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 12, 4)); $atom_structure['reserved1'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 16, 4)); $atom_structure['duration'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 20, 4)); $atom_structure['reserved2'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 24, 8)); $atom_structure['layer'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 32, 2)); $atom_structure['alternate_group'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 34, 2)); $atom_structure['volume'] = Helper::FixedPoint8_8(substr($atom_data, 36, 2)); $atom_structure['reserved3'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 38, 2)); $atom_structure['matrix_a'] = Helper::FixedPoint16_16(substr($atom_data, 40, 4)); $atom_structure['matrix_b'] = Helper::FixedPoint16_16(substr($atom_data, 44, 4)); $atom_structure['matrix_u'] = Helper::FixedPoint16_16(substr($atom_data, 48, 4)); $atom_structure['matrix_c'] = Helper::FixedPoint16_16(substr($atom_data, 52, 4)); $atom_structure['matrix_d'] = Helper::FixedPoint16_16(substr($atom_data, 56, 4)); $atom_structure['matrix_v'] = Helper::FixedPoint16_16(substr($atom_data, 60, 4)); $atom_structure['matrix_x'] = Helper::FixedPoint2_30(substr($atom_data, 64, 4)); $atom_structure['matrix_y'] = Helper::FixedPoint2_30(substr($atom_data, 68, 4)); $atom_structure['matrix_w'] = Helper::FixedPoint2_30(substr($atom_data, 72, 4)); $atom_structure['width'] = Helper::FixedPoint16_16(substr($atom_data, 76, 4)); $atom_structure['height'] = Helper::FixedPoint16_16(substr($atom_data, 80, 4)); $atom_structure['flags']['enabled'] = (bool) ($atom_structure['flags_raw'] & 0x1); $atom_structure['flags']['in_movie'] = (bool) ($atom_structure['flags_raw'] & 0x2); $atom_structure['flags']['in_preview'] = (bool) ($atom_structure['flags_raw'] & 0x4); $atom_structure['flags']['in_poster'] = (bool) ($atom_structure['flags_raw'] & 0x8); $atom_structure['creation_time_unix'] = Helper::DateMac2Unix($atom_structure['creation_time']); $atom_structure['modify_time_unix'] = Helper::DateMac2Unix($atom_structure['modify_time']); if ($atom_structure['flags']['enabled'] == 1) { if (!isset($info['video']['resolution_x']) || !isset($info['video']['resolution_y'])) { $info['video']['resolution_x'] = $atom_structure['width']; $info['video']['resolution_y'] = $atom_structure['height']; } $info['video']['resolution_x'] = max($info['video']['resolution_x'], $atom_structure['width']); $info['video']['resolution_y'] = max($info['video']['resolution_y'], $atom_structure['height']); $info['quicktime']['video']['resolution_x'] = $info['video']['resolution_x']; $info['quicktime']['video']['resolution_y'] = $info['video']['resolution_y']; } else { if (isset($info['video']['resolution_x'])) { unset($info['video']['resolution_x']); } if (isset($info['video']['resolution_y'])) { unset($info['video']['resolution_y']); } if (isset($info['quicktime']['video'])) { unset($info['quicktime']['video']); } } break; case 'iods': // Initial Object DeScriptor atom // http://www.koders.com/c/fid1FAB3E762903DC482D8A246D4A4BF9F28E049594.aspx?s=windows.h // http://libquicktime.sourcearchive.com/documentation/1.0.2plus-pdebian/iods_8c-source.html $offset = 0; $atom_structure['version'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, $offset, 1)); $offset += 1; $atom_structure['flags_raw'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, $offset, 3)); $offset += 3; $atom_structure['mp4_iod_tag'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, $offset, 1)); $offset += 1; $atom_structure['length'] = $this->quicktime_read_mp4_descr_length($atom_data, $offset); //$offset already adjusted by quicktime_read_mp4_descr_length() $atom_structure['object_descriptor_id'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, $offset, 2)); $offset += 2; $atom_structure['od_profile_level'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, $offset, 1)); $offset += 1; $atom_structure['scene_profile_level'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, $offset, 1)); $offset += 1; $atom_structure['audio_profile_id'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, $offset, 1)); $offset += 1; $atom_structure['video_profile_id'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, $offset, 1)); $offset += 1; $atom_structure['graphics_profile_level'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, $offset, 1)); $offset += 1; $atom_structure['num_iods_tracks'] = ($atom_structure['length'] - 7) / 6; // 6 bytes would only be right if all tracks use 1-byte length fields for ($i = 0; $i < $atom_structure['num_iods_tracks']; ++$i) { $atom_structure['track'][$i]['ES_ID_IncTag'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, $offset, 1)); $offset += 1; $atom_structure['track'][$i]['length'] = $this->quicktime_read_mp4_descr_length($atom_data, $offset); //$offset already adjusted by quicktime_read_mp4_descr_length() $atom_structure['track'][$i]['track_id'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, $offset, 4)); $offset += 4; } $atom_structure['audio_profile_name'] = $this->QuicktimeIODSaudioProfileName($atom_structure['audio_profile_id']); $atom_structure['video_profile_name'] = $this->QuicktimeIODSvideoProfileName($atom_structure['video_profile_id']); break; case 'ftyp': // FileTYPe (?) atom (for MP4 it seems) $atom_structure['signature'] = substr($atom_data, 0, 4); $atom_structure['unknown_1'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 4, 4)); $atom_structure['fourcc'] = substr($atom_data, 8, 4); break; case 'mdat': // Media DATa atom // Media DATa atom case 'free': // FREE space atom // FREE space atom case 'skip': // SKIP atom // SKIP atom case 'wide': // 64-bit expansion placeholder atom // 'mdat' data is too big to deal with, contains no useful metadata // 'free', 'skip' and 'wide' are just padding, contains no useful data at all // When writing QuickTime files, it is sometimes necessary to update an atom's size. // It is impossible to update a 32-bit atom to a 64-bit atom since the 32-bit atom // is only 8 bytes in size, and the 64-bit atom requires 16 bytes. Therefore, QuickTime // puts an 8-byte placeholder atom before any atoms it may have to update the size of. // In this way, if the atom needs to be converted from a 32-bit to a 64-bit atom, the // placeholder atom can be overwritten to obtain the necessary 8 extra bytes. // The placeholder atom has a type of kWideAtomPlaceholderType ( 'wide' ). break; case 'nsav': // NoSAVe atom // http://developer.apple.com/technotes/tn/tn2038.html $atom_structure['data'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 0, 4)); break; case 'ctyp': // Controller TYPe atom (seen on QTVR) // http://homepages.slingshot.co.nz/~helmboy/quicktime/formats/qtm-layout.txt // some controller names are: // 0x00 + 'std' for linear movie // 'none' for no controls $atom_structure['ctyp'] = substr($atom_data, 0, 4); $info['quicktime']['controller'] = $atom_structure['ctyp']; switch ($atom_structure['ctyp']) { case 'qtvr': $info['video']['dataformat'] = 'quicktimevr'; break; } break; case 'pano': // PANOrama track (seen on QTVR) $atom_structure['pano'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 0, 4)); break; case 'hint': // HINT track // HINT track case 'hinf': // // case 'hinv': // // case 'hnti': // $info['quicktime']['hinting'] = true; break; case 'imgt': // IMaGe Track reference (kQTVRImageTrackRefType) (seen on QTVR) for ($i = 0; $i < $atom_structure['size'] - 8; $i += 4) { $atom_structure['imgt'][] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, $i, 4)); } break; // Observed-but-not-handled atom types are just listed here to prevent warnings being generated // Observed-but-not-handled atom types are just listed here to prevent warnings being generated case 'FXTC': // Something to do with Adobe After Effects (?) // Something to do with Adobe After Effects (?) case 'PrmA': case 'code': case 'FIEL': // this is NOT "fiel" (Field Ordering) as describe here: http://developer.apple.com/documentation/QuickTime/QTFF/QTFFChap3/chapter_4_section_2.html // this is NOT "fiel" (Field Ordering) as describe here: http://developer.apple.com/documentation/QuickTime/QTFF/QTFFChap3/chapter_4_section_2.html case 'tapt': // TrackApertureModeDimensionsAID - http://developer.apple.com/documentation/QuickTime/Reference/QT7-1_Update_Reference/Constants/Constants.html // tapt seems to be used to compute the video size [http://www.getid3.org/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?t=838] // * http://lists.apple.com/archives/quicktime-api/2006/Aug/msg00014.html // * http://handbrake.fr/irclogs/handbrake-dev/handbrake-dev20080128_pg2.html // TrackApertureModeDimensionsAID - http://developer.apple.com/documentation/QuickTime/Reference/QT7-1_Update_Reference/Constants/Constants.html // tapt seems to be used to compute the video size [http://www.getid3.org/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?t=838] // * http://lists.apple.com/archives/quicktime-api/2006/Aug/msg00014.html // * http://handbrake.fr/irclogs/handbrake-dev/handbrake-dev20080128_pg2.html case 'ctts': // STCompositionOffsetAID - http://developer.apple.com/documentation/QuickTime/Reference/QTRef_Constants/Reference/reference.html // STCompositionOffsetAID - http://developer.apple.com/documentation/QuickTime/Reference/QTRef_Constants/Reference/reference.html case 'cslg': // STCompositionShiftLeastGreatestAID - http://developer.apple.com/documentation/QuickTime/Reference/QTRef_Constants/Reference/reference.html // STCompositionShiftLeastGreatestAID - http://developer.apple.com/documentation/QuickTime/Reference/QTRef_Constants/Reference/reference.html case 'sdtp': // STSampleDependencyAID - http://developer.apple.com/documentation/QuickTime/Reference/QTRef_Constants/Reference/reference.html // STSampleDependencyAID - http://developer.apple.com/documentation/QuickTime/Reference/QTRef_Constants/Reference/reference.html case 'stps': // STPartialSyncSampleAID - http://developer.apple.com/documentation/QuickTime/Reference/QTRef_Constants/Reference/reference.html //$atom_structure['data'] = $atom_data; break; case '©xyz': // GPS latitude+longitude+altitude $atom_structure['data'] = $atom_data; if (preg_match('#([\\+\\-][0-9\\.]+)([\\+\\-][0-9\\.]+)([\\+\\-][0-9\\.]+)?/$#i', $atom_data, $matches)) { @(list($all, $latitude, $longitude, $altitude) = $matches); $info['quicktime']['comments']['gps_latitude'][] = floatval($latitude); $info['quicktime']['comments']['gps_longitude'][] = floatval($longitude); if (!empty($altitude)) { $info['quicktime']['comments']['gps_altitude'][] = floatval($altitude); } } else { $info['warning'][] = 'QuickTime atom "©xyz" data does not match expected data pattern at offset ' . $baseoffset . '. Please report as GetId3Core() bug.'; } break; case 'NCDT': // http://www.sno.phy.queensu.ca/~phil/exiftool/TagNames/Nikon.html // Nikon-specific QuickTime tags found in the NCDT atom of MOV videos from some Nikon cameras such as the Coolpix S8000 and D5100 $atom_structure['subatoms'] = $this->QuicktimeParseContainerAtom($atom_data, $baseoffset + 4, $atomHierarchy, $ParseAllPossibleAtoms); break; case 'NCTH': // Nikon Camera THumbnail image // Nikon Camera THumbnail image case 'NCVW': // Nikon Camera preVieW image // http://www.sno.phy.queensu.ca/~phil/exiftool/TagNames/Nikon.html if (preg_match('/^\\xFF\\xD8\\xFF/', $atom_data)) { $atom_structure['data'] = $atom_data; $atom_structure['image_mime'] = 'image/jpeg'; $atom_structure['description'] = $atomname == 'NCTH' ? 'Nikon Camera Thumbnail Image' : ($atomname == 'NCVW' ? 'Nikon Camera Preview Image' : 'Nikon preview image'); $info['quicktime']['comments']['picture'][] = array('image_mime' => $atom_structure['image_mime'], 'data' => $atom_data, 'description' => $atom_structure['description']); } break; case 'NCHD': // MakerNoteVersion // http://www.sno.phy.queensu.ca/~phil/exiftool/TagNames/Nikon.html $atom_structure['data'] = $atom_data; break; case 'NCTG': // NikonTags // http://www.sno.phy.queensu.ca/~phil/exiftool/TagNames/Nikon.html#NCTG $atom_structure['data'] = $this->QuicktimeParseNikonNCTG($atom_data); break; case 'NCDB': // NikonTags // http://www.sno.phy.queensu.ca/~phil/exiftool/TagNames/Nikon.html $atom_structure['data'] = $atom_data; break; case "": case 'meta': // METAdata atom // some kind of metacontainer, may contain a big data dump such as: // mdta keys mdtacom.apple.quicktime.make (mdtacom.apple.quicktime.creationdate ,mdtacom.apple.quicktime.location.ISO6709 $mdtacom.apple.quicktime.software !mdtacom.apple.quicktime.model ilst data DEApple 0 (data DE2011-05-11T17:54:04+0200 2 *data DE+52.4936+013.3897+040.247/ data DE4.3.1 data DEiPhone 4 // http://www.geocities.com/xhelmboyx/quicktime/formats/qti-layout.txt $atom_structure['version'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 0, 1)); $atom_structure['flags_raw'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 1, 3)); $atom_structure['subatoms'] = $this->QuicktimeParseContainerAtom(substr($atom_data, 4), $baseoffset + 8, $atomHierarchy, $ParseAllPossibleAtoms); //$atom_structure['subatoms'] = $this->QuicktimeParseContainerAtom($atom_data, $baseoffset + 8, $atomHierarchy, $ParseAllPossibleAtoms); break; case 'data': // metaDATA atom // seems to be 2 bytes language code (ASCII), 2 bytes unknown (set to 0x10B5 in sample I have), remainder is useful data $atom_structure['language'] = substr($atom_data, 4 + 0, 2); $atom_structure['unknown'] = Helper::BigEndian2Int(substr($atom_data, 4 + 2, 2)); $atom_structure['data'] = substr($atom_data, 4 + 4); break; default: $info['warning'][] = 'Unknown QuickTime atom type: "' . $atomname . '" (' . trim(Helper::PrintHexBytes($atomname)) . ') at offset ' . $baseoffset; $atom_structure['data'] = $atom_data; break; } array_pop($atomHierarchy); return $atom_structure; }
/** * @return bool */ public function analyze() { $info =& $this->getid3->info; // shortcuts $info['bmp']['header']['raw'] = array(); $thisfile_bmp =& $info['bmp']; $thisfile_bmp_header =& $thisfile_bmp['header']; $thisfile_bmp_header_raw =& $thisfile_bmp_header['raw']; // BITMAPFILEHEADER [14 bytes] - http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/gdi/bitmaps_62uq.asp // all versions // WORD bfType; // DWORD bfSize; // WORD bfReserved1; // WORD bfReserved2; // DWORD bfOffBits; fseek($this->getid3->fp, $info['avdataoffset'], SEEK_SET); $offset = 0; $BMPheader = fread($this->getid3->fp, 14 + 40); $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['identifier'] = substr($BMPheader, $offset, 2); $offset += 2; $magic = 'BM'; if ($thisfile_bmp_header_raw['identifier'] != $magic) { $info['error'][] = 'Expecting "' . Helper::PrintHexBytes($magic) . '" at offset ' . $info['avdataoffset'] . ', found "' . Helper::PrintHexBytes($thisfile_bmp_header_raw['identifier']) . '"'; unset($info['fileformat']); unset($info['bmp']); return false; } $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['filesize'] = Helper::LittleEndian2Int(substr($BMPheader, $offset, 4)); $offset += 4; $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['reserved1'] = Helper::LittleEndian2Int(substr($BMPheader, $offset, 2)); $offset += 2; $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['reserved2'] = Helper::LittleEndian2Int(substr($BMPheader, $offset, 2)); $offset += 2; $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['data_offset'] = Helper::LittleEndian2Int(substr($BMPheader, $offset, 4)); $offset += 4; $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['header_size'] = Helper::LittleEndian2Int(substr($BMPheader, $offset, 4)); $offset += 4; // check if the hardcoded-to-1 "planes" is at offset 22 or 26 $planes22 = Helper::LittleEndian2Int(substr($BMPheader, 22, 2)); $planes26 = Helper::LittleEndian2Int(substr($BMPheader, 26, 2)); if ($planes22 == 1 && $planes26 != 1) { $thisfile_bmp['type_os'] = 'OS/2'; $thisfile_bmp['type_version'] = 1; } elseif ($planes26 == 1 && $planes22 != 1) { $thisfile_bmp['type_os'] = 'Windows'; $thisfile_bmp['type_version'] = 1; } elseif ($thisfile_bmp_header_raw['header_size'] == 12) { $thisfile_bmp['type_os'] = 'OS/2'; $thisfile_bmp['type_version'] = 1; } elseif ($thisfile_bmp_header_raw['header_size'] == 40) { $thisfile_bmp['type_os'] = 'Windows'; $thisfile_bmp['type_version'] = 1; } elseif ($thisfile_bmp_header_raw['header_size'] == 84) { $thisfile_bmp['type_os'] = 'Windows'; $thisfile_bmp['type_version'] = 4; } elseif ($thisfile_bmp_header_raw['header_size'] == 100) { $thisfile_bmp['type_os'] = 'Windows'; $thisfile_bmp['type_version'] = 5; } else { $info['error'][] = 'Unknown BMP subtype (or not a BMP file)'; unset($info['fileformat']); unset($info['bmp']); return false; } $info['fileformat'] = 'bmp'; $info['video']['dataformat'] = 'bmp'; $info['video']['lossless'] = true; $info['video']['pixel_aspect_ratio'] = (double) 1; if ($thisfile_bmp['type_os'] == 'OS/2') { // OS/2-format BMP // http://netghost.narod.ru/gff/graphics/summary/os2bmp.htm // DWORD Size; /* Size of this structure in bytes */ // DWORD Width; /* Bitmap width in pixels */ // DWORD Height; /* Bitmap height in pixel */ // WORD NumPlanes; /* Number of bit planes (color depth) */ // WORD BitsPerPixel; /* Number of bits per pixel per plane */ $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['width'] = Helper::LittleEndian2Int(substr($BMPheader, $offset, 2)); $offset += 2; $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['height'] = Helper::LittleEndian2Int(substr($BMPheader, $offset, 2)); $offset += 2; $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['planes'] = Helper::LittleEndian2Int(substr($BMPheader, $offset, 2)); $offset += 2; $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['bits_per_pixel'] = Helper::LittleEndian2Int(substr($BMPheader, $offset, 2)); $offset += 2; $info['video']['resolution_x'] = $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['width']; $info['video']['resolution_y'] = $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['height']; $info['video']['codec'] = 'BI_RGB ' . $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['bits_per_pixel'] . '-bit'; $info['video']['bits_per_sample'] = $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['bits_per_pixel']; if ($thisfile_bmp['type_version'] >= 2) { // DWORD Compression; /* Bitmap compression scheme */ // DWORD ImageDataSize; /* Size of bitmap data in bytes */ // DWORD XResolution; /* X resolution of display device */ // DWORD YResolution; /* Y resolution of display device */ // DWORD ColorsUsed; /* Number of color table indices used */ // DWORD ColorsImportant; /* Number of important color indices */ // WORD Units; /* Type of units used to measure resolution */ // WORD Reserved; /* Pad structure to 4-byte boundary */ // WORD Recording; /* Recording algorithm */ // WORD Rendering; /* Halftoning algorithm used */ // DWORD Size1; /* Reserved for halftoning algorithm use */ // DWORD Size2; /* Reserved for halftoning algorithm use */ // DWORD ColorEncoding; /* Color model used in bitmap */ // DWORD Identifier; /* Reserved for application use */ $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['compression'] = Helper::LittleEndian2Int(substr($BMPheader, $offset, 4)); $offset += 4; $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['bmp_data_size'] = Helper::LittleEndian2Int(substr($BMPheader, $offset, 4)); $offset += 4; $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['resolution_h'] = Helper::LittleEndian2Int(substr($BMPheader, $offset, 4)); $offset += 4; $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['resolution_v'] = Helper::LittleEndian2Int(substr($BMPheader, $offset, 4)); $offset += 4; $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['colors_used'] = Helper::LittleEndian2Int(substr($BMPheader, $offset, 4)); $offset += 4; $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['colors_important'] = Helper::LittleEndian2Int(substr($BMPheader, $offset, 4)); $offset += 4; $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['resolution_units'] = Helper::LittleEndian2Int(substr($BMPheader, $offset, 2)); $offset += 2; $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['reserved1'] = Helper::LittleEndian2Int(substr($BMPheader, $offset, 2)); $offset += 2; $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['recording'] = Helper::LittleEndian2Int(substr($BMPheader, $offset, 2)); $offset += 2; $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['rendering'] = Helper::LittleEndian2Int(substr($BMPheader, $offset, 2)); $offset += 2; $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['size1'] = Helper::LittleEndian2Int(substr($BMPheader, $offset, 4)); $offset += 4; $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['size2'] = Helper::LittleEndian2Int(substr($BMPheader, $offset, 4)); $offset += 4; $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['color_encoding'] = Helper::LittleEndian2Int(substr($BMPheader, $offset, 4)); $offset += 4; $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['identifier'] = Helper::LittleEndian2Int(substr($BMPheader, $offset, 4)); $offset += 4; $thisfile_bmp_header['compression'] = $this->BMPcompressionOS2Lookup($thisfile_bmp_header_raw['compression']); $info['video']['codec'] = $thisfile_bmp_header['compression'] . ' ' . $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['bits_per_pixel'] . '-bit'; } } elseif ($thisfile_bmp['type_os'] == 'Windows') { // Windows-format BMP // BITMAPINFOHEADER - [40 bytes] http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/gdi/bitmaps_1rw2.asp // all versions // DWORD biSize; // LONG biWidth; // LONG biHeight; // WORD biPlanes; // WORD biBitCount; // DWORD biCompression; // DWORD biSizeImage; // LONG biXPelsPerMeter; // LONG biYPelsPerMeter; // DWORD biClrUsed; // DWORD biClrImportant; // possibly integrate this section and module.audio-video.riff.php::ParseBITMAPINFOHEADER() ? $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['width'] = Helper::LittleEndian2Int(substr($BMPheader, $offset, 4), true); $offset += 4; $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['height'] = Helper::LittleEndian2Int(substr($BMPheader, $offset, 4), true); $offset += 4; $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['planes'] = Helper::LittleEndian2Int(substr($BMPheader, $offset, 2)); $offset += 2; $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['bits_per_pixel'] = Helper::LittleEndian2Int(substr($BMPheader, $offset, 2)); $offset += 2; $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['compression'] = Helper::LittleEndian2Int(substr($BMPheader, $offset, 4)); $offset += 4; $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['bmp_data_size'] = Helper::LittleEndian2Int(substr($BMPheader, $offset, 4)); $offset += 4; $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['resolution_h'] = Helper::LittleEndian2Int(substr($BMPheader, $offset, 4), true); $offset += 4; $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['resolution_v'] = Helper::LittleEndian2Int(substr($BMPheader, $offset, 4), true); $offset += 4; $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['colors_used'] = Helper::LittleEndian2Int(substr($BMPheader, $offset, 4)); $offset += 4; $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['colors_important'] = Helper::LittleEndian2Int(substr($BMPheader, $offset, 4)); $offset += 4; $thisfile_bmp_header['compression'] = $this->BMPcompressionWindowsLookup($thisfile_bmp_header_raw['compression']); $info['video']['resolution_x'] = $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['width']; $info['video']['resolution_y'] = $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['height']; $info['video']['codec'] = $thisfile_bmp_header['compression'] . ' ' . $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['bits_per_pixel'] . '-bit'; $info['video']['bits_per_sample'] = $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['bits_per_pixel']; if ($thisfile_bmp['type_version'] >= 4 || $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['compression'] == 3) { // should only be v4+, but BMPs with type_version==1 and BI_BITFIELDS compression have been seen $BMPheader .= fread($this->getid3->fp, 44); // BITMAPV4HEADER - [44 bytes] - http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/gdi/bitmaps_2k1e.asp // Win95+, WinNT4.0+ // DWORD bV4RedMask; // DWORD bV4GreenMask; // DWORD bV4BlueMask; // DWORD bV4AlphaMask; // DWORD bV4CSType; // CIEXYZTRIPLE bV4Endpoints; // DWORD bV4GammaRed; // DWORD bV4GammaGreen; // DWORD bV4GammaBlue; $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['red_mask'] = Helper::LittleEndian2Int(substr($BMPheader, $offset, 4)); $offset += 4; $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['green_mask'] = Helper::LittleEndian2Int(substr($BMPheader, $offset, 4)); $offset += 4; $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['blue_mask'] = Helper::LittleEndian2Int(substr($BMPheader, $offset, 4)); $offset += 4; $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['alpha_mask'] = Helper::LittleEndian2Int(substr($BMPheader, $offset, 4)); $offset += 4; $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['cs_type'] = Helper::LittleEndian2Int(substr($BMPheader, $offset, 4)); $offset += 4; $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['ciexyz_red'] = substr($BMPheader, $offset, 4); $offset += 4; $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['ciexyz_green'] = substr($BMPheader, $offset, 4); $offset += 4; $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['ciexyz_blue'] = substr($BMPheader, $offset, 4); $offset += 4; $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['gamma_red'] = Helper::LittleEndian2Int(substr($BMPheader, $offset, 4)); $offset += 4; $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['gamma_green'] = Helper::LittleEndian2Int(substr($BMPheader, $offset, 4)); $offset += 4; $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['gamma_blue'] = Helper::LittleEndian2Int(substr($BMPheader, $offset, 4)); $offset += 4; $thisfile_bmp_header['ciexyz_red'] = Helper::FixedPoint2_30(strrev($thisfile_bmp_header_raw['ciexyz_red'])); $thisfile_bmp_header['ciexyz_green'] = Helper::FixedPoint2_30(strrev($thisfile_bmp_header_raw['ciexyz_green'])); $thisfile_bmp_header['ciexyz_blue'] = Helper::FixedPoint2_30(strrev($thisfile_bmp_header_raw['ciexyz_blue'])); } if ($thisfile_bmp['type_version'] >= 5) { $BMPheader .= fread($this->getid3->fp, 16); // BITMAPV5HEADER - [16 bytes] - http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/gdi/bitmaps_7c36.asp // Win98+, Win2000+ // DWORD bV5Intent; // DWORD bV5ProfileData; // DWORD bV5ProfileSize; // DWORD bV5Reserved; $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['intent'] = Helper::LittleEndian2Int(substr($BMPheader, $offset, 4)); $offset += 4; $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['profile_data_offset'] = Helper::LittleEndian2Int(substr($BMPheader, $offset, 4)); $offset += 4; $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['profile_data_size'] = Helper::LittleEndian2Int(substr($BMPheader, $offset, 4)); $offset += 4; $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['reserved3'] = Helper::LittleEndian2Int(substr($BMPheader, $offset, 4)); $offset += 4; } } else { $info['error'][] = 'Unknown BMP format in header.'; return false; } if ($this->ExtractPalette || $this->ExtractData) { $PaletteEntries = 0; if ($thisfile_bmp_header_raw['bits_per_pixel'] < 16) { $PaletteEntries = pow(2, $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['bits_per_pixel']); } elseif (isset($thisfile_bmp_header_raw['colors_used']) && $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['colors_used'] > 0 && $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['colors_used'] <= 256) { $PaletteEntries = $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['colors_used']; } if ($PaletteEntries > 0) { $BMPpalette = fread($this->getid3->fp, 4 * $PaletteEntries); $paletteoffset = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < $PaletteEntries; ++$i) { // RGBQUAD - http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/gdi/bitmaps_5f8y.asp // BYTE rgbBlue; // BYTE rgbGreen; // BYTE rgbRed; // BYTE rgbReserved; $blue = Helper::LittleEndian2Int(substr($BMPpalette, $paletteoffset++, 1)); $green = Helper::LittleEndian2Int(substr($BMPpalette, $paletteoffset++, 1)); $red = Helper::LittleEndian2Int(substr($BMPpalette, $paletteoffset++, 1)); if ($thisfile_bmp['type_os'] == 'OS/2' && $thisfile_bmp['type_version'] == 1) { // no padding byte } else { ++$paletteoffset; // padding byte } $thisfile_bmp['palette'][$i] = $red << 16 | $green << 8 | $blue; } } } if ($this->ExtractData) { fseek($this->getid3->fp, $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['data_offset'], SEEK_SET); $RowByteLength = ceil($thisfile_bmp_header_raw['width'] * ($thisfile_bmp_header_raw['bits_per_pixel'] / 8) / 4) * 4; // round up to nearest DWORD boundry $BMPpixelData = fread($this->getid3->fp, $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['height'] * $RowByteLength); $pixeldataoffset = 0; $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['compression'] = isset($thisfile_bmp_header_raw['compression']) ? $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['compression'] : ''; switch ($thisfile_bmp_header_raw['compression']) { case 0: // BI_RGB switch ($thisfile_bmp_header_raw['bits_per_pixel']) { case 1: for ($row = $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['height'] - 1; $row >= 0; --$row) { for ($col = 0; $col < $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['width']; $col = $col) { $paletteindexbyte = ord($BMPpixelData[$pixeldataoffset++]); for ($i = 7; $i >= 0; --$i) { $paletteindex = ($paletteindexbyte & 0x1 << $i) >> $i; $thisfile_bmp['data'][$row][$col] = $thisfile_bmp['palette'][$paletteindex]; ++$col; } } while ($pixeldataoffset % 4 != 0) { // lines are padded to nearest DWORD ++$pixeldataoffset; } } break; case 4: for ($row = $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['height'] - 1; $row >= 0; --$row) { for ($col = 0; $col < $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['width']; $col = $col) { $paletteindexbyte = ord($BMPpixelData[$pixeldataoffset++]); for ($i = 1; $i >= 0; --$i) { $paletteindex = ($paletteindexbyte & 0xf << 4 * $i) >> 4 * $i; $thisfile_bmp['data'][$row][$col] = $thisfile_bmp['palette'][$paletteindex]; ++$col; } } while ($pixeldataoffset % 4 != 0) { // lines are padded to nearest DWORD ++$pixeldataoffset; } } break; case 8: for ($row = $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['height'] - 1; $row >= 0; --$row) { for ($col = 0; $col < $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['width']; ++$col) { $paletteindex = ord($BMPpixelData[$pixeldataoffset++]); $thisfile_bmp['data'][$row][$col] = $thisfile_bmp['palette'][$paletteindex]; } while ($pixeldataoffset % 4 != 0) { // lines are padded to nearest DWORD ++$pixeldataoffset; } } break; case 24: for ($row = $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['height'] - 1; $row >= 0; --$row) { for ($col = 0; $col < $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['width']; ++$col) { $thisfile_bmp['data'][$row][$col] = ord($BMPpixelData[$pixeldataoffset + 2]) << 16 | ord($BMPpixelData[$pixeldataoffset + 1]) << 8 | ord($BMPpixelData[$pixeldataoffset]); $pixeldataoffset += 3; } while ($pixeldataoffset % 4 != 0) { // lines are padded to nearest DWORD ++$pixeldataoffset; } } break; case 32: for ($row = $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['height'] - 1; $row >= 0; --$row) { for ($col = 0; $col < $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['width']; ++$col) { $thisfile_bmp['data'][$row][$col] = ord($BMPpixelData[$pixeldataoffset + 3]) << 24 | ord($BMPpixelData[$pixeldataoffset + 2]) << 16 | ord($BMPpixelData[$pixeldataoffset + 1]) << 8 | ord($BMPpixelData[$pixeldataoffset]); $pixeldataoffset += 4; } while ($pixeldataoffset % 4 != 0) { // lines are padded to nearest DWORD ++$pixeldataoffset; } } break; case 16: // ? break; default: $info['error'][] = 'Unknown bits-per-pixel value (' . $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['bits_per_pixel'] . ') - cannot read pixel data'; break; } break; case 1: // BI_RLE8 - http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/gdi/bitmaps_6x0u.asp switch ($thisfile_bmp_header_raw['bits_per_pixel']) { case 8: $pixelcounter = 0; while ($pixeldataoffset < strlen($BMPpixelData)) { $firstbyte = Helper::LittleEndian2Int(substr($BMPpixelData, $pixeldataoffset++, 1)); $secondbyte = Helper::LittleEndian2Int(substr($BMPpixelData, $pixeldataoffset++, 1)); if ($firstbyte == 0) { // escaped/absolute mode - the first byte of the pair can be set to zero to // indicate an escape character that denotes the end of a line, the end of // a bitmap, or a delta, depending on the value of the second byte. switch ($secondbyte) { case 0: // end of line // no need for special processing, just ignore break; case 1: // end of bitmap $pixeldataoffset = strlen($BMPpixelData); // force to exit loop just in case break; case 2: // delta - The 2 bytes following the escape contain unsigned values // indicating the horizontal and vertical offsets of the next pixel // from the current position. $colincrement = Helper::LittleEndian2Int(substr($BMPpixelData, $pixeldataoffset++, 1)); $rowincrement = Helper::LittleEndian2Int(substr($BMPpixelData, $pixeldataoffset++, 1)); $col = $pixelcounter % $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['width'] + $colincrement; $row = $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['height'] - 1 - ($pixelcounter - $col) / $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['width'] - $rowincrement; $pixelcounter = $row * $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['width'] + $col; break; default: // In absolute mode, the first byte is zero and the second byte is a // value in the range 03H through FFH. The second byte represents the // number of bytes that follow, each of which contains the color index // of a single pixel. Each run must be aligned on a word boundary. for ($i = 0; $i < $secondbyte; ++$i) { $paletteindex = Helper::LittleEndian2Int(substr($BMPpixelData, $pixeldataoffset++, 1)); $col = $pixelcounter % $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['width']; $row = $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['height'] - 1 - ($pixelcounter - $col) / $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['width']; $thisfile_bmp['data'][$row][$col] = $thisfile_bmp['palette'][$paletteindex]; ++$pixelcounter; } while ($pixeldataoffset % 2 != 0) { // Each run must be aligned on a word boundary. ++$pixeldataoffset; } break; } } else { // encoded mode - the first byte specifies the number of consecutive pixels // to be drawn using the color index contained in the second byte. for ($i = 0; $i < $firstbyte; ++$i) { $col = $pixelcounter % $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['width']; $row = $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['height'] - 1 - ($pixelcounter - $col) / $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['width']; $thisfile_bmp['data'][$row][$col] = $thisfile_bmp['palette'][$secondbyte]; ++$pixelcounter; } } } break; default: $info['error'][] = 'Unknown bits-per-pixel value (' . $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['bits_per_pixel'] . ') - cannot read pixel data'; break; } break; case 2: // BI_RLE4 - http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/gdi/bitmaps_6x0u.asp switch ($thisfile_bmp_header_raw['bits_per_pixel']) { case 4: $pixelcounter = 0; while ($pixeldataoffset < strlen($BMPpixelData)) { $firstbyte = Helper::LittleEndian2Int(substr($BMPpixelData, $pixeldataoffset++, 1)); $secondbyte = Helper::LittleEndian2Int(substr($BMPpixelData, $pixeldataoffset++, 1)); if ($firstbyte == 0) { // escaped/absolute mode - the first byte of the pair can be set to zero to // indicate an escape character that denotes the end of a line, the end of // a bitmap, or a delta, depending on the value of the second byte. switch ($secondbyte) { case 0: // end of line // no need for special processing, just ignore break; case 1: // end of bitmap $pixeldataoffset = strlen($BMPpixelData); // force to exit loop just in case break; case 2: // delta - The 2 bytes following the escape contain unsigned values // indicating the horizontal and vertical offsets of the next pixel // from the current position. $colincrement = Helper::LittleEndian2Int(substr($BMPpixelData, $pixeldataoffset++, 1)); $rowincrement = Helper::LittleEndian2Int(substr($BMPpixelData, $pixeldataoffset++, 1)); $col = $pixelcounter % $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['width'] + $colincrement; $row = $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['height'] - 1 - ($pixelcounter - $col) / $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['width'] - $rowincrement; $pixelcounter = $row * $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['width'] + $col; break; default: // In absolute mode, the first byte is zero. The second byte contains the number // of color indexes that follow. Subsequent bytes contain color indexes in their // high- and low-order 4 bits, one color index for each pixel. In absolute mode, // each run must be aligned on a word boundary. unset($paletteindexes); for ($i = 0; $i < ceil($secondbyte / 2); ++$i) { $paletteindexbyte = Helper::LittleEndian2Int(substr($BMPpixelData, $pixeldataoffset++, 1)); $paletteindexes[] = ($paletteindexbyte & 0xf0) >> 4; $paletteindexes[] = $paletteindexbyte & 0xf; } while ($pixeldataoffset % 2 != 0) { // Each run must be aligned on a word boundary. ++$pixeldataoffset; } foreach ($paletteindexes as $paletteindex) { $col = $pixelcounter % $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['width']; $row = $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['height'] - 1 - ($pixelcounter - $col) / $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['width']; $thisfile_bmp['data'][$row][$col] = $thisfile_bmp['palette'][$paletteindex]; ++$pixelcounter; } break; } } else { // encoded mode - the first byte of the pair contains the number of pixels to be // drawn using the color indexes in the second byte. The second byte contains two // color indexes, one in its high-order 4 bits and one in its low-order 4 bits. // The first of the pixels is drawn using the color specified by the high-order // 4 bits, the second is drawn using the color in the low-order 4 bits, the third // is drawn using the color in the high-order 4 bits, and so on, until all the // pixels specified by the first byte have been drawn. $paletteindexes[0] = ($secondbyte & 0xf0) >> 4; $paletteindexes[1] = $secondbyte & 0xf; for ($i = 0; $i < $firstbyte; ++$i) { $col = $pixelcounter % $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['width']; $row = $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['height'] - 1 - ($pixelcounter - $col) / $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['width']; $thisfile_bmp['data'][$row][$col] = $thisfile_bmp['palette'][$paletteindexes[$i % 2]]; ++$pixelcounter; } } } break; default: $info['error'][] = 'Unknown bits-per-pixel value (' . $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['bits_per_pixel'] . ') - cannot read pixel data'; break; } break; case 3: // BI_BITFIELDS switch ($thisfile_bmp_header_raw['bits_per_pixel']) { case 16: case 32: $redshift = 0; $greenshift = 0; $blueshift = 0; while (($thisfile_bmp_header_raw['red_mask'] >> $redshift & 0x1) == 0) { ++$redshift; } while (($thisfile_bmp_header_raw['green_mask'] >> $greenshift & 0x1) == 0) { ++$greenshift; } while (($thisfile_bmp_header_raw['blue_mask'] >> $blueshift & 0x1) == 0) { ++$blueshift; } for ($row = $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['height'] - 1; $row >= 0; --$row) { for ($col = 0; $col < $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['width']; ++$col) { $pixelvalue = Helper::LittleEndian2Int(substr($BMPpixelData, $pixeldataoffset, $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['bits_per_pixel'] / 8)); $pixeldataoffset += $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['bits_per_pixel'] / 8; $red = intval(round((($pixelvalue & $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['red_mask']) >> $redshift) / ($thisfile_bmp_header_raw['red_mask'] >> $redshift) * 255)); $green = intval(round((($pixelvalue & $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['green_mask']) >> $greenshift) / ($thisfile_bmp_header_raw['green_mask'] >> $greenshift) * 255)); $blue = intval(round((($pixelvalue & $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['blue_mask']) >> $blueshift) / ($thisfile_bmp_header_raw['blue_mask'] >> $blueshift) * 255)); $thisfile_bmp['data'][$row][$col] = $red << 16 | $green << 8 | $blue; } while ($pixeldataoffset % 4 != 0) { // lines are padded to nearest DWORD ++$pixeldataoffset; } } break; default: $info['error'][] = 'Unknown bits-per-pixel value (' . $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['bits_per_pixel'] . ') - cannot read pixel data'; break; } break; default: // unhandled compression type $info['error'][] = 'Unknown/unhandled compression type value (' . $thisfile_bmp_header_raw['compression'] . ') - cannot decompress pixel data'; break; } } return true; }