public function getForm($formId, $params, $headers) { /** @var DOMElement $form */ $dom = new DomDocument(); libxml_use_internal_errors(true); $dom->loadHTML($this->response()); $xpath = new DOMXpath($dom); $form = $xpath->query("//form[@id='{$formId}']")->item(0); $elements = $xpath->query('//input'); $form_params = []; $allowedTypes = ["hidden", "text", "password"]; foreach ($elements as $element) { /** @var DOMElement $element */ $type = $element->getAttribute("type"); if (in_array($type, $allowedTypes)) { $name = $element->getAttribute("name"); $value = $element->getAttribute("value"); $form_params[$name] = $value; } } $headers = array_merge(["Referer" => $this->baseUri], $headers); $url = Uri::resolve(new Uri($this->baseUri), $form->getAttribute("action"))->__toString(); $method = strtoupper($form->getAttribute("method")); return ["method" => $method, "url" => $url, "headers" => $headers, "params" => array_merge($form_params, $params)]; }
/** * Convert relative links, images scr and form actions to absolute * * @param ElementFinder $page * @param string $affectedUrl */ public static function convertUrlsToAbsolute(ElementFinder $page, $affectedUrl) { $affected = new Uri($affectedUrl); $srcElements = $page->element('//*[@src] | //*[@href] | //form[@action]'); $baseUrl = $page->value('//base/@href')->getFirst(); foreach ($srcElements as $element) { $attributeName = 'href'; if ($element->hasAttribute('action') === true and $element->tagName === 'form') { $attributeName = 'action'; } else { if ($element->hasAttribute('src') === true) { $attributeName = 'src'; } } $relative = $element->getAttribute($attributeName); # don`t change javascript in href if (preg_match('!^\\s*javascript\\s*:\\s*!', $relative)) { continue; } if (parse_url($relative) === false) { continue; } if (!empty($baseUrl) and !preg_match('!^(/|http)!i', $relative)) { $relative = Uri::resolve(new Uri($baseUrl), $relative); } $url = Uri::resolve($affected, (string) $relative); $element->setAttribute($attributeName, (string) $url); } }
/** * @param string $filename * @param string $version * * @return \Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface */ public function uriFor($filename, $version = '') { $filename = original_version($filename); if ($version) { $filename .= ":{$version}"; } return Uri::resolve($this->baseUri, $filename); }
/** * @param $httpMethod * @param $url * @param $blueprint * @param array $options * * @return array * @throws \GuzzleHttp\Exception\GuzzleException */ protected function request($httpMethod, $url, $blueprint, $options = []) { $url = Uri::resolve($this->getBaseUrl(), $url); $this->currentMethod = new ApistMethod($this->getGuzzle(), $url, $blueprint); $this->lastMethod = $this->currentMethod; $this->currentMethod->setMethod($httpMethod); $result = $this->currentMethod->get($options); $this->currentMethod = null; return $result; }
public function get($url, array $options = [], \Closure $processor = null) { $url = Psr7\Uri::resolve($this->baseUri, $url); $response = $this->httpClient->get($url, $options); if (null !== $processor) { $response = $processor($response); } $crawler = new Crawler(null, (string) $url, (string) $this->baseUri); $crawler->addContent($response->getBody()); return $crawler; }
/** * @param string $attribute * @param UriInterface $base */ private function resolveLinkAttribute($attribute, UriInterface $base) { $elements = $this->xpath->query("//*[@{$attribute} and not(contains(@{$attribute}, \"://\"))]"); foreach ($elements as $element) { try { $resolved = Uri::resolve($base, $element->getAttribute($attribute)); $element->setAttribute($attribute, $resolved->__toString()); } catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) { // Tolerate invalid urls } } }
/** * Moves the URI of the queue to the URI in the input parameter. * * @return callable */ private function queueUrl() { return static function (callable $handler) { return function (CommandInterface $c, RequestInterface $r = null) use($handler) { if ($c->hasParam('QueueUrl')) { $uri = Uri::resolve($r->getUri(), $c['QueueUrl']); $r = $r->withUri($uri); } return $handler($c, $r); }; }; }
/** * @param RequestInterface $request * @param bool $forceNew * * @return RequestInterface */ public function signRequest(RequestInterface $request, $forceNew = false) { try { // force-get a new token if it was requested, if not, the regular // caching mechanism will be used so the call is not necessary here. if (true === $forceNew) { $this->pool->getToken($forceNew); } // create a new request with the new uri and the token added to the headers $uri = Uri::resolve(new Uri($this->pool->getEndpointUrl()), $request->getUri()); return $request->withUri($uri)->withHeader('X-Auth-Token', $this->pool->getTokenId()); } catch (TokenException $e) { throw new ClientException('Could not obtain token', $request, null, $e); } }
/** * @param $endpoint * @param ServerRequestInterface $request * * @return ResponseInterface */ public function proxy($endpoint, ServerRequestInterface $request) { /** @var ClientInterface $client */ $client = $this->container->get('bangpound_guzzle_proxy.client.' . $endpoint); $rel = $request->getAttribute('path'); if ($request->getQueryParams()) { $rel .= '?' . \GuzzleHttp\Psr7\build_query($request->getQueryParams()); } $rel = new Uri($rel); $uri = $client->getConfig('base_url'); $uri = new Uri($uri); $uri = Uri::resolve($uri, $rel); $request = \GuzzleHttp\Psr7\modify_request($request, array('uri' => $uri)); $response = $client->send($request); if ($response->hasHeader('Transfer-Encoding')) { $response = $response->withoutHeader('Transfer-Encoding'); } return $response; }
public static function get($path, $query = []) { if (!isset(self::$guzzle)) { self::initUsingConfigFile(); } if (is_array($query)) { $query = self::weedOut($query); $query = http_build_query($query, null, '&', PHP_QUERY_RFC3986); $query = preg_replace('/%5[bB]\\d+%5[dD]=/', '=', $query); } $response = self::$guzzle->get($path, ['query' => $query]); switch ($response->getStatusCode()) { case 200: return json_decode($response->getBody(), true); case 404: return null; default: $uri = Psr7\Uri::resolve(Psr7\uri_for(self::$guzzle->getConfig('base_uri')), $path); $uri = $uri->withQuery($query); throw new ServerException($response->getStatusCode() . " " . $response->getReasonPhrase() . ". URI: " . $uri); } }
/** * @dataProvider getResolveTestCases */ public function testResolvesUris($base, $rel, $expected) { $uri = new Uri($base); $actual = Uri::resolve($uri, $rel); $this->assertEquals($expected, (string) $actual); }
private function buildUri($uri, array $config) { // for BC we accept null which would otherwise fail in uri_for $uri = Psr7\uri_for($uri === null ? '' : $uri); if (isset($config['base_uri'])) { $uri = Psr7\Uri::resolve(Psr7\uri_for($config['base_uri']), $uri); } return $uri->getScheme() === '' ? $uri->withScheme('http') : $uri; }
private function buildUri($uri, array $config) { if (!isset($config['base_uri'])) { return $uri instanceof UriInterface ? $uri : new Psr7\Uri($uri); } return Psr7\Uri::resolve(Psr7\uri_for($config['base_uri']), $uri); }
private function fixUri(Step $step, $uri) { if (!$step->getEndpoint()) { return $uri; } return Psr7\Uri::resolve(Psr7\uri_for($step->getEndpoint()), $uri); }
private function createRequest($uri) { $baseUri = \GuzzleHttp\Psr7\uri_for($this->client->getConfig('base_uri')); $uri = Uri::resolve($baseUri, $uri); return new Request('GET', $uri); }
public function createRequest($method, $uri, array $options = []) { /** @var \Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface $request */ $request = clone $this->defaultRequest; $request = $request->withMethod($method); $request = $request->withUri(GuzzlePsr7\Uri::resolve($request->getUri(), $uri)); $request = $this->applyOptions($request, $options); return $request; }
private function buildEndpoint(Operation $operation, array $args, array $opts) { $varspecs = []; // Create an associative array of varspecs used in expansions foreach ($operation->getInput()->getMembers() as $name => $member) { if ($member['location'] == 'uri') { $varspecs[$member['locationName'] ?: $name] = isset($args[$name]) ? $args[$name] : null; } } $relative = preg_replace_callback('/\\{([^\\}]+)\\}/', function (array $matches) use($varspecs) { $isGreedy = substr($matches[1], -1, 1) == '+'; $k = $isGreedy ? substr($matches[1], 0, -1) : $matches[1]; if (!isset($varspecs[$k])) { return ''; } elseif ($isGreedy) { return str_replace('%2F', '/', rawurlencode($varspecs[$k])); } else { return rawurlencode($varspecs[$k]); } }, $operation['http']['requestUri']); // Add the query string variables or appending to one if needed. if (!empty($opts['query'])) { $append = Psr7\build_query($opts['query']); $relative .= strpos($relative, '?') ? "&{$append}" : "?{$append}"; } // Expand path place holders using Amazon's slightly different URI // template syntax. return Psr7\Uri::resolve($this->endpoint, $relative); }
/** * @inheritdoc */ public function getObjectUrl(SwiftObject $object) { return Uri::resolve($this->getBaseUri(), $object->getPath()); }
/** * @param int $id * @param int|null $pageLimit * @return array * @throws NotFoundException * @throws ScrapeException */ public function getNewspaper($id, $pageLimit = null) { $response = $this->getClient()->get("newspaper/{$id}")->send(); if (!$response->isRedirect()) { throw new ScrapeException(); } $location = $response->getLocation(); if ($location == '/en') { throw new NotFoundException("Newspaper ID:{$id} does not exist."); } $xs = $this->getClient()->get($location)->send()->xpath(); $paginator = new Paginator($xs); $info = $xs->find('//div[@class="newspaper_head"]'); $avatar = $info->find('//img[@class="avatar"]/@src')->extract(); $url = explode('/', $info->find('div[@class="info"]/h1/a[1]/@href')->extract())[3]; $director = $info->find('div[2]/ul[1]/li[1]/a[1]'); $desc = $xs->find('//meta[@name="description"]/@content')->extract(); if (!preg_match('/has (\\d+) articles/', $desc, $articlesCount)) { throw new ScrapeException(); } $em = EntityManager::getInstance(); $countries = $em->getRepository(Country::class); $result = ['director' => ['id' => (int) explode('/', $director->find('@href')->extract())[4], 'name' => $director->find('@title')->extract()], 'name' => $info->find('//h1/a/@title')->extract(), 'url' => Uri::resolve($this->getClient()->getBaseUri(), $location), 'avatar' => str_replace('55x55', '100x100', $avatar), 'country' => $countries->findOneByName($info->find('div[1]/a[1]/img[2]/@title')->extract()), 'subscribers' => (int) $info->find('div[@class="actions"]')->extract(), 'article_count' => (int) $articlesCount[1], 'articles' => []]; $pages = $paginator->getLastPage(); if ($pageLimit !== null && $pages > $pageLimit) { $pages = $pageLimit; } for ($page = 1; $page <= $pages; $page++) { $xs = $this->getClient()->get('newspaper/' . $url . '/' . $page)->send()->xpath(); foreach ($xs->findAll('//div[@class="post"]') as $art) { $title = $art->find('div[2]/h2/a')->extract(); $artUrl = '' . $art->find('div[2]/h2/a/@href')->extract(); $votes = $art->find('div[1]/div[1]/strong')->extract(); $comments = $art->find('div[2]/div[1]/a[1]')->extract(); $date = $art->find('div[2]/div[1]/em')->extract(); try { $category = trim($art->find('div[2]/div[1]/a[3]')->extract()); } catch (NodeNotFoundException $e) { $category = null; } $result['articles'][] = ['title' => $title, 'url' => $artUrl, 'votes' => (int) $votes, 'comments' => (int) $comments, 'date' => self::parseDate($date), 'category' => $category]; } } return $result; }
/** * Set the appropriate URL on the request based on the location header * * @param RequestInterface $request * @param ResponseInterface $response * @param array $protocols * * @return UriInterface */ private function redirectUri(RequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response, array $protocols) { $location = Psr7\Uri::resolve($request->getUri(), $response->getHeaderLine('Location')); // Ensure that the redirect URI is allowed based on the protocols. if (!in_array($location->getScheme(), $protocols)) { throw new BadResponseException(sprintf('Redirect URI, %s, does not use one of the allowed redirect protocols: %s', $location, implode(', ', $protocols)), $request, $response); } return $location; }
/** * @return string */ protected function getAbsoluteUri() { $base = $this->client->getBaseUri(); return !empty($this->uri) ? Uri::resolve(new Uri($base . '/'), $this->uri) : $base; }
/** * @param string $method * @param UriInterface $uri * @return RequestInterface */ public function create($method, UriInterface $uri) { $uri = Uri::resolve($this->baseUri, $uri); $headers = [self::API_KEY_HEADER => $this->apiKey->toNative()]; return new Request($method, $uri, $headers); }
public function getAbsoluteUri($uri) { /** @var $baseUri Psr7Uri **/ $baseUri = $this->client->getConfig('base_uri'); if (strpos($uri, '://') === false) { return new Psr7Uri(Uri::appendPath((string) $baseUri, $uri)); } return Psr7Uri::resolve($baseUri, $uri); }
/** * @param string $path * * @return \Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface */ public function buildUri($path) { return Psr7\Uri::resolve(Psr7\uri_for($this->baseUri), $path); }
/** * @param string|Uri $uri * @return Uri */ private function createUri($uri) { $baseUri = \GuzzleHttp\Psr7\uri_for($this->client->getConfig('base_uri')); return Uri::resolve($baseUri, $uri); }