 public function __construct($url, array $config = [])
     $this->factories = [];
     $this->modules = [];
     $client = new HTTPClient(['base_url' => $url]);
     parent::__construct($client, $config);
  * The SdkClient constructor requires the following constructor options:
  * - api: The Api object used to interact with a web service
  * - credentials: CredentialsInterface object used when signing.
  * - client: {@see GuzzleHttp\Client} used to send requests.
  * - signature: string representing the signature version to use (e.g., v4)
  * - error_parser: A callable that parses response exceptions
  * - serializer: callable used to serialize a request for a provided
  *       CommandTransaction argument. The callable must return a
  *       RequestInterface object.
  * @param array $config Configuration options
  * @throws \InvalidArgumentException if any required options are missing
 public function __construct(array $config)
     static $required = ['api', 'credentials', 'client', 'signature', 'error_parser', 'endpoint', 'serializer', 'store', 'environment'];
     foreach ($required as $r) {
         if (!isset($config[$r])) {
             throw new \InvalidArgumentException("{$r} is a required option");
     $this->serializer = $config['serializer'];
     $this->api = $config['api'];
     $this->endpoint = $config['endpoint'];
     $this->credentials = $config['credentials'];
     $this->signature = $config['signature'];
     $this->errorParser = $config['error_parser'];
     $this->store = isset($config['store']) ? $config['store'] : null;
     $this->environment = isset($config['environment']) ? $config['environment'] : null;
     $this->defaults = isset($config['defaults']) ? $config['defaults'] : [];
     $this->commandException = isset($config['exception_class']) ? $config['exception_class'] : 'SellerCenter\\SDK\\Common\\Exception\\SdkException';
  * The client constructor accepts an associative array of configuration
  * options:
  * - defaults: Associative array of default command parameters to add to
  *   each command created by the client.
  * - validate: Specify if command input is validated (defaults to true).
  *   Changing this setting after the client has been created will have no
  *   effect.
  * - process: Specify if HTTP responses are parsed (defaults to true).
  *   Changing this setting after the client has been created will have no
  *   effect.
  * - response_locations: Associative array of location types mapping to
  *   ResponseLocationInterface objects.
  * - serializer: Optional callable that accepts a CommandTransactions and
  *   returns a serialized request object.
  * @param ClientInterface      $client      HTTP client to use.
  * @param DescriptionInterface $description Guzzle service description
  * @param array                $config      Configuration options
 public function __construct(ClientInterface $client, DescriptionInterface $description, array $config = [])
     parent::__construct($client, $config);
     $this->description = $description;
  * The client constructor accepts the following options:.
  * - api_provider: (callable) An optional PHP callable that accepts a
  *   type, service, and version argument, and returns an array of
  *   corresponding configuration data. The type value can be one of api,
  *   waiter, or paginator.
  * - client: (GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface) Optional Guzzle client used to
  *   transfer requests over the wire. If you do not specify a client, the
  *   SDK will create a new client that uses a shared Ring HTTP handler
  *   with other clients.
  * - credentials:
  *   (array|Vws\Credentials\CredentialsInterface|bool|callable) An
  *   Vws\Credentials\CredentialsInterface object to use with each, an
  *   associative array of "username", "password", and "subscription_token" key value pairs,
  *   `false` to utilize null credentials, or a callable credentials
  *   provider function to create credentials using a function. If no
  *   credentials are provided, the SDK will attempt to load them from the
  *   environment.
  * - debug: (bool|resource) Set to true to display debug information
  *   when sending requests. Provide a stream resource to write debug
  *   information to a specific resource.
  * - endpoint: (string) The full URI of the webservice. This is only
  *   required when connecting to a custom endpoint (e.g., a local version
  *   of S3).
  * - endpoint_provider: (callable) An optional PHP callable that
  *   accepts a hash of options including a service and region key and
  *   returns a hash of endpoint data, of which the endpoint key is
  *   required.
  * - http: (array) Set to an array of Guzzle client request options
  *   (e.g., proxy, verify, etc.). See
  *   http://docs.guzzlephp.org/en/latest/clients.html#request-options for a
  *   list of available options.
  * - profile: (string) Allows you to specify which profile to use when
  *   credentials are created from the Vws credentials file in your HOME
  *   directory. This setting overrides the Vws_PROFILE environment
  *   variable. Note: Specifying "profile" will cause the "credentials" key
  *   to be ignored.
  * - region: (string, required) Region to connect to.
  * - retries: (int, default=int(3)) Configures the maximum number of
  *   allowed retries for a client (pass 0 to disable retries).
  * - retry_logger: (string|Psr\Log\LoggerInterface) When the string "debug"
  *   is provided, all retries will be logged to STDOUT. Provide a PSR-3
  *   logger to log retries to a specific logger instance.
  * - ringphp_handler: (callable) RingPHP handler used to transfer HTTP
  *   requests (see http://ringphp.readthedocs.org/en/latest/).
  * - scheme: (string, default=string(5) "https") URI scheme to use when
  *   connecting connect.
  * - service: (string, required) Name of the service to utilize. This
  *   value will be supplied by default.
  * - validate: (bool, default=bool(true)) Set to false to disable
  *   client-side parameter validation.
  * - version: (string, required) The version of the webservice to
  *   utilize (e.g., 2006-03-01).
  * @param array $args Client configuration arguments.
  * @throws \InvalidArgumentException if any required options are missing
 public function __construct(array $args)
     list($service, $exceptionClass) = $this->parseClass();
     if (!isset($args['service'])) {
         $args['service'] = manifest($service)['endpoint'];
     if (!isset($args['exception_class'])) {
         $this->commandException = $exceptionClass;
     $resolver = new ClientResolver(static::getArguments());
     $config = $resolver->resolve($args, $this->getEmitter());
     $this->api = $config['api'];
     $this->serializer = $config['serializer'];
     $this->errorParser = $config['error_parser'];
     $this->endpoint = $config['endpoint'];
     $this->credentials = $config['credentials'];
     $this->region = isset($config['region']) ? $config['region'] : null;
     parent::__construct($config['client'], $config['config']);
     // Make sure the user agent is prefixed by the SDK version.
     $client = $this->getHttpClient();
     $client->setDefaultOption('allow_redirects', false);
     $client->setDefaultOption('headers/User-Agent', 'vws-sdk-php/' . Sdk::VERSION . ' ' . Client::getDefaultUserAgent());
     if (isset($args['with_resolved'])) {
         /* @var callable $withResolved */