文件: Client.php 项目: norv/guzzle
  * Helper method to find and execute a command.  Magic method calls must be
  * enabled on the client to use this functionality.
  * @param string $method Name of the command object to instantiate
  * @param array  $args   Arguments to pass to the command
  * @return mixed
  * @throws BadMethodCallException when a command is not found or magic
  *     methods are disabled
 public function __call($method, $args = null)
     if ($this->magicMethodBehavior == self::MAGIC_CALL_DISABLED) {
         throw new BadMethodCallException("Missing method {$method}.  Enable magic calls to use magic methods with command names.");
     $command = $this->getCommand(Inflector::snake($method), $args);
     return $this->magicMethodBehavior == self::MAGIC_CALL_RETURN ? $command : $this->execute($command);
  * Create a resource iterator
  * @param CommandInterface $data    Command used for building the iterator
  * @param array            $options Iterator options.
  * @return ResourceIteratorInterface
 public function build($data, array $options = null)
     if (!$data instanceof CommandInterface) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException('The first argument must be an ' . 'instance of CommandInterface');
     // Determine the name of the class to load
     $className = $this->baseNamespace . '\\' . Inflector::camel($data->getName()) . 'Iterator';
     return new $className($data, $options);
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function factory($name, array $args = array())
     // Determine the class to instantiate based on the namespace of the
     // current client and the default location of commands
     $prefix = $this->client->getConfig('command.prefix');
     if (!$prefix) {
         // The prefix can be specified in a factory method and is cached
         $prefix = implode('\\', array_slice(explode('\\', get_class($this->client)), 0, -1)) . '\\Command\\';
         $this->client->getConfig()->set('command.prefix', $prefix);
     $class = $prefix . str_replace(' ', '\\', ucwords(str_replace('.', ' ', Inflector::camel($name))));
     // Create the concrete command if it exists
     if (class_exists($class)) {
         return new $class($args);
  * Enables magic methods for setting parameters.
  * @param string $method Name of the parameter to set
  * @param array  $args   (optional) Arguments to pass to the command
  * @return AbstractCommand
  * @throws BadMethodCallException when a parameter doesn't exist
 public function __call($method, $args = null)
     // Ensure magic method call behavior is enabled
     if (!$this->get('command.magic_method_call')) {
         throw new BadMethodCallException('Magic method calls are disabled ' . 'for this command.  Consider enabling magic method calls by ' . 'setting the command.magic_method_call parameter to true.');
     if ($args && strpos($method, 'set') === 0) {
         // Convert the method into the snake cased parameter key
         $key = Inflector::snake(substr($method, 3));
         // If the parameter exists, set it
         if (array_key_exists($key, $this->apiCommand->getParams())) {
             $this->set($key, $args[0]);
             return $this;
     // If the method is not a set method, or the parameter doesn't exist, fail
     throw new BadMethodCallException("Missing method {$method}.");