 function send_command($command, $piped = false)
     if ($piped) {
         $final_command = '';
         foreach ($command as $v) {
             $final_command .= 'A' . $this->command_number() . ' ' . $v;
         $command = $final_command;
     } else {
         $command = 'A' . $this->command_number() . ' ' . $command;
     if (!is_resource($this->handle)) {
         throw new \Exception("Lost connection to " . $this->server);
     $this->lastCommand = $command;
     if (!fputs($this->handle, $command)) {
         throw new \Exception("Lost connection to " . $this->server);
         //				eturn false;
     if (!empty(\GO::session()->values['debugSql'])) {
         \GO::debug("S: " . $command);
     $this->commands[trim($command)] = \GO\Base\Util\Date::getmicrotime();
文件: Imap.php 项目: ajaboa/crmpuan
  * Handles authentication. You can optionally set
  * $this->starttls or $this->auth to CRAM-MD5
  * @param <type> $username
  * @param <type> $pass
  * @return <type>
 private function authenticate($username, $pass)
     if ($this->starttls) {
         $command = "STARTTLS\r\n";
         $response = $this->get_response();
         if (!empty($response)) {
             $end = array_pop($response);
             if (substr($end, 0, strlen('A' . $this->command_count . ' OK')) == 'A' . $this->command_count . ' OK') {
                 stream_socket_enable_crypto($this->handle, true, STREAM_CRYPTO_METHOD_TLS_CLIENT);
     switch (strtolower($this->auth)) {
         case 'cram-md5':
             $this->banner = fgets($this->handle, 1024);
             $cram1 = 'A' . $this->command_number() . ' AUTHENTICATE CRAM-MD5' . "\r\n";
             fputs($this->handle, $cram1);
             $this->commands[trim($cram1)] = \GO\Base\Util\Date::getmicrotime();
             $response = fgets($this->handle, 1024);
             $this->responses[] = $response;
             $challenge = base64_decode(substr(trim($response), 1));
             $pass .= str_repeat(chr(0x0), 64 - strlen($pass));
             $ipad = str_repeat(chr(0x36), 64);
             $opad = str_repeat(chr(0x5c), 64);
             $digest = bin2hex(pack("H*", md5(($pass ^ $opad) . pack("H*", md5(($pass ^ $ipad) . $challenge)))));
             $challenge_response = base64_encode($username . ' ' . $digest);
             $this->commands[trim($challenge_response)] = \GO\Base\Util\Date::getmicrotime();
             fputs($this->handle, $challenge_response . "\r\n");
             $login = '******' . $this->command_number() . ' LOGIN "' . $this->_escape($username) . '" "' . $this->_escape($pass) . "\"\r\n";
             $this->commands[trim(str_replace($pass, 'xxxx', $login))] = \GO\Base\Util\Date::getmicrotime();
             fputs($this->handle, $login);
     $res = $this->get_response();
     $authed = false;
     if (is_array($res) && !empty($res)) {
         $response = array_pop($res);
         //Sometimes an extra empty line comes along
         if (!$response && count($res) == 2) {
             $response = array_pop($res);
         $this->short_responses[$response] = \GO\Base\Util\Date::getmicrotime();
         if (!$this->auth) {
             if (isset($res[1])) {
                 $this->banner = $res[1];
             if (isset($res[0])) {
                 $this->banner = $res[0];
         if (stristr($response, 'A' . $this->command_count . ' OK')) {
             $authed = true;
             $this->state = 'authed';
             //some imap servers like dovecot respond with the capability after login.
             //Set this in the session so we don't need to do an extra capability command.
             if (($startpos = strpos($response, 'CAPABILITY')) !== false) {
                 \GO::debug("Use capability from login");
                 $endpos = strpos($response, ']', $startpos);
                 if ($endpos) {
                     $capability = substr($response, $startpos, $endpos - $startpos);
                     \GO::session()->values['GO_IMAP'][$this->server]['imap_capability'] = $capability;
         } else {
             //				if(!\GO::config()->debug)
             //					$this->errors[]=$response;
             throw new ImapAuthenticationFailedException('Authententication failed for user ' . $username . ' on IMAP server ' . $this->server . "\n\n" . $response);
     return $authed;
  * Find models
  * Example usage:
  * <code>
  * //create new find params object
  * $params = FindParams::newInstance()
  *   ->joinCustomFields()
  *   ->order('due_time','ASC');
  * //select all from tasklist id = 1
  * $params->getCriteria()->addCondition('tasklist_id,1);
  * //find the tasks
  * $stmt = \GO\Tasks\Model\Task::model()->find($params);
  * //print the names
  * while($task = $stmt->fetch()){
  *	echo $task->name.'&lt;br&gt;';
  * }
  * </code>
  * @param FindParams $params
  * @return static ActiveStatement
 public function find($params = array())
     if (!is_array($params)) {
         if (!$params instanceof FindParams) {
             throw new \Exception('$params parameter for find() must be instance of FindParams');
         if ($params->getParam("export")) {
             GO::session()->values[$params->getParam("export")] = array('name' => $params->getParam("export"), 'model' => $this->className(), 'findParams' => $params, 'totalizeColumns' => $params->getParam('export_totalize_columns'));
         //it must be a FindParams object
         $params = $params->getParams();
     if (!empty($params['single'])) {
         return $this->findSingle($params);
     if (!empty($params['debugSql'])) {
         $this->_debugSql = true;
     } else {
         $this->_debugSql = !empty(GO::session()->values['debugSql']);
     //		$this->_debugSql=true;
     if (GO::$ignoreAclPermissions) {
         $params['ignoreAcl'] = true;
     if (empty($params['userId'])) {
         $params['userId'] = !empty(GO::session()->values['user_id']) ? GO::session()->values['user_id'] : 1;
     if ($this->aclField() && (empty($params['ignoreAcl']) || !empty($params['joinAclFieldTable']))) {
         $aclJoinProps = $this->_getAclJoinProps();
         if (isset($aclJoinProps['relation'])) {
             $params['joinRelations'][$aclJoinProps['relation']['name']] = array('name' => $aclJoinProps['relation']['name'], 'type' => 'INNER');
     $select = "SELECT ";
     if (!empty($params['distinct'])) {
         $select .= "DISTINCT ";
     //Unique query ID for storing found rows in session
     $queryUid = $this->_getFindQueryUid($params);
     if (!empty($params['calcFoundRows']) && !empty($params['limit']) && (empty($params['start']) || !isset(GO::session()->values[$queryUid]))) {
         //TODO: This is MySQL only code
         if ($this->useSqlCalcFoundRows) {
             $select .= "SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS ";
         $calcFoundRows = true;
     } else {
         $calcFoundRows = false;
     //		$select .= "SQL_NO_CACHE ";
     if (empty($params['fields'])) {
         $params['fields'] = $this->getDefaultFindSelectFields(isset($params['limit']) && $params['limit'] == 1);
     $fields = $params['fields'] . ' ';
     $joinRelationSelectFields = '';
     $joinRelationjoins = '';
     if (!empty($params['joinRelations'])) {
         * Relational attributes are fetch as relationname@attribute or
         * relation1@relation2@attribute.
         * In the ActiveRecord constructor these attributes are filtered into a relatedCache array.
         * example query with joinRelation('order.book') on a \GO\Billing\Model\Item:
         * SELECT `t`.`id`, `t`.`order_id`, `t`.`product_id`, `t`.`unit_cost`, `t`.`unit_price`, `t`.`unit_list`, `t`.`unit_total`, `t`.`amount`, `t`.`vat`, `t`.`discount`, `t`.`sort_order`, `t`.`cost_code`, `t`.`markup`, `t`.`order_at_supplier`, `t`.`order_at_supplier_company_id`, `t`.`amount_delivered`, `t`.`unit`, `t`.`item_group_id`, `t`.`extra_cost_status_id` ,
         `order`.`id` AS `order@id`,
         `order`.`project_id` AS `order@project_id`,
         `order`.`status_id` AS `order@status_id`,
         `order`.`book_id` AS `order@book_id`,
         `order`.`language_id` AS `order@language_id`,
         `order`.`user_id` AS `order@user_id`,
         `order`.`order_id` AS `order@order_id`,
         `order`.`po_id` AS `order@po_id`,
         `order`.`company_id` AS `order@company_id`,
         `order`.`contact_id` AS `order@contact_id`,
         `order`.`ctime` AS `order@ctime`,
         `order`.`mtime` AS `order@mtime`,
         `order`.`btime` AS `order@btime`,
         `order`.`ptime` AS `order@ptime`,
         `order`.`costs` AS `order@costs`,
         `order`.`subtotal` AS `order@subtotal`,
         `order`.`vat` AS `order@vat`,
         `order`.`total` AS `order@total`,
         `order`.`authcode` AS `order@authcode`,
         `order`.`frontpage_text` AS `order@frontpage_text`,
         `order`.`customer_name` AS `order@customer_name`,
         `order`.`customer_to` AS `order@customer_to`,
         `order`.`customer_salutation` AS `order@customer_salutation`,
         `order`.`customer_contact_name` AS `order@customer_contact_name`,
         `order`.`customer_address` AS `order@customer_address`,
         `order`.`customer_address_no` AS `order@customer_address_no`,
         `order`.`customer_zip` AS `order@customer_zip`,
         `order`.`customer_city` AS `order@customer_city`,
         `order`.`customer_state` AS `order@customer_state`,
         `order`.`customer_country` AS `order@customer_country`,
         `order`.`customer_vat_no` AS `order@customer_vat_no`,
         `order`.`customer_crn` AS `order@customer_crn`,
         `order`.`customer_email` AS `order@customer_email`,
         `order`.`customer_extra` AS `order@customer_extra`,
         `order`.`webshop_id` AS `order@webshop_id`,
         `order`.`recur_type` AS `order@recur_type`,
         `order`.`payment_method` AS `order@payment_method`,
         `order`.`recurred_order_id` AS `order@recurred_order_id`,
         `order`.`reference` AS `order@reference`,
         `order`.`order_bonus_points` AS `order@order_bonus_points`,
         `order`.`pagebreak` AS `order@pagebreak`,
         `order`.`files_folder_id` AS `order@files_folder_id`,
         `order`.`cost_code` AS `order@cost_code`,
         `order`.`for_warehouse` AS `order@for_warehouse`,
         `order`.`dtime` AS `order@dtime`,
         `book`.`id` AS `order@book@id`,
         `book`.`user_id` AS `order@book@user_id`,
         `book`.`name` AS `order@book@name`,
         `book`.`acl_id` AS `order@book@acl_id`,
         `book`.`order_id_prefix` AS `order@book@order_id_prefix`,
         `book`.`show_statuses` AS `order@book@show_statuses`,
         `book`.`next_id` AS `order@book@next_id`,
         `book`.`default_vat` AS `order@book@default_vat`,
         `book`.`currency` AS `order@book@currency`,
         `book`.`order_csv_template` AS `order@book@order_csv_template`,
         `book`.`item_csv_template` AS `order@book@item_csv_template`,
         `book`.`country` AS `order@book@country`,
         `book`.`bcc` AS `order@book@bcc`,
         `book`.`call_after_days` AS `order@book@call_after_days`,
         `book`.`sender_email` AS `order@book@sender_email`,
         `book`.`sender_name` AS `order@book@sender_name`,
         `book`.`is_purchase_orders_book` AS `order@book@is_purchase_orders_book`,
         `book`.`backorder_status_id` AS `order@book@backorder_status_id`,
         `book`.`delivered_status_id` AS `order@book@delivered_status_id`,
         `book`.`reversal_status_id` AS `order@book@reversal_status_id`,
         `book`.`addressbook_id` AS `order@book@addressbook_id`,
         `book`.`files_folder_id` AS `order@book@files_folder_id`,
         `book`.`import_status_id` AS `order@book@import_status_id`,
         `book`.`import_notify_customer` AS `order@book@import_notify_customer`,
         `book`.`import_duplicate_to_book` AS `order@book@import_duplicate_to_book`,
         `book`.`import_duplicate_status_id` AS `order@book@import_duplicate_status_id`
         FROM `bs_items` t
         INNER JOIN `bs_orders` `order` ON (`order`.`id`=`t`.`order_id`)
         INNER JOIN `bs_books` `book` ON (`book`.`id`=`order`.`book_id`)
         WHERE 1
         AND `t`.`product_id` = "426" AND `order`.`btime` < "1369143782" AND `order`.`btime` > "0"
         ORDER BY `book`.`name` ASC ,`order`.`btime` DESC
         foreach ($params['joinRelations'] as $joinRelation) {
             $names = explode('.', $joinRelation['name']);
             $relationModel = $this;
             $relationAlias = 't';
             $attributePrefix = '';
             foreach ($names as $name) {
                 $r = $relationModel->getRelation($name);
                 $attributePrefix .= $name . '@';
                 if (!$r) {
                     throw new \Exception("Can't join non existing relation '" . $name . '"');
                 $model = GO::getModel($r['model']);
                 $joinRelationjoins .= "\n" . $joinRelation['type'] . " JOIN `" . $model->tableName() . '` `' . $name . '` ON (';
                 switch ($r['type']) {
                     case self::BELONGS_TO:
                         $joinRelationjoins .= '`' . $name . '`.`' . $model->primaryKey() . '`=`' . $relationAlias . '`.`' . $r['field'] . '`';
                     case self::HAS_ONE:
                     case self::HAS_MANY:
                         if (is_array($r['field'])) {
                             $conditions = array();
                             foreach ($r['field'] as $my => $foreign) {
                                 $conditions[] = '`' . $name . '`.`' . $foreign . '`=t.`' . $my . '`';
                             $joinRelationjoins .= implode(' AND ', $conditions);
                         } else {
                             $joinRelationjoins .= '`' . $name . '`.`' . $r['field'] . '`=t.`' . $this->primaryKey() . '`';
                         throw new \Exception("The relation type of " . $name . " is not supported by joinRelation or groupRelation");
                 $joinRelationjoins .= ') ';
                 //if a diffent fetch class is passed then we should not join the relational fields because it makes no sense.
                 //\GO\Base\Model\Grouped does this for example.
                 if (empty($params['fetchClass'])) {
                     $cols = $model->getColumns();
                     foreach ($cols as $field => $props) {
                         $joinRelationSelectFields .= ",\n`" . $name . '`.`' . $field . '` AS `' . $attributePrefix . $field . '`';
                 $relationModel = $model;
                 $relationAlias = $name;
     $joinCf = !empty($params['joinCustomFields']) && $this->customfieldsModel() && GO::modules()->customfields && GO::modules()->customfields->permissionLevel;
     if ($joinCf) {
         $cfModel = GO::getModel($this->customfieldsModel());
         $selectFields = $cfModel->getDefaultFindSelectFields(isset($params['limit']) && $params['limit'] == 1, 'cf');
         if (!empty($selectFields)) {
             $fields .= ", " . $selectFields;
     $fields .= $joinRelationSelectFields;
     if (!empty($params['groupRelationSelect'])) {
         $fields .= ",\n" . $params['groupRelationSelect'];
     $from = "\nFROM `" . $this->tableName() . "` t " . $joinRelationjoins;
     $joins = "";
     if (!empty($params['linkModel'])) {
         //passed in case of a MANY_MANY relation query
         $linkModel = new $params['linkModel']();
         $primaryKeys = $linkModel->primaryKey();
         if (!is_array($primaryKeys)) {
             throw new \Exception("Fatal error: Primary key of linkModel '" . $params['linkModel'] . "' in relation '" . $params['relation'] . "' should be an array.");
         $remoteField = $primaryKeys[0] == $params['linkModelLocalField'] ? $primaryKeys[1] : $primaryKeys[0];
         $joins .= "\nINNER JOIN `" . $linkModel->tableName() . "` link_t ON t.`" . $this->primaryKey() . "`= link_t." . $remoteField . ' ';
     if ($joinCf) {
         $joins .= "\nLEFT JOIN `" . $cfModel->tableName() . "` cf ON cf.model_id=t.id ";
     if (isset($aclJoinProps) && empty($params['ignoreAcl'])) {
         $joins .= $this->_appendAclJoin($params, $aclJoinProps);
     if (isset($params['join'])) {
         $joins .= "\n" . $params['join'];
     //testing with subquery
     //		if($this->aclField() && empty($params['ignoreAcl'])){
     //			//quick and dirty way to use and in next sql build blocks
     //			$sql .= "\nWHERE ";
     //			$sql .= "\nEXISTS (SELECT level FROM go_acl WHERE `".$aclJoin['table']."`.`".$aclJoin['aclField']."` = go_acl.acl_id";
     //			if(isset($params['permissionLevel']) && $params['permissionLevel']>\GO\Base\Model\Acl::READ_PERMISSION){
     //				$sql .= " AND go_acl.level>=".intval($params['permissionLevel']);
     //			}
     //			$groupIds = \GO\Base\Model\User::getGroupIds($params['userId']);
     //			if(!empty($params['ignoreAdminGroup'])){
     //				$key = array_search(GO::config()->group_root, $groupIds);
     //				if($key!==false)
     //					unset($groupIds[$key]);
     //			}
     //			$sql .= " AND (go_acl.user_id=".intval($params['userId'])." OR go_acl.group_id IN (".implode(',',$groupIds)."))) ";
     //		}else
     //		{
     $where = "\nWHERE 1 ";
     //		}
     if (isset($params['criteriaObject'])) {
         $conditionSql = $params['criteriaObject']->getCondition();
         if (!empty($conditionSql)) {
             $where .= "\nAND" . $conditionSql;
     //		if(!empty($params['criteriaSql']))
     //			$sql .= $params['criteriaSql'];
     $where = self::_appendByParamsToSQL($where, $params);
     if (isset($params['where'])) {
         $where .= "\nAND " . $params['where'];
     if (isset($linkModel)) {
         //$primaryKeys = $linkModel->primaryKey();
         //$remoteField = $primaryKeys[0]==$params['linkModelLocalField'] ? $primaryKeys[1] : $primaryKeys[0];
         $where .= " \nAND link_t.`" . $params['linkModelLocalField'] . "` = " . intval($params['linkModelLocalPk']) . " ";
     if (!empty($params['searchQuery'])) {
         $where .= " \nAND (";
         if (empty($params['searchQueryFields'])) {
             $searchFields = $this->getFindSearchQueryParamFields('t', $joinCf);
         } else {
             $searchFields = $params['searchQueryFields'];
         if (empty($searchFields)) {
             throw new \Exception("No automatic search fields defined for " . $this->className() . ". Maybe this model has no varchar fields? You can override function getFindSearchQueryParamFields() or you can supply them with FindParams::searchFields()");
         //`name` LIKE "test" OR `content` LIKE "test"
         $first = true;
         foreach ($searchFields as $searchField) {
             if ($first) {
                 $first = false;
             } else {
                 $where .= ' OR ';
             $where .= $searchField . ' LIKE ' . $this->getDbConnection()->quote($params['searchQuery'], PDO::PARAM_STR);
         if ($this->primaryKey() == 'id') {
             //Searc on exact ID match too.
             $idQuery = trim($params['searchQuery'], '% ');
             if (intval($idQuery) . "" === $idQuery) {
                 if ($first) {
                     $first = false;
                 } else {
                     $where .= ' OR ';
                 $where .= 't.id=' . intval($idQuery);
         $where .= ') ';
     $group = "";
     if ($this->aclField() && empty($params['ignoreAcl']) && (empty($params['limit']) || $params['limit'] != 1)) {
         //add group by pk so acl join won't return duplicate rows. Don't do this with limit=1 because that makes no sense and causes overhead.
         $pk = is_array($this->primaryKey()) ? $this->primaryKey() : array($this->primaryKey());
         $group .= "\nGROUP BY t.`" . implode('`,t.`', $pk) . "` ";
         if (isset($params['group'])) {
             $group .= ", ";
     } elseif (isset($params['group'])) {
         $group .= "\nGROUP BY ";
     if (isset($params['group'])) {
         if (!is_array($params['group'])) {
             $params['group'] = array($params['group']);
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($params['group']); $i++) {
             if ($i > 0) {
                 $group .= ', ';
             $group .= $this->_quoteColumnName($params['group'][$i]) . ' ';
     if (isset($params['having'])) {
         $group .= "\nHAVING " . $params['having'];
     $order = "";
     if (!empty($params['order'])) {
         $order .= "\nORDER BY ";
         if (!is_array($params['order'])) {
             $params['order'] = array($params['order']);
         if (!isset($params['orderDirection'])) {
             $params['orderDirection'] = array('ASC');
         } elseif (!is_array($params['orderDirection'])) {
             $params['orderDirection'] = array($params['orderDirection']);
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($params['order']); $i++) {
             if ($i > 0) {
                 $order .= ',';
             $order .= $this->_quoteColumnName($params['order'][$i]) . ' ';
             if (isset($params['orderDirection'][$i])) {
                 $order .= strtoupper($params['orderDirection'][$i]) == 'ASC' ? 'ASC ' : 'DESC ';
             } else {
                 $order .= strtoupper($params['orderDirection'][0]) == 'ASC' ? 'ASC ' : 'DESC ';
     $limit = "";
     if (!empty($params['limit'])) {
         if (!isset($params['start'])) {
             $params['start'] = 0;
         $limit .= "\nLIMIT " . intval($params['start']) . ',' . intval($params['limit']);
     $sql = $select . $fields . $from . $joins . $where . $group . $order . $limit;
     if ($this->_debugSql) {
         $this->_debugSql($params, $sql);
     try {
         if ($this->_debugSql) {
             $start = \GO\Base\Util\Date::getmicrotime();
         $result = $this->getDbConnection()->prepare($sql);
         if (isset($params['criteriaObject'])) {
             $criteriaObjectParams = $params['criteriaObject']->getParams();
             foreach ($criteriaObjectParams as $param => $value) {
                 $result->bindValue($param, $value[0], $value[1]);
         } elseif (isset($params['bindParams'])) {
             $result = $this->getDbConnection()->prepare($sql);
         } else {
             $result = $this->getDbConnection()->query($sql);
         if ($this->_debugSql) {
             $end = \GO\Base\Util\Date::getmicrotime();
             GO::debug("SQL Query took: " . ($end - $start));
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $msg = $e->getMessage();
         if (GO::config()->debug) {
             $msg .= "\n\nFull SQL Query: " . $sql;
             if (isset($params['bindParams'])) {
                 $msg .= "\nBind params: " . var_export($params['bindParams'], true);
             if (isset($criteriaObjectParams)) {
                 $msg .= "\nBind params: " . var_export($criteriaObjectParams, true);
             $msg .= "\n\n" . $e->getTraceAsString();
         //SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'progress' in 'order clause
         if (strpos($msg, 'order clause') !== false && strpos($msg, 'Unknown column') !== false) {
             $msg = GO::t('sortOrderError');
         throw new \Exception($msg);
     $AS = new ActiveStatement($result, $this);
     if (!empty($params['calcFoundRows'])) {
         if (!empty($params['limit'])) {
             //Total numbers are cached in session when browsing through pages.
             if ($calcFoundRows) {
                 if ($this->useSqlCalcFoundRows) {
                     //					//TODO: This is MySQL only code
                     $sql = "SELECT FOUND_ROWS() as found;";
                     $r2 = $this->getDbConnection()->query($sql);
                     $record = $r2->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
                     //$foundRows = intval($record['found']);
                     $foundRows = GO::session()->values[$queryUid] = intval($record['found']);
                 } else {
                     $countField = is_array($this->primaryKey()) ? '*' : 't.' . $this->primaryKey();
                     $sql = $select . 'COUNT(' . $countField . ') AS found ' . $from . $joins . $where;
                     //						GO::debug($sql);
                     if ($this->_debugSql) {
                         $this->_debugSql($params, $sql);
                         $start = \GO\Base\Util\Date::getmicrotime();
                     $r2 = $this->getDbConnection()->prepare($sql);
                     if (isset($params['criteriaObject'])) {
                         $criteriaObjectParams = $params['criteriaObject']->getParams();
                         foreach ($criteriaObjectParams as $param => $value) {
                             $r2->bindValue($param, $value[0], $value[1]);
                     } elseif (isset($params['bindParams'])) {
                         $r2 = $this->getDbConnection()->prepare($sql);
                     } else {
                         $r2 = $this->getDbConnection()->query($sql);
                     if ($this->_debugSql) {
                         $end = \GO\Base\Util\Date::getmicrotime();
                         GO::debug("SQL Count Query took: " . ($end - $start));
                     $record = $r2->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
                     //$foundRows = intval($record['found']);
                     $foundRows = GO::session()->values[$queryUid] = intval($record['found']);
             } else {
                 $foundRows = GO::session()->values[$queryUid];
             $AS->foundRows = $foundRows;
     //		//$result->setFetchMode(PDO::FETCH_CLASS | PDO::FETCH_PROPS_LATE, $this->className());
     //		if($fetchObject)
     //			$result->setFetchMode(PDO::FETCH_CLASS, $this->className(),array(false));
     //		else
     //			$result->setFetchMode (PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
     //TODO these values should be set on findByPk too.
     $AS->findParams = $params;
     if (isset($params['relation'])) {
         $AS->relation = $params['relation'];
     if (!empty($params['fetchClass'])) {
         $AS->stmt->setFetchMode(PDO::FETCH_CLASS, $params['fetchClass']);
     return $AS;
文件: GO.php 项目: ajaboa/crmpuan
 public static function debugPageLoadTime($id)
     $time = \GO\Base\Util\Date::getmicrotime() - self::$_scriptStartTime;
     \GO::debug("Script running at [{$id}] for " . $time . "ms");