 public function getInstallInserts()
     $backendAppKey = TokenGenerator::generateAppKey();
     $backendAppSecret = TokenGenerator::generateAppSecret();
     $consumerAppKey = TokenGenerator::generateAppKey();
     $consumerAppSecret = TokenGenerator::generateAppSecret();
     $password = \password_hash(TokenGenerator::generateUserPassword(), PASSWORD_DEFAULT);
     $parser = new Parser();
     $now = new DateTime();
     $schema = $this->getPassthruSchema();
     $cache = $parser->parse($schema);
     $response = $this->getWelcomeResponse();
     return ['fusio_user' => [['status' => 1, 'name' => 'Administrator', 'email' => '*****@*****.**', 'password' => $password, 'date' => $now->format('Y-m-d H:i:s')]], 'fusio_app' => [['userId' => 1, 'status' => 1, 'name' => 'Backend', 'url' => 'http://fusio-project.org', 'parameters' => '', 'appKey' => $backendAppKey, 'appSecret' => $backendAppSecret, 'date' => $now->format('Y-m-d H:i:s')], ['userId' => 1, 'status' => 1, 'name' => 'Consumer', 'url' => 'http://fusio-project.org', 'parameters' => '', 'appKey' => $consumerAppKey, 'appSecret' => $consumerAppSecret, 'date' => $now->format('Y-m-d H:i:s')]], 'fusio_config' => [['name' => 'app_approval', 'type' => Table\Config::FORM_BOOLEAN, 'description' => 'If true the status of a new app is PENDING so that an administrator has to manually activate the app', 'value' => 0], ['name' => 'app_consumer', 'type' => Table\Config::FORM_NUMBER, 'description' => 'The max amount of apps a consumer can register', 'value' => 16], ['name' => 'scopes_default', 'type' => Table\Config::FORM_STRING, 'description' => 'If a user registers through the consumer API the following scopes are assigned', 'value' => 'authorization,consumer'], ['name' => 'mail_register_subject', 'type' => Table\Config::FORM_STRING, 'description' => 'Subject of the activation mail', 'value' => 'Fusio registration'], ['name' => 'mail_register_body', 'type' => Table\Config::FORM_TEXT, 'description' => 'Body of the activation mail', 'value' => 'Hello {name},' . "\n\n" . 'you have successful registered at Fusio.' . "\n" . 'To activate you account please visit the following link:' . "\n" . '{token}'], ['name' => 'mail_sender', 'type' => Table\Config::FORM_STRING, 'description' => 'Email address which is used in the "From" header', 'value' => ''], ['name' => 'provider_facebook_secret', 'type' => Table\Config::FORM_STRING, 'description' => 'Facebook app secret', 'value' => ''], ['name' => 'provider_google_secret', 'type' => Table\Config::FORM_STRING, 'description' => 'Google app secret', 'value' => ''], ['name' => 'provider_github_secret', 'type' => Table\Config::FORM_STRING, 'description' => 'GitHub app secret', 'value' => ''], ['name' => 'recaptcha_secret', 'type' => Table\Config::FORM_STRING, 'description' => 'ReCaptcha secret', 'value' => ''], ['name' => 'cors_allow_origin', 'type' => Table\Config::FORM_STRING, 'description' => 'If set each API response contains a Access-Control-Allow-Origin header with the provided value', 'value' => '']], 'fusio_connection' => [], 'fusio_connection_class' => [['class' => 'Fusio\\Adapter\\Sql\\Connection\\DBAL'], ['class' => 'Fusio\\Adapter\\Sql\\Connection\\DBALAdvanced']], 'fusio_scope' => [['name' => 'backend', 'description' => 'Access to the backend API'], ['name' => 'consumer', 'description' => 'Consumer API endpoint'], ['name' => 'authorization', 'description' => 'Authorization API endpoint']], 'fusio_action' => [['status' => 1, 'name' => 'Welcome', 'class' => 'Fusio\\Adapter\\Util\\Action\\UtilStaticResponse', 'config' => serialize(['response' => $response]), 'date' => $now->format('Y-m-d H:i:s')]], 'fusio_action_class' => [['class' => 'Fusio\\Adapter\\V8\\Action\\V8Processor'], ['class' => 'Fusio\\Adapter\\Util\\Action\\UtilStaticResponse'], ['class' => 'Fusio\\Adapter\\Sql\\Action\\SqlTable']], 'fusio_schema' => [['status' => 1, 'name' => 'Passthru', 'source' => $schema, 'cache' => $cache]], 'fusio_rate' => [['status' => 1, 'priority' => 0, 'name' => 'Default', 'rateLimit' => 720, 'timespan' => 'PT1H'], ['status' => 1, 'priority' => 4, 'name' => 'Default-Anonymous', 'rateLimit' => 60, 'timespan' => 'PT1H']], 'fusio_rate_allocation' => [['rateId' => 1], ['rateId' => 2, 'authenticated' => 0]], 'fusio_routes' => [['status' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE', 'path' => '/backend/action', 'controller' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Backend\\Api\\Action\\Collection'], ['status' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET', 'path' => '/backend/action/list', 'controller' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Backend\\Api\\Action\\ListActions::doIndex'], ['status' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET', 'path' => '/backend/action/form', 'controller' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Backend\\Api\\Action\\ListActions::doDetail'], ['status' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE', 'path' => '/backend/action/:action_id', 'controller' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Backend\\Api\\Action\\Entity'], ['status' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE', 'path' => '/backend/action/execute/:action_id', 'controller' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Backend\\Api\\Action\\Execute'], ['status' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE', 'path' => '/backend/app', 'controller' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Backend\\Api\\App\\Collection'], ['status' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE', 'path' => '/backend/app/:app_id', 'controller' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Backend\\Api\\App\\Entity'], ['status' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE', 'path' => '/backend/app/:app_id/token/:token_id', 'controller' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Backend\\Api\\App\\Token'], ['status' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE', 'path' => '/backend/config', 'controller' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Backend\\Api\\Config\\Collection'], ['status' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE', 'path' => '/backend/config/:config_id', 'controller' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Backend\\Api\\Config\\Entity'], ['status' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE', 'path' => '/backend/connection', 'controller' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Backend\\Api\\Connection\\Collection'], ['status' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET', 'path' => '/backend/connection/list', 'controller' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Backend\\Api\\Connection\\ListConnections::doIndex'], ['status' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET', 'path' => '/backend/connection/form', 'controller' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Backend\\Api\\Connection\\ListConnections::doDetail'], ['status' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE', 'path' => '/backend/connection/:connection_id', 'controller' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Backend\\Api\\Connection\\Entity'], ['status' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE', 'path' => '/backend/log', 'controller' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Backend\\Api\\Log\\Collection'], ['status' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE', 'path' => '/backend/log/:log_id', 'controller' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Backend\\Api\\Log\\Entity'], ['status' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE', 'path' => '/backend/rate', 'controller' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Backend\\Api\\Rate\\Collection'], ['status' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE', 'path' => '/backend/rate/:rate_id', 'controller' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Backend\\Api\\Rate\\Entity'], ['status' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE', 'path' => '/backend/routes', 'controller' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Backend\\Api\\Routes\\Collection'], ['status' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE', 'path' => '/backend/routes/:route_id', 'controller' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Backend\\Api\\Routes\\Entity'], ['status' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE', 'path' => '/backend/schema', 'controller' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Backend\\Api\\Schema\\Collection'], ['status' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE', 'path' => '/backend/schema/:schema_id', 'controller' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Backend\\Api\\Schema\\Entity'], ['status' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE', 'path' => '/backend/schema/preview/:schema_id', 'controller' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Backend\\Api\\Schema\\Preview'], ['status' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE', 'path' => '/backend/scope', 'controller' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Backend\\Api\\Scope\\Collection'], ['status' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE', 'path' => '/backend/scope/:scope_id', 'controller' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Backend\\Api\\Scope\\Entity'], ['status' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE', 'path' => '/backend/user', 'controller' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Backend\\Api\\User\\Collection'], ['status' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE', 'path' => '/backend/user/:user_id', 'controller' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Backend\\Api\\User\\Entity'], ['status' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET', 'path' => '/backend/dashboard/latest_requests', 'controller' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Backend\\Api\\Dashboard\\LatestRequests'], ['status' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET', 'path' => '/backend/dashboard/latest_apps', 'controller' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Backend\\Api\\Dashboard\\LatestApps'], ['status' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET', 'path' => '/backend/statistic/incoming_requests', 'controller' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Backend\\Api\\Statistic\\IncomingRequests'], ['status' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET', 'path' => '/backend/statistic/most_used_routes', 'controller' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Backend\\Api\\Statistic\\MostUsedRoutes'], ['status' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET', 'path' => '/backend/statistic/most_used_apps', 'controller' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Backend\\Api\\Statistic\\MostUsedApps'], ['status' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET', 'path' => '/backend/statistic/errors_per_route', 'controller' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Backend\\Api\\Statistic\\ErrorsPerRoute'], ['status' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE', 'path' => '/backend/account/change_password', 'controller' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Backend\\Api\\Account\\ChangePassword'], ['status' => 1, 'methods' => 'POST', 'path' => '/backend/import/process', 'controller' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Backend\\Api\\Import\\Process'], ['status' => 1, 'methods' => 'POST', 'path' => '/backend/import/:format', 'controller' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Backend\\Api\\Import\\Format'], ['status' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST', 'path' => '/backend/token', 'controller' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Backend\\Authorization\\Token'], ['status' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE', 'path' => '/consumer/app/developer', 'controller' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Consumer\\Api\\App\\Developer\\Collection'], ['status' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE', 'path' => '/consumer/app/developer/:app_id', 'controller' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Consumer\\Api\\App\\Developer\\Entity'], ['status' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE', 'path' => '/consumer/app/grant', 'controller' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Consumer\\Api\\App\\Grant\\Collection'], ['status' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE', 'path' => '/consumer/app/grant/:grant_id', 'controller' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Consumer\\Api\\App\\Grant\\Entity'], ['status' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE', 'path' => '/consumer/app/meta', 'controller' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Consumer\\Api\\App\\Meta\\Entity'], ['status' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE', 'path' => '/consumer/authorize', 'controller' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Consumer\\Api\\Authorize'], ['status' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE', 'path' => '/consumer/scope', 'controller' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Consumer\\Api\\Scope\\Collection'], ['status' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST', 'path' => '/consumer/token', 'controller' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Consumer\\Authorization\\Token'], ['status' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE', 'path' => '/consumer/login', 'controller' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Consumer\\Api\\Login'], ['status' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE', 'path' => '/consumer/register', 'controller' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Consumer\\Api\\Register'], ['status' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE', 'path' => '/consumer/provider/:provider', 'controller' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Consumer\\Api\\Provider'], ['status' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE', 'path' => '/consumer/activate', 'controller' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Consumer\\Api\\Activate'], ['status' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE', 'path' => '/consumer/account', 'controller' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Consumer\\Api\\Account'], ['status' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE', 'path' => '/consumer/account/change_password', 'controller' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Consumer\\Api\\Account\\ChangePassword'], ['status' => 1, 'methods' => 'POST', 'path' => '/authorization/revoke', 'controller' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Authorization\\Revoke'], ['status' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST', 'path' => '/authorization/token', 'controller' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Authorization\\Token'], ['status' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET', 'path' => '/authorization/whoami', 'controller' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Authorization\\Whoami'], ['status' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET', 'path' => '/doc', 'controller' => 'PSX\\Framework\\Controller\\Tool\\DocumentationController::doIndex'], ['status' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET', 'path' => '/doc/:version/*path', 'controller' => 'PSX\\Framework\\Controller\\Tool\\DocumentationController::doDetail'], ['status' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET', 'path' => '/export/wsdl/:version/*path', 'controller' => 'PSX\\Framework\\Controller\\Generator\\WsdlController'], ['status' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET', 'path' => '/export/raml/:version/*path', 'controller' => 'PSX\\Framework\\Controller\\Generator\\RamlController'], ['status' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET', 'path' => '/export/swagger/:version/*path', 'controller' => 'PSX\\Framework\\Controller\\Generator\\SwaggerController::doDetail'], ['status' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE', 'path' => '/', 'controller' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Controller\\SchemaApiController']], 'fusio_routes_method' => [['routeId' => 60, 'method' => 'GET', 'version' => 1, 'status' => Resource::STATUS_DEVELOPMENT, 'active' => 1, 'public' => 1, 'request' => null, 'response' => 1, 'action' => 1]], 'fusio_app_scope' => [['appId' => 1, 'scopeId' => 1], ['appId' => 1, 'scopeId' => 3], ['appId' => 2, 'scopeId' => 2], ['appId' => 2, 'scopeId' => 3]], 'fusio_scope_routes' => [['scopeId' => 1, 'routeId' => 1, 'allow' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE'], ['scopeId' => 1, 'routeId' => 2, 'allow' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET'], ['scopeId' => 1, 'routeId' => 3, 'allow' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET'], ['scopeId' => 1, 'routeId' => 4, 'allow' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE'], ['scopeId' => 1, 'routeId' => 5, 'allow' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE'], ['scopeId' => 1, 'routeId' => 6, 'allow' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE'], ['scopeId' => 1, 'routeId' => 7, 'allow' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE'], ['scopeId' => 1, 'routeId' => 8, 'allow' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE'], ['scopeId' => 1, 'routeId' => 9, 'allow' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE'], ['scopeId' => 1, 'routeId' => 10, 'allow' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE'], ['scopeId' => 1, 'routeId' => 11, 'allow' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE'], ['scopeId' => 1, 'routeId' => 12, 'allow' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET'], ['scopeId' => 1, 'routeId' => 13, 'allow' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET'], ['scopeId' => 1, 'routeId' => 14, 'allow' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE'], ['scopeId' => 1, 'routeId' => 15, 'allow' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE'], ['scopeId' => 1, 'routeId' => 16, 'allow' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE'], ['scopeId' => 1, 'routeId' => 17, 'allow' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE'], ['scopeId' => 1, 'routeId' => 18, 'allow' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE'], ['scopeId' => 1, 'routeId' => 19, 'allow' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE'], ['scopeId' => 1, 'routeId' => 20, 'allow' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE'], ['scopeId' => 1, 'routeId' => 21, 'allow' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE'], ['scopeId' => 1, 'routeId' => 22, 'allow' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE'], ['scopeId' => 1, 'routeId' => 23, 'allow' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE'], ['scopeId' => 1, 'routeId' => 24, 'allow' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE'], ['scopeId' => 1, 'routeId' => 25, 'allow' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE'], ['scopeId' => 1, 'routeId' => 26, 'allow' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE'], ['scopeId' => 1, 'routeId' => 27, 'allow' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE'], ['scopeId' => 1, 'routeId' => 28, 'allow' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET'], ['scopeId' => 1, 'routeId' => 29, 'allow' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET'], ['scopeId' => 1, 'routeId' => 30, 'allow' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET'], ['scopeId' => 1, 'routeId' => 31, 'allow' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET'], ['scopeId' => 1, 'routeId' => 32, 'allow' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET'], ['scopeId' => 1, 'routeId' => 33, 'allow' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET'], ['scopeId' => 1, 'routeId' => 34, 'allow' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE'], ['scopeId' => 1, 'routeId' => 35, 'allow' => 1, 'methods' => 'POST'], ['scopeId' => 1, 'routeId' => 36, 'allow' => 1, 'methods' => 'POST'], ['scopeId' => 2, 'routeId' => 38, 'allow' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE'], ['scopeId' => 2, 'routeId' => 39, 'allow' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE'], ['scopeId' => 2, 'routeId' => 40, 'allow' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE'], ['scopeId' => 2, 'routeId' => 41, 'allow' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE'], ['scopeId' => 2, 'routeId' => 42, 'allow' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE'], ['scopeId' => 2, 'routeId' => 43, 'allow' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE'], ['scopeId' => 2, 'routeId' => 44, 'allow' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE'], ['scopeId' => 2, 'routeId' => 45, 'allow' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE'], ['scopeId' => 2, 'routeId' => 46, 'allow' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE'], ['scopeId' => 2, 'routeId' => 47, 'allow' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE'], ['scopeId' => 2, 'routeId' => 48, 'allow' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE'], ['scopeId' => 2, 'routeId' => 49, 'allow' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE'], ['scopeId' => 2, 'routeId' => 50, 'allow' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE'], ['scopeId' => 2, 'routeId' => 51, 'allow' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE'], ['scopeId' => 3, 'routeId' => 52, 'allow' => 1, 'methods' => 'POST'], ['scopeId' => 3, 'routeId' => 54, 'allow' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET']], 'fusio_user_scope' => [['userId' => 1, 'scopeId' => 1], ['userId' => 1, 'scopeId' => 2], ['userId' => 1, 'scopeId' => 3]]];
 public function getInstallInserts()
     $backendAppKey = TokenGenerator::generateAppKey();
     $backendAppSecret = TokenGenerator::generateAppSecret();
     $consumerAppKey = TokenGenerator::generateAppKey();
     $consumerAppSecret = TokenGenerator::generateAppSecret();
     $password = \password_hash(TokenGenerator::generateUserPassword(), PASSWORD_DEFAULT);
     $parser = new Parser();
     $now = new DateTime();
     $schema = $this->getPassthruSchema();
     $cache = $parser->parse($schema);
     $response = $this->getWelcomeResponse();
     $config = $this->getWelcomeConfig();
     return ['fusio_user' => [['status' => 1, 'name' => 'Administrator', 'password' => $password, 'date' => $now->format('Y-m-d H:i:s')]], 'fusio_app' => [['userId' => 1, 'status' => 1, 'name' => 'Backend', 'url' => 'http://fusio-project.org', 'appKey' => $backendAppKey, 'appSecret' => $backendAppSecret, 'date' => $now->format('Y-m-d H:i:s')], ['userId' => 1, 'status' => 1, 'name' => 'Consumer', 'url' => 'http://fusio-project.org', 'appKey' => $consumerAppKey, 'appSecret' => $consumerAppSecret, 'date' => $now->format('Y-m-d H:i:s')]], 'fusio_connection' => [['name' => 'Native-Connection', 'class' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Connection\\Native', 'config' => null]], 'fusio_connection_class' => [['class' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Connection\\Beanstalk'], ['class' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Connection\\DBAL'], ['class' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Connection\\DBALAdvanced'], ['class' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Connection\\MongoDB'], ['class' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Connection\\Native'], ['class' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Connection\\RabbitMQ']], 'fusio_scope' => [['name' => 'backend', 'description' => 'Access to the backend API'], ['name' => 'consumer', 'description' => 'Consumer API endpoint'], ['name' => 'authorization', 'description' => 'Authorization API endpoint']], 'fusio_action' => [['status' => 1, 'name' => 'Welcome', 'class' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Action\\StaticResponse', 'config' => serialize(['response' => $response]), 'date' => $now->format('Y-m-d H:i:s')]], 'fusio_action_class' => [['class' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Action\\CacheResponse'], ['class' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Action\\Composite'], ['class' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Action\\Condition'], ['class' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Action\\HttpProxy'], ['class' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Action\\HttpRequest'], ['class' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Action\\MongoDelete'], ['class' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Action\\MongoFetchAll'], ['class' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Action\\MongoFetchRow'], ['class' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Action\\MongoInsert'], ['class' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Action\\MongoUpdate'], ['class' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Action\\MqAmqp'], ['class' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Action\\MqBeanstalk'], ['class' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Action\\Pipe'], ['class' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Action\\Processor'], ['class' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Action\\SqlExecute'], ['class' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Action\\SqlFetchAll'], ['class' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Action\\SqlFetchRow'], ['class' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Action\\StaticResponse'], ['class' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Action\\Transform'], ['class' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Action\\Validator']], 'fusio_schema' => [['status' => 1, 'name' => 'Passthru', 'source' => $schema, 'cache' => $cache]], 'fusio_routes' => [['status' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE', 'path' => '/backend/action', 'controller' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Backend\\Api\\Action\\Collection', 'config' => null], ['status' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET', 'path' => '/backend/action/list', 'controller' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Backend\\Api\\Action\\ListActions::doIndex', 'config' => null], ['status' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET', 'path' => '/backend/action/form', 'controller' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Backend\\Api\\Action\\ListActions::doDetail', 'config' => null], ['status' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE', 'path' => '/backend/action/:action_id', 'controller' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Backend\\Api\\Action\\Entity', 'config' => null], ['status' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE', 'path' => '/backend/app', 'controller' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Backend\\Api\\App\\Collection', 'config' => null], ['status' => 1, 'methods' => 'DELETE', 'path' => '/backend/app/:app_id/token/:token_id', 'controller' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Backend\\Api\\App\\Token::doRemove', 'config' => null], ['status' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE', 'path' => '/backend/app/:app_id', 'controller' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Backend\\Api\\App\\Entity', 'config' => null], ['status' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE', 'path' => '/backend/connection', 'controller' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Backend\\Api\\Connection\\Collection', 'config' => null], ['status' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET', 'path' => '/backend/connection/form', 'controller' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Backend\\Api\\Connection\\ListConnections::doDetail', 'config' => null], ['status' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET', 'path' => '/backend/connection/list', 'controller' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Backend\\Api\\Connection\\ListConnections::doIndex', 'config' => null], ['status' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE', 'path' => '/backend/connection/:connection_id', 'controller' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Backend\\Api\\Connection\\Entity', 'config' => null], ['status' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET', 'path' => '/backend/log', 'controller' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Backend\\Api\\Log\\Collection', 'config' => null], ['status' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET', 'path' => '/backend/log/:log_id', 'controller' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Backend\\Api\\Log\\Entity', 'config' => null], ['status' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE', 'path' => '/backend/routes', 'controller' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Backend\\Api\\Routes\\Collection', 'config' => null], ['status' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE', 'path' => '/backend/routes/:route_id', 'controller' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Backend\\Api\\Routes\\Entity', 'config' => null], ['status' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE', 'path' => '/backend/schema', 'controller' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Backend\\Api\\Schema\\Collection', 'config' => null], ['status' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE', 'path' => '/backend/schema/:schema_id', 'controller' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Backend\\Api\\Schema\\Entity', 'config' => null], ['status' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET', 'path' => '/backend/schema/preview/:schema_id', 'controller' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Backend\\Api\\Schema\\Preview', 'config' => null], ['status' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE', 'path' => '/backend/scope', 'controller' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Backend\\Api\\Scope\\Collection', 'config' => null], ['status' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE', 'path' => '/backend/scope/:scope_id', 'controller' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Backend\\Api\\Scope\\Entity', 'config' => null], ['status' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE', 'path' => '/backend/user', 'controller' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Backend\\Api\\User\\Collection', 'config' => null], ['status' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE', 'path' => '/backend/user/:user_id', 'controller' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Backend\\Api\\User\\Entity', 'config' => null], ['status' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET', 'path' => '/backend/dashboard/latest_requests', 'controller' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Backend\\Api\\Dashboard\\LatestRequests', 'config' => null], ['status' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET', 'path' => '/backend/dashboard/latest_apps', 'controller' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Backend\\Api\\Dashboard\\LatestApps', 'config' => null], ['status' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET', 'path' => '/backend/statistic/incoming_requests', 'controller' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Backend\\Api\\Statistic\\IncomingRequests', 'config' => null], ['status' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET', 'path' => '/backend/statistic/most_used_routes', 'controller' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Backend\\Api\\Statistic\\MostUsedRoutes', 'config' => null], ['status' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET', 'path' => '/backend/statistic/most_used_apps', 'controller' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Backend\\Api\\Statistic\\MostUsedApps', 'config' => null], ['status' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET', 'path' => '/backend/statistic/errors_per_route', 'controller' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Backend\\Api\\Statistic\\ErrorsPerRoute', 'config' => null], ['status' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE', 'path' => '/backend/account/change_password', 'controller' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Backend\\Api\\Account\\ChangePassword', 'config' => null], ['status' => 1, 'methods' => 'POST', 'path' => '/backend/import/raml', 'controller' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Backend\\Api\\Import\\Raml', 'config' => null], ['status' => 1, 'methods' => 'POST', 'path' => '/backend/import/process', 'controller' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Backend\\Api\\Import\\Process', 'config' => null], ['status' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST', 'path' => '/backend/token', 'controller' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Backend\\Authorization\\Token', 'config' => null], ['status' => 1, 'methods' => 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'Fusio\\Impl\\Consumer\\Api\\Authorize\\Authorize', 'config' => null], ['status' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE', 'path' => '/consumer/scope', 'controller' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Consumer\\Api\\Scope\\Collection', 'config' => null], ['status' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST', 'path' => '/consumer/token', 'controller' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Consumer\\Authorization\\Token', 'config' => null], ['status' => 1, 'methods' => 'POST', 'path' => '/authorization/revoke', 'controller' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Authorization\\Revoke', 'config' => null], ['status' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST', 'path' => '/authorization/token', 'controller' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Authorization\\Token', 'config' => null], ['status' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET', 'path' => '/authorization/whoami', 'controller' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Authorization\\Whoami', 'config' => null], ['status' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET', 'path' => '/doc', 'controller' => 'PSX\\Controller\\Tool\\DocumentationController::doIndex', 'config' => null], ['status' => 1, 'methods' => 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'allow' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE'], ['scopeId' => 1, 'routeId' => 2, 'allow' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET'], ['scopeId' => 1, 'routeId' => 3, 'allow' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET'], ['scopeId' => 1, 'routeId' => 4, 'allow' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE'], ['scopeId' => 1, 'routeId' => 5, 'allow' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE'], ['scopeId' => 1, 'routeId' => 6, 'allow' => 1, 'methods' => 'DELETE'], ['scopeId' => 1, 'routeId' => 7, 'allow' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE'], ['scopeId' => 1, 'routeId' => 8, 'allow' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE'], ['scopeId' => 1, 'routeId' => 9, 'allow' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET'], ['scopeId' => 1, 'routeId' => 10, 'allow' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET'], ['scopeId' => 1, 'routeId' => 11, 'allow' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE'], ['scopeId' => 1, 'routeId' => 12, 'allow' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET'], ['scopeId' => 1, 'routeId' => 13, 'allow' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET'], ['scopeId' => 1, 'routeId' => 14, 'allow' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE'], ['scopeId' => 1, 'routeId' => 15, 'allow' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE'], ['scopeId' => 1, 'routeId' => 16, 'allow' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE'], ['scopeId' => 1, 'routeId' => 17, 'allow' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE'], ['scopeId' => 1, 'routeId' => 18, 'allow' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET'], ['scopeId' => 1, 'routeId' => 19, 'allow' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE'], ['scopeId' => 1, 'routeId' => 20, 'allow' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE'], ['scopeId' => 1, 'routeId' => 21, 'allow' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE'], ['scopeId' => 1, 'routeId' => 22, 'allow' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE'], ['scopeId' => 1, 'routeId' => 23, 'allow' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET'], ['scopeId' => 1, 'routeId' => 24, 'allow' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET'], ['scopeId' => 1, 'routeId' => 25, 'allow' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET'], ['scopeId' => 1, 'routeId' => 26, 'allow' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET'], ['scopeId' => 1, 'routeId' => 27, 'allow' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET'], ['scopeId' => 1, 'routeId' => 28, 'allow' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET'], ['scopeId' => 1, 'routeId' => 29, 'allow' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE'], ['scopeId' => 1, 'routeId' => 30, 'allow' => 1, 'methods' => 'POST'], ['scopeId' => 1, 'routeId' => 31, 'allow' => 1, 'methods' => 'POST'], ['scopeId' => 2, 'routeId' => 33, 'allow' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE'], ['scopeId' => 2, 'routeId' => 34, 'allow' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE'], ['scopeId' => 2, 'routeId' => 35, 'allow' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE'], ['scopeId' => 2, 'routeId' => 36, 'allow' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE'], ['scopeId' => 2, 'routeId' => 37, 'allow' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE'], ['scopeId' => 2, 'routeId' => 38, 'allow' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE'], ['scopeId' => 2, 'routeId' => 39, 'allow' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE'], ['scopeId' => 3, 'routeId' => 41, 'allow' => 1, 'methods' => 'POST'], ['scopeId' => 3, 'routeId' => 43, 'allow' => 1, 'methods' => 'GET']], 'fusio_user_scope' => [['userId' => 1, 'scopeId' => 1], ['userId' => 1, 'scopeId' => 2], ['userId' => 1, 'scopeId' => 3]]];
 public function testGenerateUserPassword()
     $this->assertEquals(20, strlen(TokenGenerator::generateUserPassword()));