  * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.UnusedLocalVariable)
  * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.ShortVariableName)
 private static function extractTermSet(\SimpleXMLElement $xmlObj)
     return F\reduce_left($xmlObj->terms->term, function ($currentTerm, $_, $__, $termSet) {
         $termName = (string) $currentTerm['name'];
         if (!isset($termSet->{$termName})) {
             $termSet->{$termName} = [];
         $form = (string) $currentTerm['form'] ?: 'long';
         $entry = self::extractEntry($currentTerm, $form);
         array_push($termSet->{$termName}, $entry);
         return $termSet;
     }, new \stdClass());
 public function testPassNonCallableToReduceLeft()
     $this->expectArgumentError("Argument 2 passed to Functional\\reduce_left() must be callable");
     reduce_left($this->list, 'undefinedFunction');
        return $reduction + $value;
    $numbers = reduce_left(select(range(3, 999), $isDivisibleBy3or5), $addReduce);
    return $numbers;
Route::get('problem2', function () {
    // Callback that determines whether a value is even
    $isEven = function ($number) {
        return $number % 2 == 0;
    // Sorta cheated here...
    // Really wanted to do this in a functional way
    // So I created a iterator object
    // That returns a fib sequence under a certain number
    $solution = reduce_left(select(new takeWhileFib(4000000), $isEven), function ($value, $index, $collection, $reduction) {
        return $reduction + $value;
    }, 0);
    return $solution;
Route::get('problem3', function () {
    //The prime factors of 13195 are 5, 7, 13 and 29.
    //What is the largest prime factor of the number 600851475143 ?
    // How can we do this in a functional way?
    // Well Brute Force would be...
    // max($number => getPrimeFactors)
    $pf = function ($number) {
        return select(new takeWhile($number), function ($n, $number) {
            if ($n > 0) {
                return $number % $n == 0;
            return false;
  * Calculates what the final dimensions of an image will be after the
  * passed style is applied to it.
  * @param array $style
  *   A Drupal style definition array.
  * @return \stdClass
  *   An object with the integer|null properties `width` and `height`, and
  *   the boolean property `firm`. `firm` represents whether or not the
  *   dimensions are guaranteed. If not guaranteed, `width` and `height`
  *   are only maximums.
 private function finalDimensionsOfStyle(array $style)
     $dimensions = F\reduce_left($style['effects'], function ($effect, $i, $c, $dim) {
         $width = (int) $effect['data']['width'] ?: null;
         $height = (int) $effect['data']['height'] ?: null;
         if ($effect['name'] !== 'image_scale') {
             # Every targeted effect except for `image_scale` sets a firm width and
             # height. This means that the width and height can be guaranteed.
             return (object) ['width' => $width, 'height' => $height, 'firm' => true];
         foreach (['width', 'height'] as $side) {
             if ($dim->{$side} === 0) {
                 $dim->{$side} = (int) ${$side};
         $upscale = $effect['data']['upscale'];
         if (!$upscale and (!$width or $width > $dim->width) and (!$height or $height > $dim->height)) {
             return $dim;
         $dim = (array) $dim;
         image_dimensions_scale($dim, $width, $height, $upscale);
         return (object) $dim;
     }, (object) ['width' => 0, 'height' => 0, 'firm' => false]);
     $dimensions->width = $dimensions->width ?: null;
     $dimensions->height = $dimensions->height ?: null;
     return $dimensions;
  * Process the compare feature.
  * @param array $tables
  * @param Config $config
  * @return array
 private function processCompare(array $tables, Config $config)
     if (!isset($config['compare'])) {
         return $tables;
     $conditions = array_diff($config['cols'], $this->statKeys, [$config['compare']]);
     $compare = $config['compare'];
     $compareFields = $config['compare_fields'];
     return F\map($tables, function ($table) use($conditions, $compare, $compareFields) {
         $groups = F\group($table, function ($row) use($conditions, $compare, $compareFields) {
             $values = array_intersect_key($row->getArrayCopy(), array_flip($conditions));
             return F\reduce_left($values, function ($value, $i, $c, $reduction) {
                 return $reduction . $value;
         $table = [];
         $colNames = null;
         foreach ($groups as $group) {
             $firstRow = null;
             foreach ($group as $row) {
                 if (null === $firstRow) {
                     $firstRow = $row->newInstance(array_diff_key($row->getArrayCopy(), array_flip($this->statKeys)));
                     if (isset($firstRow[$compare])) {
                     foreach ($compareFields as $compareField) {
                         if (isset($firstRow[$compareField])) {
                 if (null === $colNames) {
                     $colNames = array_combine($firstRow->getNames(), $firstRow->getNames());
                 $compared = $row[$compare];
                 foreach ($compareFields as $compareField) {
                     $name = $compare . ':' . $compared . ':' . $compareField;
                     $name = $this->resolveCompareColumnName($firstRow, $name);
                     $firstRow[$name] = $row[$compareField];
                     $colNames[$name] = $name;
                     // we invent a new col name here, use the compare field's class.
                     $this->classMap[$name] = $this->classMap[$compareField];
             $table[] = $firstRow;
         $table = F\map($table, function ($row) use($colNames) {
             $newRow = $row->newInstance([]);
             foreach ($colNames as $colName) {
                 $newRow[$colName] = isset($row[$colName]) ? $row[$colName] : null;
             return $newRow;
         return $table;
     return $tables;
  * Generates the HTML to represent the passed image in this slot definition.
  * @param SrcsetGeneratorInterface $srcset_gen
  *   The generator instance that will be used to generate the srcset
  *   attributes.
  * @param mixed                    $image
  *   The image representation that will be passed to $srcset_gen
  * @param string                   $alt
  *   The value of the <img> `alt` attribute.
  * @return string
  *   The HTML for the image. An <img> if the slot can be represented by a
  * @see SrcsetGeneratorInterface
  * @see Source::renderWith()
 public function renderWith(SrcsetGeneratorInterface $srcset_gen, $image, $alt = '')
     # A naked <img> is used if possible since browser support for <picture>
     # is still not great. However, support for <img> with `srcset` and `sizes`
     # attributes is much better. This reduces how often a polyfill is required
     # to run.
     # @see http://caniuse.com/#search=picture
     if (count($this->sources) === 1) {
         return $this->sources[0]->renderWith($srcset_gen, $image, $alt);
     $html = F\reduce_left($this->sources, function (Source $source, $i, $c, $acc) use($image, $srcset_gen, $alt) {
         return "{$acc}\n  " . $source->renderWith($srcset_gen, $image, $alt);
     }, '');
     return "<picture>{$html}\n</picture>";
  * @param $initial
  * @param $f
  * @return array
 public function reduce($initial, $f)
     return F\reduce_left($this->_data, $f, $initial);