  * Generates the HTML for the represented <source> or <img> element.
  * @param SrcsetGeneratorInterface $srcset_gen
  *   The generator instance that will be used to generate the srcset
  *   attributes.
  * @param mixed                    $image
  *   The image representation that will be passed to $srcset_gen
  * @param string                   $alt
  *   The for an <img> `alt` attribute. Only used if $this->as_img is true.
  * @return string
  *   The HTML for either a <source> or <img> element depending on the value
  * @see SrcsetGeneratorInterface
 public function renderWith(SrcsetGeneratorInterface $srcset_gen, $image, $alt = '')
     $last = F\last($this->sizes);
     $srcset = F\map($this->sizes, function (Size $size) use($image, $srcset_gen) {
         return $srcset_gen->listFor($image, $size);
     $srcset = F\unique(F\flatten($srcset), function (Src $src) {
         return $src->getUrl();
     # Not really needed, but makes debugging nicer.
     usort($srcset, function (Src $l, Src $r) {
         $l = $l->getWidth() ?: (int) $l->getMultiplier();
         $r = $r->getWidth() ?: (int) $r->getMultiplier();
         return $l - $r;
     $srcset = implode(', ', $srcset);
     $sizes = F\map($this->sizes, function (Size $size) use($last) {
         return $size === $last ? $size->renderWidthOnly() : (string) $size;
     $sizes = implode(', ', $sizes);
     $media = !$this->as_img ? ' media="' . $last->getMediaQuery() . '"' : '';
     $alt = $this->as_img ? ' alt="' . htmlspecialchars($alt) . '"' : '';
     $attributes = "srcset=\"{$srcset}\" sizes=\"{$sizes}\"{$media}{$alt}";
     return $this->as_img ? "<img {$attributes}>" : "<source {$attributes}>";
  * Gets a list of all the published events
  * @ApiDoc(
  *  resource = true,
  *  description = "Gets a list of all the published events, optionally filtered by a given date",
  *  filters = {
  *      {"name" = "since", "dataType" = "integer"},
  *      {"name" = "page", "dataType" = "integer"},
  *      {"name" = "limit", "dataType" = "integer"},
  *  },
  *  output = "Hateoas\Representation\CollectionRepresentation",
  *  statusCodes = {
  *      200 = "Returned along with the list of published events"
  *  }
  * )
 public function getEventsAction(Request $request)
     $page = $request->query->get('page', 1);
     $limit = $request->query->get('limit', (int) $this->getParameter('events_pagination_limit'));
     $pager = $this->get('published_events_pager');
     if ($request->query->has('since')) {
         $since = $request->query->get('since');
         $events = select(map($this->get('snc_redis.default')->lrange($this->getParameter('published_events_key'), 0, -1), new DeserializationCallable($this->get('jms_serializer'))), function ($event) use($since) {
             return (int) $event['created_on'] >= (int) $since;
         $pager = (new Pagerfanta(new ArrayAdapter($events)))->setCurrentPage($page)->setMaxPerPage($limit);
     return (new PagerfantaFactory())->createRepresentation($pager, new Route('get_events', [], true));
 * get_activity_tree :: course_modinfo -> integer -> context -> array
 * @param \course_modinfo $modinfo
 * @param integer $section_number
 * @param \context $context
 * @return array
function get_activity_tree(\course_modinfo $modinfo, $section_number, \context $context)
    $completion_info = new \completion_info($modinfo->get_course());
    return F\map(F\filter($modinfo->get_section_info_all(), function (\section_info $section_info) {
        return $section_info->visible;
    }), function (\section_info $section_info) use($completion_info, $section_number, $context) {
        $mods = F\map(F\filter($section_info->modinfo->cms, function (\cm_info $cm_info) use($section_info) {
            global $CFG;
            return ($cm_info->uservisible || $CFG->enableavailability && !empty($cm_info->availableinfo)) && (int) $cm_info->sectionnum === (int) $section_info->section;
        }), function (\cm_info $cm_info) use($completion_info, $context) {
            global $CFG;
            $canComplete = $CFG->enablecompletion && isloggedin() && !isguestuser() && (int) $completion_info->is_enabled($cm_info) === COMPLETION_TRACKING_MANUAL;
            $hasCompleted = false;
            if ($canComplete) {
                $completion_data = $completion_info->get_data($cm_info, true);
                $hasCompleted = F\contains([COMPLETION_COMPLETE, COMPLETION_COMPLETE_PASS], (int) $completion_data->completionstate);
            return (object) ['id' => (int) $cm_info->id, 'name' => $cm_info->name, 'modname' => $cm_info->modname, 'current' => is_current_mod($cm_info, $context), 'available' => $cm_info->available, 'canComplete' => $canComplete, 'hasCompleted' => $hasCompleted];
        return (object) ['id' => (int) $section_info->id, 'section' => (int) $section_info->section, 'name' => \get_section_name($section_info->modinfo->courseid, $section_info->section), 'current' => is_current_section($section_info, $section_number, $context), 'activities' => array_values($mods)];
 public function getData()
     return F\map($this->data->getIterator(), function ($entry) {
         return $entry;
 public function handle()
     $this->info('Initializing Leader Selection...');
     // Only do cron setup if environment is configured to use it (This way we don't accidentally run on workers)
     if (getenv('USE_CRON') == 'true') {
         //check to see if we are in an instance
         $ch = curl_init('');
         //magic ip from AWS
         curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 1);
         curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
         if ($result = curl_exec($ch)) {
             $this->info('Instance ID: ' . $result);
             // Get this instance metadata so we can find the environment it's running in
             $tags = $info = $this->ecClient->describeInstances(['Filters' => [['Name' => 'instance-id', 'Values' => [$result]]]])->get('Reservations')[0]['Instances'][0]['Tags'];
             // Get environment name
             $environmentName = F\first($tags, function ($tagArray) {
                 return $tagArray['Key'] == 'elasticbeanstalk:environment-name';
             $this->info('Environment: ' . $environmentName);
             $this->info('Getting Instances with Environment: ' . $environmentName);
             // Get instances that have this environment tagged
             $info = $this->ecClient->describeInstances(['Filters' => [['Name' => 'tag-value', 'Values' => [$environmentName]]]]);
             $instances = F\map($info->get('Reservations'), function ($i) {
                 return current($i['Instances']);
             $this->info('Getting potential instances...');
             // Only want instances that are running
             $candidateInstances = F\select($instances, function ($instanceMeta) {
                 return $instanceMeta['State']['Code'] == 16;
             $leader = false;
             if (!empty($candidateInstances)) {
                 //there are instances running
                 if (count($candidateInstances) > 1) {
                     // if there is more than one we sort by launch time and get the oldest
                     $this->info('More than one instance running, finding the oldest...');
                     $oldestInstance = F\sort($candidateInstances, function ($left, $right) {
                         return $left['LaunchTime'] > $right['LaunchTime'];
                 } else {
                     $this->info('Only one instance running...');
                     $oldestInstance = reset($candidateInstances);
                 if ($oldestInstance['InstanceId'] == $result) {
                     // if this instance is the oldest instance it's the leader
                     $leader = true;
             } else {
                 $this->info('No candidate instances found. \'O Brave New World!');
                 $leader = true;
             // No leader is running so we'll setup this one as the leader
             // and create a cron entry to run the scheduler
             if ($leader) {
                 $this->info('We are the Leader! Initiating Cron Setup');
             } else {
                 // Instance was found, don't do any cron stuff
                 $this->info('We are not a leader instance :( Maybe next time...');
                 $this->info('Leader should be running on Instance ' . $leader['InstanceId']);
             $this->info('Leader Selection Done!');
         } else {
             // Probably be run from your local machine
             $this->error('Did not detect an ec2 environment. Exiting.');
     } else {
         $this->info('USE_CRON env var not set. Exiting.');
  * Returns an slice of the results.
  * @param integer $offset The offset.
  * @param integer $length The length.
  * @return array|\Traversable The slice.
 public function getSlice($offset, $length)
     return map($this->redis->lrange($this->key, $offset, $offset + $length), $this->deserializationCallback);
 public function testPassNonCallable()
     $this->expectArgumentError("Argument 2 passed to Functional\\map() must be callable");
     map($this->list, 'undefinedFunction');
  * @see \ResponsiveImages\SrcsetGeneratorInterface
  * @param string    $uri
  *   Drupal URI to the original image file.
  * @param RImg\Size $size
  * @return RImg\Src[]
 public function listFor($uri, RImg\Size $size)
     $styles = $this->stylesMatchingSize($size);
     # By default Drupal doesn't provide an image style that crops an image to
     # an aspect ratio without potentially upscaling it. If the original image is
     # smaller than the styles that are returned we aren't providing any better
     # quality. Better to just allow only one larger than the original, or even
     # the original if it matches the aspect ratio.
     $image = image_get_info($uri);
     if ($image) {
         $styles = F\partition($styles, function ($style) use($image, $size) {
             return $style->width < $image['width'];
         if ($size->matchesAspectRatio($image['width'] / $image['height']) and (!empty($styles[1]) and F\head($styles[1])->width != $image['width'] or $image['width'] <= $size->getMaxWidth() * 2)) {
             $styles[0][] = (object) ['name' => null, 'width' => $image['width'], 'height' => $image['height'], 'firm' => true];
         } else {
             if (!empty($styles[1])) {
                 $styles[0][] = F\head($styles[1]);
         $styles = $styles[0];
     return F\map($styles, function ($style) use($uri) {
         $url = $style->name ? image_style_url($style->name, $uri) : file_create_url($uri);
         return new RImg\Src($url, $style->width);
function pageImageURL(\DOMDocument $doc)
    $xpath = "//div[contains(normalize-space(@id), 'viewer')]" . "//img";
    return f\map(f\map(elementToPageImage), xpath($doc, $xpath));
  * Process the compare feature.
  * @param array $tables
  * @param Config $config
  * @return array
 private function processCompare(array $tables, Config $config)
     if (!isset($config['compare'])) {
         return $tables;
     $conditions = array_diff($config['cols'], $this->statKeys, [$config['compare']]);
     $compare = $config['compare'];
     $compareFields = $config['compare_fields'];
     return F\map($tables, function ($table) use($conditions, $compare, $compareFields) {
         $groups = F\group($table, function ($row) use($conditions, $compare, $compareFields) {
             $values = array_intersect_key($row->getArrayCopy(), array_flip($conditions));
             return F\reduce_left($values, function ($value, $i, $c, $reduction) {
                 return $reduction . $value;
         $table = [];
         $colNames = null;
         foreach ($groups as $group) {
             $firstRow = null;
             foreach ($group as $row) {
                 if (null === $firstRow) {
                     $firstRow = $row->newInstance(array_diff_key($row->getArrayCopy(), array_flip($this->statKeys)));
                     if (isset($firstRow[$compare])) {
                     foreach ($compareFields as $compareField) {
                         if (isset($firstRow[$compareField])) {
                 if (null === $colNames) {
                     $colNames = array_combine($firstRow->getNames(), $firstRow->getNames());
                 $compared = $row[$compare];
                 foreach ($compareFields as $compareField) {
                     $name = $compare . ':' . $compared . ':' . $compareField;
                     $name = $this->resolveCompareColumnName($firstRow, $name);
                     $firstRow[$name] = $row[$compareField];
                     $colNames[$name] = $name;
                     // we invent a new col name here, use the compare field's class.
                     $this->classMap[$name] = $this->classMap[$compareField];
             $table[] = $firstRow;
         $table = F\map($table, function ($row) use($colNames) {
             $newRow = $row->newInstance([]);
             foreach ($colNames as $colName) {
                 $newRow[$colName] = isset($row[$colName]) ? $row[$colName] : null;
             return $newRow;
         return $table;
     return $tables;
 protected function acfImagesInfo($field_name, $post_id)
     $acf_images = get_field($field_name, $post_id);
     $html_id = $post_id ? "{$field_name}-{$post_id}" : $field_name;
     $images = empty($acf_images) ? [] : F\map(F\select($acf_images, function ($acf_image) {
         return strpos($acf_image['mime_type'], 'image') === 0;
     }), array($this, 'getImageAttributesFromAcfImage'));
     $first = count($images) ? $images[0] : NULL;
     return compact('html_id', 'images', 'first');
  * @param $f
  * @return array
 public function map($f)
     return F\map($this->_data, $f);
  * tests get_activity_tree returns an array of sections
 public function test_get_activity_tree()
     $activity_tree = B\get_activity_tree(get_fast_modinfo($this->_course), -1, context_course::instance($this->_course->id));
     $this->assertCount(1 + self::NUM_SECTIONS - 1, $activity_tree);
     // -1 since there's one hidden section
     $this->assertTrue(F\true(F\map($activity_tree, function (stdClass $section) {
         return is_integer($section->id) && is_integer($section->section) && is_string($section->name) && is_bool($section->current) && is_array($section->activities) && F\true(F\map($section->activities, function (stdClass $activity) {
             return is_integer($activity->id) && is_string($activity->name) && is_string($activity->modname) && is_bool($activity->current) && is_bool($activity->available) && is_bool($activity->canComplete) && $activity->canComplete === false && is_bool($activity->hasCompleted) && $activity->hasCompleted === false;