  * Respond with JavaScript to inform the Flarum app about the user's
  * authentication status.
  * An array of identification attributes must be passed as the first
  * argument. These are checked against existing user accounts; if a match is
  * found, then the user is authenticated and logged into that account via
  * cookie. The Flarum app will then simply refresh the page.
  * If no matching account is found, then an AuthToken will be generated to
  * store the identification attributes. This token, along with an optional
  * array of suggestions, will be passed into the Flarum app's sign up modal.
  * This results in the user not having to choose a password. When they
  * complete their registration, the identification attributes will be
  * set on their new user account.
  * @param array $identification
  * @param array $suggestions
  * @return HtmlResponse
 protected function authenticate(array $identification, array $suggestions = [])
     $user = User::where($identification)->first();
     // If a user with these attributes already exists, then we will log them
     // in by generating an access token. Otherwise, we will generate a
     // unique token for these attributes and add it to the response, along
     // with the suggested account information.
     if ($user) {
         $payload = ['authenticated' => true];
     } else {
         $token = AuthToken::generate($identification);
         $payload = array_merge($identification, $suggestions, ['token' => $token->id]);
     $content = sprintf('<script>window.opener.app.authenticationComplete(%s); window.close();</script>', json_encode($payload));
     $response = new HtmlResponse($content);
     if ($user) {
         // Extend the token's expiry to 2 weeks so that we can set a
         // remember cookie
         $accessToken = $this->bus->dispatch(new GenerateAccessToken($user->id));
         $accessToken->update(['expires_at' => new DateTime('+2 weeks')]);
         $response = $this->withRememberCookie($response, $accessToken->id);
     return $response;
 public function make(Request $request, array $identification, array $suggestions = [])
     if (isset($suggestions['username'])) {
         $suggestions['username'] = $this->sanitizeUsername($suggestions['username']);
     $user = User::where($identification)->first();
     $payload = $this->getPayload($identification, $suggestions, $user);
     $response = $this->getResponse($payload);
     if ($user) {
         $session = $request->getAttribute('session');
         $this->authenticator->logIn($session, $user->id);
         $response = $this->rememberer->rememberUser($response, $user->id);
     return $response;
 public static function ensureUser($userInfo, $events, $actor)
     // Get the user that has this ID if it already exists.
     $user = User::where(['singleso_id' => $userInfo['id']])->first();
     // Change any dupes to keep the unique table column integrity.
     foreach (static::$userUnique as $k => $v) {
         // If user is new or property is different, then check for dupe.
         if (!$user || $user->{$k} !== $userInfo[$v[0]]) {
             // Check for user with dupe property.
             $dupe = User::where([$k => $userInfo[$v[0]]])->first();
             // If conflict, rename to unique until next login.
             if ($dupe) {
                 // If the account is local only, throw exception.
                 if (!isset($dupe->singleso_id)) {
                     throw new SingleSOException([sprintf('Local account "%s" conflict.', $k)]);
                 $dupe->{$k} = sprintf($v[1], $dupe->id);
     // If user exists, check for changes, and save if different.
     if ($user) {
         $changed = false;
         foreach (static::$userUnique as $k => $v) {
             if ($user->{$k} !== $userInfo[$v[0]]) {
                 $user->{$k} = $userInfo[$v[0]];
                 $changed = true;
         if ($changed) {
     } else {
         $user = User::register($userInfo['username'], $userInfo['email'], '');
         // Add the unique ID and activate.
         $user->singleso_id = $userInfo['id'];
         // Set an internal flag, trigger event, and remove the flag.
         $user->_singleso_registered_user = true;
         $events->fire(new UserWillBeSaved($user, $actor, ['attributes' => ['username' => $userInfo['username'], 'email' => $userInfo['email'], 'password' => '']]));
         // Save to the database.
     return $user;
  * Find users by matching a string of words against their username,
  * optionally making sure they are visible to a certain user.
  * @param string $string
  * @param User|null $actor
  * @return array
 public function getIdsForUsername($string, User $actor = null)
     $query = User::where('username', 'like', '%' . $string . '%')->orderByRaw('username = ? desc', [$string])->orderByRaw('username like ? desc', [$string . '%']);
     return $this->scopeVisibleTo($query, $actor)->lists('id');