  * Build search results
  * @return array[AbstractSearchResult]
 public function getResult()
     // relevant search by string query
     $records = Content::where('display', '=', 1)->search($this->query)->take($this->limit)->get();
     // check if result is not empty
     if ($records->count() < 1) {
         return [];
     // build result items
     $result = [];
     foreach ($records as $item) {
         /** @var \Apps\ActiveRecord\Content $item */
         $title = $item->getLocaled('title');
         $text = App::$Security->strip_tags($item->getLocaled('text'));
         $snippet = Text::snippet($text);
         // prevent empty items
         if (Str::likeEmpty($title)) {
         // initialize abstract response pattern
         $res = new AbstractSearchResult();
         $res->setRelevance((int) $item->relevance);
         $res->setUri('/content/read/' . $item->getPath());
         // accumulate response var
         $result[] = $res;
     return $result;
  * Build search results. Should return array collection: [AbstractSearchResult]
  * @return array
 public function getResult()
     // search in comments post
     $query = CommentPost::where('moderate', '=', 0)->search($this->query)->take($this->limit)->get();
     // check if response is empty
     if ($query->count() < 1) {
         return [];
     // build output
     $result = [];
     foreach ($query as $item) {
         /** @var CommentPost $item */
         $snippet = App::$Security->strip_tags($item->message);
         $snippet = Text::snippet($snippet);
         // make unique instance object
         $instance = new AbstractSearchResult();
         $instance->setTitle(App::$Translate->get('Search', 'Comment on the page'));
         $instance->setUri($item->pathway . '#comments-list');
         $instance->setRelevance((int) $item->relevance);
         // add instance to result set
         $result[] = $instance;
     return $result;
  * @inheritdoc
 public function make()
     // update readed marker
     $this->_post->readed = 1;
     // add new answer row in database
     $record = new FeedbackAnswer();
     $record->feedback_id = $this->_post->id;
     $record->name = $this->name;
     $record->email = $this->email;
     $record->message = $this->message;
     $record->user_id = $this->_userId;
     $record->is_admin = 1;
     $record->ip = $this->_ip;
     // add user notification
     if ((int) $this->_post->user_id > 0 && $this->_userId !== (int) $this->_post->user_id) {
         $notify = new EntityAddNotification((int) $this->_post->user_id);
         $uri = '/feedback/read/' . $this->_post->id . '/' . $this->_post->hash . '#feedback-answer-' . $record->id;
         $notify->add($uri, EntityAddNotification::MSG_ADD_FEEDBACKANSWER, ['snippet' => Text::snippet($this->message, 50), 'post' => Text::snippet($this->_post->message, 50)]);
     // send email notification
     // unset message data
     $this->message = null;
  * Make post to user wall from $viewer to $target instance of iUser interface objects
  * @param iUser $target
  * @param iUser $viewer
  * @param int $delay
  * @return bool
 public function makePost(iUser $target, iUser $viewer, $delay = 60)
     if ($target === null || $viewer === null) {
         return false;
     $find = WallRecords::where('sender_id', '=', $viewer->id)->orderBy('updated_at', 'desc')->first();
     if ($find !== null) {
         $lastPostTime = Date::convertToTimestamp($find->updated_at);
         if (time() - $lastPostTime < static::POST_GLOBAL_DELAY) {
             // past time was less then default delay
             return false;
     // save new post to db
     $record = new WallRecords();
     $record->target_id = $target->id;
     $record->sender_id = $viewer->id;
     $record->message = $this->message;
     // add user notification
     if ($target->id !== $viewer->id) {
         $notify = new EntityAddNotification($target->id);
         $notify->add('profile/show/' . $target->id . '#wall-post-' . $record->id, EntityAddNotification::MSG_ADD_WALLPOST, ['snippet' => Text::snippet($this->message, 50)]);
     // cleanup message
     $this->message = null;
     return true;
  * Build content items as array
 private function buildContent()
     if ($this->_records->count() < 1) {
     foreach ($this->_records as $item) {
         /** @var \Apps\ActiveRecord\Content $item */
         // full text
         $text = $item->getLocaled('text');
         // remove html
         $text = App::$Security->strip_tags($text);
         // build items
         $this->items[] = ['title' => $item->getLocaled('title'), 'snippet' => Text::snippet($text), 'uri' => '/content/read/' . $item->getPath(), 'thumb' => $item->getPosterThumbUri()];
  * Add new row to database and set post is unreaded
 public function make()
     // update readed marker
     $this->_post->readed = 0;
     // add new answer row in database
     $record = new FeedbackAnswer();
     $record->feedback_id = $this->_post->id;
     $record->name = $this->name;
     $record->email = $this->email;
     $record->message = $this->message;
     if ($this->_userId > 0) {
         $record->user_id = $this->_userId;
     $record->ip = $this->_ip;
     // add notification msg
     $targetId = $this->_post->user_id;
     if ($targetId !== null && (int) $targetId > 0 && $targetId !== $this->_userId) {
         $notify = new EntityAddNotification($targetId);
         $uri = '/feedback/read/' . $this->_post->id . '/' . $this->_post->hash . '#feedback-answer-' . $record->id;
         $notify->add($uri, EntityAddNotification::MSG_ADD_FEEDBACKANSWER, ['snippet' => Text::snippet($this->message, 50), 'post' => Text::snippet($this->_post->message, 50)]);

/** @var object $records */
use Ffcms\Core\Helper\Date;
use Ffcms\Core\Helper\Text;
use Ffcms\Core\Helper\Type\Str;
foreach ($records as $record) {
    $title = \App::$Translate->getLocaleText($record->title);
    if (Str::likeEmpty($title)) {
    $title = Text::snippet($title, 50);
    $date = Date::humanize($record->created_at);
    $categoryUrl = \App::$Alias->baseUrl . '/content/list/' . $record->cpath;
    $categoryLink = '<a href="' . $categoryUrl . '">' . \App::$Translate->getLocaleText($record->ctitle) . '</a>';
    $newsLink = \App::$Alias->baseUrl . '/content/read/' . $record->cpath;
    $newsLink = rtrim($newsLink, '/') . '/' . $record->path;
    echo '<div class="row"><div class="col-md-12">';
    echo '<a href="' . $newsLink . '">&rarr; ' . $title . '</a><br />';
    echo '<small class="pull-left">' . $categoryLink . '</small>';
    echo '<small class="pull-right">' . $date . '</small>';
    echo '</div></div>';
    echo '<hr class="pretty" />';
  * Add comment answer to database and return active record object
  * @return CommentAnswer
 public function buildRecord()
     $record = new CommentAnswer();
     $record->comment_id = $this->replayTo;
     $record->user_id = $this->_userId;
     $record->guest_name = $this->guestName;
     $record->message = $this->message;
     $record->lang = App::$Request->getLanguage();
     $record->ip = $this->ip;
     // check if premoderation is enabled and user is guest
     if ((bool) $this->_configs['guestModerate'] && $this->_userId < 1) {
         $record->moderate = 1;
     // add notification for comment post owner
     $commentPost = $record->getCommentPost();
     if ($commentPost !== null && (int) $commentPost->user_id !== 0 && (int) $commentPost->user_id !== $this->_userId) {
         $notify = new EntityAddNotification((int) $commentPost->user_id);
         $notify->add($commentPost->pathway, EntityAddNotification::MSG_ADD_COMMENTANSWER, ['snippet' => Text::snippet($this->message, 50), 'post' => Text::snippet($commentPost->message, 50)]);
     return $record;
文件: list.php 项目: phpffcms/ffcms
echo __('Feedback requests');
echo $this->render('feedback/_authTabs');

if ($records->count() < 1) {
    echo '<p class="alert alert-warning">' . __('No requests is founded') . '</p>';
$items = [];
foreach ($records as $item) {
    $items[] = [['text' => $item->id], ['text' => Url::link(['feedback/read', $item->id, $item->hash], Text::cut($item->message, 0, 40)), 'html' => true], ['text' => (int) $item->closed === 1 ? '<span class="label label-danger">' . __('Closed') . '</span>' : '<span class="label label-success">' . __('Opened') . '</span>', 'html' => true, '!secure' => true], ['text' => Date::convertToDatetime($item->created_at, Date::FORMAT_TO_HOUR)], ['text' => Date::convertToDatetime($item->updated_at, Date::FORMAT_TO_HOUR)]];

echo \Ffcms\Core\Helper\HTML\Table::display(['table' => ['class' => 'table table-bordered'], 'thead' => ['titles' => [['text' => '#'], ['text' => __('Message')], ['text' => __('Status')], ['text' => __('Created')], ['text' => __('Updated')]]], 'tbody' => ['items' => $items]]);

<div class="text-center">
echo $pagination->display(['class' => 'pagination pagination-centered']);
文件: index.php 项目: phpffcms/ffcms

echo __('Feedback list');
<hr />
if ($records === null || $records->count() < 1) {
    echo '<p class="alert alert-warning">' . __('Feedback requests is empty now!') . '</p>';
$items = [];
foreach ($records as $item) {
    /** @var \Apps\ActiveRecord\FeedbackPost $item*/
    $items[] = [['text' => $item->id . ((int) $item->readed !== 1 ? ' <i class="fa fa-bell alert-info"></i>' : null), 'html' => true], ['text' => Url::link(['feedback/read', $item->id], Text::snippet($item->message, 40, false)), 'html' => true], ['text' => $item->getAnswers()->count()], ['text' => $item->email], ['text' => (int) $item->closed === 1 ? '<span class="label label-danger">' . __('Closed') . '</span>' : '<span class="label label-success">' . __('Opened') . '</span>', 'html' => true, '!secure' => true], ['text' => Date::convertToDatetime($item->updated_at, Date::FORMAT_TO_HOUR)], ['text' => Url::link(['feedback/read', $item->id], '<i class="fa fa-list fa-lg"></i> ') . Url::link(['feedback/delete', 'post', $item->id], '<i class="fa fa-trash-o fa-lg"></i>'), 'html' => true, 'property' => ['class' => 'text-center']]];

<div class="table table-responsive">
echo Table::display(['table' => ['class' => 'table table-bordered'], 'thead' => ['titles' => [['text' => '#'], ['text' => __('Text')], ['text' => __('Answers')], ['text' => __('Author')], ['text' => __('Status')], ['text' => __('Date')], ['text' => __('Actions')]]], 'tbody' => ['items' => $items]]);

<p><i class="fa fa-bell alert-info"></i> = <?php 
echo __('New request or new answer in feedback topic');

<div class="text-center">
  * Build content data to model properties
  * @param $records
  * @throws ForbiddenException
  * @throws NotFoundException
 private function buildContent($records)
     $nullItems = 0;
     foreach ($records as $row) {
         /** @var Content $row */
         // check title length on current language locale
         $localeTitle = $row->getLocaled('title');
         if (Str::likeEmpty($localeTitle)) {
         // get snippet from full text for current locale
         $text = Text::snippet($row->getLocaled('text'));
         $itemPath = $this->categories[$row->category_id]->path;
         if (!Str::likeEmpty($itemPath)) {
             $itemPath .= '/';
         $itemPath .= $row->path;
         // prepare tags data
         $tags = $row->getLocaled('meta_keywords');
         if (!Str::likeEmpty($tags)) {
             $tags = explode(',', $tags);
         } else {
             $tags = null;
         $owner = App::$User->identity($row->author_id);
         // make a fake if user is not exist over id
         if ($owner === null) {
             $owner = new User();
         // check if current user can rate item
         $ignoredRate = App::$Session->get('content.rate.ignore');
         $canRate = true;
         if (Obj::isArray($ignoredRate) && Arr::in((string) $row->id, $ignoredRate)) {
             $canRate = false;
         if (!App::$User->isAuth()) {
             $canRate = false;
         } elseif ($owner->getId() === App::$User->identity()->getId()) {
             // own item
             $canRate = false;
         // build result array
         $this->items[] = ['id' => $row->id, 'title' => $localeTitle, 'text' => $text, 'date' => Date::humanize($row->created_at), 'updated' => $row->updated_at, 'author' => $owner, 'poster' => $row->getPosterUri(), 'thumb' => $row->getPosterThumbUri(), 'thumbSize' => File::size($row->getPosterThumbUri()), 'views' => (int) $row->views, 'rating' => (int) $row->rating, 'canRate' => $canRate, 'category' => $this->categories[$row->category_id], 'uri' => '/content/read/' . $itemPath, 'tags' => $tags];
     if ($nullItems === $this->_contentCount) {
         throw new NotFoundException(__('Content is not founded'));
echo __('Answers list');
<hr />

if ($records === null || $records->count() < 1) {
    echo '<p class="alert alert-warning">' . __('Answers is not founded') . '</p>';
$items = [];
$moderateIsFound = false;
foreach ($records as $item) {
    $commentObject = $item->getCommentPost();
    $message = Text::cut(\App::$Security->strip_tags($item->message), 0, 75);
    $moderate = (bool) $item->moderate;
    if ($moderate) {
        $moderateIsFound = true;
    $items[] = [1 => ['text' => $item->id], 2 => ['text' => ($moderate ? '<i class="fa fa-exclamation text-warning"></i> ' : null) . Url::link(['comments/read', $commentObject->id, null, ['#' => '#answer-' . $item->id]], $message), 'html' => true], 3 => ['text' => Simplify::parseUserLink((int) $item->user_id, $item->guest_name, 'user/update'), 'html' => true], 4 => ['text' => '<a href="' . App::$Alias->scriptUrl . $commentObject->pathway . '" target="_blank">' . Str::sub($commentObject->pathway, 0, 20) . '...</a>', 'html' => true], 5 => ['text' => Date::convertToDatetime($item->created_at, Date::FORMAT_TO_HOUR)], 6 => ['text' => Url::link(['comments/read', $commentObject->id], '<i class="fa fa-list fa-lg"></i>') . ' ' . Url::link(['comments/delete', 'answer', $item->id], '<i class="fa fa-trash-o fa-lg"></i>'), 'html' => true, 'property' => ['class' => 'text-center']], 'property' => ['class' => 'checkbox-row' . ($moderate !== false ? ' alert-warning' : null)]];
$moderateAccept = false;
if ($moderateIsFound) {
    $moderateAccept = ['type' => 'submit', 'class' => 'btn btn-warning', 'value' => __('Publish'), 'formaction' => Url::to('comments/publish', 'answer')];

<div class="table-responsive">
echo Table::display(['table' => ['class' => 'table table-bordered table-hover'], 'thead' => ['titles' => [['text' => '#'], ['text' => __('Answer')], ['text' => __('Author')], ['text' => __('Page')], ['text' => __('Date')], ['text' => __('Actions')]]], 'tbody' => ['items' => $items], 'selectableBox' => ['attachOrder' => 1, 'form' => ['method' => 'GET', 'class' => 'form-horizontal', 'action' => Url::to('comments/delete', 'answer')], 'selector' => ['type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => 'selected[]', 'class' => 'massSelectId'], 'buttons' => [['type' => 'submit', 'class' => 'btn btn-danger', 'value' => __('Delete selected'), 'formaction' => Url::to('comment/delete', 'answer')], $moderateAccept]]]);
  * Add new post answer from AJAX post
  * @param int $postId
  * @return string
  * @throws ForbiddenException
  * @throws NativeException
 public function actionSendwallanswer($postId)
     // not auth? what are you doing there? ;)
     if (!App::$User->isAuth()) {
         throw new ForbiddenException('Auth required');
     // no post id? wtf you doing man!
     if (!Obj::isLikeInt($postId) || $postId < 1) {
         throw new NativeException('Wrong input data');
     // get current(sender) user object
     $viewer = App::$User->identity();
     // get message from post and validate minlength
     $message = $this->request->get('message');
     $message = App::$Security->strip_tags($message);
     if (!Obj::isString($message) || Str::length($message) < 3) {
         throw new ForbiddenException('Wrong input data');
     // try to find this post
     $wallPost = WallPost::where('id', '=', $postId);
     if ($wallPost->count() < 1) {
         throw new NativeException('Wrong input data');
     $wallRow = $wallPost->first();
     $target_id = $wallRow->target_id;
     // check if in blacklist
     if (!Blacklist::check($viewer->id, $target_id)) {
         throw new ForbiddenException('User is blocked!');
     // check delay between user last post and current
     $lastAnswer = WallAnswer::where('user_id', '=', App::$User->identity()->getId())->orderBy('created_at', 'DESC')->first();
     if (null !== $lastAnswer && false !== $lastAnswer) {
         $now = time();
         $answerTime = Date::convertToTimestamp($lastAnswer->created_at);
         $cfgs = \Apps\ActiveRecord\App::getConfigs('app', 'Profile');
         // hmm, maybe past less then delay required?
         if ($now - (int) $cfgs['delayBetweenPost'] < $answerTime) {
             throw new ForbiddenException('Delay between answers not pass');
     // make new row ;)
     $answers = new WallAnswer();
     $answers->post_id = $postId;
     $answers->user_id = $viewer->id;
     $answers->message = $message;
     // add notification for target user
     if ($viewer->id !== $target_id) {
         $notify = new EntityAddNotification($target_id);
         $notify->add('/profile/show/' . $target_id . '#wall-post-' . $wallRow->id, EntityAddNotification::MSG_ADD_WALLANSWER, ['snippet' => Text::snippet($message, 50), 'post' => $wallRow->message]);
     // send "ok" response
     return json_encode(['status' => 1, 'message' => 'ok']);