public static function shortcut($config, $zipFn = null, $credentials = null, $idesServer = null, $LOG_LEVEL = Logger::WARNING)
     assert(is_null($zipFn) xor is_null($credentials));
     $dm = new Downloader(null, $LOG_LEVEL);
     $cm = new ConfigManager($config, $dm, $LOG_LEVEL);
     $am = new AesManager();
     $rm = new RsaManager($cm, $am);
     if (is_null($zipFn)) {
         assert(is_array($credentials) && array_key_exists("username", $credentials) && array_key_exists("password", $credentials));
         assert(!is_null($idesServer) && in_array($idesServer, array("live", "test")));
         $sftp = SftpWrapper::getSFTP($idesServer);
         $sw = new SftpWrapper($sftp, $LOG_LEVEL);
         $err = $sw->login($credentials["username"], $credentials["password"]);
         if (!!$err) {
             throw new \Exception($err);
         $remote = $sw->listLatest();
         if (array_key_exists("ZipBackupFolder", $cm->config)) {
             $zipFn = $cm->config["ZipBackupFolder"] . "/" . $remote;
         } else {
             $zipFn = Utils::myTempnam("zip");
         if (!file_exists($zipFn)) {
             $sw->get($remote, $zipFn);
         } else {
             $sw->log->debug("Using cached file '" . $zipFn . "'");
     $rx = new Receiver($cm, $rm);
     return $rx;
 public function toEmail($emailTo, $swiftmailerConfig)
     $emailFrom = $swiftmailerConfig["reply"];
     $emailName = $swiftmailerConfig["name"];
     $emailReply = $swiftmailerConfig["reply"];
     // save to files
     $fnH = Utils::myTempnam('html');
     file_put_contents($fnH, $this->fdi->toHtml());
     $fnX = Utils::myTempnam('xml');
     file_put_contents($fnX, $this->dataXmlSigned);
     $fnM = Utils::myTempnam('xml');
     file_put_contents($fnM, $this->getMetadata());
     $fnZ1 = Utils::myTempnam('zip');
     copy($this->tf4, $fnZ1);
     // zip to avoid getting blocked on server
     $z = new \ZipArchive();
     $fnZ2 = Utils::myTempnam('zip');
     $z->open($fnZ2, \ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE);
     $z->addEmptyDir("IDES data");
     $z->addFile($fnH, "IDES data/data.html");
     $z->addFile($fnX, "IDES data/data.xml");
     $z->addFile($fnM, "IDES data/metadata.xml");
     $z->addFile($fnZ1, "IDES data/");
     // send email
     $subj = sprintf("IDES data: %s", date("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
     $this->log->debug("Sending attachment email");
     $res = Utils::mail_attachment(array($fnZ2), $emailTo, $emailFrom, $emailName, $emailReply, $subj . " (attachment)", "Attached: html, xml, metadata, zip formats", $swiftmailerConfig);
     if (!$res) {
         throw new \Exception("Failed to send attachment email. Aborting.");
     $this->log->debug("Done emailing");