  * Waits up to $timeout seconds for the given element to be visible on the page.
  * If element doesn't appear, a timeout exception is thrown.
  * ``` php
  * <?php
  * $I->waitForElementVisible('#agree_button', 30); // secs
  * $I->click('#agree_button');
  * ?>
  * ```
  * @param $element
  * @param int $timeout seconds
  * @throws \Exception
 public function waitForElementVisible($element, $timeout = 10)
     $condition = WebDriverExpectedCondition::visibilityOfElementLocated($this->getLocator($element));
  * @Then /^I should see success message$/
 public function iShouldSeeSuccessMessage()
     self::$webDriver->wait(20, 1000)->until(WebDriverExpectedCondition::visibilityOfElementLocated(WebDriverBy::className('success-message')));
  * An expectation for checking an element is visible and enabled such that you
  * can click it.
  * @param WebDriverBy $by The locator used to find the element
  * @return WebDriverExpectedCondition<WebDriverElement> The WebDriverElement
  *         once it is located, visible and clickable
 public static function elementToBeClickable(WebDriverBy $by)
     $visibility_of_element_located = WebDriverExpectedCondition::visibilityOfElementLocated($by);
     return new WebDriverExpectedCondition(function ($driver) use($visibility_of_element_located) {
         $element = call_user_func($visibility_of_element_located->getApply(), $driver);
         try {
             if ($element !== null && $element->isEnabled()) {
                 return $element;
             } else {
                 return null;
         } catch (StaleElementReferenceException $e) {
             return null;
  * Wait and validate an element to be visible.
  * @param $selector
  * @throws \Exception
  * @return $this
 public function see($selector)
     return $this;