/** * The given $value is valid if it is an array of format array(hash:string, phrase:string) and the hash was derived from the entered phrase * * @param mixed $value The value that should be validated * @return void */ protected function isValid($value) { if (!($this->options["ignoreWhenLoggedIn"] && $this->securityContext->getAccount())) { if (is_array($value)) { if (empty($value["hash"]) || empty($value["phrase"])) { $this->addError("Malformed array given; expected array(hash:string, phrase:string)", 422526241); } else { if ($this->captchaService->validatePhrase($value["phrase"], $value["hash"]) !== true) { $this->addError("Given captcha phrase mismatches the hash", 422526242); } } } else { $this->addError("This argument must be an array", 422526240); } } }
/** * Renders the captcha image and its textfields * * @return string */ public function render() { // Render image tag $this->tag->reset(); $this->tag->setTagName("img"); $this->tag->addAttributes($this->getAttributes("image", array("src" => $this->captchaService->create($this->arguments["width"], $this->arguments["height"]), "width" => $this->arguments["width"], "height" => $this->arguments["height"], "style" => "width: " . $this->arguments["width"] . "px; height: " . $this->arguments["height"] . "px;"))); $markup = str_replace("{image}", $this->tag->render(), $this->arguments["markup"]); // Render phrase textfield $this->tag->reset(); $this->tag->setTagName("input"); $this->tag->addAttributes($this->getAttributes("phrase", array("name" => $this->arguments["name"] . "[phrase]", "type" => "text", "autocomplete" => "off"))); $markup = str_replace("{phrase}", $this->tag->render(), $markup); // Render phrase textfield $this->tag->reset(); $this->tag->setTagName("input"); $this->tag->addAttributes($this->getAttributes("hash", array("name" => $this->arguments["name"] . "[hash]", "type" => "hidden", "value" => $this->captchaService->getPhraseHash()))); return str_replace("{hash}", $this->tag->render(), $markup); }