  *	Sets the default properties.
 public function __construct(array $properties = [])
     $this->_properties = $properties + ['providers' => ESSENCE_DEFAULT_PROVIDERS, 'Cache' => Container::unique(function () {
         return new VolatileCacheEngine();
     }), 'HttpUserAgent' => 'Essence', 'Http' => Container::unique(function ($C) {
         $Http = function_exists('curl_init') ? new CurlHttpClient() : new NativeHttpClient();
         return $Http;
     }), 'Dom' => Container::unique(function () {
         return new NativeDomParser();
     }), 'Log' => Container::unique(function () {
         return new NullLogger();
     }), 'Preparator' => Container::unique(function () {
         return new Preparator();
     }), 'OEmbed' => function ($C) {
         return new OEmbed($C->get('Http'), $C->get('Dom'), $C->get('Log'), $C->get('Preparator'));
     }, 'Vimeo' => function ($C) {
         return new Vimeo($C->get('Http'), $C->get('Dom'), $C->get('Log'), $C->get('Preparator'));
     }, 'YoutubePreparator' => Container::unique(function () {
         return new YoutubePreparator();
     }), 'Youtube' => function ($C) {
         return new Youtube($C->get('Http'), $C->get('Dom'), $C->get('Log'), $C->get('YoutubePreparator'));
     }, 'OpenGraph' => function ($C) {
         return new OpenGraph($C->get('Http'), $C->get('Dom'), $C->get('Log'), $C->get('Preparator'));
     }, 'BandcampPreparator' => Container::unique(function () {
         return new BandcampPreparator();
     }), 'Bandcamp' => function ($C) {
         return new OpenGraph($C->get('Http'), $C->get('Dom'), $C->get('Log'), $C->get('BandcampPreparator'));
     }, 'VinePreparator' => Container::unique(function () {
         return new VinePreparator();
     }), 'Vine' => function ($C) {
         return new OpenGraph($C->get('Http'), $C->get('Dom'), $C->get('Log'), $C->get('VinePreparator'));
     }, 'Collection' => function ($C) {
         $Collection = new Collection($C);
         return $Collection;
     }, 'Essence' => function ($C) {
         return new Essence($C->get('Collection'), $C->get('Cache'), $C->get('Http'), $C->get('Dom'), $C->get('Log'));
  *	Configures the providers collection.
 protected function _setupCollection()
     $this->configure(['Collection.providers' => dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))))) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'config' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'providers.json', 'Collection' => Container::unique(function ($C) {
         $Collection = new Collection($C);
         return $Collection;