文件: Db.php 项目: tokushima/ebi
  * コンストラクタ
  * @param string{} $def 接続情報 [type,host,name,port,user,password,sock,encode,timezone]
 public function __construct(array $def = [])
     if (empty($def)) {
          * @param string{} $connection デフォルトの接続情報 [type,host,name,port,user,password,sock,encode,timezone]
         $def = \ebi\Conf::gets('connection');
     $type = isset($def['type']) ? $def['type'] : null;
     $host = isset($def['host']) ? $def['host'] : null;
     $dbname = isset($def['name']) ? $def['name'] : null;
     $port = isset($def['port']) ? $def['port'] : null;
     $user = isset($def['user']) ? $def['user'] : null;
     $password = isset($def['password']) ? $def['password'] : null;
     $sock = isset($def['sock']) ? $def['sock'] : null;
     $encode = isset($def['encode']) ? $def['encode'] : null;
     $timezone = isset($def['timezone']) ? $def['timezone'] : null;
     if (empty($type)) {
         $type = \ebi\SqliteConnector::type();
     if (empty($encode)) {
         $encode = 'utf8';
     try {
         $type = \ebi\Util::get_class_name($type);
     } catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) {
         throw new \ebi\exception\ConnectionException('could not find connector `' . $type . '`');
     $r = new \ReflectionClass($type);
     $this->dbname = $dbname;
     $this->connector = $r->newInstanceArgs([$encode, $timezone]);
     if (!$this->connector instanceof \ebi\DbConnector) {
         throw new \ebi\exception\ConnectionException('must be an instance of \\ebi\\DbConnector');
     if (self::$autocommit === null) {
          * @param boolean $autocommit オートコミットを行うかの真偽値
         self::$autocommit = \ebi\Conf::get('autocommit', false);
     $this->connection = $this->connector->connect($this->dbname, $host, $port, $user, $password, $sock, self::$autocommit);
     if (empty($this->connection)) {
         throw new \ebi\exception\ConnectionException('connection fail ' . $this->dbname);
     if (self::$autocommit !== true) {
文件: Flow.php 项目: tokushima/ebi
  * アプリケーションを実行する
  * @param mixed{} $map
 public static function app($map = [])
     if (empty($map)) {
         $map = ['patterns' => ['' => ['action' => 'ebi.Dt', 'mode' => 'local']]];
     } else {
         if (is_string($map)) {
             $map = ['patterns' => ['' => ['action' => $map]]];
         } else {
             if (is_array($map) && !isset($map['patterns'])) {
                 $map = ['patterns' => $map];
     if (!isset($map['patterns']) || !is_array($map['patterns'])) {
         throw new \ebi\exception\InvalidArgumentException('patterns not found');
     $entry_file = null;
     foreach (debug_backtrace(false) as $d) {
         if ($d['file'] !== __FILE__) {
             $entry_file = basename($d['file']);
      * @param string $val アプリケーションURL、末尾が * = 実行エントリ, ** = エントリファイル名(*.php)
     $app_url = \ebi\Conf::get('app_url');
     if (is_array($app_url)) {
         if (isset($app_url[$entry_file])) {
             $app_url = $app_url[$entry_file];
         } else {
             if (isset($app_url['*'])) {
                 $app_url = $app_url['*'];
             } else {
                 $app_url = null;
     self::$app_url = $app_url;
      * @param string $val メディアファイルのベースURL
      * http://localhost:8000/resources/media
     self::$media_url = \ebi\Conf::get('media_url');
     if (empty(self::$app_url)) {
         $host = \ebi\Request::host();
         self::$app_url = (empty($host) ? 'http://localhost:8000/' : $host . '/') . $entry_file;
     } else {
         if (substr(self::$app_url, -1) == '*') {
             self::$app_url = substr(self::$app_url, 0, -1);
             self::$app_url = substr(self::$app_url, -1) == '*' ? substr(self::$app_url, 0, -1) . $entry_file : self::$app_url . substr($entry_file, 0, -4);
     self::$app_url = \ebi\Util::path_slash(str_replace('https://', 'http://', self::$app_url), null, true);
     if (empty(self::$media_url)) {
         $media_path = preg_replace('/\\/[^\\/]+\\.php[\\/]$/', '/', self::$app_url);
         self::$media_url = $media_path . 'resources/media/';
     self::$media_url = \ebi\Util::path_slash(self::$media_url, null, true);
      * @param string $val テンプレートファイルのディレクトリ
     self::$template_path = \ebi\Util::path_slash(\ebi\Conf::get('template_path', \ebi\Conf::resource_path('templates')), null, true);
     $automap_idx = 1;
     $selfmap = ['patterns' => self::expand_patterns('', $map['patterns'], [], $automap_idx)];
     $selfmap = array_merge($selfmap, $map);
     self::$workgroup = array_key_exists('workgroup', $selfmap) ? $selfmap['workgroup'] : basename($entry_file, '.php');
      * @param boolean $val HTTPSを有効にするか,falseの場合、mapのsecureフラグもすべてfalseとなる
     $conf_secure = \ebi\Conf::get('secure');
     $map_secure = array_key_exists('secure', $selfmap) && $selfmap['secure'] === true;
     $is_secure_pattern_func = function ($pattern) use($conf_secure, $map_secure) {
         if ($conf_secure === false) {
             return false;
         if (array_key_exists('secure', $pattern)) {
             return $pattern['secure'] === true;
         return $map_secure == true;
     $https = str_replace('http://', 'https://', self::$app_url);
     $url_format_func = function ($url, $pattern) use($https, $is_secure_pattern_func) {
         $num = 0;
         $format = \ebi\Util::path_absolute($is_secure_pattern_func($pattern) ? $https : self::$app_url, empty($url) ? '' : substr(preg_replace_callback("/([^\\\\])(\\(.*?[^\\\\]\\))/", function ($n) {
             return $n[1] . '%s';
         }, ' ' . $url, -1, $num), 1));
         return [str_replace(['\\\\', '\\.', '_ESC_'], ['_ESC_', '.', '\\'], $format), $num];
     foreach ($selfmap['patterns'] as $k => $v) {
         list($selfmap['patterns'][$k]['format'], $selfmap['patterns'][$k]['num']) = $url_format_func($k, $v);
     if (self::$is_get_map) {
         self::$is_get_map = false;
         self::$map = $selfmap;
     $pathinfo = preg_replace("/(.*?)\\?.*/", "\\1", isset($_SERVER['PATH_INFO']) ? $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'] : '');
     if (preg_match('/^\\/' . preg_quote(self::$package_media_url, '/') . '\\/(\\d+)\\/(.+)$/', $pathinfo, $m)) {
         foreach ($selfmap['patterns'] as $p) {
             if (isset($p['@']) && isset($p['idx']) && (int) $p['idx'] === (int) $m[1] && is_file($file = $p['@'] . '/resources/media/' . $m[2])) {
         return self::terminate();
     foreach ($selfmap['patterns'] as $k => $pattern) {
         if (preg_match('/^' . (empty($k) ? '' : '\\/') . str_replace(['\\/', '/', '@#S'], ['@#S', '\\/', '\\/'], $k) . '[\\/]{0,1}$/', $pathinfo, $param_arr)) {
             if ($is_secure_pattern_func($pattern)) {
                 if (substr(\ebi\Request::current_url(), 0, 5) === 'http:' && (!isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST']) || isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PORT']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PORT'] != 443 || isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO'] != 'https')) {
                     header('Location: ' . preg_replace('/^.+(:\\/\\/.+)$/', 'https\\1', \ebi\Request::current_url()));
                 self::$media_url = str_replace('http://', 'https://', self::$media_url);
             self::$template = new \ebi\Template();
             try {
                 $funcs = $class = $method = $template = $ins = null;
                 $exception = null;
                 $has_flow_plugin = false;
                 $result_vars = $plugins = [];
                 $accept_debug = \ebi\Conf::get('accept_debug', false) && strpos(strtolower((new \ebi\Env())->get('HTTP_ACCEPT')), 'application/debug') !== false;
                 if (array_key_exists('action', $pattern)) {
                     if (is_string($pattern['action'])) {
                         list($class, $method) = explode('::', $pattern['action']);
                     } else {
                         if (is_callable($pattern['action'])) {
                             $funcs = $pattern['action'];
                         } else {
                             throw new \ebi\exception\InvalidArgumentException($pattern['name'] . ' action invalid');
                 foreach ($selfmap['patterns'] as $m) {
                     self::$url_pattern[$m['name']][$m['num']] = $m['format'];
                     if (array_key_exists('@', $pattern) && array_key_exists('@', $m) && $pattern['idx'] == $m['idx']) {
                         list(, $mm) = explode('::', $m['action']);
                         self::$selected_class_pattern[$mm][$m['num']] = ['format' => $m['format'], 'name' => $m['name']];
                 if (array_key_exists('vars', $selfmap) && is_array($selfmap['vars'])) {
                     $result_vars = $selfmap['vars'];
                 if (array_key_exists('vars', $pattern) && is_array($pattern['vars'])) {
                     $result_vars = array_merge($result_vars, $pattern['vars']);
                 if (array_key_exists('redirect', $pattern)) {
                     self::map_redirect($pattern['redirect'], $result_vars, $pattern);
                 foreach (array_merge(array_key_exists('plugins', $selfmap) ? is_array($selfmap['plugins']) ? $selfmap['plugins'] : [$selfmap['plugins']] : [], array_key_exists('plugins', $pattern) ? is_array($pattern['plugins']) ? $pattern['plugins'] : [$pattern['plugins']] : []) as $m) {
                     $o = \ebi\Util::strtoinstance($m);
                     $plugins[] = $o;
                 if (!isset($funcs) && isset($class)) {
                     $ins = \ebi\Util::strtoinstance($class);
                     $traits = \ebi\Util::get_class_traits(get_class($ins));
                     if ($has_flow_plugin = in_array('ebi\\FlowPlugin', $traits)) {
                         foreach ($ins->get_flow_plugins() as $m) {
                             $o = \ebi\Util::strtoinstance($m);
                             $plugins[] = $o;
                     if (in_array('ebi\\Plugin', $traits)) {
                         foreach ($plugins as $o) {
                     $funcs = [$ins, $method];
                 foreach ($plugins as $o) {
                 if (self::has_class_plugin('before_flow_action')) {
                      * 前処理
                 if ($has_flow_plugin) {
                     $before_redirect = $ins->get_before_redirect();
                     if (isset($before_redirect)) {
                         self::map_redirect($before_redirect, $result_vars, $pattern);
                 if (isset($funcs)) {
                     try {
                         $action_result_vars = call_user_func_array($funcs, $param_arr);
                         if (is_array($action_result_vars)) {
                             $result_vars = array_merge($result_vars, $action_result_vars);
                     } catch (\Exception $exception) {
                 if ($has_flow_plugin) {
                     $template_block = $ins->get_template_block();
                     if (!empty($template_block)) {
                         self::$template->put_block(\ebi\Util::path_absolute(self::$template_path, $ins->get_template_block()));
                     $template = $ins->get_template();
                     if (!empty($template)) {
                         $pattern['template'] = $template;
                     $result_vars = array_merge($result_vars, $ins->get_after_vars());
                     $after_redirect = $ins->get_after_redirect();
                     if (isset($after_redirect) && !array_key_exists('after', $pattern) && !array_key_exists('cond_after', $pattern)) {
                         $pattern['after'] = $after_redirect;
                 if (self::has_class_plugin('after_flow_action')) {
                      * 後処理
                 if (isset($exception)) {
                     throw $exception;
                 if (!$accept_debug) {
                     if (isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) && $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') {
                         if (array_key_exists('post_cond_after', $pattern) && is_array($pattern['post_cond_after'])) {
                             foreach ($pattern['post_cond_after'] as $cak => $cav) {
                                 if (isset($result_vars[$cak])) {
                                     self::map_redirect($cav, $result_vars, $pattern);
                         if (array_key_exists('post_after', $pattern)) {
                             self::map_redirect($pattern['post_after'], $result_vars, $pattern);
                     if (array_key_exists('cond_after', $pattern) && is_array($pattern['cond_after'])) {
                         foreach ($pattern['cond_after'] as $cak => $cav) {
                             if (isset($result_vars[$cak])) {
                                 self::map_redirect($cav, $result_vars, $pattern);
                     if (array_key_exists('after', $pattern)) {
                         self::map_redirect($pattern['after'], $result_vars, $pattern);
                     if (array_key_exists('template', $pattern)) {
                         if (array_key_exists('template_super', $pattern)) {
                             self::$template->template_super(\ebi\Util::path_absolute(self::$template_path, $pattern['template_super']));
                         return self::template($result_vars, $pattern, $ins, \ebi\Util::path_absolute(self::$template_path, $pattern['template']));
                     } else {
                         if (isset($template)) {
                             return self::template($result_vars, $pattern, $ins, \ebi\Util::path_absolute(self::$template_path, $template));
                         } else {
                             if (array_key_exists('@', $pattern) && is_file($t = \ebi\Util::path_absolute(self::$template_path, $pattern['name']) . '.html')) {
                                 return self::template($result_vars, $pattern, $ins, $t);
                             } else {
                                 if (array_key_exists('@', $pattern) && is_file($t = $pattern['@'] . '/resources/templates/' . preg_replace('/^.+::/', '', $pattern['action'] . '.html'))) {
                                     $app_url = $is_secure_pattern_func($pattern) ? str_replace('http://', 'https://', self::$app_url) : self::$app_url;
                                     return self::template($result_vars, $pattern, $ins, $t, $app_url . self::$package_media_url . '/' . $pattern['idx']);
                                 } else {
                                     if (array_key_exists('find_template', $selfmap) && $selfmap['find_template'] === true && is_file($t = \ebi\Util::path_absolute(self::$template_path, $pattern['name'] . '.html'))) {
                                         return self::template($result_vars, $pattern, $ins, $t);
                                     } else {
                                         if (self::has_class_plugin('flow_output')) {
                                              * 結果を出力する
                                              * @param mixed{} $result_vars actionで返却された変数
                                             self::call_class_plugin_funcs('flow_output', $result_vars);
                                             return self::terminate();
                 \ebi\HttpHeader::send('Content-Type', 'application/json');
                 print \ebi\Json::encode(['result' => \ebi\Util::to_primitive($result_vars)]);
                 return self::terminate();
             } catch (\Exception $e) {
                  * @param string[] $val ログに記録しない例外クラス名
                 if (!in_array(get_class($e), \ebi\Conf::gets('ignore_exceptions'))) {
                 if (isset($pattern['error_status'])) {
                 } else {
                     if (isset($selfmap['error_status'])) {
                 if (isset($pattern['vars']) && !empty($pattern['vars']) && is_array($pattern['vars'])) {
                     $result_vars = array_merge($result_vars, $pattern['vars']);
                 if (!$accept_debug) {
                     if (isset($pattern['@']) && is_file($t = $pattern['@'] . '/resources/templates/error.html')) {
                         $app_url = $is_secure_pattern_func($pattern) ? str_replace('http://', 'https://', self::$app_url) : self::$app_url;
                         return self::template($result_vars, $pattern, $ins, $t, $app_url . self::$package_media_url . '/' . $pattern['idx']);
                     } else {
                         if (array_key_exists('error_redirect', $pattern)) {
                             return self::map_redirect($pattern['error_redirect'], [], $pattern);
                         } else {
                             if (array_key_exists('error_template', $pattern)) {
                                 return self::template($result_vars, $pattern, $ins, \ebi\Util::path_absolute(self::$template_path, $pattern['error_template']));
                             } else {
                                 if (array_key_exists('error_redirect', $selfmap)) {
                                     return self::map_redirect($selfmap['error_redirect'], [], $pattern);
                                 } else {
                                     if (array_key_exists('error_template', $selfmap)) {
                                         return self::template($result_vars, $pattern, $ins, \ebi\Util::path_absolute(self::$template_path, $selfmap['error_template']));
                                     } else {
                                         if (self::has_class_plugin('flow_exception')) {
                                              * 例外発生時の処理・出力
                                              * @param \Exception $e 発生した例外
                                             self::call_class_plugin_funcs('flow_exception', $e);
                                             return self::terminate();
                                         } else {
                                             if (self::has_class_plugin('flow_output')) {
                                                 self::call_class_plugin_funcs('flow_output', ['error' => ['message' => $e->getMessage()]]);
                                                 return self::terminate();
                  *  @param boolean $val Error Json出力時にException traceも出力するフラグ
                 $trace = \ebi\Conf::get('exception_trace', false);
                 $message = [];
                 foreach (\ebi\FlowInvalid::get() as $g => $e) {
                     $em = ['message' => $e->getMessage(), 'type' => basename(str_replace("\\", '/', get_class($e)))];
                     if ($trace) {
                         $em['trace'] = $e->getTraceAsString();
                     if (!empty($g)) {
                         $em['group'] = $g;
                     $message[] = $em;
                 \ebi\HttpHeader::send('Content-Type', 'application/json');
                 print json_encode(['error' => $message]);
                 return self::terminate();
     if (array_key_exists('nomatch_redirect', $selfmap) && strpos($selfmap['nomatch_redirect'], '://') === false) {
         foreach ($selfmap['patterns'] as $m) {
             if ($selfmap['nomatch_redirect'] == $m['name']) {
                 self::$url_pattern[$m['name']][$m['num']] = $m['format'];
         self::map_redirect($selfmap['nomatch_redirect'], [], []);
     return self::terminate();
文件: Dao.php 项目: tokushima/ebi
 public function __construct()
     call_user_func_array('parent::__construct', func_get_args());
     if (func_num_args() == 1) {
         foreach (func_get_arg(0) as $n => $v) {
             switch ($n) {
                 case '_has_hierarchy_':
                 case '_class_id_':
                 case '_hierarchy_':
                     $this->{$n} = $v;
     $p = get_class($this);
     if (!isset($this->_class_id_)) {
         $this->_class_id_ = $p;
     if (isset(self::$_dao_[$this->_class_id_])) {
         foreach (self::$_dao_[$this->_class_id_]->_has_dao_ as $name => $dao) {
     $annotation = \ebi\Annotation::get_class($p, ['readonly', 'table']);
     $anon = [null, isset($annotation['table']['name']) ? $annotation['table']['name'] : null, $annotation['readonly'] !== null];
     if (empty(self::$_connection_settings_)) {
          * DBの接続情報
          * ``````````````````````````````````````````````````````````
          * [
          * 	'ebi.SessionDao'=>[ // ebi.SessionDaoモデルの接続情報となります
          * 		'type'=>'ebi.MysqlConnector',
          * 		'name'=>'ebitest'
          * 	],
          * 	'*'=>[ // *を指定した場合は他のパターンにマッチしたなかったもの全てがこの接続になります
          * 		'type'=>'ebi.MysqlConnector',
          * 		'name'=>'ebitest'
          * 	],
          * ]
          * ``````````````````````````````````````````````````````````
          * @param string{} $connection 接続情報配列
         self::$_connection_settings_ = \ebi\Conf::gets('connection');
         if (empty(self::$_connection_settings_)) {
             self::$_connection_settings_ = ['*' => ['host' => getcwd()]];
     // find connection settings
     $findns = explode('\\', $p);
     while (!array_key_exists(implode('.', $findns), self::$_connection_settings_) && !empty($findns)) {
     if (empty($findns) && !isset(self::$_connection_settings_['*'])) {
         throw new \ebi\exception\ConnectionException('could not find the connection settings `' . $p . '`');
     $anon[0] = empty($findns) ? '*' : implode('.', $findns);
     if (empty($anon[1])) {
         $table_class = $p;
         $parent_class = get_parent_class($p);
         $ref = new \ReflectionClass($parent_class);
         while (true) {
             $ref = new \ReflectionClass($parent_class);
             if (__CLASS__ == $parent_class || $ref->isAbstract()) {
             $table_class = $parent_class;
             $parent_class = get_parent_class($parent_class);
         $table_class = preg_replace("/^.*\\\\(.+)\$/", "\\1", $table_class);
         $anon[1] = strtolower($table_class[0]);
         for ($i = 1; $i < strlen($table_class); $i++) {
             $anon[1] .= ctype_lower($table_class[$i]) ? $table_class[$i] : '_' . strtolower($table_class[$i]);
     $db_settings = self::get_db_settings($anon[0], $p);
     $prefix = isset($db_settings['prefix']) ? $db_settings['prefix'] : '';
     $upper = isset($db_settings['upper']) && $db_settings['upper'] === true;
     $lower = isset($db_settings['lower']) && $db_settings['lower'] === true;
     self::$_con_[get_called_class()] = self::$_connections_[$anon[0]]->connector();
     $set_table_name = function ($name, $class) use($prefix, $upper, $lower) {
         $name = $prefix . $name;
         if ($upper) {
             $name = strtoupper($name);
         } else {
             if ($lower) {
                 $name = strtolower($name);
         return $name;
     self::$_co_anon_[$p] = $anon;
     self::$_co_anon_[$p][1] = $set_table_name(self::$_co_anon_[$p][1], $p);
     $has_hierarchy = isset($this->_hierarchy_) ? $this->_hierarchy_ - 1 : $this->_has_hierarchy_;
     $root_table_alias = 't' . self::$_cnt_++;
     $_self_columns_ = $_where_columns_ = $_conds_ = $_join_conds_ = $_alias_ = $_has_many_conds_ = $_has_dao_ = [];
     $prop = $last_cond_column = [];
     $ref = new \ReflectionClass($this);
     foreach ($ref->getProperties(\ReflectionProperty::IS_PUBLIC | \ReflectionProperty::IS_PROTECTED) as $prop) {
         if ($prop->getName()[0] != '_' && $this->prop_anon($prop->getName(), 'extra') !== true) {
             $props[] = $prop->getName();
     while (!empty($props)) {
         $name = array_shift($props);
         $anon_cond = $this->prop_anon($name, 'cond');
         $column_type = $this->prop_anon($name, 'type');
         if (empty($column_type)) {
             if ($name == 'id') {
                 $this->prop_anon($name, 'type', 'serial', true);
             } else {
                 if ($name == 'created_at' || $name == 'create_date' || $name == 'created') {
                     $this->prop_anon($name, 'type', 'timestamp', true);
                     $this->prop_anon($name, 'auto_now_add', true, true);
                 } else {
                     if ($name == 'updated_at' || $name == 'update_date' || $name == 'modified') {
                         $this->prop_anon($name, 'type', 'timestamp', true);
                         $this->prop_anon($name, 'auto_now', true, true);
                     } else {
                         if ($name == 'code') {
                             $this->prop_anon($name, 'type', 'string', true);
                             $this->prop_anon($name, 'auto_code_add', true, true);
             $column_type = $this->prop_anon($name, 'type', 'string');
         if ($this->prop_anon($name, 'type') == 'serial') {
             $this->prop_anon($name, 'primary', true, true);
         $column = new \ebi\Column();
         $column->column($this->prop_anon($name, 'column', $name));
         $column->column_alias('c' . self::$_cnt_++);
         if ($anon_cond === null) {
             if (ctype_upper($column_type[0]) && class_exists($column_type) && is_subclass_of($column_type, __CLASS__)) {
                 throw new \ebi\exception\InvalidQueryException('undef ' . $name . ' annotation `cond`');
             $column->primary($this->prop_anon($name, 'primary', false) || $column_type === 'serial');
             $column->auto($column_type === 'serial');
             $_alias_[$column->column_alias()] = $name;
             $_self_columns_[$name] = $column;
         } else {
             if (false !== strpos($anon_cond, '(')) {
                 $is_has = class_exists($column_type) && is_subclass_of($column_type, __CLASS__);
                 $is_has_many = $is_has && $this->prop_anon($name, 'attr') === 'a';
                 if ((!$is_has || $has_hierarchy > 0) && preg_match("/^(.+)\\((.*)\\)(.*)\$/", $anon_cond, $match)) {
                     list(, $self_var, $conds_string, $has_var) = $match;
                     $conds = [];
                     $ref_table = $ref_table_alias = null;
                     if (!empty($conds_string)) {
                         foreach (explode(',', $conds_string) as $cond) {
                             $tcc = explode('.', $cond, 3);
                             switch (sizeof($tcc)) {
                                 case 1:
                                     $conds[] = \ebi\Column::cond_instance($tcc[0], 'c' . self::$_cnt_++, $this->table(), $root_table_alias);
                                 case 2:
                                     list($t, $c1) = $tcc;
                                     $ref_table = $set_table_name($t, $p);
                                     $ref_table_alias = 't' . self::$_cnt_++;
                                     $conds[] = \ebi\Column::cond_instance($c1, 'c' . self::$_cnt_++, $ref_table, $ref_table_alias);
                                 case 3:
                                     list($t, $c1, $c2) = $tcc;
                                     $ref_table = $set_table_name($t, $p);
                                     $ref_table_alias = 't' . self::$_cnt_++;
                                     $conds[] = \ebi\Column::cond_instance($c1, 'c' . self::$_cnt_++, $ref_table, $ref_table_alias);
                                     $conds[] = \ebi\Column::cond_instance($c2, 'c' . self::$_cnt_++, $ref_table, $ref_table_alias);
                                     throw new \ebi\exception\InvalidAnnotationException('annotation error : `' . $name . '`');
                     if ($is_has_many) {
                         if (empty($has_var)) {
                             throw new \ebi\exception\InvalidAnnotationException('annotation error : `' . $name . '`');
                         $dao = new $column_type(['_class_id_' => $p . '___' . self::$_cnt_++]);
                         $_has_many_conds_[$name] = [$dao, $has_var, $self_var];
                     } else {
                         if ($is_has) {
                             if (empty($has_var)) {
                                 throw new \ebi\exception\InvalidAnnotationException('annotation error : `' . $name . '`');
                             $dao = new $column_type(['_class_id_' => $p . '___' . self::$_cnt_++, '_hierarchy_' => $has_hierarchy]);
                             $_has_many_conds_[$name] = [$dao, $has_var, $self_var];
                         } else {
                             if ($self_var[0] == '@') {
                                 $cond_var = null;
                                 $cond_name = substr($self_var, 1);
                                 if (strpos($cond_name, '.') !== false) {
                                     list($cond_name, $cond_var) = explode('.', $cond_name);
                                 if (!isset($last_cond_column[$cond_name]) && in_array($cond_name, $props)) {
                                     $props[] = $name;
                                 $cond_column = clone $last_cond_column[$cond_name];
                                 if (isset($cond_var)) {
                                     $cond_column->column_alias('c' . self::$_cnt_++);
                                 array_unshift($conds, $cond_column);
                             } else {
                                 array_unshift($conds, \ebi\Column::cond_instance($self_var, 'c' . self::$_cnt_++, $this->table(), $root_table_alias));
                             $_alias_[$column->column_alias()] = $name;
                             if (sizeof($conds) % 2 != 0) {
                                 throw new \ebi\exception\InvalidQueryException($name . '[' . $column_type . '] is illegal condition');
                             if ($this->prop_anon($name, 'join', false)) {
                                 $this->prop_anon($name, 'get', false, true);
                                 $this->prop_anon($name, 'set', false, true);
                                 for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($conds); $i += 2) {
                                     $_join_conds_[$name][] = [$conds[$i], $conds[$i + 1]];
                             } else {
                                 for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($conds); $i += 2) {
                                     $_conds_[] = [$conds[$i], $conds[$i + 1]];
                             $_where_columns_[$name] = $column;
                     if (!empty($conds)) {
                         $cond_column = clone $conds[sizeof($conds) - 1];
                         $cond_column->column_alias('c' . self::$_cnt_++);
                         $last_cond_column[$name] = $cond_column;
             } else {
                 if ($anon_cond[0] === '@') {
                     $cond_name = substr($anon_cond, 1);
                     if (in_array($cond_name, $props)) {
                         $props[] = $name;
                     if (isset($_self_columns_[$cond_name])) {
                     } else {
                         if (isset($_where_columns_[$cond_name])) {
                         } else {
                             throw new \ebi\exception\InvalidQueryException('undef var `' . $name . '`');
                     $_alias_[$column->column_alias()] = $name;
                     $_where_columns_[$name] = $column;
     self::$_dao_[$this->_class_id_] = (object) ['_self_columns_' => $_self_columns_, '_where_columns_' => $_where_columns_, '_conds_' => $_conds_, '_join_conds_' => $_join_conds_, '_alias_' => $_alias_, '_has_dao_' => $_has_dao_, '_has_many_conds_' => $_has_many_conds_];
  * @param \ebi\Log $log
 public function log_output(\ebi\Log $log)
     $mail = new \ebi\Mail();
      * @param mixed{} $arg1 メールにバインドする変数
     $vars = \ebi\Conf::gets('vars');
      * @param string $arg1 fromのメールアドレス
     $from = \ebi\Conf::get('from');
      * @param string $arg1 toのメールアドレス
     $to = \ebi\Conf::get('to');
     if (!empty($from)) {
         if (is_string($from)) {
         } else {
             if (isset($from['address'])) {
                 $mail->from($from['address'], isset($from['name']) ? $from['name'] : null);
     if (!empty($to)) {
         if (is_string($to)) {
         } else {
             if (isset($to['address'])) {
                 $mail->to($to['address'], isset($to['name']) ? $to['name'] : null);
             } else {
                 if (is_array($to)) {
                     foreach ($to as $t) {
                         if (isset($t['address'])) {
                             $mail->to($t['address'], isset($t['name']) ? $t['name'] : null);
     if (!is_array($vars)) {
         $vars = [];
     $template = '';
     switch ($log->level()) {
         case 0:
             $template = 'logs/emergency.xml';
         case 1:
             $template = 'logs/alert.xml';
         case 2:
             $template = 'logs/critical.xml';
         case 3:
             $template = 'logs/error.xml';
         case 4:
             $template = 'logs/warning.xml';
         case 5:
             $template = 'logs/notice.xml';
         case 6:
             $template = 'logs/info.xml';
         case 7:
             $template = 'logs/debug.xml';
     try {
         $mail->send_template($template, array_merge($vars, ['log' => $log, 'env' => new \ebi\Env()]));
     } catch (\ebi\exception\InvalidArgumentException $e) {
文件: Dt.php 项目: tokushima/ebi
  * ライブラリ一覧
  * @return array
 public static function classes($parent_class = null, $ignore = true)
     $result = [];
     $include_path = [];
     $ignore_class = [];
     if (is_dir(getcwd() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'lib')) {
         $include_path[] = realpath(getcwd() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'lib');
     if (class_exists('Composer\\Autoload\\ClassLoader')) {
         $r = new \ReflectionClass('Composer\\Autoload\\ClassLoader');
         $vendor_dir = dirname(dirname($r->getFileName()));
         if (is_file($loader_php = $vendor_dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'autoload.php')) {
             $loader = (include $loader_php);
             // vendor以外の定義されているパスを探す
             foreach ($loader->getPrefixes() as $ns) {
                 foreach ($ns as $path) {
                     $path = realpath($path);
                     if (strpos($path, $vendor_dir) === false) {
                         $include_path[] = $path;
     $valid_find_class_file = function ($f) {
         if (strpos($f->getPathname(), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '.') === false && strpos($f->getPathname(), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '_') === false && strpos($f->getPathname(), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'cmd' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) === false && ctype_upper(substr($f->getFilename(), 0, 1)) && substr($f->getFilename(), -4) == '.php') {
             try {
                 include_once $f->getPathname();
             } catch (\Exeption $e) {
     foreach ($include_path as $libdir) {
         if ($libdir !== '.' && is_dir($libdir)) {
             foreach (\ebi\Util::ls($libdir, true) as $f) {
      * @param string[] $vendor 利用するvendorのクラス
     $use_vendor = \ebi\Conf::gets('use_vendor');
      * @param callback $callback 利用するvendorのクラス配列を返すメソッド
     $use_vendor_callback = \ebi\Conf::get('use_vendor_callback');
     if (!empty($use_vendor_callback)) {
         $callback_result = call_user_func($use_vendor_callback);
         if (is_array($callback_result)) {
             $use_vendor = array_merge($use_vendor, $callback_result);
     if (is_array($use_vendor)) {
         foreach ($use_vendor as $class) {
             $find_package = false;
             if (substr($class, -1) == '*') {
                 $class = substr($class, 0, -1);
                 $find_package = true;
             $class = str_replace('.', '\\', $class);
             if (class_exists($class)) {
                 if ($find_package) {
                     $r = new \ReflectionClass($class);
                     foreach (\ebi\Util::ls(dirname($r->getFileName()), true) as $f) {
     $valid_find_class = function ($r, $parent_class) {
         if (!$r->isInterface() && (empty($parent_class) || is_subclass_of($r->getName(), $parent_class)) && $r->getFileName() !== false && strpos($r->getName(), '_') === false && strpos($r->getName(), 'Composer') === false && strpos($r->getName(), 'cmdman') === false && strpos($r->getName(), 'testman') === false) {
             return true;
         return false;
     foreach (get_declared_classes() as $class) {
         if ($valid_find_class($r = new \ReflectionClass($class), $parent_class)) {
             (yield ['filename' => $r->getFileName(), 'class' => '\\' . $r->getName()]);