  * Akce vracející pravidla pro vykreslení v easymineru
  * @param int $id
  * @param int $miner
  * @param string $task
  * @param string $rule
  * @throws BadRequestException
  * @throws ForbiddenRequestException
 public function renderRuleDetails($id = null, $miner, $rule)
     $rule = $this->rulesFacade->findRule($rule);
     //kontrola přístupů
     $task = $rule->task;
     $minerId = $miner;
     $miner = $task->miner;
     if ($miner->minerId != $minerId || $task->taskId != $id) {
         throw new ForbiddenRequestException($this->translator->translate('You are not authorized to access selected data!'));
     $this->template->rule = $rule;
  * Akce pro odebrání celého obsahu rule clipboard z konkrétního rulesetu
  * @param int $id
  * @param int $miner
  * @param int $ruleset
  * @param string $returnRules ='' - IDčka oddělená čárkami, případně jedno ID
  * @throws ForbiddenRequestException
  * @throws BadRequestException
 public function actionRemoveRulesFromRuleSet($id = null, $miner, $ruleset, $returnRules = '')
     //načtení dané úlohy a zkontrolování přístupu k mineru
     $task = $this->tasksFacade->findTask($id);
     $ruleIdsArr = explode(',', str_replace(';', ',', $returnRules));
     //najití RuleSetu a kontroly
     $ruleSet = $this->ruleSetsFacade->findRuleSet($ruleset);
     $this->ruleSetsFacade->checkRuleSetAccess($ruleSet, $this->user->id);
     //přidání pravidel
     $this->ruleSetsFacade->removeAllRuleClipboardRulesFromRuleSet($task, $ruleSet);
     $result = array();
     if (count($ruleIdsArr) > 0) {
         foreach ($ruleIdsArr as $ruleId) {
             try {
                 $rule = $this->rulesFacade->findRule($ruleId);
                 //TODO optimalizovat kontroly...
                 $ruleTask = $rule->task;
                 if ($ruleTask->taskId != $task->taskId) {
                     throw new InvalidArgumentException();
                 if ($ruleTask->miner->minerId != $miner) {
                     throw new InvalidArgumentException();
                 $result[$rule->ruleId] = $rule->getBasicDataArr();
             } catch (\Exception $e) {
     $this->sendJsonResponse(array('rules' => $result));
  * Funkce připravující pole s informacemi o vybraných pravidlech pro vrácení v rámci JSON odpovědi
  * @param int[] $ruleIdsArr
  * @param RuleSet|int $ruleSet
  * @return array
 private function prepareRulesResult($ruleIdsArr, $ruleSet = null)
     $result = [];
     if (!empty($ruleIdsArr)) {
         foreach ($ruleIdsArr as $ruleId) {
             if (!$ruleId) {
             try {
                 $rule = $this->rulesFacade->findRule($ruleId);
                 $result[$rule->ruleId] = $rule->getBasicDataArr();
                 if (!empty($ruleSet)) {
                     $relation = $rule->getRuleSetRelation($ruleSet);
                     if (!empty($relation)) {
                         $result[$rule->ruleId]['ruleSetRelation'] = $relation->relation;
                     } else {
                         $result[$rule->ruleId]['ruleSetRelation'] = '';
             } catch (\Exception $e) {
     return $result;
  * Funkce pro nalezení pravidla dle zadaného ID a kontrolu oprávnění aktuálního uživatele pracovat s daným pravidlem
  * @param int $ruleId
  * @return RuleSet
  * @throws \Nette\Application\BadRequestException
 private function findRuleWithCheckAccess($ruleId)
     try {
         /** @var Rule $rule */
         $rule = $this->rulesFacade->findRule($ruleId);
     } catch (EntityNotFoundException $e) {
         $this->error('Requested rule was not found.');
         return null;
     //TODO kontrola oprávnění
     return $rule;
  * Funkce pro přidání/změnu relace Rule k RuleSet
  * @param Rule|int $rule
  * @param RuleSet|int $ruleSet
  * @param string $relation
  * @param bool $updateRulesCount = true
  * @return bool
  * @throws \Exception
 public function addRuleToRuleSet($rule, $ruleSet, $relation, $updateRulesCount = true)
     if (!$rule instanceof Rule) {
         $rule = $this->rulesFacade->findRule($rule);
     if (!$ruleSet instanceof RuleSet) {
         $ruleSet = $this->ruleSetsRepository->find($ruleSet);
     try {
         $ruleSetRuleRelation = $this->ruleSetRuleRelationsRepository->findBy(['rule_id' => $rule->ruleId, 'rule_set_id' => $ruleSet->ruleSetId]);
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $ruleSetRuleRelation = new RuleSetRuleRelation();
         $ruleSetRuleRelation->rule = $rule;
         $ruleSetRuleRelation->ruleSet = $ruleSet;
     $ruleSetRuleRelation->relation = $relation;
     $result = $this->ruleSetRuleRelationsRepository->persist($ruleSetRuleRelation);
     if ($updateRulesCount) {
     return $result;
  * Akce pro odebrání pravidel z rulesetu
  * @param int $id
  * @param int|string $rules
  * @throws \Nette\Application\BadRequestException
  * @SWG\Delete(
  *   tags={"RuleSets"},
  *   path="/rule-sets/{id}/rules",
  *   summary="Remove rules from the selected rule set",
  *   security={{"apiKey":{}},{"apiKeyHeader":{}}},
  *   produces={"application/json","application/xml"},
  *   @SWG\Parameter(
  *     name="id",
  *     description="RuleSet ID",
  *     required=true,
  *     type="integer",
  *     in="path"
  *   ),
  *   @SWG\Parameter(
  *     name="rules",
  *     description="IDs of rules (optinally multiple - separated with , or ;)",
  *     required=true,
  *     type="array",
  *     @SWG\items(
  *       type="integer"
  *     ),
  *     collectionFormat="csv",
  *     in="query"
  *   ),
  *   @SWG\Response(
  *     response=200,
  *     description="Rules have been removed from the rule set.",
  *     @SWG\Schema(ref="#/definitions/StatusResponse"),examples={"code":200,"status":"OK"}
  *   ),
  *   @SWG\Response(response=404, description="Requested rule set was not found.")
  * )
 public function actionDeleteRules($id, $rules)
     /** @var RuleSet $ruleSet */
     $ruleSet = $this->findRuleSetWithCheckAccess($id);
     /** @var int[] $ruleIdsArr */
     $ruleIdsArr = explode(',', str_replace(';', ',', $rules));
     if (!empty($ruleIdsArr)) {
         foreach ($ruleIdsArr as $ruleId) {
             if (!$ruleId) {
             try {
                 $rule = $this->rulesFacade->findRule($ruleId);
                 $this->ruleSetsFacade->removeRuleFromRuleSet($rule, $ruleSet);
             } catch (\Exception $e) {
     $this->resource = ['code' => 200, 'status' => 'ok'];