public function testFailPaths() { $this->prepareInput(); $model = new PublishModel($this->inputMock); $this->assertSame('*', $model->getPackageEntry()); $this->assertSame('*', $model->getGroupEntry()); $this->assertSame(getcwd(), $model->getConfigPath()); $this->assertSame(getcwd(), $model->getPublishPath()); }
private function extractNotation($fileString) { // removing extra space characters for further work $fileString = preg_replace('/(\\ {0,1})/is', '', $fileString); // extracting file string notation $fileStringNotation = explode('->', $fileString); // if file notation contains copy/link // via destination "->" symbol if (count($fileStringNotation) == 2) { // throwing an exception if target path is absolute if ($fileStringNotation[0][0] == '/') { throw new \LogicException('.publisher does not work with absolute paths'); } if ($fileStringNotation[1][0] == '/') { throw new \LogicException('.publisher does not work with absolute paths'); } // composing source notation - (publish path + directory separator + distination) $fileStringNotation[1] = $this->model->getPublishPath() . '/' . $fileStringNotation[1]; // checking if source want to be published // in one of possible locations // e.g.: "{public,web}/assets" will check if // public/assets or public/web is available. // e.g.: "assets/{scripts,js}" will check if // assets/scripts or assets/js is available. $reg = '/(.*?)(\\{)([\\w\\d\\.\\-\\@\\:\\,]{1,})(\\})([\\w\\d\\/\\.\\-\\@\\:\\,]{0,})/i'; if (preg_match($reg, $fileStringNotation[1], $matches)) { // converting variants into array // e.g. {public,web,htdocs}/assets will produce ['public', 'web', 'htdocs'] $variants = explode(',', $matches[3]); // suppose that none of variants exists $existed = false; foreach ($variants as $publishVariant) { // if path exists setting it as if ($existed = realpath($matches[1] . $publishVariant)) { // replacing source notation with target path // and breaking the loop $fileStringNotation[1] = $matches[1] . $publishVariant . $matches[5]; break; } } if (!$existed) { // if none of variants exists // replacing source notation with first "posible" // target path $fileStringNotation[1] = $matches[1] . $variants[0] . $matches[5]; } } } elseif (count($fileStringNotation) == 1) { // if file notation string does not // contain destination symbol if ($fileStringNotation[0][0] == '/') { throw new \LogicException('.publisher does not work with absolute paths'); } $fileStringNotation[1] = $this->model->getPublishPath(); } else { // if we meet nonsense typo throw new \LogicException("Unexpected syntax in:" . $fileString); } return $fileStringNotation; }
protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $model = new PublishModel($input); // setting path to scan for .publisher.* config file $this->publisherScanner->setPath($model->getConfigPath()); /** * @var IPublisherHandler $handler */ $handler = $this->publisherScanner->scan(false); // if handler is null, throwing an exception // with message if (!$handler) { // retrieving available extensions // and making mask-like string $extensions = implode('|', $this->publisherScanner->getSupportedExtensions()); throw new \Exception('You have to create .publisher.(' . $extensions . ') file first.'); } $publisherHandler = new PublisherHandler($model, $handler, $this->fileSystem); $publisherHandler->setOutput($output)->process(); }