protected function displayEdit() { $item = $this->getItem(); if (empty($item) || $item->product_type != 'giftcards') { \Dsc\System::addMessage('Item is not a giftcard', 'error'); $this->app->reroute('/admin/shop/giftcards'); } $f3 = \Base::instance(); $flash = \Dsc\Flash::instance(); $variants = array(); if ($flashed_variants = $flash->old('variants')) { foreach ($flashed_variants as $variant) { $key = implode("-", (array) $variant['attributes']); if (empty($key)) { $key = $variant['id']; } $variants[$key] = $variant; } } $old = array_merge($flash->get('old'), array('variants' => $variants)); $flash->store($old); $model = new \Shop\Models\Categories(); $categories = $model->getList(); \Base::instance()->set('categories', $categories); \Base::instance()->set('selected', 'null'); $all_tags = $this->getModel()->getTags(); \Base::instance()->set('all_tags', $all_tags); $this->app->set('meta.title', 'Edit Gift Card | Shop'); $view = \Dsc\System::instance()->get('theme'); $view->event = $view->trigger('onDisplayShopProductsEdit', array('item' => $this->getItem(), 'tabs' => array(), 'content' => array())); echo $view->render('Shop\\Admin\\Views::giftcards/edit.php'); }
protected function displayCreate() { $f3 = \Base::instance(); $item = $this->getItem(); $model = new \Pages\Models\Categories(); $categories = $model->getList(); \Base::instance()->set('categories', $categories); \Base::instance()->set('selected', 'null'); $selected = array(); $flash = \Dsc\Flash::instance(); $input = $flash->old('category_ids'); if (!empty($input)) { foreach ($input as $id) { $id = $this->inputfilter->clean($id, 'alnum'); $selected[] = array('id' => $id); } } $flash->store((array) $flash->get('old') + array('categories' => $selected)); $all_tags = $this->getModel()->getTags(); \Base::instance()->set('all_tags', $all_tags); $this->app->set('meta.title', 'Create Page'); $view = \Dsc\System::instance()->get('theme'); $view->event = $view->trigger('onDisplayPagesEdit', array('item' => $item, 'tabs' => array(), 'content' => array())); echo $view->render('Pages/Admin/Views::pages/create.php'); }
protected function displayEdit() { $model = new \Shop\Models\Coupons(); $flash = \Dsc\Flash::instance(); $this->app->set('meta.title', 'Edit Coupon | Shop'); $view = \Dsc\System::instance()->get('theme'); $view->event = $view->trigger('onDisplayShopCouponsEdit', array('item' => $this->getItem(), 'tabs' => array(), 'content' => array())); echo $view->render('Shop/Admin/Views::coupons/edit.php'); }
protected function displayEdit() { $item = $this->getItem(); $flash = \Dsc\Flash::instance(); $this->app->set('meta.title', 'Edit Product Review | Shop'); $view = \Dsc\System::instance()->get('theme'); $view->event = $view->trigger('onDisplayShopProductReviewsEdit', array('item' => $item, 'tabs' => array(), 'content' => array())); echo $view->render('Shop\\Admin\\Views::productreviews/edit.php'); }
protected function displayEdit() { $f3 = \Base::instance(); $model = new \Pages\Models\Categories(); $categories = $model->emptyState()->getList(); \Base::instance()->set('categories', $categories); $flash = \Dsc\Flash::instance(); $selected = $flash->old('parent'); \Base::instance()->set('selected', $selected); $this->app->set('meta.title', 'Edit Category | Pages'); $view = \Dsc\System::instance()->get('theme'); echo $view->render('Pages/Admin/Views::categories/edit.php'); }
protected function displayEdit() { $f3 = \Base::instance(); $model = $this->getModel(); $manufacturers = $model->emptyState()->getList(); \Base::instance()->set('manufacturers', $manufacturers); $flash = \Dsc\Flash::instance(); $selected = $flash->old('parent'); \Base::instance()->set('selected', $selected); $this->app->set('meta.title', 'Edit Manufacturer | Shop'); $view = \Dsc\System::instance()->get('theme'); $view->event = $view->trigger('onDisplayShopManufacturersEdit', array('item' => $this->getItem(), 'tabs' => array(), 'content' => array())); echo $view->render('Shop/Admin/Views::manufacturers/edit.php'); }
protected function displayEdit() { $this->app->set('pagetitle', 'Edit Category'); $model = new \Shop\Models\Categories(); $categories = $model->emptyState()->getList(); \Base::instance()->set('categories', $categories); $flash = \Dsc\Flash::instance(); $selected = $flash->old('parent'); \Base::instance()->set('selected', $selected); $this->app->set('allow_preview', $this->canPreview(true)); $view = \Dsc\System::instance()->get('theme'); $view->event = $view->trigger('onDisplayShopCategoriesEdit', array('item' => $this->getItem(), 'tabs' => array(), 'content' => array())); $this->app->set('meta.title', 'Edit Category | Shop'); echo $view->render('Shop/Admin/Views::categories/edit.php'); }
/** * Target for POST to create new record */ public function add() { $f3 = \Base::instance(); $flash = \Dsc\Flash::instance(); $data = \Base::instance()->get('REQUEST'); //\Dsc\System::addMessage( \Dsc\Debug::dump($data) ); if (!$this->canCreate($data)) { throw new \Exception('Not allowed to add record'); } $__customers = explode(",", \Dsc\ArrayHelper::get($data, '__customers')); $__emails = explode(",", \Dsc\ArrayHelper::get($data, '__emails')); $emails = array_filter(array_unique(array_merge(array(), $__customers, $__emails))); if (!empty($emails)) { try { $this->getModel()->issueToEmails($data, $emails); switch ($data['submitType']) { case "save_new": $route = $this->create_item_route; break; case "save_close": default: $route = $this->list_route; break; } $this->setRedirect($route); } catch (\Exception $e) { \Dsc\System::instance()->addMessage('Save failed with the following errors:', 'error'); \Dsc\System::instance()->addMessage($e->getMessage(), 'error'); if (\Base::instance()->get('DEBUG')) { \Dsc\System::instance()->addMessage($e->getTraceAsString(), 'error'); } // redirect back to the create form with the fields pre-populated \Dsc\System::instance()->setUserState('use_flash.' . $this->create_item_route, true); $flash->store($data); $this->setRedirect($this->create_item_route); } } else { // create just a single gift card $this->doAdd($data); } \Dsc\System::addMessage('Gift cards issued'); if ($route = $this->getRedirect()) { \Base::instance()->reroute($route); } return; }
public function edit() { $flash = \Dsc\Flash::instance(); $this->app->set('flash', $flash); $hash = $this->app->get('PARAMS.hash'); $crontab = new \Dsc\Cron\Crontab(); try { $job = $crontab->getJobByHash($hash); $flash->store($job->cast()); //\Dsc\System::addMessage( \Dsc\Debug::dump($job->cast()) ); } catch (\Exception $e) { \Dsc\System::addMessage($e->getMessage(), 'error'); $this->app->reroute('/admin/cron'); return; } $this->app->set('meta.title', 'Edit | Cron'); echo \Dsc\System::instance()->get('theme')->renderTheme('Admin/Views::cron/edit.php'); }
protected function displayCreate() { $identity = $this->getIdentity(); if (empty($identity->id)) { \Dsc\System::instance()->get('session')->set('site.login.redirect', '/shop/account/addresses/create'); \Base::instance()->reroute('/sign-in'); return; } $flash = \Dsc\Flash::instance(); $use_flash = \Dsc\System::instance()->getUserState('use_flash.' . $this->create_item_route); if (!$use_flash) { // this is a brand-new create, so store the prefab data $flash->store($this->getModel()->cast()); } $this->app->set('meta.title', 'New Address'); $view = \Dsc\System::instance()->get('theme'); echo $view->render('Shop/Site/Views::addresses/create.php'); }
public function getCheckboxes() { $model = $this->getModel()->populateState(); $categories = $model->getList(); \Base::instance()->set('categories', $categories); $selected = array(); $data = \Base::instance()->get('REQUEST'); $input = $data['category_ids']; foreach ($input as $id) { $id = $this->inputfilter->clean($id, 'alnum'); $selected[] = array('id' => $id); } $flash = \Dsc\Flash::instance(); $flash->store(array('metadata' => array('categories' => $selected))); \Base::instance()->set('flash', $flash); $view = \Dsc\System::instance()->get('theme'); $html = $view->renderLayout('Forums/Admin/Views::categories/checkboxes.php'); return $this->outputJson($this->getJsonResponse(array('result' => $html))); }
public function createFromEvent() { // get the event_id $event_id = $this->inputfilter->clean($this->app->get('PARAMS.event_id'), 'alnum'); try { $event = (new \Mailer\Models\Events())->setState('', $event_id)->getItem(); if (empty($event->id)) { throw new \Exception('Invalid Event'); } } catch (\Exception $e) { \Dsc\System::addMessage($e->getMessage(), 'error'); $this->app->reroute($this->list_route); } $item = (new \Mailer\Models\Templates())->set('event_id', $event_id)->bind(array('event_subject' => $event->event_subject, 'event_html' => $event->event_html, 'event_text' => $event->event_text)); $this->app->set('item', $item); $flash = \Dsc\Flash::instance(); $flash->store($item->cast()); $this->app->set('flash', $flash); $this->app->set('meta.title', 'Create Template | Mailer'); $view = \Dsc\System::instance()->get('theme'); echo $view->render('Mailer\\Admin\\Views::templates/create.form.php'); }
/** * Displays the thumb */ public function thumb() { $flash = \Dsc\Flash::instance(); $this->app->set('flash', $flash); $slug = $this->inputfilter->clean($this->app->get('PARAMS.slug'), 'PATH'); $item = $this->getItem(); if ($item == null) { $this->app->reroute(\Assets\Models\Settings::fetch()->get('images.default_thumb')); exit(0); } switch ($item->storage) { case "s3": case "cloudfiles": case "cdn": $this->app->reroute($item->thumb); break; case "gridfs": default: try { $thumb = \Dsc\Mongo\Collections\Assets::cachedThumb($slug); if (empty($thumb['bin'])) { throw new \Exception(); } } catch (\Exception $e) { return $this->app->error(404, 'Invalid Thumb'); } $height = $this->app->get('PARAMS.height'); $width = $this->app->get('PARAMS.width'); if ($height && $width) { $this->app->set('height', $height); $this->app->set('width', $width); } $flash->store($thumb); echo $this->theme->renderView('Assets/Site/Views::assets/thumb.php'); break; } }
protected function displayEdit() { $item = $this->getItem(); $flash = \Dsc\Flash::instance(); $variants = array(); if ($flashed_variants = $flash->old('variants')) { foreach ($flashed_variants as $variant) { $key = implode("-", (array) $variant['attributes']); if (empty($key)) { $key = $variant['id']; } $variants[$key] = $variant; } } $old = array_merge($flash->get('old'), array('variants' => $variants)); $flash->store($old); $model = new \Shop\Models\Categories(); $categories = $model->getList(); $this->app->set('categories', $categories); $this->app->set('selected', 'null'); $all_tags = $this->getModel()->getTags(); $this->app->set('all_tags', $all_tags); $this->app->set('meta.title', 'Edit Product | Shop'); $this->app->set('allow_preview', $this->canPreview(true)); $view = \Dsc\System::instance()->get('theme'); $view->event = $view->trigger('onDisplayShopProductsEdit', array('item' => $item, 'tabs' => array(), 'content' => array())); switch ($item->product_type) { case "giftcard": case "giftcards": echo $view->render('Shop\\Admin\\Views::giftcards/edit.php'); break; default: echo $view->render('Shop\\Admin\\Views::products/edit.php'); break; } }
protected function displayEdit() { $f3 = \Base::instance(); $all_tags = $this->getModel()->getTags(); \Base::instance()->set('all_tags', $all_tags); $this->app->set('meta.title', 'Edit Asset'); $flash = \Dsc\Flash::instance(); $flash->store($this->getItem()->castBinarySafe()); $view = \Dsc\System::instance()->get('theme'); $view->event = $view->trigger('onDisplayAdminAssetEdit', array('item' => $this->getItem(), 'tabs' => array(), 'content' => array())); echo $view->renderTheme('Assets/Admin/Views::assets/edit.php'); }
public function register() { $f3 = \Base::instance(); $checkout_method = strtolower($this->input->get('checkout_method', null, 'alnum')); switch ($checkout_method) { // if $checkout_method == guest // store email in cart object and then continue // create a guest mongoid case "guest": $real_email = trim(strtolower($this->input->get('email_address', null, 'string'))); if (\Users\Models\Users::emailExists($real_email)) { \Dsc\System::addMessage('This email is already registered. Please login to continue. <a href="./user/forgot-password">If necessary, you can recover your password here.</a>', 'error'); $this->app->reroute('/shop/checkout'); return; } $mongo_id = (string) new \MongoId(); $email = 'guest-' . $mongo_id . '@' . $mongo_id . '.' . $mongo_id; $password = \Users\Models\Users::generateRandomString(); $data = array('first_name' => 'Guest', 'last_name' => 'User', 'email' => $email, 'guest_email' => $real_email, 'new_password' => $password, 'confirm_new_password' => $password); $user = (new \Users\Models\Users())->bind($data); try { // this will handle other validations, such as username uniqueness, etc $user->guest = true; $user->active = false; $user->save(); } catch (\Exception $e) { \Dsc\System::addMessage('Could not create guest account', 'error'); \Dsc\System::addMessage($e->getMessage(), 'error'); \Dsc\System::instance()->setUserState('shop.checkout.register.flash_filled', true); $flash = \Dsc\Flash::instance(); $flash->store(array()); $this->app->reroute('/shop/checkout'); return; } // if we have reached here, then all is right with the form $flash = \Dsc\Flash::instance(); $flash->store(array()); // login the user, trigger Listeners \Dsc\System::instance()->get('auth')->login($user); $this->app->reroute('/shop/checkout'); break; // if $checkout_method == register // validate data // create user // redirect back to checkout // if $checkout_method == register // validate data // create user // redirect back to checkout case "register": $email = trim(strtolower($this->input->get('email_address', null, 'string'))); $data = array('first_name' => $this->input->get('first_name', null, 'string'), 'last_name' => $this->input->get('last_name', null, 'string'), 'email' => $email, 'new_password' => $this->input->get('new_password', null, 'string'), 'confirm_new_password' => $this->input->get('confirm_new_password', null, 'string')); $user = (new \Users\Models\Users())->bind($data); // Check if the email already exists and give a custom message if so if (!empty($user->email) && ($existing = $user->emailExists($user->email))) { if (empty($user->id) || $user->id != $existing->id) { \Dsc\System::addMessage('This email is already registered.', 'error'); \Dsc\System::instance()->setUserState('shop.checkout.register.flash_filled', true); $flash = \Dsc\Flash::instance(); $flash->store($user->cast()); $this->app->reroute('/shop/checkout'); return; } } try { // this will handle other validations, such as username uniqueness, etc $settings = \Users\Models\Settings::fetch(); $registration_action = $settings->{'general.registration.action'}; switch ($registration_action) { case "auto_login": $user->active = true; $user->save(); break; case "auto_login_with_validation": $user->active = false; $user->save(); $user->sendEmailValidatingEmailAddress(); break; default: $user->active = false; $user->save(); $user->sendEmailValidatingEmailAddress(); break; } } catch (\Exception $e) { \Dsc\System::addMessage('Could not create account.', 'error'); \Dsc\System::addMessage($e->getMessage(), 'error'); \Dsc\System::instance()->setUserState('shop.checkout.register.flash_filled', true); $flash = \Dsc\Flash::instance(); $flash->store($user->cast()); $f3->reroute('/shop/checkout'); return; } // if we have reached here, then all is right with the form $flash = \Dsc\Flash::instance(); $flash->store(array()); // login the user, trigger Listeners \Dsc\System::instance()->get('auth')->login($user); $this->app->reroute('/shop/checkout'); break; // if $checkout_method something else, // add message? // redirect back to checkout // if $checkout_method something else, // add message? // redirect back to checkout default: \Dsc\System::addMessage('Invalid Checkout Method', 'error'); $this->app->reroute('/shop/checkout'); break; } }
protected function doAdd($data) { if (empty($this->list_route)) { throw new \Exception('Must define a route for listing the items'); } if (empty($this->create_item_route)) { throw new \Exception('Must define a route for creating the item'); } if (empty($this->edit_item_route)) { throw new \Exception('Must define a route for editing the item'); } if (!isset($data['submitType'])) { $data['submitType'] = "save_edit"; } $f3 = \Base::instance(); $flash = \Dsc\Flash::instance(); $model = $this->getModel(); // save try { $values = $data; $create = array_filter($values['stripe']); //make a method for this, convert float to cents $create['amount'] = (int) $create['amount']; $settings = \Striper\Models\Settings::fetch(); // Set your secret key: remember to change this to your live secret key in production // See your keys here \Stripe\Stripe::setApiKey($settings->{$settings->mode . '.secret_key'}); $plan = \Stripe\Plan::create($create); $values['stripe'] = array('id' => $plan->id, 'name' => $plan->name, 'created' => $plan->created, 'amount' => $plan->amount, 'interval' => $plan->interval, 'currency' => $plan->currency, 'interval_count' => $plan->interval_count, 'trial_period_days' => $plan->trial_period_days); unset($values['submitType']); //\Dsc\System::instance()->addMessage(\Dsc\Debug::dump($values), 'warning'); $this->item = $model->create($values); } catch (\Exception $e) { \Dsc\System::instance()->addMessage('Save failed with the following errors:', 'error'); \Dsc\System::instance()->addMessage($e->getMessage(), 'error'); if (\Base::instance()->get('DEBUG')) { \Dsc\System::instance()->addMessage($e->getTraceAsString(), 'error'); } if ($f3->get('AJAX')) { // output system messages in response object return $this->outputJson($this->getJsonResponse(array('error' => true, 'message' => \Dsc\System::instance()->renderMessages()))); } // redirect back to the create form with the fields pre-populated \Dsc\System::instance()->setUserState('use_flash.' . $this->create_item_route, true); $flash->store($data); $this->setRedirect($this->create_item_route); return false; } // redirect to the editing form for the new item \Dsc\System::instance()->addMessage('Item saved', 'success'); if (method_exists($this->item, 'cast')) { $this->item_data = $this->item->cast(); } else { $this->item_data = \Joomla\Utilities\ArrayHelper::fromObject($this->item); } if ($f3->get('AJAX')) { return $this->outputJson($this->getJsonResponse(array('message' => \Dsc\System::instance()->renderMessages(), 'result' => $this->item_data))); } switch ($data['submitType']) { case "save_new": $route = $this->create_item_route; break; case "save_close": $route = $this->list_route; break; default: $flash->store($this->item_data); $id = $this->item->get($this->getItemKey()); $route = str_replace('{id}', $id, $this->edit_item_route); break; } $this->setRedirect($route); return $this; }
protected function basics() { switch ($this->app->get('VERB')) { case "POST": case "post": // do the save and redirect to $this->settings_route return $this->save(); break; } $flash = \Dsc\Flash::instance(); $this->app->set('flash', $flash); $settings = $this->getModel()->fetch(); $flash->store($settings->cast()); $this->app->set('meta.title', 'Configuration | Settings'); }
protected function doUpdate(array $data, $key = null) { if (empty($this->list_route)) { throw new \Exception('Must define a route for listing the items'); } if (empty($this->create_item_route)) { throw new \Exception('Must define a route for creating the item'); } if (empty($this->edit_item_route)) { throw new \Exception('Must define a route for editing the item'); } if (!isset($data['submitType'])) { $data['submitType'] = "save_edit"; } $f3 = \Base::instance(); $flash = \Dsc\Flash::instance(); $model = $this->getModel(); $this->item = $this->getItem(); // save $save_as = false; try { $values = $data; unset($values['submitType']); //\Dsc\System::instance()->addMessage(\Dsc\Debug::dump($values), 'warning'); if ($data['submitType'] == 'save_as') { $this->item = $model->saveAs($this->item, $values); \Dsc\System::instance()->addMessage('Item cloned. You are now editing the new item.', 'success'); } else { $this->item = $model->update($this->item, $values); \Dsc\System::instance()->addMessage('Item updated', 'success'); } } catch (\Exception $e) { \Dsc\System::instance()->addMessage('Save failed with the following errors:', 'error'); \Dsc\System::instance()->addMessage($e->getMessage(), 'error'); foreach ($model->getErrors() as $error) { \Dsc\System::instance()->addMessage($error, 'error'); } if ($f3->get('AJAX')) { // output system messages in response object return $this->outputJson($this->getJsonResponse(array('error' => true, 'message' => \Dsc\System::instance()->renderMessages()))); } // redirect back to the edit form with the fields pre-populated \Dsc\System::instance()->setUserState('use_flash.' . $this->edit_item_route, true); $flash->store($data); $id = $this->item->get($this->getItemKey()); $route = str_replace('{id}', $id, $this->edit_item_route); $this->setRedirect($route); return false; } // redirect to the editing form for the new item if (method_exists($this->item, 'cast')) { $this->item_data = $this->item->cast(); } else { $this->item_data = \Dsc\ArrayHelper::fromObject($this->item); } if ($f3->get('AJAX')) { return $this->outputJson($this->getJsonResponse(array('message' => \Dsc\System::instance()->renderMessages(), 'result' => $this->item_data))); } switch ($data['submitType']) { case "save_new": $route = $this->create_item_route; break; case "save_close": $route = $this->list_route; break; case "save_as": default: $flash->store($this->item_data); $id = $this->item->get($this->getItemKey()); $route = str_replace('{id}', $id, $this->edit_item_route); break; } $this->setRedirect($route); return $this; }
public function currencies() { $this->settings_route = '/admin/shop/settings/currencies'; switch ($this->app->get('VERB')) { case "POST": case "post": // do the save and redirect to $this->settings_route return $this->save(); break; } $flash = \Dsc\Flash::instance(); $this->app->set('flash', $flash); $settings = \Shop\Models\Settings::fetch(); $flash->store($settings->cast()); $this->app->set('meta.title', 'Currencies | Shop'); echo $this->theme->render('Shop/Admin/Views::settings/currencies.php'); }
/** * Target for the completeProfileForm submission */ public function completeProfile() { $settings = \Users\Models\Settings::fetch(); // check, if front-end registration is enabled if ($settings->{'general.registration.enabled'} == '0') { $f3->reroute('/login'); } if (!$settings->isSocialLoginEnabled()) { \Dsc\System::addMessage('Social login is not supported.', 'error'); \Base::instance()->reroute("/login"); } $f3 = \Base::instance(); try { $data = \Dsc\System::instance()->get('session')->get('users.incomplete_provider_data'); $data['email'] = $this->input->get('email', null, 'string'); $data['username'] = $this->input->get('username', null, 'string'); // we just got an email from a customer, so we need to verify it $user = \Users\Models\Users::createNewUser($data, 'auto_login_with_validation'); // social login should always login the user if successful, // so login the user if they aren't already logged in if (empty($this->getIdentity()->id)) { \Dsc\System::instance()->get('auth')->login($user); } \Dsc\System::instance()->get('session')->set('users.incomplete_provider_data', array()); } catch (\Exception $e) { switch ($e->getCode()) { case \Users\Models\Users::E_EMAIL_EXISTS: // This email is already registered // Push the user back to the login page, // and tell them that they must first sign-in using another method (the one they previously setup), // then upon login, they can link this current social provider to their existing account \Dsc\System::addMessage('This email is already registered.', 'error'); \Dsc\System::addMessage('Please login using the registered email address or with the other social profile that also uses this email address.', 'error'); \Dsc\System::addMessage('Once you are logged in, you may link additional social profiles to your account.', 'error'); $f3->reroute('/login'); break; default: \Dsc\System::addMessage('Registration failed.', 'error'); \Dsc\System::addMessage($e->getMessage(), 'error'); \Dsc\System::instance()->setUserState('', true); $flash = \Dsc\Flash::instance(); $flash->store($data); $f3->reroute('/login/completeProfile'); break; } return; } // if we have reached here, then all is right with the world. // redirect to the requested target, or the default if none requested $redirect = '/user'; if ($custom_redirect = \Dsc\System::instance()->get('session')->get('site.login.redirect')) { $redirect = $custom_redirect; } \Dsc\System::instance()->get('session')->set('site.login.redirect', null); $f3->reroute($redirect); }
/** * Display the form for creating an order from an existing wishlist by wishlist_id * Step 2 of 2, Payment -- enter authorization/payment-data manually */ public function createOrderPaymentManually() { $wishlist_id = $this->inputfilter->clean($this->app->get(''), 'alnum'); $flash = \Dsc\Flash::instance(); $this->app->set('meta.title', 'Payment | Create Order from Wishlist | Shop'); $item = $this->getItem(); $this->app->set('wishlist', $item); $this->app->set('manual_payment', true); $view = $this->theme; $view->event = $view->trigger('onShopCreateOrderPaymentManually', array('item' => $item, 'tabs' => array(), 'content' => array())); echo $view->render('Shop/Admin/Views::wishlists/create_order_payment.php'); }
<?php if (empty($flash)) { $flash = \Dsc\Flash::instance(); } ?> <p class="alert alert-warning"><b>Important:</b> In the "Display" tab, set "Display Title" = No. This will prevent the module's title from displaying inappropriately.</p> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-2"> <h3>Display</h3> </div> <!-- /.col-md-2 --> <div class="col-md-10"> <div class="form-group"> <div class="row clearfix"> <div class="col-md-6"> <label>Display the module's title as the title of the Lightbox?</label> <div class="form-group"> <label class="radio-inline"> <input type="radio" name="lightbox[title_enabled]" value="1" <?php if ($flash->old('lightbox.title_enabled')) { echo 'checked'; } ?> > Yes