  * @covers ::getContexts
  * @covers ::removeStaticContext
 public function testGetContextsAfterReset()
     $expected = [];
     $contexts = $this->pageVariant->getContexts();
     $this->assertSame($expected, $contexts);
     $contexts = $this->pageVariant->getContexts();
     $this->assertSame($expected, $contexts);
  * {@inheritdoc}
 protected function setUp()
     $this->drupalLogin($this->drupalCreateUser(['administer site configuration', 'translate configuration']));
     PageVariant::create(['variant' => 'http_status_code', 'label' => 'HTTP status code', 'id' => 'http_status_code', 'page' => 'node_view'])->save();
  * Tests whether the page entity config schema is valid.
 public function testValidPageConfigSchema()
     $id = 'node_view';
     /** @var \Drupal\page_manager\PageInterface $page */
     $page = Page::load($id);
     // Add an access condition.
     $page->addAccessCondition(['id' => 'node_type', 'bundles' => ['article' => 'article'], 'negate' => TRUE, 'context_mapping' => ['node' => 'node']]);
     $page_variant_id = 'block_page';
     // Add a block variant.
     $page_variant = PageVariant::create(['variant' => 'block_display', 'id' => $page_variant_id, 'label' => 'Block page', 'page' => $page->id()]);
     /** @var \Drupal\page_manager\Plugin\DisplayVariant\PageBlockDisplayVariant $variant_plugin */
     $variant_plugin = $page_variant->getVariantPlugin();
     // Add a selection condition.
     $page_variant->addSelectionCondition(['id' => 'node_type', 'bundles' => ['page' => 'page'], 'context_mapping' => ['node' => 'node']]);
     // Add a block.
     $variant_plugin->addBlock(['id' => 'entity_view:node', 'label' => 'View the node', 'provider' => 'page_manager', 'label_display' => 'visible', 'view_mode' => 'default']);
     $page_config = \Drupal::config("page_manager.page.{$id}");
     $this->assertSame($page_config->get('id'), $id);
     $variant_config = \Drupal::config("page_manager.page_variant.{$page_variant_id}");
     $this->assertSame($variant_config->get('id'), $page_variant_id);
     $this->assertConfigSchema(\Drupal::service('config.typed'), $page_config->getName(), $page_config->get());
     $this->assertConfigSchema(\Drupal::service('config.typed'), $variant_config->getName(), $variant_config->get());
  * Tests that a node bundle condition controls the node view page.
 public function testAdmin()
     // Create two nodes, and view their pages.
     $node1 = $this->drupalCreateNode(['type' => 'page']);
     $node2 = $this->drupalCreateNode(['type' => 'article']);
     $node3 = $this->drupalCreateNode(['type' => 'article']);
     $this->drupalGet('node/' . $node1->id());
     $this->assertTitle($node1->label() . ' | Drupal');
     $this->drupalGet('node/' . $node2->id());
     $this->assertTitle($node2->label() . ' | Drupal');
     // Create a new variant to always return 404, the node_view page exists by
     // default.
     $http_status_variant = PageVariant::create(['variant' => 'http_status_code', 'label' => 'HTTP status code', 'id' => 'http_status_code', 'page' => 'node_view']);
     $http_status_variant->getVariantPlugin()->setConfiguration(['status_code' => 404]);
     $this->drupalGet('node/' . $node1->id());
     $this->drupalGet('node/' . $node2->id());
     // Add a new variant.
     /** @var \Drupal\page_manager\PageVariantInterface $block_page_variant */
     $block_page_variant = PageVariant::create(['variant' => 'block_display', 'id' => 'block_page_first', 'label' => 'First', 'page' => 'node_view']);
     $block_page_plugin = $block_page_variant->getVariantPlugin();
     $block_page_plugin->setConfiguration(['page_title' => '[node:title]']);
     /** @var \Drupal\page_manager\Plugin\DisplayVariant\PageBlockDisplayVariant $block_page_plugin */
     $block_page_plugin->addBlock(['id' => 'entity_view:node', 'label' => 'Entity view (Content)', 'label_display' => FALSE, 'view_mode' => 'default', 'region' => 'top', 'context_mapping' => ['entity' => 'node']]);
     $block_page_variant->addSelectionCondition(['id' => 'node_type', 'bundles' => ['article' => 'article'], 'context_mapping' => ['node' => 'node']]);
     // The page node will 404, but the article node will display the variant.
     $this->drupalGet('node/' . $node1->id());
     $this->drupalGet('node/' . $node2->id());
     $this->assertTitle($node2->label() . ' | Drupal');
     // Test cacheability metadata.
     $this->drupalGet('node/' . $node3->id());
     // Ensure this doesn't affect the /node/add page.
  * Tests creating a Panels variant with the IPE.
 public function testPanelsIPE()
     // Create new page.
     $edit = ['id' => 'foo', 'label' => 'foo', 'path' => 'testing'];
     $this->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, 'Save');
     // Add a Panels variant which uses the IPE.
     $this->clickLink('Add new variant');
     $edit = ['id' => 'panels_1', 'label' => 'Default', 'variant_settings[builder]' => 'ipe'];
     $this->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, 'Save');
     /** @var \Drupal\page_manager\PageVariantInterface $page_variant */
     $page_variant = PageVariant::load('panels_1');
     /** @var \Drupal\panels\Plugin\DisplayVariant\PanelsDisplayVariant $panels_display */
     $panels_display = $page_variant->getVariantPlugin();
     // Make sure the storage type and id were set to the right value.
     $this->assertEqual($panels_display->getStorageType(), 'page_manager');
     $this->assertEqual($panels_display->getStorageId(), 'panels_1');
  * Tests that overriding the node page does not prevent translation.
 public function testNode()
     $node = $this->drupalCreateNode(['type' => 'article']);
     $this->drupalGet('node/' . $node->id());
     // Create a new variant.
     $http_status_variant = PageVariant::create(['variant' => 'http_status_code', 'label' => 'HTTP status code', 'id' => 'http_status_code', 'page' => 'node_view']);
     $http_status_variant->getVariantPlugin()->setConfiguration(['status_code' => 200]);
     $this->drupalGet('node/' . $node->id());
  * Tests that a node bundle condition controls the node view page.
 public function testPagePlaceHolder()
     // Access the page callback and check whether string is printed.
     $page_string = 'test-page';
     $this->drupalGet('page-manager-test/' . $page_string);
     $this->assertText('Hello World! Page ' . $page_string);
     // Create a new page entity with the same path as in the test module.
     $page = Page::create(['label' => 'Placeholder test', 'id' => 'placeholder', 'path' => '/page-manager-test/%']);
     // Create a new variant.
     $http_status_variant = PageVariant::create(['variant' => 'http_status_code', 'label' => 'HTTP status code', 'id' => 'http_status_code', 'page' => 'placeholder']);
     $http_status_variant->getVariantPlugin()->setConfiguration(['status_code' => 200]);
     // Access the page callback again and check that now the text is not there.
     $this->drupalGet('page-manager-test/' . $page_string);
     $this->assertNoText('Hello World! Page ' . $page_string);
  * Tests that a user role condition controls the node view page.
 public function testUserRoleAccessCondition()
     $node1 = $this->drupalCreateNode(['type' => 'page']);
     $node2 = $this->drupalCreateNode(['type' => 'article']);
     $this->drupalLogin($this->drupalCreateUser(['access content']));
     $this->drupalGet('node/' . $node1->id());
     $this->assertTitle($node1->label() . ' | Drupal');
     // Add a variant and an access condition.
     /** @var \Drupal\page_manager\Entity\PageVariant $page_variant */
     $page_variant = PageVariant::create(['variant' => 'block_display', 'id' => 'block_page', 'label' => 'Block page', 'page' => $this->page->id()]);
     $page_variant->getVariantPlugin()->setConfiguration(['page_title' => 'The overridden page']);
     $this->page->addAccessCondition(['id' => 'user_role', 'roles' => [RoleInterface::AUTHENTICATED_ID => RoleInterface::AUTHENTICATED_ID], 'context_mapping' => ['user' => 'current_user']]);
     $this->page->addAccessCondition(['id' => 'node_type', 'bundles' => ['page' => 'page'], 'context_mapping' => ['node' => 'node']]);
     $this->drupalGet('node/' . $node1->id());
     $this->assertTitle('Access denied | Drupal');
     $this->drupalGet('node/' . $node1->id());
     $this->assertTitle('Access denied | Drupal');
     $this->drupalLogin($this->drupalCreateUser(['access content']));
     $this->drupalGet('node/' . $node1->id());
     $this->assertTitle('The overridden page | Drupal');
     $this->drupalGet('node/' . $node2->id());
     $this->assertTitle('Access denied | Drupal');
  * Finds a block based on its variant and block label.
  * @param string $page_variant_id
  *   The ID of the page variant entity.
  * @param string $block_label
  *   The label of the block.
  * @return \Drupal\Core\Block\BlockPluginInterface|null
  *   Either a block plugin, or NULL.
 protected function findBlockByLabel($page_variant_id, $block_label)
     if ($page_variant = PageVariant::load($page_variant_id)) {
         /** @var \Drupal\ctools\Plugin\BlockVariantInterface $variant_plugin */
         $variant_plugin = $page_variant->getVariantPlugin();
         foreach ($variant_plugin->getRegionAssignments() as $blocks) {
             /** @var \Drupal\Core\Block\BlockPluginInterface[] $blocks */
             foreach ($blocks as $block) {
                 if ($block->label() == $block_label) {
                     return $block;
     return NULL;
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function build(array $regions, array $contexts, LayoutInterface $layout = NULL)
     // Load our PageVariant.
     /** @var \Drupal\page_manager\PageVariantInterface $page_variant */
     $page_variant = \Drupal::request()->attributes->get('page_manager_page_variant');
     // Check to see if the current user has permissions to use the IPE.
     $has_permission = $this->account->hasPermission('access panels in-place editing');
     // Attach the Panels In-place editor library based on permissions.
     if ($page_variant && $has_permission) {
         // This flag tracks whether or not there are unsaved changes.
         $unsaved = FALSE;
         // If a temporary configuration for this variant exists, use it.
         $temp_store_key = 'variant.' . $page_variant->id();
         if ($variant_config = $this->tempStore->get($temp_store_key)) {
             // Reload the PageVariant. This is required to set variant plugin
             // configuration correctly.
             $page_variant = PageVariant::load($page_variant->id());
             /** @var \Drupal\panels\Plugin\DisplayVariant\PanelsDisplayVariant $variant_plugin */
             $variant_plugin = $page_variant->getVariantPlugin();
             // Override our initial values with what's in TempStore.
             $layout = $variant_plugin->getLayout();
             $regions = $variant_plugin->getRegionAssignments();
             // Indicate that the user is viewing un-saved changes.
             $unsaved = TRUE;
         $build = parent::build($regions, $contexts, $layout);
         foreach ($regions as $region => $blocks) {
             // Wrap each region with a unique class and data attribute.
             $region_name = Html::getClass("block-region-{$region}");
             $build[$region]['#prefix'] = '<div class="' . $region_name . '" data-region-name="' . $region . '">';
             $build[$region]['#suffix'] = '</div>';
             if ($blocks) {
                 foreach ($blocks as $block_id => $block) {
                     $build[$region][$block_id]['#attributes']['data-block-id'] = $block_id;
         // Attach the required settings and IPE.
         $build['#attached']['library'][] = 'panels_ipe/panels_ipe';
         $build['#attached']['drupalSettings']['panels_ipe'] = $this->getDrupalSettings($regions, $layout, $page_variant);
         // Add our custom elements to the build.
         $build['#prefix'] = '<div id="panels-ipe-content">';
         // Indicate if the current user is viewing temp store.
         $tray_classes = $unsaved ? 'unsaved' : '';
         $build['#suffix'] = '</div><div id="panels-ipe-tray" class="' . $tray_classes . '"></div>';
     } else {
         $build = parent::build($regions, $contexts, $layout);
     return $build;
  * Loads or creates a Block Plugin instance suitable for rendering or testing.
  * @param \Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface $form_state
  *   The current state of the form.
  * @return \Drupal\Core\Block\BlockBase
  *   The Block Plugin instance.
 protected function getBlockInstance($form_state)
     /** @var \Drupal\page_manager\PageVariantInterface $page_variant */
     $page_variant = PageVariant::load($form_state->getValue('variant_id'));
     // If a UUID is provided, the Block should already exist.
     if ($uuid = $form_state->getValue('uuid')) {
         /** @var \Drupal\panels\Plugin\DisplayVariant\PanelsDisplayVariant $variant_plugin */
         $variant_plugin = $page_variant->getVariantPlugin();
         // If a temporary configuration for this variant exists, use it.
         $temp_store_key = 'variant.' . $page_variant->id();
         if ($variant_config = $this->tempStore->get($temp_store_key)) {
         // Load the existing Block instance.
         $block_instance = $variant_plugin->getBlock($uuid);
     } else {
         // Create an instance of this Block plugin.
         /** @var \Drupal\Core\Block\BlockBase $block_instance */
         $block_instance = $this->blockManager->createInstance($form_state->getValue('plugin_id'));
     // Add context to the block.
     if ($block_instance instanceof ContextAwarePluginInterface) {
         $this->contextHandler->applyContextMapping($block_instance, $page_variant->getContexts());
     return $block_instance;