  * Tests retaining of node form submissions containing profanity.
 function testRetain()
     $this->setProtectionUI('node_article_form', FormInterface::MOLLOM_MODE_ANALYSIS, NULL, ['checks[profanity]' => TRUE, 'discard' => 0]);
     // Login and submit a node.
     $edit = ['title[0][value]' => 'profanity', 'body[0][value]' => 'ham profanity'];
     $this->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, t('Save'));
     $this->node = $this->drupalGetNodeByTitle($edit['title[0][value]']);
     debug($this->node, 'node');
     $this->assertFalse($this->node->isPublished(), t('Node containing profanity was retained as unpublished.'));
     $this->assertUrl('node/' . $this->node->id());
     $this->assertMollomData('node', $this->node->id());
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function access(NodeInterface $node, $operation, $langcode, AccountInterface $account)
     // If no module implements the hook or the node does not have an id there is
     // no point in querying the database for access grants.
     if (!$this->moduleHandler->getImplementations('node_grants') || !$node->id()) {
     // Check the database for potential access grants.
     $query = $this->database->select('node_access');
     // Only interested for granting in the current operation.
     $query->condition('grant_' . $operation, 1, '>=');
     // Check for grants for this node and the correct langcode.
     $nids = $query->andConditionGroup()->condition('nid', $node->id())->condition('langcode', $langcode);
     // If the node is published, also take the default grant into account. The
     // default is saved with a node ID of 0.
     $status = $node->isPublished();
     if ($status) {
         $nids = $query->orConditionGroup()->condition($nids)->condition('nid', 0);
     $query->range(0, 1);
     $grants = static::buildGrantsQueryCondition(node_access_grants($operation, $account));
     if (count($grants) > 0) {
     return $query->execute()->fetchField();
 public function nodeGreeting(NodeInterface $node)
     if ($node->isPublished()) {
         $formatted = $node->body->processed;
         foreach ($node->field_tags as $tag) {
             $terms[] = $tag->entity->label();
         return ['#theme' => 'greeting_node', '#title' => $node->label() . ' (' . $node->bundle() . ')', '#body' => $formatted, '#name' => $node->getOwner()->label(), '#terms' => $terms];
     return ['#markup' => $this->t('Not published')];
 public function nodeHug(NodeInterface $node)
     if ($node->isPublished()) {
         // These are the same!
         $body = $node->body->value;
         $body = $node->body[0]->value;
         // But we really want...
         $formatted = $node->body->processed;
         $terms = [];
         foreach ($node->field_tags as $tag) {
             $terms[] = $tag->entity->label();
         $message = $this->t('Everyone hug @name because @reasons!', ['@name' => $node->getOwner()->label(), '@reasons' => implode(', ', $terms)]);
         return ['#title' => $node->label() . ' (' . $node->bundle() . ')', '#markup' => $message . $formatted];
     return $this->t('Not published');
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function access(NodeInterface $node, $operation, $langcode, AccountInterface $account)
     // If no module implements the hook or the node does not have an id there is
     // no point in querying the database for access grants.
     if (!$this->moduleHandler->getImplementations('node_grants') || !$node->id()) {
         // No opinion.
         return AccessResult::neutral();
     // Check the database for potential access grants.
     $query = $this->database->select('node_access');
     // Only interested for granting in the current operation.
     $query->condition('grant_' . $operation, 1, '>=');
     // Check for grants for this node and the correct langcode.
     $nids = $query->andConditionGroup()->condition('nid', $node->id())->condition('langcode', $langcode);
     // If the node is published, also take the default grant into account. The
     // default is saved with a node ID of 0.
     $status = $node->isPublished();
     if ($status) {
         $nids = $query->orConditionGroup()->condition($nids)->condition('nid', 0);
     $query->range(0, 1);
     $grants = static::buildGrantsQueryCondition(node_access_grants($operation, $account));
     if (count($grants) > 0) {
     // Only the 'view' node grant can currently be cached; the others currently
     // don't have any cacheability metadata. Hopefully, we can add that in the
     // future, which would allow this access check result to be cacheable in all
     // cases. For now, this must remain marked as uncacheable, even when it is
     // theoretically cacheable, because we don't have the necessary metadata to
     // know it for a fact.
     $set_cacheability = function (AccessResult $access_result) use($operation) {
         $access_result->addCacheContexts(['user.node_grants:' . $operation]);
         if ($operation !== 'view') {
         return $access_result;
     if ($query->execute()->fetchField()) {
         return $set_cacheability(AccessResult::allowed());
     } else {
         return $set_cacheability(AccessResult::forbidden());
  * Discussed at 47:00 in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8vwC_01KFLo
  * @param NodeInterface $node
  * @return type
 public function nodeMyHug(NodeInterface $node)
     if ($node->isPublished()) {
         // These are the same!  BUT DO NOT USE! (See below)
         $body = $node->body->value;
         // works even when body is multi-valued (gets the first one)
         $body = $node->body[0]->value;
         // works even when body is single-valued (gets the only one)
         // But we really want the processed value, which has been run through drupal's filters
         $formatted = $node->body->processed;
         $terms = [];
         foreach ($node->field_tags as $tag) {
             $terms[] = $tag->entity->label();
         $message = $this->t('Everyone give @name a my_hug because @reasons!', ['@name' => $node->getOwner()->label(), '@reasons' => implode(', ', $terms)]);
         return ['#title' => $node->label() . ' (' . $node->bundle() . ')', '#markup' => $message . $formatted];
     return $this->t('Not published');
 * Set permissions for a node to be written to the database.
 * When a node is saved, a module implementing hook_node_access_records() will
 * be asked if it is interested in the access permissions for a node. If it is
 * interested, it must respond with an array of permissions arrays for that
 * node.
 * Node access grants apply regardless of the published or unpublished status
 * of the node. Implementations must make sure not to grant access to
 * unpublished nodes if they don't want to change the standard access control
 * behavior. Your module may need to create a separate access realm to handle
 * access to unpublished nodes.
 * Note that the grant values in the return value from your hook must be
 * integers and not boolean TRUE and FALSE.
 * Each permissions item in the array is an array with the following elements:
 * - 'realm': The name of a realm that the module has defined in
 *   hook_node_grants().
 * - 'gid': A 'grant ID' from hook_node_grants().
 * - 'grant_view': If set to 1 a user that has been identified as a member
 *   of this gid within this realm can view this node. This should usually be
 *   set to $node->isPublished(). Failure to do so may expose unpublished content
 *   to some users.
 * - 'grant_update': If set to 1 a user that has been identified as a member
 *   of this gid within this realm can edit this node.
 * - 'grant_delete': If set to 1 a user that has been identified as a member
 *   of this gid within this realm can delete this node.
 * - langcode: (optional) The language code of a specific translation of the
 *   node, if any. Modules may add this key to grant different access to
 *   different translations of a node, such that (e.g.) a particular group is
 *   granted access to edit the Catalan version of the node, but not the
 *   Hungarian version. If no value is provided, the langcode is set
 *   automatically from the $node parameter and the node's original language (if
 *   specified) is used as a fallback. Only specify multiple grant records with
 *   different languages for a node if the site has those languages configured.
 * A "deny all" grant may be used to deny all access to a particular node or
 * node translation:
 * @code
 * $grants[] = array(
 *   'realm' => 'all',
 *   'gid' => 0,
 *   'grant_view' => 0,
 *   'grant_update' => 0,
 *   'grant_delete' => 0,
 *   'langcode' => 'ca',
 * );
 * @endcode
 * Note that another module node access module could override this by granting
 * access to one or more nodes, since grants are additive. To enforce that
 * access is denied in a particular case, use hook_node_access_records_alter().
 * Also note that a deny all is not written to the database; denies are
 * implicit.
 * @param \Drupal\node\NodeInterface $node
 *   The node that has just been saved.
 * @return
 *   An array of grants as defined above.
 * @see hook_node_access_records_alter()
 * @ingroup node_access
function hook_node_access_records(\Drupal\node\NodeInterface $node)
    // We only care about the node if it has been marked private. If not, it is
    // treated just like any other node and we completely ignore it.
    if ($node->private->value) {
        $grants = array();
        // Only published Catalan translations of private nodes should be viewable
        // to all users. If we fail to check $node->isPublished(), all users would be able
        // to view an unpublished node.
        if ($node->isPublished()) {
            $grants[] = array('realm' => 'example', 'gid' => 1, 'grant_view' => 1, 'grant_update' => 0, 'grant_delete' => 0, 'langcode' => 'ca');
        // For the example_author array, the GID is equivalent to a UID, which
        // means there are many groups of just 1 user.
        // Note that an author can always view his or her nodes, even if they
        // have status unpublished.
        if ($node->getOwnerId()) {
            $grants[] = array('realm' => 'example_author', 'gid' => $node->getOwnerId(), 'grant_view' => 1, 'grant_update' => 1, 'grant_delete' => 1, 'langcode' => 'ca');
        return $grants;
  * Checks if a node is published.
  * @param \Drupal\node\NodeInterface $node
  *   The node to check.
  * @return bool
  *   TRUE if the node is published.
 protected function doEvaluate(NodeInterface $node)
     return $node->isPublished();