  * Implementation of MigrateSource::performRewind().
  * We could simply execute the query and be functionally correct, but
  * we will take advantage of the PDO-based API to optimize the query up-front.
 protected function runQuery()
     $highwaterProperty = $this->migration->get('highwaterProperty');
     // Get the key values, for potential use in joining to the map table, or
     // enforcing idlist.
     $keys = array();
     // The rules for determining what conditions to add to the query are as
     // follows (applying first applicable rule)
     // 1. If idlist is provided, then only process items in that list (AND key
     //    IN (idlist)). Only applicable with single-value keys.
     if ($id_list = $this->migration->get('idlist')) {
         $this->query->condition($keys[0], $id_list, 'IN');
     } else {
         // 2. If the map is joinable, join it. We will want to accept all rows
         //    which are either not in the map, or marked in the map as NEEDS_UPDATE.
         //    Note that if highwater fields are in play, we want to accept all rows
         //    above the highwater mark in addition to those selected by the map
         //    conditions, so we need to OR them together (but AND with any existing
         //    conditions in the query). So, ultimately the SQL condition will look
         //    like (original conditions) AND (map IS NULL OR map needs update
         //      OR above highwater).
         $conditions = $this->query->orConditionGroup();
         $condition_added = FALSE;
         if ($this->mapJoinable()) {
             // Build the join to the map table. Because the source key could have
             // multiple fields, we need to build things up.
             $count = 1;
             $map_join = '';
             $delimiter = '';
             foreach ($this->getIds() as $field_name => $field_schema) {
                 if (isset($field_schema['alias'])) {
                     $field_name = $field_schema['alias'] . '.' . $field_name;
                 $map_join .= "{$delimiter}{$field_name} = map.sourceid" . $count++;
                 $delimiter = ' AND ';
             $alias = $this->query->leftJoin($this->migration->getIdMap()->getQualifiedMapTableName(), 'map', $map_join);
             $conditions->isNull($alias . '.sourceid1');
             $conditions->condition($alias . '.source_row_status', MigrateIdMapInterface::STATUS_NEEDS_UPDATE);
             $condition_added = TRUE;
             // And as long as we have the map table, add its data to the row.
             $n = count($this->getIds());
             for ($count = 1; $count <= $n; $count++) {
                 $map_key = 'sourceid' . $count;
                 $this->query->addField($alias, $map_key, "migrate_map_{$map_key}");
             $n = count($this->migration->get('destinationIds'));
             for ($count = 1; $count <= $n; $count++) {
                 $map_key = 'destid' . $count++;
                 $this->query->addField($alias, $map_key, "migrate_map_{$map_key}");
             $this->query->addField($alias, 'source_row_status', 'migrate_map_source_row_status');
         // 3. If we are using highwater marks, also include rows above the mark.
         //    But, include all rows if the highwater mark is not set.
         if (isset($highwaterProperty['name']) && ($highwater = $this->migration->getHighwater()) !== '') {
             if (isset($highwaterProperty['alias'])) {
                 $highwater = $highwaterProperty['alias'] . '.' . $highwaterProperty['name'];
             } else {
                 $highwater = $highwaterProperty['name'];
             $conditions->condition($highwater, $highwater, '>');
             $condition_added = TRUE;
         if ($condition_added) {
     return new \IteratorIterator($this->query->execute());