  * @param \Drupal\Console\Style\DrupalStyle $io
 private function runPostUpdates(DrupalStyle $io)
     $postUpdates = $this->postUpdateRegistry->getPendingUpdateInformation();
     foreach ($postUpdates as $module_name => $module_updates) {
         foreach ($module_updates['pending'] as $update_number => $update) {
             if ($this->module != 'all' && $this->update_n !== null && $this->update_n != $update_number) {
             if ($this->update_n > $module_updates['start']) {
             for ($update_index = $module_updates['start']; $update_index <= $update_number; $update_index++) {
                 $io->info(sprintf($this->trans('commands.update.execute.messages.executing-update'), $update_index, $module_name));
                 try {
                     $function = sprintf('%s_post_update_%s', $module_name, $update_index);
                 } catch (\Exception $e) {
                     watchdog_exception('update', $e);
  * Starts the database update batch process.
  * @param \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request $request
  *   The current request object.
 protected function triggerBatch(Request $request)
     $maintenance_mode = $this->state->get('system.maintenance_mode', FALSE);
     // Store the current maintenance mode status in the session so that it can
     // be restored at the end of the batch.
     $_SESSION['maintenance_mode'] = $maintenance_mode;
     // During the update, always put the site into maintenance mode so that
     // in-progress schema changes do not affect visiting users.
     if (empty($maintenance_mode)) {
         $this->state->set('system.maintenance_mode', TRUE);
     $operations = array();
     // Resolve any update dependencies to determine the actual updates that will
     // be run and the order they will be run in.
     $start = $this->getModuleUpdates();
     $updates = update_resolve_dependencies($start);
     // Store the dependencies for each update function in an array which the
     // batch API can pass in to the batch operation each time it is called. (We
     // do not store the entire update dependency array here because it is
     // potentially very large.)
     $dependency_map = array();
     foreach ($updates as $function => $update) {
         $dependency_map[$function] = !empty($update['reverse_paths']) ? array_keys($update['reverse_paths']) : array();
     // Determine updates to be performed.
     foreach ($updates as $function => $update) {
         if ($update['allowed']) {
             // Set the installed version of each module so updates will start at the
             // correct place. (The updates are already sorted, so we can simply base
             // this on the first one we come across in the above foreach loop.)
             if (isset($start[$update['module']])) {
                 drupal_set_installed_schema_version($update['module'], $update['number'] - 1);
             $operations[] = array('update_do_one', array($update['module'], $update['number'], $dependency_map[$function]));
     $post_updates = $this->postUpdateRegistry->getPendingUpdateFunctions();
     if ($post_updates) {
         // Now we rebuild all caches and after that execute the hook_post_update()
         // functions.
         $operations[] = ['drupal_flush_all_caches', []];
         foreach ($post_updates as $function) {
             $operations[] = ['update_invoke_post_update', [$function]];
     $batch['operations'] = $operations;
     $batch += array('title' => $this->t('Updating'), 'init_message' => $this->t('Starting updates'), 'error_message' => $this->t('An unrecoverable error has occurred. You can find the error message below. It is advised to copy it to the clipboard for reference.'), 'finished' => array('\\Drupal\\system\\Controller\\DbUpdateController', 'batchFinished'));
     // @todo Revisit once https://www.drupal.org/node/2548095 is in.
     return batch_process(Url::fromUri('base://results'), Url::fromUri('base://start'));
  * @param \Drupal\Console\Style\DrupalStyle $io
 private function populatePostUpdate(DrupalStyle $io)
     $tableHeader = [$this->trans('commands.update.debug.messages.module'), $this->trans('commands.update.debug.messages.post-update'), $this->trans('commands.update.debug.messages.description')];
     $postUpdates = $this->postUpdateRegistry->getPendingUpdateInformation();
     $tableRows = [];
     foreach ($postUpdates as $module => $module_updates) {
         foreach ($module_updates['pending'] as $postUpdateFunction => $message) {
             $tableRows[] = [$module, $postUpdateFunction, $message];
     $io->table($tableHeader, $tableRows);
  * @covers ::filterOutInvokedUpdatesByModule
 public function testFilterOutInvokedUpdatesByModule()
     $key_value = $this->prophesize(KeyValueStoreInterface::class);
     $key_value->get('existing_updates', [])->willReturn(['module_a_post_update_b', 'module_a_post_update_a', 'module_b_post_update_a'])->shouldBeCalledTimes(1);
     $key_value->set('existing_updates', ['module_b_post_update_a'])->willReturn(NULL)->shouldBeCalledTimes(1);
     $key_value = $key_value->reveal();
     $update_registry = new UpdateRegistry('vfs://drupal', 'sites/default', ['module_a', 'module_b'], $key_value, FALSE);