  * Deletes data from the store for a given key and releases the lock on it.
  * Only delete the given key if it is owned by $this->owner.
  * @param string $key
  *   The key of the data to delete.
  * @return bool
  *   TRUE if the object was deleted or does not exist, FALSE if it exists but
  *   is not owned by $this->owner.
 public function deleteIfOwner($key)
     if (!($object = $this->storage->get($key))) {
         return TRUE;
     } elseif ($object->owner == $this->owner) {
         return TRUE;
     return FALSE;
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function buildForm(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state)
     $account = $this->currentUser()->id();
     $this->modules = $this->keyValueExpirable->get($account);
     // Redirect to the modules list page if the key value store is empty.
     if (!$this->modules) {
         return $this->redirect('system.modules_list');
     $items = $this->buildMessageList();
     $form['message'] = array('#theme' => 'item_list', '#items' => $items);
     return parent::buildForm($form, $form_state);
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function projectStorage($key)
     $projects = array();
     // On certain paths, we should clear the data and recompute the projects for
     // update status of the site to avoid presenting stale information.
     $route_names = array('update.theme_update', 'system.modules_list', 'system.theme_install', 'update.module_update', 'update.module_install', 'update.status', 'update.report_update', 'update.report_install', 'update.settings', 'system.status', 'update.manual_status', 'update.confirmation_page', 'system.themes_page');
     if (in_array(\Drupal::routeMatch()->getRouteName(), $route_names)) {
     } else {
         $projects = $this->keyValueStore->get($key, array());
     return $projects;
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function projectStorage($key)
     $projects = array();
     // On certain paths, we should clear the data and recompute the projects for
     // update status of the site to avoid presenting stale information.
     $paths = array('admin/modules', 'admin/modules/update', 'admin/appearance', 'admin/appearance/update', 'admin/reports', 'admin/reports/updates', 'admin/reports/updates/update', 'admin/reports/status', 'admin/reports/updates/check');
     if (in_array(current_path(), $paths)) {
     } else {
         $projects = $this->keyValueStore->get($key, array());
     return $projects;
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function processFetchTask($project)
     global $base_url;
     // This can be in the middle of a long-running batch, so REQUEST_TIME won't
     // necessarily be valid.
     $request_time_difference = time() - REQUEST_TIME;
     if (empty($this->failed)) {
         // If we have valid data about release history XML servers that we have
         // failed to fetch from on previous attempts, load that.
         $this->failed = $this->tempStore->get('fetch_failures');
     $max_fetch_attempts = $this->updateSettings->get('fetch.max_attempts');
     $success = FALSE;
     $available = array();
     $site_key = Crypt::hmacBase64($base_url, $this->privateKey->get());
     $fetch_url_base = $this->updateFetcher->getFetchBaseUrl($project);
     $project_name = $project['name'];
     if (empty($this->failed[$fetch_url_base]) || $this->failed[$fetch_url_base] < $max_fetch_attempts) {
         $data = $this->updateFetcher->fetchProjectData($project, $site_key);
     if (!empty($data)) {
         $available = $this->parseXml($data);
         // @todo: Purge release data we don't need. See
         //   https://www.drupal.org/node/238950.
         if (!empty($available)) {
             // Only if we fetched and parsed something sane do we return success.
             $success = TRUE;
     } else {
         $available['project_status'] = 'not-fetched';
         if (empty($this->failed[$fetch_url_base])) {
             $this->failed[$fetch_url_base] = 1;
         } else {
     $frequency = $this->updateSettings->get('check.interval_days');
     $available['last_fetch'] = REQUEST_TIME + $request_time_difference;
     $this->availableReleasesTempStore->setWithExpire($project_name, $available, $request_time_difference + 60 * 60 * 24 * $frequency);
     // Stash the $this->failed data back in the DB for the next 5 minutes.
     $this->tempStore->setWithExpire('fetch_failures', $this->failed, $request_time_difference + 60 * 5);
     // Whether this worked or not, we did just (try to) check for updates.
     $this->stateStore->set('update.last_check', REQUEST_TIME + $request_time_difference);
     // Now that we processed the fetch task for this project, clear out the
     // record for this task so we're willing to fetch again.
     return $success;
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function buildForm(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state)
     $account = $this->currentUser()->id();
     $this->modules = $this->keyValueExpirable->get($account);
     // Redirect to the modules list page if the key value store is empty.
     if (!$this->modules) {
         return $this->redirect('system.modules_list');
     $items = array();
     // Display a list of required modules that have to be installed as well but
     // were not manually selected.
     foreach ($this->modules['dependencies'] as $module => $dependencies) {
         $items[] = $this->formatPlural(count($dependencies), 'You must enable the @required module to install @module.', 'You must enable the @required modules to install @module.', array('@module' => $this->modules['install'][$module], '@required' => implode(', ', $dependencies)));
     $form['message'] = array('#theme' => 'item_list', '#items' => $items);
     return parent::buildForm($form, $form_state);
  * Deletes data from the store for a given key and releases the lock on it.
  * @param string $key
  *   The key of the data to delete.
  * @return bool
  *   TRUE if the object was deleted or does not exist, FALSE if it exists but
  *   is not owned by $this->owner.
 public function delete($key)
     $key = $this->createkey($key);
     if (!($object = $this->storage->get($key))) {
         return TRUE;
     } elseif ($object->owner != $this->getOwner()) {
         return FALSE;
     if (!$this->lockBackend->acquire($key)) {
         if (!$this->lockBackend->acquire($key)) {
             throw new TempStoreException("Couldn't acquire lock to delete item '{$key}' from '{$this->storage->getCollectionName()}' temporary storage.");
     return TRUE;
  * Deletes data from the store for a given key and releases the lock on it.
  * @param string $key
  *   The key of the data to delete.
  * @return bool
  *   TRUE if the object was deleted or does not exist, FALSE if it exists but
  *   is not owned by $this->owner.
 public function delete($key)
     $key = $this->createkey($key);
     if (!($object = $this->storage->get($key))) {
         return TRUE;
     } elseif ($object->owner != $this->getOwner()) {
         return FALSE;
     if (!$this->lockBackend->acquire($key)) {
         if (!$this->lockBackend->acquire($key)) {
             throw new TempStoreException(SafeMarkup::format("Couldn't acquire lock to delete item %key from %collection temporary storage.", array('%key' => $key, '%collection' => $this->storage->getCollectionName())));
     return TRUE;
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function buildForm(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state)
     // Retrieve the list of modules from the key value store.
     $account = $this->currentUser()->id();
     $this->modules = $this->keyValueExpirable->get($account);
     // Prevent this page from showing when the module list is empty.
     if (empty($this->modules)) {
         return new RedirectResponse('/admin/modules/uninstall');
     $data = system_rebuild_module_data();
     $form['text']['#markup'] = '<p>' . $this->t('The following modules will be completely uninstalled from your site, and <em>all data from these modules will be lost</em>!') . '</p>';
     $form['modules'] = array('#theme' => 'item_list', '#items' => array_map(function ($module) use($data) {
         return $data[$module]->info['name'];
     }, $this->modules));
     // List the dependent entities.
     $this->addDependencyListsToForm($form, 'module', $this->modules, $this->configManager, $this->entityManager);
     return parent::buildForm($form, $form_state);
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function buildForm(array $form, array &$form_state)
     // Retrieve the list of modules from the key value store.
     $account = $this->currentUser()->id();
     $this->modules = $this->keyValueExpirable->get($account);
     // Prevent this page from showing when the module list is empty.
     if (empty($this->modules)) {
         return new RedirectResponse('/admin/modules/uninstall');
     $data = system_rebuild_module_data();
     $form['text']['#markup'] = '<p>' . $this->t('The following modules will be completely uninstalled from your site, and <em>all data from these modules will be lost</em>!') . '</p>';
     $form['modules'] = array('#theme' => 'item_list', '#items' => array_map(function ($module) use($data) {
         return $data[$module]->info['name'];
     }, $this->modules));
     $form['entities'] = array('#type' => 'details', '#title' => $this->t('Configuration deletions'), '#description' => $this->t('The listed configuration will be deleted.'), '#collapsible' => TRUE, '#collapsed' => TRUE, '#access' => FALSE);
     // Get the dependent entities.
     $entity_types = array();
     $dependent_entities = $this->configManager->findConfigEntityDependentsAsEntities('module', $this->modules);
     foreach ($dependent_entities as $entity) {
         $entity_type_id = $entity->getEntityTypeId();
         if (!isset($form['entities'][$entity_type_id])) {
             $entity_type = $this->entityManager->getDefinition($entity_type_id);
             // Store the ID and label to sort the entity types and entities later.
             $label = $entity_type->getLabel();
             $entity_types[$entity_type_id] = $label;
             $form['entities'][$entity_type_id] = array('#theme' => 'item_list', '#title' => $label, '#items' => array());
         $form['entities'][$entity_type_id]['#items'][] = $entity->label();
     if (!empty($dependent_entities)) {
         $form['entities']['#access'] = TRUE;
         // Add a weight key to the entity type sections.
         asort($entity_types, SORT_FLAG_CASE);
         $weight = 0;
         foreach ($entity_types as $entity_type_id => $label) {
             $form['entities'][$entity_type_id]['#weight'] = $weight;
             // Sort the list of entity labels alphabetically.
             sort($form['entities'][$entity_type_id]['#items'], SORT_FLAG_CASE);
     return parent::buildForm($form, $form_state);
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function buildForm(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state)
     // Retrieve the list of modules from the key value store.
     $account = $this->currentUser()->id();
     $this->modules = $this->keyValueExpirable->get($account);
     // Prevent this page from showing when the module list is empty.
     if (empty($this->modules)) {
         drupal_set_message($this->t('The selected modules could not be uninstalled, either due to a website problem or due to the uninstall confirmation form timing out. Please try again.'), 'error');
         return $this->redirect('system.modules_uninstall');
     $data = system_rebuild_module_data();
     $form['text']['#markup'] = '<p>' . $this->t('The following modules will be completely uninstalled from your site, and <em>all data from these modules will be lost</em>!') . '</p>';
     $form['modules'] = array('#theme' => 'item_list', '#items' => array_map(function ($module) use($data) {
         return $data[$module]->info['name'];
     }, $this->modules));
     // List the dependent entities.
     $this->addDependencyListsToForm($form, 'module', $this->modules, $this->configManager, $this->entityManager);
     return parent::buildForm($form, $form_state);