  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function alter(&$types, &$context1 = NULL, &$context2 = NULL)
     // Sort the types for easier debugging.
     ksort($types, SORT_NATURAL);
     $process_manager = new ProcessManager($this->theme);
     $pre_render_manager = new PrerenderManager($this->theme);
     foreach (array_keys($types) as $type) {
         $element =& $types[$type];
         // Ensure elements that have a base type with the #input set match.
         if (isset($element['#base_type']) && isset($types[$element['#base_type']]) && isset($types[$element['#base_type']]['#input'])) {
             $element['#input'] = $types[$element['#base_type']]['#input'];
         // Core does not actually use the "description_display" property on the
         // "details" or "fieldset" element types because the positioning of the
         // description is never used in core templates. However, the form builder
         // automatically applies the value of "after", thus making it impossible
         // to detect a valid value later in the rendering process. It looks better
         // for the "details" and "fieldset" element types to display as "before".
         // @see \Drupal\Core\Form\FormBuilder::doBuildForm()
         if ($type === 'details' || $type === 'fieldset') {
             $element['#description_display'] = 'before';
             $element['#panel_type'] = 'default';
         // Add extra variables to all elements.
         foreach (Bootstrap::extraVariables() as $key => $value) {
             if (!isset($variables["#{$key}"])) {
                 $variables["#{$key}"] = $value;
         // Only continue if the type isn't "form" (as it messes up AJAX).
         if ($type !== 'form') {
             $regex = "/^{$type}/";
             // Add necessary #process callbacks.
             $element['#process'][] = [get_class($process_manager), 'process'];
             $definitions = $process_manager->getDefinitionsLike($regex);
             foreach ($definitions as $definition) {
                 Bootstrap::addCallback($element['#process'], [$definition['class'], 'process'], $definition['replace'], $definition['action']);
             // Add necessary #pre_render callbacks.
             $element['#pre_render'][] = [get_class($pre_render_manager), 'preRender'];
             foreach ($pre_render_manager->getDefinitionsLike($regex) as $definition) {
                 Bootstrap::addCallback($element['#pre_render'], [$definition['class'], 'preRender'], $definition['replace'], $definition['action']);
  * Preprocess theme hook variables.
  * @param array $variables
  *   The variables array, passed by reference.
  * @param string $hook
  *   The name of the theme hook.
  * @param array $info
  *   The theme hook info.
 public static function preprocess(array &$variables, $hook, array $info)
     static $theme;
     if (!isset($theme)) {
         $theme = self::getTheme();
     static $preprocess_manager;
     if (!isset($preprocess_manager)) {
         $preprocess_manager = new PreprocessManager($theme);
     // Ensure that any default theme hook variables exist. Due to how theme
     // hook suggestion alters work, the variables provided are from the
     // original theme hook, not the suggestion.
     if (isset($info['variables'])) {
         $variables = NestedArray::mergeDeepArray([$info['variables'], $variables], TRUE);
     // Add extra variables to all theme hooks.
     foreach (Bootstrap::extraVariables() as $key => $value) {
         if (!isset($variables[$key])) {
             $variables[$key] = $value;
     // Add active theme context.
     // @see https://www.drupal.org/node/2630870
     if (!isset($variables['theme'])) {
         $variables['theme'] = $theme->getInfo();
         $variables['theme']['name'] = $theme->getName();
         $variables['theme']['path'] = $theme->getPath();
         $variables['theme']['title'] = $theme->getTitle();
         $variables['theme']['settings'] = $theme->settings()->get();
         $variables['theme']['has_glyphicons'] = $theme->hasGlyphicons();
         $variables['theme']['query_string'] = \Drupal::getContainer()->get('state')->get('system.css_js_query_string') ?: '0';
     // Invoke necessary preprocess plugin.
     if (isset($info['bootstrap preprocess'])) {
         if ($preprocess_manager->hasDefinition($info['bootstrap preprocess'])) {
             $class = $preprocess_manager->createInstance($info['bootstrap preprocess'], ['theme' => $theme]);
             /** @var \Drupal\bootstrap\Plugin\Preprocess\PreprocessInterface $class */
             $class->preprocess($variables, $hook, $info);