public static function staticLocateKeyInfo($objBaseKey = null, $node = null) { if (empty($node) || !$node instanceof DOMNode) { return; } if ($doc = $node->ownerDocument) { $xpath = new DOMXPath($doc); $xpath->registerNamespace('xmlsecenc', XMLSecEnc::XMLENCNS); $xpath->registerNamespace('xmlsecdsig', XMLSecurityDSig::XMLDSIGNS); $query = "./xmlsecdsig:KeyInfo"; $nodeset = $xpath->query($query, $node); if ($encmeth = $nodeset->item(0)) { foreach ($encmeth->childNodes as $child) { switch ($child->localName) { case 'KeyName': if (!empty($objBaseKey)) { $objBaseKey->name = $child->nodeValue; } break; case 'KeyValue': foreach ($child->childNodes as $keyval) { switch ($keyval->localName) { case 'DSAKeyValue': throw new Exception("DSAKeyValue currently not supported"); break; case 'RSAKeyValue': $modulus = null; $exponent = null; if ($modulusNode = $keyval->getElementsByTagName('Modulus')->item(0)) { $modulus = base64_decode($modulusNode->nodeValue); } if ($exponentNode = $keyval->getElementsByTagName('Exponent')->item(0)) { $exponent = base64_decode($exponentNode->nodeValue); } if (empty($modulus) || empty($exponent)) { throw new Exception("Missing Modulus or Exponent"); } $publicKey = XMLSecurityKey::convertRSA($modulus, $exponent); $objBaseKey->loadKey($publicKey); break; } } break; case 'RetrievalMethod': /* Not currently supported */ break; case 'EncryptedKey': $objenc = new XMLSecEnc(); $objenc->setNode($child); if (!($objKey = $objenc->locateKey())) { throw new Exception("Unable to locate algorithm for this Encrypted Key"); } $objKey->isEncrypted = true; $objKey->encryptedCtx = $objenc; XMLSecEnc::staticLocateKeyInfo($objKey, $child); return $objKey; break; case 'X509Data': if ($x509certNodes = $child->getElementsByTagName('X509Certificate')) { if ($x509certNodes->length > 0) { $x509cert = $x509certNodes->item(0)->textContent; $x509cert = str_replace(array("\r", "\n"), "", $x509cert); $x509cert = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n" . chunk_split($x509cert, 64, "\n") . "-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n"; $objBaseKey->loadKey($x509cert); } } break; } } } return $objBaseKey; } return; }
public function addUserToken($userName, $password = null, $passwordDigest = false) { if ($passwordDigest && empty($password)) { throw new Exception("Cannot calculate the digest without a password"); } $security = $this->locateSecurityHeader(); $token = $this->soapDoc->createElementNS(WSSESoap::WSSENS, WSSESoap::WSSEPFX . ':UsernameToken'); $security->insertBefore($token, $security->firstChild); $username = $this->soapDoc->createElementNS(WSSESoap::WSSENS, WSSESoap::WSSEPFX . ':Username', $userName); $token->appendChild($username); /* Generate nonce - create a 256 bit session key to be used */ $objKey = new XMLSecurityKey(XMLSecurityKey::AES256_CBC); $nonce = $objKey->generateSessionKey(); unset($objKey); $createdate = gmdate("Y-m-d\\TH:i:s") . 'Z'; if ($password) { $passType = WSSESoap::WSUNAME . '#PasswordText'; if ($passwordDigest) { $password = base64_encode(sha1($nonce . $createdate . $password, true)); $passType = WSSESoap::WSUNAME . '#PasswordDigest'; } $passwordNode = $this->soapDoc->createElementNS(WSSESoap::WSSENS, WSSESoap::WSSEPFX . ':Password', $password); $token->appendChild($passwordNode); $passwordNode->setAttribute('Type', $passType); } $nonceNode = $this->soapDoc->createElementNS(WSSESoap::WSSENS, WSSESoap::WSSEPFX . ':Nonce', base64_encode($nonce)); $token->appendChild($nonceNode); $created = $this->soapDoc->createElementNS(WSSESoap::WSUNS, WSSESoap::WSUPFX . ':Created', $createdate); $token->appendChild($created); }
public static function convertRSA($modulus, $exponent) { /* make an ASN publicKeyInfo */ $exponentEncoding = XMLSecurityKey::makeAsnSegment(0x2, $exponent); $modulusEncoding = XMLSecurityKey::makeAsnSegment(0x2, $modulus); $sequenceEncoding = XMLSecurityKey::makeAsnSegment(0x30, $modulusEncoding . $exponentEncoding); $bitstringEncoding = XMLSecurityKey::makeAsnSegment(0x3, $sequenceEncoding); $rsaAlgorithmIdentifier = pack("H*", "300D06092A864886F70D0101010500"); $publicKeyInfo = XMLSecurityKey::makeAsnSegment(0x30, $rsaAlgorithmIdentifier . $bitstringEncoding); /* encode the publicKeyInfo in base64 and add PEM brackets */ $publicKeyInfoBase64 = base64_encode($publicKeyInfo); $encoding = "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\n"; $offset = 0; while ($segment = substr($publicKeyInfoBase64, $offset, 64)) { $encoding = $encoding . $segment . "\n"; $offset += 64; } return $encoding . "-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n"; }