$meta->addOption('group', 'items', Everything::isPluginActive('woocommerce-brands') ? array('sku', 'categories', 'tags', 'brands') : array('sku', 'categories', 'tags'), '', '', array('options' => array('sku' => __('SKU', 'everything'), 'categories' => __('Categories', 'everything'), 'tags' => __('Tags', 'everything'), 'brands' => __('Brands', 'everything')), 'disabled' => Everything::isPluginActive('woocommerce-brands') ? array() : array('brands'), 'indent' => true, 'multiple' => true, 'sortable' => true, 'owner' => $visible));
$related_products = $woocommerce->addGroup('related_products', __('Related products', 'everything'));
$related_products->addOption('number', 'total', 4, __('Products', 'everything'), '', array('min' => 0));
$related_products->addOption('number', 'columns', 4, __('Columns', 'everything'), '', array('min' => 1, 'max' => 8));
$cross_sells = $woocommerce->addGroup('cross_sells', __('Cross sells', 'everything'));
$cross_sells->addOption('number', 'total', 4, __('Products', 'everything'), '', array('min' => 0));
$cross_sells->addOption('number', 'columns', 4, __('Columns', 'everything'), '', array('min' => 1, 'max' => 8));
$cart = $woocommerce->addGroup('cart', __('Cart icon', 'everything'));
$cart->addOption('image_select', 'icon', 'cart-1', __('Image', 'everything'), '', array('options' => array_intersect_key(\Drone\Options\Option\ImageSelect::cssToOptions('data/img/icons/icons.css'), array_flip(array('cart-1', 'cart-2', 'cart-3', 'bag', 'bag-1', 'bag-2', 'bag-3', 'bag-4', 'basket'))), 'font_path' => Everything::ICON_FONT_PATH));
$cart->addOption('color', 'color', '', __('Color', 'everything'), '', array('required' => false, 'placeholder' => __('default', 'everything')));
$onsale = $woocommerce->addGroup('onsale', __('Sale label style', 'everything'));
$custom = $onsale->addOption('boolean', 'custom', false, '', '', array('caption' => __('Custom', 'everything')));
$onsale->addOption('color', 'background', '#2d4b7e', __('Background', 'everything'), '', array('owner' => $custom, 'indent' => true));
$onsale->addOption('color', 'color', '#ffffff', __('Color', 'everything'), '', array('owner' => $custom, 'indent' => true));
$rating = $woocommerce->addGroup('rating', __('Ratings style', 'everything'));
$rating->included = \Drone\Func::stringToBool(get_option('woocommerce_enable_review_rating'));
$custom = $rating->addOption('boolean', 'custom', false, '', '', array('caption' => __('Custom', 'everything')));
$rating->addOption('color', 'color', '#ffba00', __('Color', 'everything'), '', array('owner' => $custom, 'indent' => true));
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Not found
$not_found = $theme_options->addGroup('not_found', __('404 page', 'everything'));
$default = sprintf("<h2>%s</h2>\n%s\n\n[search]", __('Are you lost?', 'everything'), sprintf(__('This is 404 page - it seems you\'ve encountered a dead link or missing page. You can use search form below to find what you\'re lookig for or go to a <a href="%s">homepage</a>.', 'everything'), esc_url(home_url('/'))));
$not_found->addOption('editor', 'content', $default, __('Content', 'everything'));
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Contact form
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Advanced
$advanced = $theme_options->addGroup('advanced', __('Advanced', 'everything'));
  * Get image attributes
  * @since 1.0
  * @param  string $tag
  * @param  array  $atts
  * @param  string $format
  * @return array
 public static function getImageAttrs($tag, $atts = array(), $format = 'array')
     // Image settings
     $settings = Everything::to_('site/image/settings');
     // Attributes
     extract(array_merge($defaults = array('border' => $settings->value('border'), 'hover' => $settings->value('hover') ? 'zoom' : '', 'fancybox' => $settings->value('fancybox')), $atts));
     // Border
     $border = $border === 'inherit' ? $defaults['border'] : \Drone\Func::stringToBool($border);
     // Hover
     if ($hover === 'inherit' || !in_array($hover, array('', 'zoom', 'image', 'grayscale'), true)) {
         $hover = $defaults['hover'];
     // Fancybox
     $fancybox = $fancybox === 'inherit' ? $defaults['fancybox'] : \Drone\Func::stringToBool($fancybox);
     // Properties
     $attrs = array('class' => array());
     if ($border) {
         $attrs['class'][] = 'inset-border';
     if ($tag == 'a') {
         if ($hover) {
             $attrs['class'][] = $hover . '-hover';
         if ($fancybox) {
             $attrs['class'][] = 'fb';
     $attrs['class'] = implode(' ', $attrs['class']);
     // Output
     switch ($format) {
         case 'html':
             return \Drone\Func::arraySerialize($attrs, 'html');
             return $attrs;
 protected function _sanitize($value)
     $value = is_string($value) ? Func::stringToBool($value) : (bool) $value;
     if ($this->disabled) {
         return $this->default;
     return $value;