function render(Frame $frame) { $style = $frame->get_style(); $node = $frame->get_node(); list($x, $y, $w, $h) = $frame->get_border_box(); $this->_set_opacity($frame->get_opacity($style->opacity)); if ($node->nodeName === "body") { $h = $frame->get_containing_block("h") - $style->length_in_pt(array($style->margin_top, $style->border_top_width, $style->border_bottom_width, $style->margin_bottom), $style->width); } // Handle anchors & links if ($node->nodeName === "a" && ($href = $node->getAttribute("href"))) { $href = Helpers::build_url($this->_dompdf->getProtocol(), $this->_dompdf->getBaseHost(), $this->_dompdf->getBasePath(), $href); $this->_canvas->add_link($href, $x, $y, $w, $h); } // Draw our background, border and content list($tl, $tr, $br, $bl) = $style->get_computed_border_radius($w, $h); if ($tl + $tr + $br + $bl > 0) { $this->_canvas->clipping_roundrectangle($x, $y, $w, $h, $tl, $tr, $br, $bl); } if (($bg = $style->background_color) !== "transparent") { $this->_canvas->filled_rectangle($x, $y, $w, $h, $bg); } if (($url = $style->background_image) && $url !== "none") { $this->_background_image($url, $x, $y, $w, $h, $style); } if ($tl + $tr + $br + $bl > 0) { $this->_canvas->clipping_end(); } $border_box = array($x, $y, $w, $h); $this->_render_border($frame, $border_box); $this->_render_outline($frame, $border_box); if ($this->_dompdf->getOptions()->getDebugLayout() && $this->_dompdf->getOptions()->getDebugLayoutBlocks()) { $this->_debug_layout($frame->get_border_box(), "red"); if ($this->_dompdf->getOptions()->getDebugLayoutPaddingBox()) { $this->_debug_layout($frame->get_padding_box(), "red", array(0.5, 0.5)); } } if ($this->_dompdf->getOptions()->getDebugLayout() && $this->_dompdf->getOptions()->getDebugLayoutLines() && $frame->get_decorator()) { foreach ($frame->get_decorator()->get_line_boxes() as $line) { $frame->_debug_layout(array($line->x, $line->y, $line->w, $line->h), "orange"); } } }
/** * Resolve and fetch an image for use. * * @param string $url The url of the image * @param string $protocol Default protocol if none specified in $url * @param string $host Default host if none specified in $url * @param string $base_path Default path if none specified in $url * @param Dompdf $dompdf The Dompdf instance * * @throws ImageException * @return array An array with two elements: The local path to the image and the image extension */ static function resolve_url($url, $protocol, $host, $base_path, Dompdf $dompdf) { self::$_dompdf = $dompdf; $protocol = mb_strtolower($protocol); $parsed_url = Helpers::explode_url($url); $message = null; $remote = $protocol && $protocol !== "file://" || $parsed_url['protocol'] != ""; $data_uri = strpos($parsed_url['protocol'], "data:") === 0; $full_url = null; $enable_remote = $dompdf->get_option("enable_remote"); try { // Remote not allowed and is not DataURI if (!$enable_remote && $remote && !$data_uri) { throw new ImageException("Remote file access is disabled.", E_WARNING); } else { if ($enable_remote && $remote || $data_uri) { // Download remote files to a temporary directory $full_url = Helpers::build_url($protocol, $host, $base_path, $url); // From cache if (isset(self::$_cache[$full_url])) { $resolved_url = self::$_cache[$full_url]; } else { $tmp_dir = $dompdf->get_option("temp_dir"); $resolved_url = tempnam($tmp_dir, "ca_dompdf_img_"); $image = ""; if ($data_uri) { if ($parsed_data_uri = Helpers::parse_data_uri($url)) { $image = $parsed_data_uri['data']; } } else { set_error_handler(array("\\Dompdf\\Helpers", "record_warnings")); $image = file_get_contents($full_url, null, $dompdf->getHttpContext()); restore_error_handler(); } // Image not found or invalid if (strlen($image) == 0) { $msg = $data_uri ? "Data-URI could not be parsed" : "Image not found"; throw new ImageException($msg, E_WARNING); } else { //e.g. fetch.php?media=url.jpg&cache=1 //- Image file name might be one of the dynamic parts of the url, don't strip off! //- a remote url does not need to have a file extension at all //- local cached file does not have a matching file extension //Therefore get image type from the content file_put_contents($resolved_url, $image); } } } else { $resolved_url = Helpers::build_url($protocol, $host, $base_path, $url); } } // Check if the local file is readable if (!is_readable($resolved_url) || !filesize($resolved_url)) { throw new ImageException("Image not readable or empty", E_WARNING); } else { list($width, $height, $type) = Helpers::dompdf_getimagesize($resolved_url, $dompdf->getHttpContext()); // Known image type if ($width && $height && in_array($type, array("gif", "png", "jpeg", "bmp", "svg"))) { //Don't put replacement image into cache - otherwise it will be deleted on cache cleanup. //Only execute on successful caching of remote image. if ($enable_remote && $remote || $data_uri) { self::$_cache[$full_url] = $resolved_url; } } else { throw new ImageException("Image type unknown", E_WARNING); } } } catch (ImageException $e) { $resolved_url = self::$broken_image; $type = "png"; $message = "Image not found or type unknown"; Helpers::record_warnings($e->getCode(), $e->getMessage() . " \n {$url}", $e->getFile(), $e->getLine()); } return array($resolved_url, $type, $message); }
function render(Frame $frame) { $style = $frame->get_style(); if (!$frame->get_first_child()) { return; } // No children, no service // Draw the left border if applicable $bp = $style->get_border_properties(); $widths = array($style->length_in_pt($bp["top"]["width"]), $style->length_in_pt($bp["right"]["width"]), $style->length_in_pt($bp["bottom"]["width"]), $style->length_in_pt($bp["left"]["width"])); // Draw the background & border behind each child. To do this we need // to figure out just how much space each child takes: list($x, $y) = $frame->get_first_child()->get_position(); $w = null; $h = 0; // $x += $widths[3]; // $y += $widths[0]; $this->_set_opacity($frame->get_opacity($style->opacity)); $first_row = true; foreach ($frame->get_children() as $child) { list($child_x, $child_y, $child_w, $child_h) = $child->get_padding_box(); if (!is_null($w) && $child_x < $x + $w) { //This branch seems to be supposed to being called on the first part //of an inline html element, and the part after the if clause for the //parts after a line break. //But because $w initially mostly is 0, and gets updated only on the next //round, this seem to be never executed and the common close always. // The next child is on another line. Draw the background & // borders on this line. // Background: if (($bg = $style->background_color) !== "transparent") { $this->_canvas->filled_rectangle($x, $y, $w, $h, $bg); } if (($url = $style->background_image) && $url !== "none") { $this->_background_image($url, $x, $y, $w, $h, $style); } // If this is the first row, draw the left border if ($first_row) { if ($bp["left"]["style"] !== "none" && $bp["left"]["color"] !== "transparent" && $bp["left"]["width"] > 0) { $method = "_border_" . $bp["left"]["style"]; $this->{$method}($x, $y, $h + $widths[0] + $widths[2], $bp["left"]["color"], $widths, "left"); } $first_row = false; } // Draw the top & bottom borders if ($bp["top"]["style"] !== "none" && $bp["top"]["color"] !== "transparent" && $bp["top"]["width"] > 0) { $method = "_border_" . $bp["top"]["style"]; $this->{$method}($x, $y, $w + $widths[1] + $widths[3], $bp["top"]["color"], $widths, "top"); } if ($bp["bottom"]["style"] !== "none" && $bp["bottom"]["color"] !== "transparent" && $bp["bottom"]["width"] > 0) { $method = "_border_" . $bp["bottom"]["style"]; $this->{$method}($x, $y + $h + $widths[0] + $widths[2], $w + $widths[1] + $widths[3], $bp["bottom"]["color"], $widths, "bottom"); } // Handle anchors & links $link_node = null; if ($frame->get_node()->nodeName === "a") { $link_node = $frame->get_node(); } else { if ($frame->get_parent()->get_node()->nodeName === "a") { $link_node = $frame->get_parent()->get_node(); } } if ($link_node && ($href = $link_node->getAttribute("href"))) { $href = Helpers::build_url($this->_dompdf->getProtocol(), $this->_dompdf->getBaseHost(), $this->_dompdf->getBasePath(), $href); $this->_canvas->add_link($href, $x, $y, $w, $h); } $x = $child_x; $y = $child_y; $w = $child_w; $h = $child_h; continue; } if (is_null($w)) { $w = $child_w; } else { $w += $child_w; } $h = max($h, $child_h); if ($this->_dompdf->get_option("debugLayout") && $this->_dompdf->get_option("debugLayoutInline")) { $this->_debug_layout($child->get_border_box(), "blue"); if ($this->_dompdf->get_option("debugLayoutPaddingBox")) { $this->_debug_layout($child->get_padding_box(), "blue", array(0.5, 0.5)); } } } // Handle the last child if (($bg = $style->background_color) !== "transparent") { $this->_canvas->filled_rectangle($x + $widths[3], $y + $widths[0], $w, $h, $bg); } //On continuation lines (after line break) of inline elements, the style got copied. //But a non repeatable background image should not be repeated on the next line. //But removing the background image above has never an effect, and removing it below //removes it always, even on the initial line. //Need to handle it elsewhere, e.g. on certain ...clone()... usages. // Repeat not given: default is Style::__construct // ... && (!($repeat = $style->background_repeat) || $repeat === "repeat" ... //different position? $this->_background_image($url, $x, $y, $w, $h, $style); if (($url = $style->background_image) && $url !== "none") { $this->_background_image($url, $x + $widths[3], $y + $widths[0], $w, $h, $style); } // Add the border widths $w += $widths[1] + $widths[3]; $h += $widths[0] + $widths[2]; // make sure the border and background start inside the left margin $left_margin = $style->length_in_pt($style->margin_left); $x += $left_margin; // If this is the first row, draw the left border too if ($first_row && $bp["left"]["style"] !== "none" && $bp["left"]["color"] !== "transparent" && $widths[3] > 0) { $method = "_border_" . $bp["left"]["style"]; $this->{$method}($x, $y, $h, $bp["left"]["color"], $widths, "left"); } // Draw the top & bottom borders if ($bp["top"]["style"] !== "none" && $bp["top"]["color"] !== "transparent" && $widths[0] > 0) { $method = "_border_" . $bp["top"]["style"]; $this->{$method}($x, $y, $w, $bp["top"]["color"], $widths, "top"); } if ($bp["bottom"]["style"] !== "none" && $bp["bottom"]["color"] !== "transparent" && $widths[2] > 0) { $method = "_border_" . $bp["bottom"]["style"]; $this->{$method}($x, $y + $h, $w, $bp["bottom"]["color"], $widths, "bottom"); } // Helpers::var_dump(get_class($frame->get_next_sibling())); // $last_row = get_class($frame->get_next_sibling()) !== 'Inline'; // Draw the right border if this is the last row if ($bp["right"]["style"] !== "none" && $bp["right"]["color"] !== "transparent" && $widths[1] > 0) { $method = "_border_" . $bp["right"]["style"]; $this->{$method}($x + $w, $y, $h, $bp["right"]["color"], $widths, "right"); } // Only two levels of links frames $link_node = null; if ($frame->get_node()->nodeName === "a") { $link_node = $frame->get_node(); if (($name = $link_node->getAttribute("name")) || ($name = $link_node->getAttribute("id"))) { $this->_canvas->add_named_dest($name); } } if ($frame->get_parent() && $frame->get_parent()->get_node()->nodeName === "a") { $link_node = $frame->get_parent()->get_node(); } // Handle anchors & links if ($link_node) { if ($href = $link_node->getAttribute("href")) { $href = Helpers::build_url($this->_dompdf->getProtocol(), $this->_dompdf->getBaseHost(), $this->_dompdf->getBasePath(), $href); $this->_canvas->add_link($href, $x, $y, $w, $h); } } }
protected function _image($val) { $DEBUGCSS = $this->_stylesheet->get_dompdf()->getOptions()->getDebugCss(); $parsed_url = "none"; if (mb_strpos($val, "url") === false) { $path = "none"; //Don't resolve no image -> otherwise would prefix path and no longer recognize as none } else { $val = preg_replace("/url\\(['\"]?([^'\")]+)['\"]?\\)/", "\\1", trim($val)); // Resolve the url now in the context of the current stylesheet $parsed_url = Helpers::explode_url($val); if ($parsed_url["protocol"] == "" && $this->_stylesheet->get_protocol() == "") { if ($parsed_url["path"][0] === '/' || $parsed_url["path"][0] === '\\') { $path = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . '/'; } else { $path = $this->_stylesheet->get_base_path(); } $path .= $parsed_url["path"] . $parsed_url["file"]; $path = realpath($path); // If realpath returns FALSE then specifically state that there is no background image if (!$path) { $path = 'none'; } } else { $path = Helpers::build_url($this->_stylesheet->get_protocol(), $this->_stylesheet->get_host(), $this->_stylesheet->get_base_path(), $val); } } if ($DEBUGCSS) { print "<pre>[_image\n"; print_r($parsed_url); print $this->_stylesheet->get_protocol() . "\n" . $this->_stylesheet->get_base_path() . "\n" . $path . "\n"; print "_image]</pre>"; } return $path; }
/** * Add a link to the pdf * * @param string $url The url to link to * @param float $x The x position of the link * @param float $y The y position of the link * @param float $width The width of the link * @param float $height The height of the link */ function add_link($url, $x, $y, $width, $height) { $y = $this->y($y) - $height; if (strpos($url, '#') === 0) { // Local link $name = substr($url, 1); if ($name) { $this->_pdf->create_annotation($x, $y, $x + $width, $y + $height, 'Link', "contents={$url} destname=" . substr($url, 1) . " linewidth=0"); } } else { list($proto, $host, $path, $file) = Helpers::explode_url($url); if ($proto == "" || $proto === "file://") { return; } // Local links are not allowed $url = Helpers::build_url($proto, $host, $path, $file); $url = '{' . rawurldecode($url) . '}'; $action = $this->_pdf->create_action("URI", "url=" . $url); $this->_pdf->create_annotation($x, $y, $x + $width, $y + $height, 'Link', "contents={$url} action={activate={$action}} linewidth=0"); } }
/** * parse @font-face{} sections * * * @param string $str CSS @font-face rules * @return Style */ private function _parse_font_face($str) { $descriptors = $this->_parse_properties($str); preg_match_all("/(url|local)\\s*\\([\"\\']?([^\"\\'\\)]+)[\"\\']?\\)\\s*(format\\s*\\([\"\\']?([^\"\\'\\)]+)[\"\\']?\\))?/i", $descriptors->src, $src); $sources = array(); $valid_sources = array(); foreach ($src[0] as $i => $value) { $source = array("local" => strtolower($src[1][$i]) === "local", "uri" => $src[2][$i], "format" => $src[4][$i], "path" => Helpers::build_url($this->_protocol, $this->_base_host, $this->_base_path, $src[2][$i])); if (!$source["local"] && in_array($source["format"], array("", "woff", "opentype", "truetype"))) { $valid_sources[] = $source; } $sources[] = $source; } // No valid sources if (empty($valid_sources)) { return; } $style = array("family" => $descriptors->get_font_family_raw(), "weight" => $descriptors->font_weight, "style" => $descriptors->font_style); $this->getFontMetrics()->registerFont($style, $valid_sources[0]["path"]); }
/** * Builds the {@link FrameTree}, loads any CSS and applies the styles to * the {@link FrameTree} */ private function processHtml() { $this->tree->build_tree(); $this->css->load_css_file(Stylesheet::getDefaultStylesheet(), Stylesheet::ORIG_UA); $acceptedmedia = Stylesheet::$ACCEPTED_GENERIC_MEDIA_TYPES; $acceptedmedia[] = $this->options->getDefaultMediaType(); // <base href="" /> $base_nodes = $this->dom->getElementsByTagName("base"); if ($base_nodes->length && ($href = $base_nodes->item(0)->getAttribute("href"))) { list($this->protocol, $this->baseHost, $this->basePath) = Helpers::explode_url($href); } // Set the base path of the Stylesheet to that of the file being processed $this->css->set_protocol($this->protocol); $this->css->set_host($this->baseHost); $this->css->set_base_path($this->basePath); // Get all the stylesheets so that they are processed in document order $xpath = new DOMXPath($this->dom); $stylesheets = $xpath->query("//*[name() = 'link' or name() = 'style']"); foreach ($stylesheets as $tag) { switch (strtolower($tag->nodeName)) { // load <link rel="STYLESHEET" ... /> tags case "link": if (mb_strtolower(stripos($tag->getAttribute("rel"), "stylesheet") !== false) || mb_strtolower($tag->getAttribute("type")) === "text/css") { //Check if the css file is for an accepted media type //media not given then always valid $formedialist = preg_split("/[\\s\n,]/", $tag->getAttribute("media"), -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); if (count($formedialist) > 0) { $accept = false; foreach ($formedialist as $type) { if (in_array(mb_strtolower(trim($type)), $acceptedmedia)) { $accept = true; break; } } if (!$accept) { //found at least one mediatype, but none of the accepted ones //Skip this css file. continue; } } $url = $tag->getAttribute("href"); $url = Helpers::build_url($this->protocol, $this->baseHost, $this->basePath, $url); $this->css->load_css_file($url, Stylesheet::ORIG_AUTHOR); } break; // load <style> tags // load <style> tags case "style": // Accept all <style> tags by default (note this is contrary to W3C // HTML 4.0 spec: // // which states that the default media type is 'screen' if ($tag->hasAttributes() && ($media = $tag->getAttribute("media")) && !in_array($media, $acceptedmedia)) { continue; } $css = ""; if ($tag->hasChildNodes()) { $child = $tag->firstChild; while ($child) { $css .= $child->nodeValue; // Handle <style><!-- blah --></style> $child = $child->nextSibling; } } else { $css = $tag->nodeValue; } $this->css->load_css($css); break; } } }