  * @param QueryBuilder $queryBuilder
  * @param \DateTime|null $date
  * @return QueryBuilder
 protected function filterByActive(QueryBuilder $queryBuilder, \DateTime $date = null)
     if (null === $date) {
         $date = new \Datetime();
     return $queryBuilder->where($queryBuilder->expr()->orX($queryBuilder->expr()->isNull($this->getPropertyName('startsAt')), $queryBuilder->expr()->lt($this->getPropertyName('startsAt'), ':date')))->andWhere($queryBuilder->expr()->orX($queryBuilder->expr()->isNull($this->getPropertyName('endsAt')), $queryBuilder->expr()->gt($this->getPropertyName('endsAt'), ':date')))->setParameter('date', $date);
  * Extend a query with a where constraint on the id of an entity.
  * @param QueryBuilder     $queryBuilder
  * @param mixed            $id
  * @param EntityInterface  $entity
  * @param bool             $standalone
  * @param \ReflectionClass $entityClass
  * @throws \RuntimeException
 public static function extendQueryWhereId(QueryBuilder $queryBuilder, EntityInterface $entity, $standalone = false, \ReflectionClass $entityClass = null)
     /** @var EntityAccessor $entityAccessor */
     $entityAccessor = $GLOBALS['container']['doctrine.orm.entityAccessor'];
     if (!$entityClass) {
         $entityClass = new \ReflectionClass($entity);
     if ($entityClass->isSubclassOf('Contao\\Doctrine\\ORM\\EntityInterface')) {
         $keys = $entityClass->getMethod('entityPrimaryKeyNames')->invoke(null);
     } else {
         $keys = array('id');
     foreach ($keys as $index => $key) {
         $value = $entityAccessor->getProperty($entity, $key);
         if ($value !== null) {
             $where = $queryBuilder->expr()->neq('e.' . $key, ':key' . $index);
             $queryBuilder->setParameter(':key' . $index, $value);
         } else {
             $where = $queryBuilder->expr()->isNotNull('e.' . $key);
         if ($index > 0 || !$standalone) {
         } else {
  * Apply the ACL constraints to the specified query builder, using the permission definition
  * @param QueryBuilder         $queryBuilder  The query builder
  * @param PermissionDefinition $permissionDef The permission definition
  * @return Query
 public function apply(QueryBuilder $queryBuilder, PermissionDefinition $permissionDef)
     $whereQueryParts = $queryBuilder->getDQLPart('where');
     if (empty($whereQueryParts)) {
         $queryBuilder->where('1 = 1');
         // this will help in cases where no where query is specified
     $query = $this->cloneQuery($queryBuilder->getQuery());
     $builder = new MaskBuilder();
     foreach ($permissionDef->getPermissions() as $permission) {
         $mask = constant(get_class($builder) . '::MASK_' . strtoupper($permission));
     $query->setHint('acl.mask', $builder->get());
     $query->setHint(Query::HINT_CUSTOM_OUTPUT_WALKER, 'Kunstmaan\\AdminBundle\\Helper\\Security\\Acl\\AclWalker');
     $rootEntity = $permissionDef->getEntity();
     $rootAlias = $permissionDef->getAlias();
     // If either alias or entity was not specified - use default from QueryBuilder
     if (empty($rootEntity) || empty($rootAlias)) {
         $rootEntities = $queryBuilder->getRootEntities();
         $rootAliases = $queryBuilder->getRootAliases();
         $rootEntity = $rootEntities[0];
         $rootAlias = $rootAliases[0];
     $query->setHint('acl.root.entity', $rootEntity);
     $query->setHint('acl.extra.query', $this->getPermittedAclIdsSQLForUser($query));
     $classMeta = $this->em->getClassMetadata($rootEntity);
     $entityRootTableName = $this->quoteStrategy->getTableName($classMeta, $this->em->getConnection()->getDatabasePlatform());
     $query->setHint('acl.entityRootTableName', $entityRootTableName);
     $query->setHint('acl.entityRootTableDqlAlias', $rootAlias);
     return $query;
 protected function filterByActive(QueryBuilder $qb, \Datetime $date = null)
     if (null === $date) {
         $date = new \Datetime();
     return $qb->where($qb->expr()->orX($qb->expr()->isNull($this->getAlias() . '.startsAt'), $qb->expr()->lt($this->getAlias() . '.startsAt', ':date')))->andWhere($qb->expr()->orX($qb->expr()->isNull($this->getAlias() . '.endsAt'), $qb->expr()->gt($this->getAlias() . '.endsAt', ':date')))->setParameter('date', $date);
  * @param PersonCriteria $criteria
 private function checkLastname(PersonCriteria $criteria)
     if ($criteria->hasLastname()) {
         $this->qb->where('p.lastname = :lastname');
         $this->qb->setParameter('lastname', $criteria->getLastname());
  * Builds the query for the given data request object
  * @access public
  * @param \Zepi\DataSource\Core\Entity\DataRequest $dataRequest
  * @param \Doctrine\ORM\QueryBuilder $queryBuilder
  * @param string $entity
  * @param string $tableCode
 public function buildDataRequestQuery(DataRequest $dataRequest, QueryBuilder $queryBuilder, $entity, $tableCode)
     $queryBuilder->select($tableCode)->from($entity, $tableCode);
     $hasWhere = false;
     $i = 1;
     foreach ($dataRequest->getFilters() as $filter) {
         $whereQuery = $tableCode . '.' . $filter->getFieldName() . ' ' . $filter->getMode() . ' :' . $i;
         if ($hasWhere) {
         } else {
             $hasWhere = true;
         $queryBuilder->setParameter($i, $filter->getNeededValue());
     // Sorting
     if ($dataRequest->hasSorting()) {
         $mode = 'ASC';
         if (in_array($dataRequest->getSortByDirection(), array('ASC', 'DESC'))) {
             $mode = $dataRequest->getSortByDirection();
         $queryBuilder->orderBy($tableCode . '.' . $dataRequest->getSortBy(), $mode);
     // Offset
     if ($dataRequest->hasRange()) {
 public function buildCount(QueryBuilder $queryBuilder) : Query
     if (!empty($this->name)) {
         $queryBuilder->where($queryBuilder->expr()->like('o.name.name', ':name'))->setParameter('name', '%' . $this->name . '%');
     return $queryBuilder->select($queryBuilder->expr()->count('o.id'))->from(Organization::class, 'o')->leftJoin('o.organizationMembers', 'om')->leftJoin('o.owners', 'ow')->andWhere($queryBuilder->expr()->orX($queryBuilder->expr()->eq('om.userId', ':userId'), $queryBuilder->expr()->eq('ow.userId', ':userId')))->setParameter('userId', $this->userId->id())->getQuery();
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function execute()
     // emit listbuilder.create event
     $event = new ListBuilderCreateEvent($this);
     $this->eventDispatcher->dispatch(ListBuilderEvents::LISTBUILDER_CREATE, $event);
     $this->expressionFields = $this->getUniqueExpressionFieldDescriptors($this->expressions);
     // first create simplified id query
     // select ids with all necessary filter data
     $ids = $this->findIdsByGivenCriteria();
     // if no results are found - return
     if (count($ids) < 1) {
         return [];
     // now select all data
     $this->queryBuilder = $this->em->createQueryBuilder()->from($this->entityName, $this->entityName);
     // Add all select fields
     foreach ($this->selectFields as $field) {
         $this->queryBuilder->addSelect($field->getSelect() . ' AS ' . $field->getName());
     // group by
     // assign sort-fields
     // use ids previously selected ids for query
     $this->queryBuilder->where($this->entityName . '.id IN (:ids)')->setParameter('ids', $ids);
     return $this->queryBuilder->getQuery()->getArrayResult();
 public function manipulateQuery(QueryBuilder $query, $prefix = 'hv')
     $query->where("{$prefix}.createdAt >= :startDate");
     $query->andWhere("{$prefix}.createdAt <= :endDate");
     $query->setParameters(['startDate' => $this->period->getStartDate(), 'endDate' => $this->period->getEndDate()]);
     return $query;
 private function whereToPublish(QueryBuilder $builder)
     $builder->where('r.published = :published');
     $builder->setParameter('published', false);
     $builder->orWhere('p.modified = :modified');
     $builder->setParameter('modified', true);
     return $this;
  * {@inheritdoc}
 protected function prepareQuery(QueryBuilder $query, $rootAlias, $alias, $itemsType)
     $entityId = $this->requestParams->get(self::ENTITY_PARAM, 0);
     $query->where($rootAlias . '.mode <> :mode');
     $query->setParameter('mode', ConfigModelManager::MODE_HIDDEN);
     $query->innerJoin($rootAlias . '.entity', 'ce', 'WITH', 'ce.id=' . $entityId);
     $query->addSelect('ce.id as entity_id');
     return parent::prepareQuery($query, $rootAlias, $alias, $itemsType);
  * @param $columns \Sorien\DataGridBundle\Grid\Column\Column[]
  * @param $page int Page Number
  * @param $limit int Rows Per Page
  * @return \Sorien\DataGridBundle\Grid\Rows
 public function execute($columns, $page = 0, $limit = 0)
     $this->query = $this->manager->createQueryBuilder($this->class);
     $this->query->from($this->class, self::TABLE_ALIAS);
     $where = $this->query->expr()->andx();
     $sorted = false;
     foreach ($columns as $column) {
         if ($column->isSorted() && !$column->isDefaultSort()) {
             $this->query->orderBy($this->getFieldName($column, false), $column->getOrder());
             $sorted = true;
         } elseif (!$sorted && $column->isSorted() && $column->isDefaultSort()) {
             $this->query->orderBy($this->getFieldName($column, false), $column->getOrder());
         if ($column->isFiltered()) {
             if ($column->getFiltersConnection() == column::DATA_CONJUNCTION) {
                 foreach ($column->getFilters() as $filter) {
                     $operator = $this->normalizeOperator($filter->getOperator());
                     $where->add($this->query->expr()->{$operator}($this->getFieldName($column, false), $this->normalizeValue($filter->getOperator(), $filter->getValue())));
             } elseif ($column->getFiltersConnection() == column::DATA_DISJUNCTION) {
                 $sub = $this->query->expr()->orx();
                 foreach ($column->getFilters() as $filter) {
                     $operator = $this->normalizeOperator($filter->getOperator());
                     $sub->add($this->query->expr()->{$operator}($this->getFieldName($column, false), $this->normalizeValue($filter->getOperator(), $filter->getValue())));
     foreach ($this->joins as $alias => $field) {
         $this->query->leftJoin($field, $alias);
     if ($page > 0) {
         $this->query->setFirstResult($page * $limit);
     if ($limit > 0) {
     //call overridden prepareQuery or associated closure
     $query = $this->prepareQuery(clone $this->query);
     $items = $query->getQuery()->getResult();
     // hydrate result
     $result = new Rows();
     foreach ($items as $item) {
         $row = new Row();
         foreach ($item as $key => $value) {
             $row->setField($key, $value);
         //call overridden prepareRow or associated closure
         if (($modifiedRow = $this->prepareRow($row)) != null) {
     return $result;
 protected function addNameConstraint(QueryBuilder $query, $names)
     if ($names) {
         if (is_array($names)) {
             $names = $this->slugify($names);
             $query->where($query->expr()->in('t.slug', $names));
         } else {
             $query->andWhere('t.slug = :slug')->setParameter('slug', Urlizer::urlize($names));
     return $query;
  * @param QueryBuilder $queryBuilder
  * @param array $criteria
  * @return $this
 public function applyCriteria($queryBuilder, array $criteria = array())
     if (!count($criteria)) {
         return $this;
     $criteria = $this->resolver->resolveCriteria($criteria);
     foreach ($criteria['joins'] as $join => $alias) {
         $queryBuilder->leftJoin($join, $alias);
     $queryBuilder->where($this->createQueryExpression($queryBuilder, $criteria['expressions']));
     return $this;
  * @param QueryBuilder $qb
  * @return QueryBuilder
 protected function filter(QueryBuilder &$qb)
     if (isset($this->conditions['timeToExpire'])) {
         $currentTimeStamp = time();
         $timeToExpire = $this->conditions['timeToExpire'];
         $qb->where("{$currentTimeStamp} - p.created_date <= {$timeToExpire}");
     //apply other filter (where field = value)
     if (is_array($this->conditions) && count($this->conditions) > 0) {
         foreach ($this->conditions as $key => $value) {
             if ($value) {
                 $v = is_int($value) ? (int) $value : "'{$value}'";
                 $qb->andWhere("p.{$key} = {$v}");
     return $qb;
  * Recreate query builder and set state again.
  * @return void
 public function __wakeup()
     if ($this->constraint !== NULL) {
     if (is_array($this->orderings)) {
         foreach ($this->orderings as $propertyName => $order) {
             $this->queryBuilder->addOrderBy($this->queryBuilder->getRootAlias() . '.' . $propertyName, $order);
     if (is_array($this->joins)) {
         foreach ($this->joins as $joinAlias => $join) {
             $this->queryBuilder->leftJoin($join, $joinAlias);
 public function getResult($itemsPerPage, $page, Result $result)
     $parts = $this->query->getDQLParts();
     $from = $parts['from'][0];
     $itemsOnPage = clone $this->query;
     $itemsOnPage->select('DISTINCT(' . $from->getAlias() . '.id)')->addSelect('(' . $this->getNumRowsSubQuery() . ') as num_rows')->from($from->getFrom(), 'master')->setMaxResults($itemsPerPage)->setFirstResult($itemsPerPage * ($page - 1));
     $itemsOnPage = $itemsOnPage->getQuery()->getScalarResult();
     $totalResults = 0;
     $ids = array();
     if ($itemsOnPage) {
         $totalResults = $itemsOnPage[0]['num_rows'];
         foreach ($itemsOnPage as $itemOnPage) {
             $ids[] = $itemOnPage[1];
     $totalPages = ceil($totalResults / $itemsPerPage);
     $this->query->where($from->getAlias() . ' IN (:ids)')->setParameters(array('ids' => $ids));
     $results = $this->query->getQuery()->getResult();
     return $this->populateResult($result, $totalResults, $totalPages, $page, $results);
 public function buildSelectQuery(QueryBuilder $queryBuilder, $parameters, $class, $sort = array(), $join = "", $joinParams = array())
     if (!empty($joinParams)) {
         foreach ($joinParams as $key => $joinParam) {
     if (!empty($sort)) {
     $from = "DraftBundle:" . $class;
     $queryBuilder->select("c")->from($from, "c");
     if (isset($parameters['limit'])) {
         $limit = $parameters['limit'];
         if (isset($parameters['page'])) {
             $page = ($parameters['page'] - 1) * $limit;
     $i = 0;
     foreach ($parameters as $key => $value) {
         if ($value === "") {
         if ($i == 0) {
             $queryBuilder->where("c.{$key} = :param{$i}")->setParameter(":param{$i}", "{$value}");
         } else {
             $queryBuilder->andWhere("c.{$key} = :param{$i}")->setParameter(":param{$i}", "{$value}");
     if (!empty($sort)) {
         $queryBuilder->orderBy("c." . $sort['key'], $sort['value']);
     return $queryBuilder;
  * Extend a query with a where constraint on the id of an entity.
  * @param QueryBuilder     $queryBuilder
  * @param mixed            $id
  * @param EntityInterface  $entity
  * @param bool             $singleton
  * @param \ReflectionClass $entityClass
  * @throws \RuntimeException
 public static function extendQueryWhereId(QueryBuilder $queryBuilder, $id, $entity, $singleton = false, \ReflectionClass $entityClass = null)
     if (!$entityClass) {
         $entityClass = new \ReflectionClass($entity);
     if ($entityClass->isSubclassOf('Contao\\Doctrine\\ORM\\EntityInterface')) {
         $keys = $entityClass->getMethod('entityPrimaryKeyNames')->invoke(null);
     } else {
         $keys = array('id');
     $idValues = is_array($id) ? $id : explode('|', $id);
     if (count($keys) != count($idValues)) {
         throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('Key count of %d does not match id values count %d', count($keys), count($idValues)));
     foreach ($keys as $index => $key) {
         $where = $queryBuilder->expr()->neq('e.' . $key, ':key' . $index);
         if ($index > 0 || !$singleton) {
         } else {
         $queryBuilder->setParameter(':key' . $index, $idValues[$index]);
  * @param QueryBuilder                                         $queryBuilder
  * @param \Claroline\CoreBundle\Entity\Widget\WidgetInstance[] $configs
  * @return mixed
 private function addConfigurationFilterToQueryBuilder(QueryBuilder $queryBuilder, $configs)
     $actionIndex = 0;
     foreach ($configs as $config) {
         $workspaceId = $config->getWidgetInstance()->getWorkspace()->getId();
         $queryBuilder->where('workspace.id = :workspaceId')->setParameter('workspaceId', $workspaceId);
         if ($config->hasRestriction()) {
             $queryBuilder->andWhere('log.action IN (:actions)')->setParameter('actions', $config->getRestrictions());
     return $queryBuilder;
  * set query where
  * @param string $where
  * @param array  $params
  * @return Datatable 
 public function setWhere($where, array $params = array())
     return $this;
  * Adds WHERE clause to given query builder.
  * @param Doctrine\ORM\QueryBuilder $qb    Given query builder instance.
  * @param string                    $where The where clause to use when retrieving the collection (optional) (default='').
  * @return Doctrine\ORM\QueryBuilder query builder instance to be further processed
 protected function genericBaseQueryAddWhere(QueryBuilder $qb, $where = '')
     if (!empty($where)) {
     $showOnlyOwnEntries = (int) FormUtil::getPassedValue('own', ModUtil::getVar('MUVideo', 'showOnlyOwnEntries', 0), 'GETPOST');
     if ($showOnlyOwnEntries == 1) {
         $uid = UserUtil::getVar('uid');
         $qb->andWhere('tbl.createdUserId = :creator')->setParameter('creator', $uid);
     return $qb;
  * This will clone the original query and apply acl
  * @param QueryBuilder  $queryBuilder Builder
  * @param array         $permissions  Permission mask
  * @param UserInterface $user         User
  * @return Query
 public function apply(QueryBuilder $queryBuilder, array $permissions = array("VIEW"), UserInterface $user = null)
     $whereQueryParts = $queryBuilder->getDQLPart('where');
     if (empty($whereQueryParts)) {
         $fromQueryParts = $queryBuilder->getDQLPart('from');
         $firstFromQueryAlias = $fromQueryParts[0]->getAlias();
         // this will help in cases where no where query is specified,
         // where query is required to walk in where clause
         $queryBuilder->where($firstFromQueryAlias . '.id IS NOT NULL');
     $query = $this->cloneQuery($queryBuilder->getQuery());
     $builder = new MaskBuilder();
     foreach ($permissions as $permission) {
         $mask = constant(get_class($builder) . '::MASK_' . strtoupper($permission));
     $query->setHint('acl.mask', $builder->get());
     $query->setHint(Query::HINT_CUSTOM_OUTPUT_WALKER, $this->aclWalkerClass);
     $entities = $queryBuilder->getRootEntities();
     $query->setHint('acl.root.entities', $entities);
     $query->setHint('acl.extra.query', $this->getPermittedIdsACLSQLForUser($query, $queryBuilder, $user));
     //$class = $this->getEntityManager()->getClassMetadata($entities[0]);
     //$entityRootTableName = $class->getQuotedTableName($this->getEntityManager()->getConnection()->getDatabasePlatform());
     /** @var QuoteStrategy $quoteStrategy */
     $quoteStrategy = $this->getEntityManager()->getConfiguration()->getQuoteStrategy();
     $entityRootTableName = $quoteStrategy->getTableName($this->getEntityManager()->getClassMetadata($entities[0]), $this->getEntityManager()->getConnection()->getDatabasePlatform());
     $entityRootAliases = $queryBuilder->getRootAliases();
     $entityRootAlias = $entityRootAliases[0];
     $query->setHint('acl.entityRootTableName', $entityRootTableName);
     $query->setHint('acl.entityRootTableDqlAlias', $entityRootAlias);
     return $query;
  * Build where statement and add to the query builder.
  * @param \Doctrine\Orm\QueryBuilder $qb
  * @param mixed $where
  * @return $this
 protected function addWhere($qb, $where)
     // process the $where
     if (is_string($where)) {
         // straight DQL string
     } elseif (is_array($where) && count($where)) {
         // create where expression
         $whereExp = $qb->expr()->andx();
         $params = array();
         // index for the parameters
         $i = 0;
         // loop through all the clauses supplied
         foreach ($where as $col => $val) {
             if (is_array($val) && (!isset($val['value']) || is_string($val['value']) && strlen($val['value']) == 0) || is_string($val) && (!$val || strlen($val) == 0)) {
                 // skip if invalid value;
             // check if we've been provided with an operator as well as a value
             if (!is_array($val)) {
                 $operator = Expr\Comparison::EQ;
                 $val = $val;
             } elseif (count($val) == 1) {
                 $operator = Expr\Comparison::EQ;
                 $val = end($val);
             } else {
                 $operator = isset($val['operator']) ? $val['operator'] : Expr\Comparison::EQ;
                 $val = array_key_exists('value', $val) ? $val['value'] : array();
             // set the alias to the default
             $alias = $this->alias;
             // if col relates to a relation i.e. Role.id
             // then perform a join and set up the alias and column names
             if (strpos($col, '.') !== false) {
                 $parts = explode('.', $col);
                 $col = array_pop($parts);
                 $par = $this->alias;
                 foreach ($parts as $rel) {
                     $alias = strtolower($rel);
                     $jt = new Expr\Join(Expr\Join::LEFT_JOIN, $par . '.' . $rel, $alias);
                     if (!strpos($qb->getDql(), $jt->__toString()) !== false) {
                         $qb->leftJoin($par . '.' . $rel, $alias);
                     $par = $alias;
             // process sets a little differently
             if (!is_array($val)) {
                 $val = array($val);
             if ($operator == 'regexp') {
                 $whereExp->add("REGEXP(" . $alias . '.' . $col . ",'" . $val[0] . "') = 1");
             } else {
                 if ($operator == 'between') {
                     if (count($val) == 2) {
                         // $value should now be an array with 2 values
                         $expr = new Expr();
                         $from = is_int($val[0]) ? $val[0] : "'" . $val[0] . "'";
                         $to = is_int($val[1]) ? $val[1] : "'" . $val[1] . "'";
                         $stmt = $expr->between($alias . '.' . $col, $from, $to);
                 } else {
                     if ($operator == 'is') {
                         $expr = new Expr();
                         $method = 'is' . ucfirst($val[0]);
                         if (method_exists($expr, $method)) {
                             $stmt = $expr->{$method}($alias . '.' . $col);
                     } else {
                         // this holds the subquery for this field, each component being an OR
                         $subWhereExp = $qb->expr()->orX();
                         foreach ($val as $value) {
                             if ($value == null) {
                                 $cmpValue = 'NULL';
                             } else {
                                 $cmpValue = '?' . $i;
                                 // wrap LIKE values
                                 if ($operator == 'like') {
                                     $value = '%' . trim($value, '%') . '%';
                                 // add the parameter value into the parameters stack
                                 $params[$i] = $value;
                             $comparison = new Expr\Comparison($alias . '.' . $col, $operator, $cmpValue);
                         // add in the subquery as an AND
         // only add where expression if actually has parts
         if (count($whereExp->getParts())) {
         // set the params from the where clause above
     return $this;
  * Searching / Filtering.
  * Construct the WHERE clause for server-side processing SQL query.
  * @param QueryBuilder $qb
  * @return $this
 private function setWhere(QueryBuilder $qb)
     $globalSearch = $this->requestParams['search']['value'];
     // global filtering
     if ('' != $globalSearch) {
         $orExpr = $qb->expr()->orX();
         foreach ($this->columns as $key => $column) {
             if (true === $this->isSearchColumn($column)) {
                 $searchField = $this->searchColumns[$key];
                 if (true === $this->isPostgreSQLConnection) {
                     $searchField = $this->cast($searchField, $column);
                 $orExpr->add($qb->expr()->like($searchField, '?' . $key));
                 $qb->setParameter($key, '%' . $globalSearch . '%');
     // individual filtering
     if (true === $this->individualFiltering) {
         $andExpr = $qb->expr()->andX();
         $i = 100;
         foreach ($this->columns as $key => $column) {
             if (true === $this->isSearchColumn($column)) {
                 $filter = $column->getFilter();
                 $searchField = $this->searchColumns[$key];
                 $searchValue = $this->requestParams['columns'][$key]['search']['value'];
                 if ('' != $searchValue && 'null' != $searchValue) {
                     if (true === $this->isPostgreSQLConnection) {
                         $searchField = $this->cast($searchField, $column);
                     $andExpr = $filter->addAndExpression($andExpr, $qb, $searchField, $searchValue, $i);
         if ($andExpr->count() > 0) {
     return $this;
  * @param QueryBuilder $queryBuilder
 public function adaptQueryBuilder(QueryBuilder $queryBuilder)
  * @param QueryBuilder $qb
  * @param string       $alias
 protected function applyClosedSecurityModel(QueryBuilder $qb, $alias)
     $qb->where("{$alias}.tenantOwnerId = :tenantOwnerId")->andWhere("{$alias}.tenantCreatorId = :tenantCreatorId")->setParameters([':tenantOwnerId' => $this->tenant->getTenantOwnerId(), ':tenantCreatorId' => $this->tenant->getTenantCreatorId()]);
  * Configure the WHERE clause for the Doctrine QueryBuilder if any searches are specified
  * @param QueryBuilder The Doctrine QueryBuilder object
 public function setWhere(QueryBuilder $qb)
     // Global filtering
     if (isset($this->search) && !empty($this->search)) {
         $orExpr = $qb->expr()->orX();
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->parameters); $i++) {
             if (isset($this->request['bSearchable_' . $i]) && $this->request['bSearchable_' . $i] == "true") {
                 $qbParam = "sSearch_global_{$this->associations[$i]['entityName']}_{$this->associations[$i]['fieldName']}";
                 $orExpr->add($qb->expr()->like($this->associations[$i]['fullName'], ":{$qbParam}"));
                 $qb->setParameter($qbParam, "%" . $this->request['sSearch'] . "%");
     // Individual column filtering
     $andExpr = $qb->expr()->andX();
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->parameters); $i++) {
         if (isset($this->request['bSearchable_' . $i]) && $this->request['bSearchable_' . $i] == "true" && !empty($this->request['sSearch_' . $i])) {
             $qbParam = "sSearch_single_{$this->associations[$i]['entityName']}_{$this->associations[$i]['fieldName']}";
             $andExpr->add($qb->expr()->like($this->associations[$i]['fullName'], ":{$qbParam}"));
             $qb->setParameter($qbParam, "%" . $this->request['sSearch_' . $i] . "%");
     if ($andExpr->count() > 0) {
  * add where to querybuilder.
  * @param QueryBuilder $qb
  * @param array        $where
  * @return QueryBuilder
 private function addWhere($qb, $where)
     $and = $qb->expr()->andX();
     foreach ($where as $k => $v) {
         $and->add($qb->expr()->eq($k, $v));
     return $qb;
  * Searching / Filtering.
  * Construct the WHERE clause for server-side processing SQL query.
  * @param QueryBuilder $qb
  * @return $this
 private function setWhere(QueryBuilder $qb)
     $globalSearch = $this->requestParams['search']['value'];
     // global filtering
     if ('' != $globalSearch) {
         $orExpr = $qb->expr()->orX();
         foreach ($this->columns as $key => $column) {
             if (true === $this->isSearchColumn($column)) {
                 $searchField = $this->searchColumns[$key];
                 $orExpr->add($qb->expr()->like($searchField, '?' . $key));
                 $qb->setParameter($key, '%' . $globalSearch . '%');
     // individual filtering
     if (true === $this->individualFiltering) {
         $andExpr = $qb->expr()->andX();
         $i = 100;
         foreach ($this->columns as $key => $column) {
             if (true === $this->isSearchColumn($column)) {
                 $searchType = $column->getSearchType();
                 $searchField = $this->searchColumns[$key];
                 $searchValue = $this->requestParams['columns'][$key]['search']['value'];
                 $searchRange = $this->requestParams['columns'][$key]['name'] === 'daterange';
                 if ('' != $searchValue && 'null' != $searchValue) {
                     if ($searchRange) {
                         list($_dateStart, $_dateEnd) = explode(' - ', $searchValue);
                         $dateStart = new \DateTime($_dateStart);
                         $dateEnd = new \DateTime($_dateEnd);
                         $dateEnd->setTime(23, 59, 59);
                         $k = $i + 1;
                         $andExpr->add($qb->expr()->between($searchField, '?' . $i, '?' . $k));
                         $qb->setParameter($i, $dateStart->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
                         $qb->setParameter($k, $dateEnd->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
                         $i += 2;
                     } else {
                         $andExpr = $this->addCondition($andExpr, $qb, $searchType, $searchField, $searchValue, $i);
         if ($andExpr->count() > 0) {
     return $this;