  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function add($value)
     /* Initialize the collection before calling add() so this append operation
      * uses the appropriate key. Otherwise, we risk overwriting original data
      * when $newObjects are re-added in a later call to initialize().
     if (isset($this->mapping['strategy']) && CollectionHelper::isHash($this->mapping['strategy'])) {
     if ($this->uow !== null && $this->isOrphanRemovalEnabled() && $value !== null) {
     return true;
  * Marks the PersistentCollection's top-level owner as having a relation to
  * a collection scheduled for update or deletion.
  * If the owner is not scheduled for any lifecycle action, it will be
  * scheduled for update to ensure that versioning takes place if necessary.
  * If the collection is nested within atomic collection, it is immediately
  * unscheduled and atomic one is scheduled for update instead. This makes
  * calculating update data way easier.
  * @param PersistentCollection $coll
 private function scheduleCollectionOwner(PersistentCollection $coll)
     $document = $this->getOwningDocument($coll->getOwner());
     $this->hasScheduledCollections[spl_object_hash($document)][spl_object_hash($coll)] = $coll;
     if ($document !== $coll->getOwner()) {
         $parent = $coll->getOwner();
         while (null !== ($parentAssoc = $this->getParentAssociation($parent))) {
             list($mapping, $parent, ) = $parentAssoc;
         if (isset($mapping['strategy']) && CollectionHelper::isAtomic($mapping['strategy'])) {
             $class = $this->dm->getClassMetadata(get_class($document));
             $atomicCollection = $class->getFieldValue($document, $mapping['fieldName']);
     if (!$this->isDocumentScheduled($document)) {
  * Sets a PersistentCollection instance.
  * This method is intended to be used with the "set" or "setArray"
  * strategies. The "setArray" strategy will ensure that the collection is
  * set as a BSON array, which means the collection elements will be
  * reindexed numerically before storage.
  * @param PersistentCollection $coll
  * @param array $options
 private function setCollection(PersistentCollection $coll, array $options)
     list($propertyPath, $parent) = $this->getPathAndParent($coll);
     $mapping = $coll->getMapping();
     $setData = $this->pb->prepareAssociatedCollectionValue($coll, CollectionHelper::usesSet($mapping['strategy']));
     $query = array('$set' => array($propertyPath => $setData));
     $this->executeQuery($parent, $query, $options);
  * Prepares a query value and converts the PHP value to the database value
  * if it is an identifier.
  * It also handles converting $fieldName to the database name if they are different.
  * @param string $fieldName
  * @param mixed $value
  * @param ClassMetadata $class        Defaults to $this->class
  * @param boolean $prepareValue Whether or not to prepare the value
  * @return array        Prepared field name and value
 private function prepareQueryElement($fieldName, $value = null, $class = null, $prepareValue = true)
     $class = isset($class) ? $class : $this->class;
     // @todo Consider inlining calls to ClassMetadataInfo methods
     // Process all non-identifier fields by translating field names
     if ($class->hasField($fieldName) && !$class->isIdentifier($fieldName)) {
         $mapping = $class->fieldMappings[$fieldName];
         $fieldName = $mapping['name'];
         if (!$prepareValue) {
             return array($fieldName, $value);
         // Prepare mapped, embedded objects
         if (!empty($mapping['embedded']) && is_object($value) && !$this->dm->getMetadataFactory()->isTransient(get_class($value))) {
             return array($fieldName, $this->pb->prepareEmbeddedDocumentValue($mapping, $value));
         // No further preparation unless we're dealing with a simple reference
         // We can't have expressions in empty() with PHP < 5.5, so store it in a variable
         $arrayValue = (array) $value;
         if (empty($mapping['reference']) || empty($mapping['simple']) || empty($arrayValue)) {
             return array($fieldName, $value);
         // Additional preparation for one or more simple reference values
         $targetClass = $this->dm->getClassMetadata($mapping['targetDocument']);
         if (!is_array($value)) {
             return array($fieldName, $targetClass->getDatabaseIdentifierValue($value));
         // Objects without operators or with DBRef fields can be converted immediately
         if (!$this->hasQueryOperators($value) || $this->hasDBRefFields($value)) {
             return array($fieldName, $targetClass->getDatabaseIdentifierValue($value));
         return array($fieldName, $this->prepareQueryExpression($value, $targetClass));
     // Process identifier fields
     if ($class->hasField($fieldName) && $class->isIdentifier($fieldName) || $fieldName === '_id') {
         $fieldName = '_id';
         if (!$prepareValue) {
             return array($fieldName, $value);
         if (!is_array($value)) {
             return array($fieldName, $class->getDatabaseIdentifierValue($value));
         // Objects without operators or with DBRef fields can be converted immediately
         if (!$this->hasQueryOperators($value) || $this->hasDBRefFields($value)) {
             return array($fieldName, $class->getDatabaseIdentifierValue($value));
         return array($fieldName, $this->prepareQueryExpression($value, $class));
     // No processing for unmapped, non-identifier, non-dotted field names
     if (strpos($fieldName, '.') === false) {
         return array($fieldName, $value);
     /* Process "fieldName.objectProperty" queries (on arrays or objects).
      * We can limit parsing here, since at most three segments are
      * significant: "fieldName.objectProperty" with an optional index or key
      * for collections stored as either BSON arrays or objects.
     $e = explode('.', $fieldName, 4);
     // No further processing for unmapped fields
     if (!isset($class->fieldMappings[$e[0]])) {
         return array($fieldName, $value);
     $mapping = $class->fieldMappings[$e[0]];
     $e[0] = $mapping['name'];
     // Hash and raw fields will not be prepared beyond the field name
     if ($mapping['type'] === Type::HASH || $mapping['type'] === Type::RAW) {
         $fieldName = implode('.', $e);
         return array($fieldName, $value);
     if (isset($mapping['strategy']) && CollectionHelper::isHash($mapping['strategy']) && isset($e[2])) {
         $objectProperty = $e[2];
         $objectPropertyPrefix = $e[1] . '.';
         $nextObjectProperty = implode('.', array_slice($e, 3));
     } elseif ($e[1] != '$') {
         $fieldName = $e[0] . '.' . $e[1];
         $objectProperty = $e[1];
         $objectPropertyPrefix = '';
         $nextObjectProperty = implode('.', array_slice($e, 2));
     } elseif (isset($e[2])) {
         $fieldName = $e[0] . '.' . $e[1] . '.' . $e[2];
         $objectProperty = $e[2];
         $objectPropertyPrefix = $e[1] . '.';
         $nextObjectProperty = implode('.', array_slice($e, 3));
     } else {
         $fieldName = $e[0] . '.' . $e[1];
         return array($fieldName, $value);
     // No further processing for fields without a targetDocument mapping
     if (!isset($mapping['targetDocument'])) {
         if ($nextObjectProperty) {
             $fieldName .= '.' . $nextObjectProperty;
         return array($fieldName, $value);
     $targetClass = $this->dm->getClassMetadata($mapping['targetDocument']);
     // No further processing for unmapped targetDocument fields
     if (!$targetClass->hasField($objectProperty)) {
         if ($nextObjectProperty) {
             $fieldName .= '.' . $nextObjectProperty;
         return array($fieldName, $value);
     $targetMapping = $targetClass->getFieldMapping($objectProperty);
     $objectPropertyIsId = $targetClass->isIdentifier($objectProperty);
     // Prepare DBRef identifiers or the mapped field's property path
     $fieldName = $objectPropertyIsId && !empty($mapping['reference']) && empty($mapping['simple']) ? $e[0] . '.$id' : $e[0] . '.' . $objectPropertyPrefix . $targetMapping['name'];
     // Process targetDocument identifier fields
     if ($objectPropertyIsId) {
         if (!$prepareValue) {
             return array($fieldName, $value);
         if (!is_array($value)) {
             return array($fieldName, $targetClass->getDatabaseIdentifierValue($value));
         // Objects without operators or with DBRef fields can be converted immediately
         if (!$this->hasQueryOperators($value) || $this->hasDBRefFields($value)) {
             return array($fieldName, $targetClass->getDatabaseIdentifierValue($value));
         return array($fieldName, $this->prepareQueryExpression($value, $targetClass));
     /* The property path may include a third field segment, excluding the
      * collection item pointer. If present, this next object property must
      * be processed recursively.
     if ($nextObjectProperty) {
         // Respect the targetDocument's class metadata when recursing
         $nextTargetClass = isset($targetMapping['targetDocument']) ? $this->dm->getClassMetadata($targetMapping['targetDocument']) : null;
         list($key, $value) = $this->prepareQueryElement($nextObjectProperty, $value, $nextTargetClass, $prepareValue);
         $fieldName .= '.' . $key;
     return array($fieldName, $value);
  * Returns the collection representation to be stored and unschedules it afterwards.
  * @param PersistentCollection $coll
  * @param bool $includeNestedCollections
  * @return array
 public function prepareAssociatedCollectionValue(PersistentCollection $coll, $includeNestedCollections = false)
     $mapping = $coll->getMapping();
     $pb = $this;
     $callback = isset($mapping['embedded']) ? function ($v) use($pb, $mapping, $includeNestedCollections) {
         return $pb->prepareEmbeddedDocumentValue($mapping, $v, $includeNestedCollections);
     } : function ($v) use($pb, $mapping) {
         return $pb->prepareReferencedDocumentValue($mapping, $v);
     $setData = $coll->map($callback)->toArray();
     if (CollectionHelper::isList($mapping['strategy'])) {
         $setData = array_values($setData);
     return $setData;
  * Validates the storage strategy of a mapping for consistency
  * @param array $mapping
  * @throws \Doctrine\ODM\MongoDB\Mapping\MappingException
 private function applyStorageStrategy(array &$mapping)
     if (!isset($mapping['type']) || isset($mapping['id'])) {
     switch (true) {
         case $mapping['type'] == 'int':
         case $mapping['type'] == 'float':
         case $mapping['type'] == 'increment':
             $defaultStrategy = self::STORAGE_STRATEGY_SET;
             $allowedStrategies = [self::STORAGE_STRATEGY_SET, self::STORAGE_STRATEGY_INCREMENT];
         case $mapping['type'] == 'many':
             $defaultStrategy = CollectionHelper::DEFAULT_STRATEGY;
             $defaultStrategy = self::STORAGE_STRATEGY_SET;
             $allowedStrategies = [self::STORAGE_STRATEGY_SET];
     if (!isset($mapping['strategy'])) {
         $mapping['strategy'] = $defaultStrategy;
     if (!in_array($mapping['strategy'], $allowedStrategies)) {
         throw MappingException::invalidStorageStrategy($this->name, $mapping['fieldName'], $mapping['type'], $mapping['strategy']);
     if (isset($mapping['reference']) && $mapping['type'] === 'many' && $mapping['isOwningSide'] && !empty($mapping['sort']) && !CollectionHelper::usesSet($mapping['strategy'])) {
         throw MappingException::referenceManySortMustNotBeUsedWithNonSetCollectionStrategy($this->name, $mapping['fieldName'], $mapping['strategy']);
  * Map a field.
  * @param array $mapping The mapping information.
  * @return array
  * @throws MappingException
 public function mapField(array $mapping)
     if (!isset($mapping['fieldName']) && isset($mapping['name'])) {
         $mapping['fieldName'] = $mapping['name'];
     if (!isset($mapping['fieldName'])) {
         throw MappingException::missingFieldName($this->name);
     if (!isset($mapping['name'])) {
         $mapping['name'] = $mapping['fieldName'];
     if ($this->identifier === $mapping['name'] && empty($mapping['id'])) {
         throw MappingException::mustNotChangeIdentifierFieldsType($this->name, $mapping['name']);
     if (isset($this->fieldMappings[$mapping['fieldName']])) {
         //throw MappingException::duplicateFieldMapping($this->name, $mapping['fieldName']);
     if ($this->discriminatorField !== null && $this->discriminatorField == $mapping['name']) {
         throw MappingException::discriminatorFieldConflict($this->name, $this->discriminatorField);
     if (isset($mapping['targetDocument']) && strpos($mapping['targetDocument'], '\\') === false && strlen($this->namespace)) {
         $mapping['targetDocument'] = $this->namespace . '\\' . $mapping['targetDocument'];
     if (isset($mapping['discriminatorMap'])) {
         foreach ($mapping['discriminatorMap'] as $key => $class) {
             if (strpos($class, '\\') === false && strlen($this->namespace)) {
                 $mapping['discriminatorMap'][$key] = $this->namespace . '\\' . $class;
     if (isset($mapping['cascade']) && isset($mapping['embedded'])) {
         throw MappingException::cascadeOnEmbeddedNotAllowed($this->name, $mapping['fieldName']);
     $cascades = isset($mapping['cascade']) ? array_map('strtolower', (array) $mapping['cascade']) : array();
     if (in_array('all', $cascades) || isset($mapping['embedded'])) {
         $cascades = array('remove', 'persist', 'refresh', 'merge', 'detach');
     if (isset($mapping['embedded'])) {
     } elseif (isset($mapping['cascade'])) {
         $mapping['cascade'] = $cascades;
     $mapping['isCascadeRemove'] = in_array('remove', $cascades);
     $mapping['isCascadePersist'] = in_array('persist', $cascades);
     $mapping['isCascadeRefresh'] = in_array('refresh', $cascades);
     $mapping['isCascadeMerge'] = in_array('merge', $cascades);
     $mapping['isCascadeDetach'] = in_array('detach', $cascades);
     if (isset($mapping['type']) && $mapping['type'] === 'file') {
         $mapping['file'] = true;
     if (isset($mapping['file']) && $mapping['file'] === true) {
         $this->file = $mapping['fieldName'];
         $mapping['name'] = 'file';
     if (isset($mapping['distance']) && $mapping['distance'] === true) {
         $this->distance = $mapping['fieldName'];
     if (isset($mapping['id']) && $mapping['id'] === true) {
         $mapping['name'] = '_id';
         $this->identifier = $mapping['fieldName'];
         if (isset($mapping['strategy'])) {
             $this->generatorType = constant('Doctrine\\ODM\\MongoDB\\Mapping\\ClassMetadata::GENERATOR_TYPE_' . strtoupper($mapping['strategy']));
         $this->generatorOptions = isset($mapping['options']) ? $mapping['options'] : array();
         switch ($this->generatorType) {
             case self::GENERATOR_TYPE_AUTO:
                 $mapping['type'] = 'id';
                 if (!empty($this->generatorOptions['type'])) {
                     $mapping['type'] = $this->generatorOptions['type'];
                 } elseif (empty($mapping['type'])) {
                     $mapping['type'] = $this->generatorType === self::GENERATOR_TYPE_INCREMENT ? 'int_id' : 'custom_id';
     if (!isset($mapping['nullable'])) {
         $mapping['nullable'] = false;
     if (isset($mapping['reference']) && !empty($mapping['simple']) && !isset($mapping['targetDocument'])) {
         throw MappingException::simpleReferenceRequiresTargetDocument($this->name, $mapping['fieldName']);
     if (isset($mapping['reference']) && empty($mapping['targetDocument']) && empty($mapping['discriminatorMap']) && (isset($mapping['mappedBy']) || isset($mapping['inversedBy']))) {
         throw MappingException::owningAndInverseReferencesRequireTargetDocument($this->name, $mapping['fieldName']);
     if ($this->isEmbeddedDocument && $mapping['type'] === 'many' && CollectionHelper::isAtomic($mapping['strategy'])) {
         throw MappingException::atomicCollectionStrategyNotAllowed($mapping['strategy'], $this->name, $mapping['fieldName']);
     if (isset($mapping['reference']) && $mapping['type'] === 'one') {
         $mapping['association'] = self::REFERENCE_ONE;
     if (isset($mapping['reference']) && $mapping['type'] === 'many') {
         $mapping['association'] = self::REFERENCE_MANY;
     if (isset($mapping['embedded']) && $mapping['type'] === 'one') {
         $mapping['association'] = self::EMBED_ONE;
     if (isset($mapping['embedded']) && $mapping['type'] === 'many') {
         $mapping['association'] = self::EMBED_MANY;
     if (isset($mapping['association']) && !isset($mapping['targetDocument']) && !isset($mapping['discriminatorField'])) {
         $mapping['discriminatorField'] = self::DEFAULT_DISCRIMINATOR_FIELD;
     if (isset($mapping['type']) && ($mapping['type'] === 'one' || $mapping['type'] === 'many')) {
         $mapping['type'] = $mapping['type'] === 'one' ? self::ONE : self::MANY;
     if (isset($mapping['version'])) {
         $mapping['notSaved'] = true;
     if (isset($mapping['lock'])) {
         $mapping['notSaved'] = true;
     $mapping['isOwningSide'] = true;
     $mapping['isInverseSide'] = false;
     if (isset($mapping['reference'])) {
         if (isset($mapping['inversedBy']) && $mapping['inversedBy']) {
             $mapping['isOwningSide'] = true;
             $mapping['isInverseSide'] = false;
         if (isset($mapping['mappedBy']) && $mapping['mappedBy']) {
             $mapping['isInverseSide'] = true;
             $mapping['isOwningSide'] = false;
         if (isset($mapping['repositoryMethod'])) {
             $mapping['isInverseSide'] = true;
             $mapping['isOwningSide'] = false;
         if (!isset($mapping['orphanRemoval'])) {
             $mapping['orphanRemoval'] = false;
     if (isset($mapping['reference']) && $mapping['type'] === 'many' && $mapping['isOwningSide'] && !empty($mapping['sort']) && !CollectionHelper::usesSet($mapping['strategy'])) {
         throw MappingException::referenceManySortMustNotBeUsedWithNonSetCollectionStrategy($this->name, $mapping['fieldName'], $mapping['strategy']);
     $this->fieldMappings[$mapping['fieldName']] = $mapping;
     if (isset($mapping['association'])) {
         $this->associationMappings[$mapping['fieldName']] = $mapping;
     return $mapping;
 private function loadReferenceManyCollectionOwningSide(PersistentCollection $collection)
     $hints = $collection->getHints();
     $mapping = $collection->getMapping();
     $groupedIds = array();
     $sorted = isset($mapping['sort']) && $mapping['sort'];
     foreach ($collection->getMongoData() as $key => $reference) {
         if (isset($mapping['simple']) && $mapping['simple']) {
             $className = $mapping['targetDocument'];
             $mongoId = $reference;
         } else {
             $className = $this->uow->getClassNameForAssociation($mapping, $reference);
             $mongoId = $reference['$id'];
         $id = $this->dm->getClassMetadata($className)->getPHPIdentifierValue($mongoId);
         // create a reference to the class and id
         $reference = $this->dm->getReference($className, $id);
         // no custom sort so add the references right now in the order they are embedded
         if (!$sorted) {
             if (CollectionHelper::isHash($mapping['strategy'])) {
                 $collection->set($key, $reference);
             } else {
         // only query for the referenced object if it is not already initialized or the collection is sorted
         if ($reference instanceof Proxy && !$reference->__isInitialized__ || $sorted) {
             $groupedIds[$className][] = $mongoId;
     foreach ($groupedIds as $className => $ids) {
         $class = $this->dm->getClassMetadata($className);
         $mongoCollection = $this->dm->getDocumentCollection($className);
         $criteria = $this->cm->merge(array('_id' => array('$in' => array_values($ids))), $this->dm->getFilterCollection()->getFilterCriteria($class), isset($mapping['criteria']) ? $mapping['criteria'] : array());
         $criteria = $this->uow->getDocumentPersister($className)->prepareQueryOrNewObj($criteria);
         $cursor = $mongoCollection->find($criteria);
         if (isset($mapping['sort'])) {
         if (isset($mapping['limit'])) {
         if (isset($mapping['skip'])) {
         if (!empty($hints[Query::HINT_SLAVE_OKAY])) {
         if (!empty($hints[Query::HINT_READ_PREFERENCE])) {
             $cursor->setReadPreference($hints[Query::HINT_READ_PREFERENCE], $hints[Query::HINT_READ_PREFERENCE_TAGS]);
         $documents = $cursor->toArray(false);
         foreach ($documents as $documentData) {
             $document = $this->uow->getById($documentData['_id'], $class);
             $data = $this->hydratorFactory->hydrate($document, $documentData);
             $this->uow->setOriginalDocumentData($document, $data);
             $document->__isInitialized__ = true;
             if ($sorted) {