addToSet() public method

If the field does not exist, it will be set to an array containing the unique value(s) in the argument. If the field is not an array, the query will yield an error. Multiple values may be specified by provided an Expr object and using {@link Expr::each()}.
See also: Builder::addToSet()
See also:
See also:
public addToSet ( mixed | Expr $valueOrExpression )
$valueOrExpression mixed | Expr
  * Append one or more values to the current array field only if they do not
  * already exist in the array.
  * If the field does not exist, it will be set to an array containing the
  * unique value(s) in the argument. If the field is not an array, the query
  * will yield an error.
  * Multiple values may be specified by provided an Expr object and using
  * {@link Expr::each()}.
  * @see Expr::addToSet()
  * @see
  * @see
  * @param mixed|Expr $valueOrExpression
  * @return self
 public function addToSet($valueOrExpression)
     return $this;