getCurrentVersion() public method

Returns the current migrated version from the versions table.
public getCurrentVersion ( ) : string
return string
  * Run a migration to the current version or the given target version.
  * @param string  $to             The version to migrate to.
  * @param boolean $dryRun         Whether or not to make this a dry run and not execute anything.
  * @param boolean $timeAllQueries Measuring or not the execution time of each SQL query.
  * @param callable|null $confirm A callback to confirm whether the migrations should be executed.
  * @return array An array of migration sql statements. This will be empty if the the $confirm callback declines to execute the migration
  * @throws MigrationException
 public function migrate($to = null, $dryRun = false, $timeAllQueries = false, callable $confirm = null)
      * If no version to migrate to is given we default to the last available one.
     if ($to === null) {
         $to = $this->configuration->getLatestVersion();
     $from = (string) $this->configuration->getCurrentVersion();
     $to = (string) $to;
      * Throw an error if we can't find the migration to migrate to in the registered
      * migrations.
     $migrations = $this->configuration->getMigrations();
     if (!isset($migrations[$to]) && $to > 0) {
         throw MigrationException::unknownMigrationVersion($to);
     $direction = $from > $to ? Version::DIRECTION_DOWN : Version::DIRECTION_UP;
     $migrationsToExecute = $this->configuration->getMigrationsToExecute($direction, $to);
      * If
      *  there are no migrations to execute
      *  and there are migrations,
      *  and the migration from and to are the same
      * means we are already at the destination return an empty array()
      * to signify that there is nothing left to do.
     if ($from === $to && empty($migrationsToExecute) && !empty($migrations)) {
         return $this->noMigrations();
     if (!$dryRun && false === $this->migrationsCanExecute($confirm)) {
         return [];
     $output = $dryRun ? 'Executing dry run of migration' : 'Migrating';
     $output .= ' <info>%s</info> to <comment>%s</comment> from <comment>%s</comment>';
     $this->outputWriter->write(sprintf($output, $direction, $to, $from));
      * If there are no migrations to execute throw an exception.
     if (empty($migrationsToExecute) && !$this->noMigrationException) {
         throw MigrationException::noMigrationsToExecute();
     } elseif (empty($migrationsToExecute)) {
         return $this->noMigrations();
     $sql = [];
     $time = 0;
     foreach ($migrationsToExecute as $version) {
         $versionSql = $version->execute($direction, $dryRun, $timeAllQueries);
         $sql[$version->getVersion()] = $versionSql;
         $time += $version->getTime();
     $this->outputWriter->write("\n  <comment>------------------------</comment>\n");
     $this->outputWriter->write(sprintf("  <info>++</info> finished in %ss", $time));
     $this->outputWriter->write(sprintf("  <info>++</info> %s migrations executed", count($migrationsToExecute)));
     $this->outputWriter->write(sprintf("  <info>++</info> %s sql queries", count($sql, true) - count($sql)));
     return $sql;
     * Run a migration to the current version or the given target version.
     * @param string $to      The version to migrate to.
     * @param string $dryRun  Whether or not to make this a dry run and not execute anything.
     * @return array $sql     The array of migration sql statements
     * @throws MigrationException
    public function migrate($to = null, $dryRun = false)
        if ($to === null) {
            $to = $this->configuration->getLatestVersion();

        $from = $this->configuration->getCurrentVersion();
        $from = (string) $from;
        $to = (string) $to;

        $migrations = $this->configuration->getMigrations();
        if ( ! isset($migrations[$to]) && $to > 0) {
            throw MigrationException::unknownMigrationVersion($to);

        if ($from === $to) {
            throw MigrationException::alreadyAtVersion($to);

        $direction = $from > $to ? 'down' : 'up';
        $migrations = $this->configuration->getMigrationsToExecute($direction, $to);

        if ($dryRun === false) {
            $this->outputWriter->write(sprintf('Migrating <info>%s</info> to <comment>%s</comment> from <comment>%s</comment>', $direction, $to, $from));
        } else {
            $this->outputWriter->write(sprintf('Executing dry run of migration <info>%s</info> to <comment>%s</comment> from <comment>%s</comment>', $direction, $to, $from));

        if (empty($migrations)) {
            throw MigrationException::noMigrationsToExecute();

        $sql = array();
        $time = 0;
        foreach ($migrations as $version) {
            $versionSql = $version->execute($direction, $dryRun);
            $sql[$version->getVersion()] = $versionSql;
            $time += $version->getTime();

        $this->outputWriter->write("\n  <comment>------------------------</comment>\n");
        $this->outputWriter->write(sprintf("  <info>++</info> finished in %s", $time));
        $this->outputWriter->write(sprintf("  <info>++</info> %s migrations executed", count($migrations)));
        $this->outputWriter->write(sprintf("  <info>++</info> %s sql queries", count($sql, true) - count($sql)));

        return $sql;
  * @Route("/{connectionName}/execute/{version}")
  * @Method("POST")
 public function executeAction($connectionName, $version)
     $connection = $this->getDoctrine()->getConnection($connectionName);
     $outputWriter = new MemoryOutputWriter();
     $configuration = new Configuration($connection);
     $migration = new Migration($configuration);
     $currentVersion = $configuration->getCurrentVersion();
     $dryRun = false;
     $sql = $migration->migrate($version, $dryRun, true);
     return $this->render('MarkeiDoctrineMigrationWebBundle:Migrate:execute.html.twig', ['connectionName' => $connectionName, 'to' => $version, 'from' => $currentVersion, 'output' => $outputWriter->getMemory(), 'name' => $this->container->getParameter('')]);
 public function testMigrateDownSeveralSteps()
     $this->config->registerMigration(1, 'Doctrine\\DBAL\\Migrations\\Tests\\Functional\\MigrationMigrateUp');
     $this->config->registerMigration(2, 'Doctrine\\DBAL\\Migrations\\Tests\\Functional\\MigrationSkipMigration');
     $this->config->registerMigration(3, 'Doctrine\\DBAL\\Migrations\\Tests\\Functional\\MigrationMigrateFurther');
     $migration = new \Doctrine\DBAL\Migrations\Migration($this->config);
     $this->assertEquals(3, $this->config->getCurrentVersion());
     $schema = $this->config->getConnection()->getSchemaManager()->createSchema();
     $this->assertEquals(0, $this->config->getCurrentVersion());
     $migrations = $this->config->getMigrations();
 public function testInterweavedMigrationsAreExecuted()
     $this->config->registerMigration(1, 'Doctrine\\DBAL\\Migrations\\Tests\\Functional\\MigrateAddSqlTest');
     $this->config->registerMigration(3, 'Doctrine\\DBAL\\Migrations\\Tests\\Functional\\MigrationMigrateFurther');
     $migration = new \Doctrine\DBAL\Migrations\Migration($this->config);
     $migrations = $this->config->getMigrations();
     $this->assertEquals(3, $this->config->getCurrentVersion());
     $config = new Configuration($this->connection);
     $config->registerMigration(1, 'Doctrine\\DBAL\\Migrations\\Tests\\Functional\\MigrateAddSqlTest');
     $config->registerMigration(2, 'Doctrine\\DBAL\\Migrations\\Tests\\Functional\\MigrationMigrateUp');
     $config->registerMigration(3, 'Doctrine\\DBAL\\Migrations\\Tests\\Functional\\MigrationMigrateFurther');
     $this->assertEquals(1, count($config->getMigrationsToExecute('up', 3)));
     $migrations = $config->getMigrationsToExecute('up', 3);
     $this->assertEquals(2, $migrations[2]->getVersion());
     $migration = new \Doctrine\DBAL\Migrations\Migration($config);
     $migrations = $config->getMigrations();
     $this->assertEquals(3, $config->getCurrentVersion());
 public function getCurrentVersion()
     return parent::getCurrentVersion();