  * Initializes context.
  * @param ManagerRegistry $doctrine
 public function __construct(ManagerRegistry $doctrine)
     $this->manager = $doctrine->getManager();
     $this->schemaTool = new SchemaTool($this->manager);
     $this->classes = $this->manager->getMetadataFactory()->getAllMetadata();
     $this->inspector = new JsonInspector('javascript');
  * Initializes context.
  * Every scenario gets its own context instance.
  * You can also pass arbitrary arguments to the
  * context constructor through behat.yml.
 public function __construct(ManagerRegistry $doctrine)
     $this->doctrine = $doctrine;
     $this->manager = $doctrine->getManager();
     $this->schemaTool = new SchemaTool($this->manager);
     $this->classes = $this->manager->getMetadataFactory()->getAllMetadata();
  * Create the database schema.
  * @param ObjectManager $om
 protected function createSchema(ObjectManager $om)
     if ($om instanceof \Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager) {
         $schemaTool = new \Doctrine\ORM\Tools\SchemaTool($om);
     } elseif ($om instanceof \Doctrine\ODM\MongoDB\DocumentManager) {
         $sm = new \Doctrine\ODM\MongoDB\SchemaManager($om, $om->getMetadataFactory());
  * Initializes context.
  * Every scenario gets its own context instance.
  * You can also pass arbitrary arguments to the
  * context constructor through behat.yml.
  * @param ManagerRegistry         $doctrine
  * @param JWTManagerInterface     $jwtManager
  * @param UserManager             $userManager
  * @param EncoderFactoryInterface $encoderFactory
 public function __construct(ManagerRegistry $doctrine, JWTManagerInterface $jwtManager, UserManager $userManager, EncoderFactoryInterface $encoderFactory)
     $this->doctrine = $doctrine;
     $this->manager = $doctrine->getManager();
     $this->schemaTool = new SchemaTool($this->manager);
     $this->metadata = $this->manager->getMetadataFactory()->getAllMetadata();
     $this->jwtManager = $jwtManager;
     $this->userManager = $userManager;
     $this->encoderFactory = $encoderFactory;
     $this->inspector = new JsonInspector('javascript');
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function setUp()
     static::$kernel = static::createKernel();
     $this->doctrine = static::$kernel->getContainer()->get('doctrine');
     $this->doctrineManager = $this->doctrine->getManager();
     $this->validator = static::$kernel->getContainer()->get('validator');
     // Recreate a fresh database instance before each test case
     $metadata = $this->doctrineManager->getMetadataFactory()->getAllMetadata();
     $schemaTool = new SchemaTool($this->doctrineManager);
 protected function setUp()
     if (!class_exists('Twig_Environment')) {
         $this->markTestSkipped('Twig is not available.');
     if (null === $this->em) {
         $this->em = $this->client->getContainer()->get('doctrine')->getManager();
         if (!static::$schemaSetUp) {
             $st = new SchemaTool($this->em);
             $classes = $this->em->getMetadataFactory()->getAllMetadata();
             static::$schemaSetUp = true;
 public function load(ObjectManager $manager, $tags = null)
     if (!$this->hasTag($tags)) {
     $cmf = $manager->getMetadataFactory();
     // The model class for all fixtures defined in this file
     $class = $this->file['model'];
     // Get the fields that are not "associations"
     $metadata = $cmf->getMetaDataFor($class);
     $mapping = array_keys($metadata->fieldMappings);
     $associations = array_keys($metadata->associationMappings);
     foreach ($this->file['fixtures'] as $reference => $fixture) {
         // Instantiate new object
         $object = new $class();
         foreach ($fixture as $field => $value) {
             // Add the fields defined in the fistures file
             $method = Inflector::camelize('set_' . $field);
             if (strpos($value, '$') === 0) {
                 // custom reference loader format: $<referencedEntityKey>|<referencedColumn>
                 // ex: $first_campaign|idcampaign
                 list($referencedEntity, $referenceColumn) = explode('|', ltrim($value, '$'));
                 $getterMethod = Inflector::camelize('get_' . $referenceColumn);
             } elseif (in_array($field, $mapping)) {
                 // Dates need to be converted to DateTime objects
                 $type = $metadata->fieldMappings[$field]['type'];
                 if ($type == 'datetime' or $type == 'date') {
                     $value = new \DateTime($value);
             } else {
                 if (in_array($field, $associations)) {
                     // This field is an association, we load it from the references
                 } else {
                     // It's a method call that will set a field named differently
                     // eg: FOSUserBundle ->setPlainPassword sets the password after
                     // Encrypting it
         // Save a reference to the current object
         $this->loader->setReference($reference, $object);
         if (!$this->isReverseSaveOrder()) {
     if ($this->isReverseSaveOrder()) {
         $refs = array_keys($this->file['fixtures']);
         for ($i = count($refs) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
  * Get all entities
  * @access public
  * @return array entities
 public function getAllEntities()
     $entities = array();
     $allMetadata = $this->entityManager->getMetadataFactory()->getAllMetadata();
     foreach ($allMetadata as $entityMetadata) {
         $entities[] = $entityMetadata->getName();
     return $entities;
 private function createData(ObjectManager $manager)
     $data = array('entities' => array(), 'relations' => array());
     $passes = array(new ImportMetadataPass(), new InheritancePass(), new ShortNamePass());
     foreach ($passes as $pass) {
         $data = $pass->process($manager->getMetadataFactory(), $data);
     return $data;
  * Checks whether provided entity is supported by the Metadatable Controller.
  * @param mixed $entity
  * @return bool
 protected function isEntitySupported($entity)
     try {
         $classMetadata = $this->om->getMetadataFactory()->getMetadataFor(get_class($entity));
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         return false;
     $reflClass = $classMetadata->reflClass;
     $traitNames = [];
     while ($reflClass) {
         $traitNames = array_merge($traitNames, $reflClass->getTraitNames());
         $reflClass = $reflClass->getParentClass();
     $supported = in_array('Unifik\\DoctrineBehaviorsBundle\\Model\\Metadatable\\Metadatable', $traitNames);
     if (!$supported && is_callable([$entity, 'getTranslation'])) {
         return $this->isEntitySupported($entity->getTranslation());
     return $supported;
  * @param string $entityName
  * @return bool
 protected function isCorrectClassName($entityName)
     try {
         $classMetadata = $this->em->getMetadataFactory()->getMetadataFor($entityName);
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         return false;
     return true;
  * Initializes extension driver.
  * @param \Doctrine\Common\Persistence\ObjectManager $objectManager
  * @param string $extensionNamespace
  * @param object $annotationReader
 public function __construct(ObjectManager $objectManager, $extensionNamespace, $annotationReader)
     $this->objectManager = $objectManager;
     $this->annotationReader = $annotationReader;
     $this->extensionNamespace = $extensionNamespace;
     $omDriver = $objectManager->getConfiguration()->getMetadataDriverImpl();
     $omCache = $this->objectManager->getMetadataFactory()->getCacheDriver();
     $metadataClassName = null;
     if (class_exists($this->extensionNamespace . '\\Mapping\\ClassMetadata')) {
         $metadataClassName = $this->extensionNamespace . '\\Mapping\\ClassMetadata';
     $driver = $this->getDriver($omDriver);
     parent::__construct($driver, $omCache, $extensionNamespace, $metadataClassName);
  * Called from functional tests, creates/updates database tables and compiles proxies.
  * @return boolean
 public function compile()
     // "driver" is used only for Doctrine, thus we (mis-)use it here
     // additionally, when no path is set, skip this step, assuming no DB is needed
     if ($this->settings['backendOptions']['driver'] !== null && $this->settings['backendOptions']['path'] !== null) {
         $schemaTool = new SchemaTool($this->entityManager);
         if ($this->settings['backendOptions']['driver'] === 'pdo_sqlite') {
         } else {
         $proxyFactory = $this->entityManager->getProxyFactory();
         $this->systemLogger->log('Doctrine 2 setup finished');
         return true;
     } else {
         $this->systemLogger->log('Doctrine 2 setup skipped, driver and path backend options not set!', LOG_NOTICE);
         return false;
  * Generates a new migration file and returns the path to it.
  * If $diffAgainstCurrent is TRUE, it generates a migration file with the
  * diff between current DB structure and the found mapping metadata.
  * Only include tables/sequences matching the $filterExpression regexp when
  * diffing models and existing schema.
  * Otherwise an empty migration skeleton is generated.
  * @param boolean $diffAgainstCurrent
  * @param string $filterExpression
  * @return string Path to the new file
 public function generateMigration($diffAgainstCurrent = true, $filterExpression = null)
     $configuration = $this->getMigrationConfiguration();
     $up = null;
     $down = null;
     if ($diffAgainstCurrent === true) {
         /** @var \Doctrine\DBAL\Connection $connection */
         $connection = $this->entityManager->getConnection();
         if ($filterExpression) {
         $metadata = $this->entityManager->getMetadataFactory()->getAllMetadata();
         if (empty($metadata)) {
             return ['No mapping information to process.', null];
         $tool = new SchemaTool($this->entityManager);
         $fromSchema = $connection->getSchemaManager()->createSchema();
         $toSchema = $tool->getSchemaFromMetadata($metadata);
         if ($filterExpression) {
             foreach ($toSchema->getTables() as $table) {
                 $tableName = $table->getName();
                 if (!preg_match($filterExpression, $this->resolveTableName($tableName))) {
             foreach ($toSchema->getSequences() as $sequence) {
                 $sequenceName = $sequence->getName();
                 if (!preg_match($filterExpression, $this->resolveTableName($sequenceName))) {
         $platform = $connection->getDatabasePlatform();
         $up = $this->buildCodeFromSql($configuration, $fromSchema->getMigrateToSql($toSchema, $platform));
         $down = $this->buildCodeFromSql($configuration, $fromSchema->getMigrateFromSql($toSchema, $platform));
         if (!$up && !$down) {
             return ['No changes detected in your mapping information.', null];
     return ['Generated new migration class!', $this->writeMigrationClassToFile($configuration, $up, $down)];
  * Generates a new migration file and returns the path to it.
  * If $diffAgainstCurrent is TRUE, it generates a migration file with the
  * diff between current DB structure and the found mapping metadata.
  * Otherwise an empty migration skeleton is generated.
  * @param boolean $diffAgainstCurrent
  * @return string Path to the new file
 public function generateMigration($diffAgainstCurrent = true)
     $configuration = $this->getMigrationConfiguration();
     $up = null;
     $down = null;
     if ($diffAgainstCurrent === true) {
         $connection = $this->entityManager->getConnection();
         $platform = $connection->getDatabasePlatform();
         $metadata = $this->entityManager->getMetadataFactory()->getAllMetadata();
         if (empty($metadata)) {
             return 'No mapping information to process.';
         $tool = new \Doctrine\ORM\Tools\SchemaTool($this->entityManager);
         $fromSchema = $connection->getSchemaManager()->createSchema();
         $toSchema = $tool->getSchemaFromMetadata($metadata);
         $up = $this->buildCodeFromSql($configuration, $fromSchema->getMigrateToSql($toSchema, $platform));
         $down = $this->buildCodeFromSql($configuration, $fromSchema->getMigrateFromSql($toSchema, $platform));
         if (!$up && !$down) {
             return 'No changes detected in your mapping information.';
     return $this->writeMigrationClassToFile($configuration, $up, $down);
  * Get the configuration for specific object class
  * if cache driver is present it scans it also
  * @param Common\Persistence\ObjectManager $objectManager
  * @param string $class
  * @return array
 public function getObjectConfigurations(Common\Persistence\ObjectManager $objectManager, $class)
     $config = [];
     if (isset(self::$objectConfigurations[$class])) {
         $config = self::$objectConfigurations[$class];
     } else {
         $metadataFactory = $objectManager->getMetadataFactory();
         /** @var Common\Cache\Cache $cacheDriver|NULL */
         $cacheDriver = $metadataFactory->getCacheDriver();
         if ($cacheDriver !== NULL) {
             $cacheId = self::getCacheId($class);
             if (($cached = $cacheDriver->fetch($cacheId)) !== FALSE) {
                 self::$objectConfigurations[$class] = $cached;
                 $config = $cached;
             } else {
                 /** @var ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata $classMetadata */
                 $classMetadata = $metadataFactory->getMetadataFor($class);
                 // Re-generate metadata on cache miss
                 $this->loadMetadataForObjectClass($objectManager, $classMetadata);
                 if (isset(self::$objectConfigurations[$class])) {
                     $config = self::$objectConfigurations[$class];
             $objectClass = isset($config['useObjectClass']) ? $config['useObjectClass'] : $class;
             if ($objectClass !== $class) {
                 $this->getObjectConfigurations($objectManager, $objectClass);
     return $config;
  * @Deprecated
  * Returns the entity repository
  * @return \Doctrine\ORM\EntityRepository
 protected function getRepository()
     $classMetadata = $this->objectManager->getMetadataFactory()->getMetadataFor($this->attributeClass);
     return new AttributeRepository($this->objectManager, $classMetadata);
  * Get the configuration for specific object class
  * if cache driver is present it scans it also
  * @param ObjectManager $objectManager
  * @param string $class
  * @return array
 public function getConfiguration(ObjectManager $objectManager, $class)
     $config = array();
     if (isset($this->configurations[$class])) {
         $config = $this->configurations[$class];
     } else {
         $cacheDriver = $objectManager->getMetadataFactory()->getCacheDriver();
         $cacheId = ExtensionMetadataFactory::getCacheId($class, $this->getNamespace());
         if ($cacheDriver && ($cached = $cacheDriver->fetch($cacheId)) !== false) {
             $this->configurations[$class] = $cached;
             $config = $cached;
     return $config;
  * Get the configuration for specific object class
  * if cache driver is present it scans it also
  * @param ObjectManager $objectManager
  * @param string $class
  * @return array
 public function getConfiguration(ObjectManager $objectManager, $class)
     $config = array();
     if (isset(self::$configurations[$this->name][$class])) {
         $config = self::$configurations[$this->name][$class];
     } else {
         $factory = $objectManager->getMetadataFactory();
         $cacheDriver = $factory->getCacheDriver();
         if ($cacheDriver) {
             $cacheId = ExtensionMetadataFactory::getCacheId($class, $this->getNamespace());
             if (($cached = $cacheDriver->fetch($cacheId)) !== false) {
                 self::$configurations[$this->name][$class] = $cached;
                 $config = $cached;
             } else {
                 // re-generate metadata on cache miss
                 $this->loadMetadataForObjectClass($objectManager, $factory->getMetadataFor($class));
                 if (isset(self::$configurations[$this->name][$class])) {
                     $config = self::$configurations[$this->name][$class];
     return $config;
  * @param $entity
  * @param Common\Persistence\ObjectManager $objectManager
  * @throws Phone\Exceptions\NoValidCountryException
  * @throws Phone\Exceptions\NoValidPhoneException
 private function postLoadAndPreFlush($entity, Common\Persistence\ObjectManager $objectManager)
     $cache = $objectManager->getMetadataFactory()->getCacheDriver();
     if (!($fieldsMap = $this->getEntityPhoneFields($entity, $cache))) {
     foreach ($fieldsMap as $phoneAssoc => $phoneMeta) {
         foreach ($phoneMeta['fields'] as $phoneField) {
             $number = $phoneMeta['class']->getFieldValue($entity, $phoneField);
             if ($number instanceof Phone\Entities\Phone || $number === NULL) {
             $phoneMeta['class']->setFieldValue($entity, $phoneField, Phone\Entities\Phone::fromNumber($number));
 protected function getAllMetadata()
     return $this->objectManager->getMetadataFactory()->getAllMetadata();
  * @param ObjectManager $objectManager
 public function initDoctrinePropertiesByEntityManager(ObjectManager $objectManager)
     /** @var $metadata \Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata */
     $metadata = $objectManager->getMetadataFactory()->getMetadataFor($this->entityName);
     $this->entityRepository = $objectManager->getRepository($this->entityName);
     $this->idFieldName = $metadata->getSingleIdentifierFieldName();
     $this->objectManager = $objectManager;
  * просто собирает информации о зарегистрированных классах в ObjectManager
  * @param ObjectManager $om
  * @return array список классов из менеджера объектов
 private function getRegisteredClassNamesFromObjectManager(ObjectManager $om)
     $arrayOfClasses = [];
     $allMetadata = $om->getMetadataFactory()->getAllMetadata();
     array_walk($allMetadata, function (ClassMetadata $meta) use(&$arrayOfClasses) {
         $arrayOfClasses[] = $meta->getName();
     return $arrayOfClasses;
 public function getMetadataFromObject(ObjectManager $entityManager, $object)
     return $entityManager->getMetadataFactory()->getMetadataFor(get_class($object));
  * @param ObjectManager $objectManager
 public function __construct(ObjectManager $objectManager)
     $this->metadataFactory = $objectManager->getMetadataFactory();