public function last() { if (null === $this->entries) { $this->__load___(); } return $this->entries->last(); }
/** * * @return ServiceEvent */ public function getServiceEvent() { if (!$this->serviceEvents) { $serviceEvent = new ServiceEvent(); $this->setServiceEvent($serviceEvent); } return $this->serviceEvents->last(); }
public function append($output, $error) { $processOutput = new ProcessOutput(); $last = $this->outputs->last(); $processOutput->setNumber($last ? ++$last->number : 1); $processOutput->setCreated(new \DateTime()); $processOutput->setValue($output); $processOutput->setError($error); $processOutput->setProcess($this); $this->outputs[] = $processOutput; }
/** * @param string * @param string * @param array */ public function __construct($departure, $arrival, array $steps = array()) { $this->departure = (string) $departure; $this->arrival = (string) $arrival; $this->steps = new ArrayCollection(); foreach ($steps as $step) { $this->addStep($step); } if ($this->steps->last() != NULL) { $this->lastSequenceOrder = $this->steps->last()->sequenceOrder; } }
public function getSessions(Event $event) { $sessions = new ArrayCollection(); $this->crawler->filter('#snippet--program dt')->each(function (Crawler $dt) use($sessions, $event) { $session = new Session(); $session->setEvent($event); $time = new \DateTime($dt->text(), new \DateTimeZone('Europe/Prague')); $date = clone $event->getStart(); $date->setTime($time->format('H'), $time->format('i'), $time->format('s')); $session->setStart($date); if ($previousSession = $sessions->last()) { $previousSession->setStop($date); } $sessions->add($session); }); $this->crawler->filter('#snippet--program dd')->each(function (Crawler $dd, $i) use($sessions) { $session = $sessions[$i]; if (preg_match('/program-type-([^ ]+)/', $dd->attr('class'), $matches)) { $session->setType($matches[1]); } $title = $dd->filter('.program-title'); $speaker = $dd->filter('.program-speaker'); $description = $dd->filter('.program-desc'); if (count($title)) { $session->setTitle(trim($title->text())); } if (count($speaker)) { $session->setSpeaker(trim($speaker->text())); } if (count($description)) { $session->setDescription(trim($description->text())); } }); return $sessions; }
public function getQBAliasReference($class, $attribute = NULL) { if (!is_object($class)) { throw new \Exception("object must be of type object, type %s given.", gettype($class)); } $class_name = get_class($class); // get alias of class $alias = NULL; foreach ($this->qb_alias_reference->toArray() as $_class => $_alias) { if (isset($_alias[$class_name])) { $alias = $_alias[$class_name]; } } // if not found if ($alias === NULL) { // if empty, set new if ($this->qb_alias_reference->count() == 0) { $alias = 'a'; // get last and then count up } else { $lastAlias = $this->qb_alias_reference->last(); $alias = ++$lastAlias[key($lastAlias)]; } // add new $this->qb_alias_reference->add(array($class_name => $alias)); } return $attribute === NULL ? $alias : $alias . '.' . $attribute; }
/** * Gets whether the user has read this thread since the last post * * @param User $user * * @return boolean */ public function isUnread(User $user) { if ($this->posts->count() === 0) { return false; } return $this->posts->last()->isUnread($user); }
public function indexAction(Application $app, Request $request, $url) { if ($url) { $urlParts = new ArrayCollection(explode('/', $url)); $last = $urlParts->last(); $page = $app['em']->getRepository('CMSilex\\Entities\\Page')->findOneBy(['slug' => $last]); if ($page) { $template = $page->getTemplate(); return $app->render('@theme/' . $template . '.html.twig', ['page' => $page]); } else { throw new NotFoundHttpException(); } } throw new NotFoundHttpException(); }
/** * @return StationState */ public function getCurrentStationState() { return $this->stationStates->last(); }
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getLastState() { return $this->states->last() ?: null; }
/** * Sets the internal iterator to the last element in the collection and returns this element. * * @return mixed */ public function last() { return $this->collection->last(); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ public function last() { $this->initialize(); return $this->collection->last(); }
/** * @dataProvider getNodes * * @param int $total_pages * @param string|\Closure $page_link * @param string $first_page_link * @param ArrayCollection $list */ public function testGetIterator($total_pages, $page_link, $first_page_link, $list) { $current_page = 1; foreach ($list as $node) { /** @var $node Node */ if ($node->isCurrent()) { $current_page = $node->getPage(); } } $left_offset = $current_page - $list->first()->getPage(); $right_offset = $list->last()->getPage() - $current_page; if ($list->first()->getPage() == 1) { $this->config->expects($this->once())->method('getFirstPageLink')->will($this->returnValue($first_page_link)); } else { $this->config->expects($this->never())->method('getFirstPageLink'); } $this->config->expects($this->once())->method('getTotalPages')->will($this->returnValue($total_pages)); $this->config->expects($this->atLeastOnce())->method('getCurrentPage')->will($this->returnValue($current_page)); $this->config->expects($this->atLeastOnce())->method('getPageLink')->will($this->returnValue($page_link)); $this->range->expects($this->once())->method('getLeftOffset')->will($this->returnValue($left_offset)); $this->range->expects($this->once())->method('getRightOffset')->will($this->returnValue($right_offset)); $this->assertEquals($list, $this->view->getIterator()); }
/** * Tests IdentityWrapper->last() */ public function testLast() { $expected = end($this->entries); $this->assertSame($expected, $this->identityWrapper->last()); $this->assertSame($expected, $this->wrappedCollection->last()); }
/** * Get estimate points * * @param EloPlayerInterface $player * * @return integer */ private function estimateRange(EloPlayerInterface $player) { $baseRange = new ArrayCollection($this->configuration->getBaseRange()); $keys = array_keys($this->configuration->getBaseRange()); $estimatedRange = $baseRange->first(); $i = 0; foreach ($baseRange as $eloMin => $range) { if (!isset($keys[$i + 1]) && $player->getElo() > $baseRange->last()) { $estimatedRange = $baseRange->last(); break; } if ($player->getElo() >= $eloMin && isset($keys[$i + 1]) && $player->getElo() <= $keys[$i + 1]) { $estimatedRange = $range; break; } $i++; } return $estimatedRange; }
function last() { return $this->fields->last(); }
/** * @inheritdoc * @todo change since and flags to array of options after implementing another VCS type. */ public function commits($since = '', $flags = 0) { // if (!$this->isDeployed()) { // // @todo throw exception or clone // } $commandParts = []; $commandParts['executable'] = (string) $this->gitExecutablePath; $commandParts['remotePath'] = '-C "' . $this->repoPath . '"'; $commandParts['action'] = 'log --date=iso --numstat'; $commandParts['option-no-merges'] = $this->hasFlag(VCS_FLAG_NO_MERGES, $flags) ? '--no-merges' : ''; $commandParts['option-no-walk'] = $this->hasFlag(VCS_FLAG_NO_WALK, $flags) ? '--no-walk' : ''; $commandParts['option-tags'] = $this->hasFlag(VCS_FLAG_TAGS, $flags) ? '--tags' : ''; $commandParts['format'] = '--pretty=format:"{\\"commit\\":\\"%H\\",\\"committer_name\\":\\"%cN\\",\\"committer_email\\":\\"%cE\\",\\"committer_date\\":\\"%ci\\",\\"subject\\":\\"%f\\"}"'; $commandParts['since'] = strlen($since) > 0 ? '--since="' . $since . '"' : ''; $commandString = implode(' ', array_filter($commandParts)); $extractListing = new ArrayCollection($this->launcher->run($commandString)); $responseListing = new ArrayCollection(); $state = []; $extractListing->forAll(function ($index, $item) use($responseListing, &$state) { switch (true) { case trim($item) === '': break; case substr($item, 0, 1) === '{': // adding an item that didn't have changed files (successive log entries) if (count($state) > 0) { $commit = Commit::build($state); $responseListing->set($commit->sha, $commit); } $state = json_decode($item, true); $state['changes'] = []; break; default: $parts = explode("\t", $item); if (count($parts) === 3 && $responseListing->count() > 0) { $responseListing->last()->putChangedFile($parts[2], $parts[0], $parts[1]); } break; } return true; }); return $responseListing; }
/** * @return Comment */ public function getLastComment() { return $this->comments->last(); }
/** * Get last version * * @return Version */ public function getLastVersioin() { return $this->versions->last(); }
/** * @dataProvider provideDifferentElements */ public function testLast($elements) { $collection = new ArrayCollection($elements); $this->assertSame(end($elements), $collection->last()); }
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getLastCallee() { return $this->calledUsers->last(); }