  * @return array|\DMS\Service\Meetup\Response\MultiResultResponse|mixed|null
 public function getRsvpListForNextEvent()
     $cache = $this->cache->getItem(__METHOD__);
     if (!$cache->isMiss()) {
         return $cache->get();
     $rsvpList = $this->client->getRsvps(array('group_urlname' => self::GROUP_URLNAME, 'event_id' => $this->getNextEvent()['id']));
     if ($rsvpList->isError()) {
         throw new \RuntimeException($rsvpList->getMessage());
     $rsvpList = $rsvpList->getData();
     $cache->set($rsvpList, self::FIVE_MINUTES);
     return $rsvpList;
 public function getNextEvent()
     $cache = $this->cache->getItem(__METHOD__);
     if (!$cache->isMiss()) {
         return $cache->get();
     $events = $this->client->getEvents(array('group_urlname' => self::GROUP_URLNAME));
     if ($events->isError()) {
         throw new \RuntimeException($events->getMessage());
     $event = $events->getData()[0];
     $cache->set($event, self::FIVE_MINUTES);
     return $event;
  * Get a new instance of a Key Auth Client for Meetup API
  * @param bool $forceNew
  * @return MeetupKeyAuthClient
 public function getKeyAuthClient($forceNew = false)
     if (!isset($this->instances[self::CLIENT_KEY]) || $forceNew) {
         $this->instances[self::CLIENT_KEY] = MeetupKeyAuthClient::factory($this->config);
     return $this->instances[self::CLIENT_KEY];
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function getEvents($url)
     $events = [];
     $groupUrlName = $this->extractGroupNameFromUrl($url);
     if (empty($groupUrlName)) {
         return $events;
     $response = $this->client->getEvents(['group_urlname' => $groupUrlName]);
     foreach ($response->getData() as $event) {
         $date = date('Y-m-d', $event['time'] / 1000);
         $venue = null;
         if (isset($event['venue']) && isset($event['venue']['name']) && isset($event['venue']['city'])) {
             $venue = $event['venue']['name'] . ', ' . $event['venue']['city'];
         $events[] = new Event($event['name'], $date, $event['event_url'], $venue);
     return $events;
 protected function setUp()
     $configFile = __DIR__ . '/../../api_key.ini';
     if (!file_exists($configFile)) {
         $this->markTestSkipped('Functional Tests require an Oauth Key');
     $config = parse_ini_file($configFile);
     $this->keyClient = MeetupKeyAuthClient::factory(array('key' => $config['key']));
  * @return array
 public function getVenues()
     $result = $this->client->getVenues(['group_urlname' => $this->config->groupUrlName])->getData();
     $venues = [];
     foreach ($result as $venue) {
         $venueInfo = Venue::create(['id' => $venue['id'], 'name' => $venue['name'], 'address' => $venue['address_1']]);
         $venues[$venueInfo->getId()] = $venueInfo;
     return $venues;
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function register(Application $app)
     $app['meetup.api_key'] = '';
     $app['meetup.client'] = $app->share(function ($app) {
         return MeetupKeyAuthClient::factory(['key' => $app['meetup.api_key'], 'sign' => true]);
     $app['meetup.service'] = $app->share(function ($app) {
         return new Meetup($app['meetup.client']);
 public function getServiceConfig()
     return array('factories' => array('DMSClient' => function ($sm) {
         $settings = array('key' => $sm->get('config')['meetup']['api_key']);
         return MeetupKeyAuthClient::factory($settings);
     }, 'DMSClientAdapter' => function ($sm) {
         $adaptee = $sm->get('DMSClient');
         return new DMSClientAdapter($adaptee);
     }, 'HrPhpMeetupClient' => function ($sm) {
         $adapter = $sm->get('DMSClientAdapter');
         $service = new Client();
         return $service;
use DMS\Service\Meetup\MeetupKeyAuthClient;
use Predis\Client;
use Raffle\MeetupOauthHandler;
use Silex\Application;
use Silex\Provider\TwigServiceProvider;
use Silex\Provider\UrlGeneratorServiceProvider;
use Silex\Provider\ValidatorServiceProvider;
use Symfony\Component\Yaml\Yaml;
use Raffle\MeetupService;
use Raffle\RandomService;
$app = new Application();
$app['config'] = Yaml::parse(__DIR__ . '/../config/parameters.yml');
$app->register(new UrlGeneratorServiceProvider());
$app->register(new ValidatorServiceProvider());
// Twig Configuration
$app->register(new TwigServiceProvider(), array('twig.path' => array(__DIR__ . '/../templates'), 'twig.options' => array('cache' => __DIR__ . '/../cache')));
$app['twig'] = $app->share($app->extend('twig', function ($twig) {
    return $twig;
$app->register(new Silex\Provider\UrlGeneratorServiceProvider());
// Session
$app->register(new Silex\Provider\SessionServiceProvider());
// Meetup Oauth Handler
$app['meetup_oauth_handler'] = new MeetupOauthHandler($app);
// Meetup service
$config = array('key' => $app['config']['meetup_api_key']);
$app['meetup'] = new MeetupService(MeetupKeyAuthClient::factory($config), $app['config']['meetup_group'], new Client());
// Random service
$app['random'] = new RandomService();
return $app;
 public function __construct()
     $this->client = MeetupKeyAuthClient::factory(['key' => $this->key]);
  public function meetupPull() {

    // nwdug group id = 4396922

    // Get the Meetup API Key.
    $mymodule_config = \Drupal::config('meetup_pull.settings');
    $key = $mymodule_config->get('api_key');

    // If no API key is present then return an error.
    if ($key == '') {
      return 'API Key is empty.';

    // Get the Meetup client.
    $client = MeetupKeyAuthClient::factory(array('key' => $key));

    // Get all the (future) events for the group.
    $events = $client->getEvents(array('group_urlname' => 'nwdrupal', 'page' => 10));

    // Initialise event counts.
    $count_existing = 0;
    $count_new = 0;

    foreach ($events as $event) {
      // Extract the meetup.
      $meetup_event_id = $event['id'];

      // Set default FALSE status for venues.
      $venue = FALSE;

      if (isset($event['venue'])) {
        // If the Venue has been set then
        $venue = $event['venue'];
        $tids = \Drupal::entityQuery('taxonomy_term')
          ->condition('name', $venue['name'], '=')
          ->condition('vid', 'venue')
        if (count($tids) > 0) {
          $venue = array_pop($tids);

      // Extract RSVP Count.
      $rsvp = $event['yes_rsvp_count'];

      // Extract date/time
      $date = $event['time'];

      // Extract URL of event.
      $event_url = $event['event_url'];

      $dateTime = new \DateTime();
      $dateTime->setTimestamp(substr($date, 0, -3));
      // Time format in MySQL is '2015-11-12T18:00:00'.
      $date = $dateTime->format('Y-m-d\TH:i:00');

      $path_components = array(
        'year' => $dateTime->format('Y'),
        'month' => $dateTime->format('m'),
        'day' => $dateTime->format('d')

      $event_title = $event['name'];

      $event_body = array(
        'value' => $event['description'],
        'format' => filter_default_format(),

      // Search the a node with the same meetup event ID already in the system.
      $nids = \Drupal::entityQuery('node')
        ->condition('type', 'event')
        ->condition('field_event_meetup_id', $meetup_event_id, '=')

      if (count($nids) > 0) {
        // Event exists, update it.

        $nid = array_pop($nids);

        // Load the found event node.
        $node = \Drupal::entityManager()->getStorage('node')->load($nid);

        // Apply all of the settings we extracted from the Meetup API and save the node.
        $node->field_event_rsvps = $rsvp;
        $node->title = $event_title;
        $node->body = $event_body;
        $node->field_event_date = $date;
        $node->field_event_url = $event_url;
        if ($venue !== FALSE) {
          $node->field_event_venue = $venue;


        $node_alias = '/event/' . $path_components['year'] . '/' . $path_components['month'] . '/' . $path_components['day'] . '/' . $this->slug($event_title);
        \Drupal::service('path.alias_storage')->save('/'.$node->urlInfo()->getInternalPath(), $node_alias, $node->language()->getId());

      else {
        // Event doesn't exist, create it.

        // Set all of the settings we extracted from the Meetup API and create the node.
        $new_node = array(
          'type' => 'event',
          'title' => $event_title,
          'body' => $event_body,
          'field_event_date' => $date,
          'field_event_rsvps' => $rsvp,
          'field_event_meetup_id' => $meetup_event_id,
          'field_event_url' => $event_url

        if ($venue !== FALSE) {
          $new_node['field_event_venue'] = $venue;

        $node = Node::create($new_node);

        $node_alias = '/event/' . $path_components['year'] . '/' . $path_components['month'] . '/' . $path_components['day'] . '/' . $this->slug($event_title);
        \Drupal::service('path.alias_storage')->save('/'.$node->urlInfo()->getInternalPath(), $node_alias, $node->language()->getId());


    return 'Meetup events pulled and updated. ' . $count_new . ' new events and ' . $count_existing . ' existing event processed.<br>' . ($count_existing + $count_new) . ' events procssed in totoal.';
 protected function buildClient()
     $config = array('key' => 'mykey');
     $client = MeetupKeyAuthClient::factory($config);
     return $client;
    return new PHPMinds\Config\JoindinConfig(['apiKey' => $joindin['key'], 'baseUrl' => $joindin['baseUrl'], 'frontendBaseUrl' => $joindin['frontendBaseUrl'], 'callback' => $joindin['callback'], 'username' => $joindin['username']]);
$container['meetup.event'] = function ($c) {
    return new \PHPMinds\Model\MeetupEvent($c->get('meetup.config'));
$container['joindin.event'] = function ($c) {
    return new \PHPMinds\Model\JoindinEvent($c->get('joindin.config'), $c->get('PHPMinds\\Repository\\FileRepository'));
$container['parsedown'] = function ($c) {
    return new Parsedown();
$container['service.joindin'] = function ($c) {
    return new \PHPMinds\Service\JoindinService($c->get('http.client'), $c->get('joindin.event'));
$container['service.meetup'] = function ($c) {
    return new \PHPMinds\Service\MeetupService(\DMS\Service\Meetup\MeetupKeyAuthClient::factory(['key' => $c->get('meetup.config')->apiKey, 'base_url' => $c->get('meetup.config')->baseUrl, 'group_urlname' => $c->get('meetup.config')->groupUrlName, 'publish_status' => $c->get('meetup.config')->publishStatus]), $c->get('meetup.event'), $c->get('meetup.config'));
$container['PHPMinds\\Service\\ContentService'] = function ($c) {
    $content = $c->get('settings')['content-folder'];
    return new \PHPMinds\Service\ContentService($c->get('parsedown'), $content['location']);
$container['PHPMinds\\Service\\EventsService'] = function ($c) {
    return new \PHPMinds\Service\EventsService($c->get('service.meetup'), $c->get('service.joindin'), $c->get('PHPMinds\\Model\\Event\\EventManager'));
$container['http.client'] = function ($c) {
    return new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
$container['Slim\\HttpCache\\CacheProvider'] = function () {
    return new \Slim\HttpCache\CacheProvider();
$container['PHPMinds\\Model\\Db'] = function ($c) {
use Symfony\Component\Yaml\Yaml;
use Neoxygen\NeoClient\ClientBuilder;
$skipSchemaSetup = false;
$dropDbOnInit = false;
if (!isset($argv[1]) || empty($argv[1])) {
    throw new \InvalidArgumentException('You need to pass the event ID as argument : php import.php 12345678');
if (isset($argv[2]) && true == (bool) $argv[2]) {
    $skipSchemaSetup = true;
if (isset($argv[3]) && (bool) $argv[3] == true) {
    $dropDbOnInit = true;
$eventId = (int) $argv[1];
$config = YAML::parse(file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/config.yml'));
$meetupClient = MeetupKeyAuthClient::factory(array('key' => $config['meetup_api_key']));
$neoClient = ClientBuilder::create()->addConnection('default', $config['neo4j_scheme'], $config['neo4j_host'], $config['neo4j_port'], true, $config['neo4j_user'], $config['neo4j_password'])->setAutoFormatResponse(true)->build();
// Creating Schema Indexes And Constraints
if (!$skipSchemaSetup) {
    $neoClient->createUniqueConstraint('Event', 'id');
    $neoClient->createUniqueConstraint('Member', 'id');
    $neoClient->createUniqueConstraint('Topic', 'id');
    $neoClient->createUniqueConstraint('Country', 'code');
    $neoClient->createIndex('City', 'name');
    echo 'Schema created' . "\n";
} else {
    echo 'Skipping Schema Creation' . "\n";
if ($dropDbOnInit) {
    echo 'Dropping DB' . "\n";
    $neoClient->sendCypherQuery('MATCH (n) OPTIONAL MATCH (n)-[r]-() DELETE r,n');
  * Execute the console command.
  * @return mixed
 public function handle()
     //        \DB::listen(function($sql, $bindings, $time) {
     //            var_dump($sql);
     //            var_dump($bindings);
     //            var_dump($time);
     //        });
     if ($this->option('debug')) {
         $this->info('Running in debug mode, no API calls or DB writes');
     // Get Events
     if (!$this->option('debug')) {
         $client = MeetupKeyAuthClient::factory(array('key' => env('meetup_api')));
         $events = $client->getEvents(['group_urlname' => 'memphis-technology-user-groups']);
     if ($this->option('debug')) {
         // no Api calls, fake the response
         $response = $this->memvent->getSampleEvents();
         $events_array = json_decode($response, true);
         $events = $events_array['results'];
     foreach ($events as $event) {
         $group = $this->matchGroup($event);
         $meetup = [];
         $meetup['name'] = $event['name'];
         $meetup['event_id'] = $event['id'];
         $meetup['time'] = $event['time'];
         $meetup['status'] = $event['status'];
         $meetup['event_url'] = $event['event_url'];
         $meetup['created'] = $event['created'];
         if (is_object($group)) {
             $meetup['group_id'] = $group->id;
         if ($this->findEvent($event['created'], $event['id'])) {
             $this->info('Updating: ' . $meetup['name']);
             $meetup['id'] = $this->findEvent($event['created'], $event['id'])->id;
             // find meetup in our db
             $meet_up = $this->memvent->find($meetup['id']);
             // Update values
             $meet_up->name = $meetup['name'];
             $meet_up->event_id = $meetup['event_id'];
             $meet_up->time = $meetup['time'];
             $meet_up->status = $meetup['status'];
             $meet_up->event_url = $meetup['event_url'];
             $meet_up->created = $meetup['created'];
             if (is_object($group)) {
                 $meet_up->group_id = $group->id;
             if (!$this->option('debug')) {
             if ($this->option('debug')) {
                 $this->info('Should have updated: ' . $meetup['name']);
         } else {
             $this->info('Creating: ' . $meetup['name']);
             if (!$this->option('debug')) {
             if ($this->option('debug')) {
                 $this->info('Should have created: ' . $meetup['name']);
     $this->info('All Done!');