  * Add action of issue controller.
  * This action is called if the user creates a new issue.
  * This is only callable as an ajax request.
  * @return \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response
 public function addAction()
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     // Get request data
     $columnId = intval($request->request->get('column'));
     $postIssueData = $request->request->get('issue');
     // If it is not a ajax request OR
     // if the user is not allowed to edit this column
     // exit here and send a HTTP header 403 Forbidden
     $user = $this->get('security.context')->getToken()->getUser();
     $boardColumnController = new BoardColumnController();
     $entityManager = $this->getDoctrine()->getEntityManager();
     if ($request->isXmlHttpRequest() === FALSE || $boardColumnController->isUserAllowedToEditThisColumn($user, $columnId, $entityManager) === FALSE) {
         return new Response(NULL, 403);
     // Get the highest sorting of a single issue at this column
     // This is necessary, because the new created issue will be inserted as last item
     $highestSorting = $this->getHighestSortingOfAColumn($columnId, $entityManager);
     // Get specific BoardColumn by request data column id from database
     $column = $entityManager->getRepository('DigitalKanbanBaseBundle:BoardColumn')->findOneById($columnId);
     // If there is no column with submitted column id
     // exit here with an error
     if ($column === NULL) {
         // It would be better, if we throw an '422 Unprocessable Entity'
         // but this code is an HTTP extension by WebDAV :(
         // With this code we want to say 'Hey, wrong ID'
         return new Response(NULL, 400);
     // Create new issue and store it
     $issue = new Issue();
     $issue->setSorting($highestSorting + 10);
     // Build JSON response data
     $responseData = array('id' => $issue->getId(), 'name' => $issue->getName(), 'rotation' => $issue->getRandomRotation(), 'userIsAdmin' => $user->isAdmin());
     $response = new Response(json_encode($responseData), 200);
     $response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'application/json');
     return $response;
  * Update action of board controller.
  * This method is called, if a user moved an issue on a kanban board to another place like another column.
  * This is only callable as an ajax request.
  * @return \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response
 public function updateAction()
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     // Get request data
     $columnId = intval($request->request->get('column'));
     $issueIds = explode(',', $request->request->get('issues'));
     // If it is not a ajax request OR
     // if the user is not allowed to edit this column
     // exit here and send a HTTP header 403 Forbidden
     $user = $this->get('security.context')->getToken()->getUser();
     $boardColumnController = new BoardColumnController();
     $entityManager = $this->getDoctrine()->getEntityManager();
     if ($request->isXmlHttpRequest() === FALSE || $boardColumnController->isUserAllowedToEditThisColumn($user, $columnId, $entityManager) === FALSE) {
         return new Response(NULL, 403);
     // Get specific BoardColumn by request data column id from database
     $column = $entityManager->getRepository('DigitalKanbanBaseBundle:BoardColumn')->findOneById($columnId);
     // If there is no BoardColumn with submitted id
     // exit here with an error
     if ($column instanceof BoardColumn === FALSE) {
         // It would be better, if we throw an '422 Unprocessable Entity'
         // but this code is an HTTP extension by WebDAV :(
         // With this code we want to say 'Hey, wrong ID'
         return new Response(NULL, 400);
     // Get unsorted issues by issue id list from database
     $unsortedIssues = $entityManager->getRepository('DigitalKanbanBaseBundle:Issue')->findById($issueIds);
     // Sort issues from database like issues from request data ($issueIds)
     // It is necessary that the issues have the correct order, because in the next step
     // we will correct the sorting of _ALL_ issues from this board. Why?
     // Because one issue was moved and we want clean sorting data in database!
     $sortedIssues = array();
     foreach ($issueIds as $issueId) {
         foreach ($unsortedIssues as $issue) {
             if ($issue->getId() == $issueId) {
                 array_push($sortedIssues, $issue);
     // @todo last edited user!!!
     // Correct sorting of sorted issues :) and store them back
     $sorting = 0;
     foreach ($sortedIssues as $issue) {
         $sorting += 10;
     return new Response(NULL, 200);