  * Used with AJAX in the list view (datatables) to show extra information about that row that didn't fit in the table.
  * It defaults to showing all connected translations and their CRUD buttons.
  * It's enabled by:
  * - setting the $crud['details_row'] variable to true;
  * - adding the details route for the entity; ex: Route::get('page/{id}/details', 'PageCrudController@showDetailsRow');
 public function showDetailsRow($id)
     // get the info for that entry
     $model = $this->crud['model'];
     $this->data['entry'] = $model::find($id);
     $this->data['original_entry'] = $this->data['entry'];
     $this->data['crud'] = $this->crud;
     if (property_exists($model, 'translatable')) {
         $this->data['translations'] = $this->data['entry']->translations();
         // create a list of languages the item is not translated in
         $this->data['languages'] = \Dick\TranslationManager\Models\Language::all();
         $this->data['languages_already_translated_in'] = $this->data['entry']->translationLanguages();
         $this->data['languages_to_translate_in'] = $this->data['languages']->diff($this->data['languages_already_translated_in']);
         $this->data['languages_to_translate_in'] = $this->data['languages_to_translate_in']->reject(function ($item) {
             return $item->abbr == \Lang::locale();
     // load the view from /resources/views/vendor/dick/crud/ if it exists, otherwise load the one in the package
     return $this->firstViewThatExists('vendor.dick.crud.details_row', 'crud::details_row', $this->data);