  * Create the Callback validator that will be used to ensure the
  * RowCollectionEditor is valid.  We iterate over all the editors it has,
  * pass data to the editor via isValid() and return an error message if any
  * editor fails.
  * @return Callback
 protected function createCallbackValidator()
     $validator = new Callback();
     $validator->setCallback(function () {
         return $this->rowCollectionEditor->isValid();
     $validator->setMessage("Some errors were found in your {$this->rowCollectionEditor->getPluralTitle()}.\n            Please double-check and try again.", Callback::INVALID_VALUE);
     return $validator;
  * Create the new field object.
  * @return Field
 public function createInstance()
     $field = new Field();
     $field->setId($this->rowCollectionEditor->getId())->setLabel($this->rowCollectionEditor->getTitle())->setEditable(true)->setVisible(false)->assignHelperCallback('SaveHandler', function () {
         return $this->rowCollectionEditor;
     })->assignHelperCallback('EditControl.Control', function (EditControl $helper) {
         $helperName = $this->editViewHelperName;
         return $helper->getView()->{$helperName}($this->rowCollectionEditor, $this->editViewHelperOptions);
     })->assignHelperCallback('EditControl.Label', function () {
         return null;
     })->assignHelperCallback('InputFilter', function () {
         return $this->getInputFilterFactory()->createInstance();
     })->assignHelperCallback('TableCell.Content', function (TableCell $helper, array $rowData) {
         $helperName = $this->tableCellViewHelperName;
         return $helper->getView()->{$helperName}($this->rowCollectionEditor, array_merge(['rowData' => $rowData, 'mapping' => $this->tableCellMapping, 'renderer' => $helper], $this->tableCellViewHelperOptions));
     return $field;
  * Default rendering for a table view context.  Expects a count of
  * items to be present in $rowData in the $mapping index.  Renders
  * that count concatenated with the plural title from the
  * RowCollectionEditor.
  * @param RowCollectionEditor $editor
  * @param TableCell $renderer
  * @param array $rowData
  * @param $mapping
  * @return string
 public function renderTableView(RowCollectionEditor $editor, TableCell $renderer, array $rowData, $mapping)
     $count = $rowData[$mapping];
     $view = $renderer->getView();
     if (1 === $count) {
         $title = $editor->getSingularTitle();
     } else {
         $title = $editor->getPluralTitle();
     return sprintf('%d %s', $view->escapeHtml($count), $view->escapeHtml($title));