  * @throws \Exception
 public function run()
     if (!$this->command instanceof ProvisionCommand) {
         throw new \Exception("The ProjectsEnd task can only be run by the Provision command.");
     $projects = Registry::get('projects', []);
     $hosts = Registry::get('projectsHosts', []);
     $shortcuts = Registry::get('projectsShortcuts', []);
     # Write projects catalog file
     $projects_catalog = array_merge($projects['skip'], $projects['check'], $projects['modify'], $projects['create']);
     if (Projects::writeCatalog($projects_catalog)) {
         $this->output->writeInfo("Updated projects catalog file");
     # Write hosts file so that it can be accessed later by the Hostmanager plugin
     if (Projects::writeHosts($hosts)) {
         $this->output->writeInfo("Updated projects hosts file");
     # Write shortcuts file so that it can be accessed later by dashbrew web dashboard
     if (Projects::writeShortcuts($shortcuts)) {
         $this->output->writeInfo("Updated projects shortcuts file");
  * Manages project shortcuts
  * @param $action
  * @param $id
  * @param $project
  * @throws \Exception
 protected function processShortcuts($action, $id, $project)
     $shortcuts = Registry::get('projectsShortcuts', []);
     foreach ($project['shortcuts'] as $shortcut) {
         if (!empty($shortcut['title']) && !empty($shortcut['url'])) {
             $shortcuts[] = $shortcut;
     Registry::set('projectsShortcuts', $shortcuts);
  * @throws \Exception
 public function run()
     if (!$this->command instanceof ProvisionCommand) {
         throw new \Exception("The ProjectsInit task can only be run by the Provision command.");
     $this->output->writeInfo("Finding projects");
     $projects_catalog = Projects::get();
     $projects = ['skip' => [], 'check' => [], 'modify' => [], 'create' => [], 'delete' => []];
     $publicdb = '/etc/dashbrew/public.fndb';
     $proc = Util::process($this->output, "updatedb -U /vagrant/public -o {$publicdb}");
     if (!$proc->isSuccessful()) {
         throw new \Exception("Failed indexing '/vagrant/public' directory");
     $files = [];
     $proc = Util::process($this->output, "locate -d {$publicdb} -i -b '*.dashbrew'");
     if ($proc->isSuccessful()) {
         $files = explode("\n", trim($proc->getOutput(), "\n"));
     $yaml = Util::getYamlParser();
     foreach ($files as $file_path) {
         if (!is_file($file_path)) {
         try {
             $file_projects = $yaml->parse(file_get_contents($file_path));
         } catch (\Symfony\Component\Yaml\Exception\ParseException $e) {
             $this->output->writeError("Failed parsing '{$file_path}': " . $e->getMessage());
         foreach ($file_projects as $id => $project) {
             $project['_path'] = $file_path;
             if (isset($projects_catalog[$id])) {
                 $project['_created'] = $projects_catalog[$id]['_created'];
                 $project['_modified'] = $projects_catalog[$id]['_modified'];
                 if ($project == $projects_catalog[$id]) {
                     if ($this->__projectNeedsCheck($id, $project)) {
                         $projects['check'][$id] = $project;
                     } else {
                         $projects['skip'][$id] = $project;
                 } else {
                     $project['_modified'] = time();
                     $projects['modify'][$id] = $project;
             } else {
                 # Ignore duplicates
                 if (isset($projects['create'][$id])) {
                     $this->output->writeError("Unable to proccess project '{$id}' at '{$project['_path']}', " . "another project with the same name is already exist at '{$projects['create'][$id]['_path']}'.");
                 $project['_created'] = time();
                 $project['_modified'] = time();
                 $projects['create'][$id] = $project;
             if (isset($projects_catalog[$id])) {
     # Prevent project duplicates
     foreach ($projects['create'] as $id => $project) {
         foreach (['skip', 'check', 'modify'] as $action) {
             if (isset($projects[$action][$id])) {
                 $this->output->writeError("Unable to proccess project '{$id}' at '{$project['_path']}', " . "another project with the same name is already exist at '{$projects[$action][$id]['_path']}'.");
     # Projects that are no longer exist needs to be deleted
     foreach ($projects_catalog as $id => $project) {
         $projects['delete'][$id] = $project;
     Registry::set('projects', $projects);
     $projects_total = count($projects['skip']) + count($projects['check']) + count($projects['modify']) + count($projects['create']) + count($projects['delete']);
     if ($projects_total > count($projects['skip'])) {
         $this->output->writeInfo("Found " . $projects_total . " project(s)" . (count($projects['skip']) > 0 ? "\n       |--> " . count($projects['skip']) . " will be skipped" : "") . (count($projects['check']) > 0 ? "\n       |--> " . count($projects['check']) . " don't have changes but needs to be checked" : "") . (count($projects['create']) > 0 ? "\n       |--> " . count($projects['create']) . " will be created" : "") . (count($projects['modify']) > 0 ? "\n       |--> " . count($projects['modify']) . " will be modified" : "") . (count($projects['delete']) > 0 ? "\n       |--> " . count($projects['delete']) . " will be deleted" : ""));
     } else {
         $this->output->writeDebug("Found {$projects_total} project(s)");