function get_pages_rows() { $L = Language::instance(); $Static_pages = Static_pages::instance(); $categories = array_slice(Config::instance()->route, 2); $structure = $Static_pages->get_structure(); $path = []; if (!empty($categories)) { foreach ($categories as $category) { $category = $Static_pages->get_category($category)['path']; if (isset($structure['categories'][$category])) { $structure = $structure['categories'][$category]; $path[] = $structure['path']; } } unset($category); } Page::instance()->title($structure['id'] == 0 ? $L->root_category : $structure['title']); $path = !empty($path) ? implode('/', $path) . '/' : ''; $content = []; if (!empty($structure['pages'])) { foreach ($structure['pages'] as &$page) { $page = $Static_pages->get($page); $content[] = [[h::a($page['title'], ['href' => $path . $page['path']]), ['class' => 'cs-static-pages-padding-left-0']], h::{'a.cs-button-compact'}([h::icon('file-text'), ['href' => "admin/Static_pages/edit_page/{$page['id']}", 'data-title' => $L->edit]], [h::icon('trash-o'), ['href' => "admin/Static_pages/delete_page/{$page['id']}", 'data-title' => $L->delete]])]; } } return [$content]; }
/** * @static * Text translation from one language to another * * @param string $text Text for translation * @param string $from Language translate from * @param string $to Language translate to * * @return bool|string Translated string of <b>false</b> if failed */ static function translate($text, $from, $to) { if (!curl()) { return $text; } if (empty(self::$accessToken)) { $settings = Config::instance()->core['auto_translation_engine']; if (!(curl() && isset($settings['client_id'], $settings['client_secret']) && $settings['client_id'] && $settings['client_secret'])) { return false; } self::$accessToken = self::getTokens('client_credentials', '', $settings['client_id'], $settings['client_secret'], ''); } //Create a streams context. $objContext = stream_context_create(['http' => ['header' => 'Authorization: Bearer ' . self::$accessToken]]); //Call Soap Client and get translation $Soap = new SoapClient('', ['soap_version' => 'SOAP_1_2', 'encoding' => 'UTF-8', 'exceptions' => true, 'trace' => true, 'cache_wsdl' => 'WSDL_CACHE_NONE', 'stream_context' => $objContext, 'user_agent' => 'PHP-SOAP/' . PHP_VERSION . "\r\nAuthorization: Bearer " . self::$accessToken]); if (!$Soap) { return $text; } return $Soap->Translate(['text' => $text, 'from' => $from, 'to' => $to, 'contentType' => 'text/html', 'category' => 'general'])->TranslateResult; }
/** * Moves an uploaded file to a new location * * @abstract * * @see move_uploaded_file() * * @param string $filename * @param string $destination * * @return bool */ function move_uploaded_file($filename, $destination) { $temp = md5(uniqid(microtime(true))); while (file_exists(TEMP . "/{$temp}")) { $temp = md5(uniqid(microtime(true))); } time_limit_pause(); if (move_uploaded_file($filename, TEMP . "/{$temp}") === false) { time_limit_pause(false); return false; } time_limit_pause(false); return $this->request(['function' => __FUNCTION__, 'filename' => Config::instance()->base_url() . "/{$temp}", 'destination' => $destination])[1] && unlink(TEMP . "/{$temp}"); }
/** * Get HybridAuth instance with current configuration. Strongly recommended for usage * * @param null|string $provider * @param null|string $base_url * * @return Hybrid_Auth */ function get_hybridauth_instance($provider = null, $base_url = null) { require_once __DIR__ . '/../Hybrid/Auth.php'; $Config = Config::instance(); $User = User::instance(); $HybridAuth = new Hybrid_Auth(['base_url' => $base_url ?: $Config->base_url() . "/HybridAuth/{$provider}/endpoint/" . $User->get_session(), 'providers' => $Config->module('HybridAuth')->providers]); if ($User->user() && MODULE != 'HybridAuth') { $HybridAuth->restoreSessionData(serialize($User->get_data('HybridAuth_session'))); } return $HybridAuth; }
<?php /** * @package OAuth2 * @category modules * @author Nazar Mokrynskyi <*****@*****.**> * @copyright Copyright (c) 2011-2014, Nazar Mokrynskyi * @license MIT License, see license.txt */ namespace cs\modules\OAuth2; use h, cs\Config, cs\Index, cs\Language\Prefix, cs\Page; $Index = Index::instance(); $L = new Prefix('oauth2_'); Page::instance()->title($L->list_of_client); $Index->apply_button = false; $module_data = Config::instance()->module('OAuth2'); $Index->content(h::{'p.lead.cs-center'}($L->list_of_clients) . h::{'table.cs-table.cs-center-all'}(h::{'thead tr th'}([$L->client_name, 'client_id', 'client_secret', $L->action]) . h::{'tbody tr'}(array_map(function ($client) use($L) { return h::td([$client['name'], h::{'input{disabled]'}($client['id']), h::{'input{disabled]'}($client['secret']), h::{'a.cs-button-compact'}([h::icon('pencil'), ['href' => "admin/OAuth2/clients/edit/{$client['id']}", 'data-title' => $L->edit]]) . h::{'a.cs-button-compact'}([h::icon('trash-o'), ['href' => "admin/OAuth2/clients/delete/{$client['id']}", 'data-title' => $L->delete]])], ['class' => $client['active'] ? false : 'text-muted']); }, OAuth2::instance()->clients_list()))) . h::{' tr| td'}([h::info('oauth2_allow_guest_tokens'), h::{'input[type=radio]'}(['name' => 'general[guest_tokens]', 'checked' => $module_data->guest_tokens, 'value' => [0, 1], 'in' => [$L->no, $L->yes]])], [h::info('oauth2_automatic_prolongation'), h::{'input[type=radio]'}(['name' => 'general[automatic_prolongation]', 'checked' => $module_data->automatic_prolongation, 'value' => [0, 1], 'in' => [$L->no, $L->yes]])], [h::info('oauth2_expiration'), h::{'input[type=number]'}(['name' => 'general[expiration]', 'value' => $module_data->expiration, 'min' => 1]) . $L->seconds]) . h::{'p.cs-left a.cs-button'}([$L->add_client, ['href' => 'admin/OAuth2/clients/add']]));
<?php /** * @package CleverStyle CMS * @subpackage System module * @category modules * @author Nazar Mokrynskyi <*****@*****.**> * @copyright Copyright (c) 2011-2014, Nazar Mokrynskyi * @license MIT License, see license.txt */ namespace cs\modules\System; use h, cs\Config, cs\Core, cs\Index, cs\Language; $Config = Config::instance(); $L = Language::instance(); $Config->reload_languages(); $translate_engines = _mb_substr(get_files_list(ENGINES . '/Text', '/^[^_].*?\\.php$/i', 'f'), 0, -4); $translate_engines_settings = []; $current_engine_settings = ''; foreach ($translate_engines as $engine) { $parameters = file_get_json(ENGINES . '/Text/' . $engine . '.json'); if (is_array($parameters) && !empty($parameters)) { $table = ''; foreach ($parameters as $paremeter => $description) { $table .= h::{'tr td'}([$description, h::input(['name' => 'core[auto_translation_engine][' . $paremeter . ']', 'value' => isset($Config->core['auto_translation_engine'][$paremeter]) ? $Config->core['auto_translation_engine'][$paremeter] : ''])]); } $translate_engines_settings[] = base64_encode(h::table($table)); } else { $translate_engines_settings[] = base64_encode($parameters ?: $L->no_settings_found); } if ($engine == $Config->core['auto_translation_engine']['name']) {
/** * @package Plupload * @category modules * @author Moxiecode Systems AB * @author Nazar Mokrynskyi <*****@*****.**> (integration with CleverStyle CMS) * @copyright Moxiecode Systems AB * @license GNU GPL v2, see license.txt */ namespace cs\modules\Plupload; use cs\Config, cs\DB, cs\Storage, cs\Trigger; Trigger::instance()->register('admin/System/components/modules/uninstall/process', function ($data) { if ($data['name'] != 'Plupload') { return; } $module_data = Config::instance()->module('Plupload'); $storage = Storage::instance()->{$module_data->storage('files')}; $cdb = DB::instance()->{$module_data->db('files')}; unset($module_data); if (!$storage || !$cdb) { return; } $files = $cdb->q("SELECT `source`\n\t\t\tFROM `[prefix]plupload_files`"); while ($f = $cdb->fs($files)) { $storage->unlink($f); } if ($storage->is_dir('Plupload')) { $storage->rmdir('Plupload'); } });
protected function set_internal($item, $value, $save = true) { $Config = Config::instance(); $module_data =& $Config->components['modules'][$this->module]; if (!isset($module_data['data'])) { $module_data['data'] = []; } $module_data['data'][$item] = $value; $this->module_data = $module_data; if ($save) { return $Config->save(); } return true; }
/** * Checks whether specified functionality available or not * * @param string|string[] $functionality One functionality or array of them * * @return bool <i>true</i> if all functionality available, <i>false</i> otherwise */ function functionality($functionality) { if (is_array($functionality)) { $result = true; foreach ($functionality as $f) { $result = $result && functionality($f); } return $result; } $all = Cache::instance()->get("functionality", function () { $functionality = []; $components = Config::instance()->components; foreach ($components['modules'] as $module => $module_data) { if ($module_data['active'] != 1 || !file_exists(MODULES . "/{$module}/meta.json")) { continue; } $meta = file_get_json(MODULES . "/{$module}/meta.json"); if (!isset($meta['provide'])) { continue; } $functionality = array_merge($functionality, (array) $meta['provide']); } unset($module, $module_data, $meta); foreach ($components['plugins'] as $plugin) { if (!file_exists(PLUGINS . "/{$plugin}/meta.json")) { continue; } $meta = file_get_json(PLUGINS . "/{$plugin}/meta.json"); if (!isset($meta['provide'])) { continue; } $functionality = array_merge($functionality, (array) $meta['provide']); } return $functionality; }); return array_search($functionality, $all) !== false; }
/** * Returns database index * * @return int */ protected function cdb() { return Config::instance()->module('Static_pages')->db('pages'); }
/** * Check backward dependencies (during uninstalling/disabling) * * @param string $name Component name * @param string $type Component type module|plugin * @param string $mode Mode of checking for modules uninstall|disable * * @return bool */ function check_backward_dependencies($name, $type = 'module', $mode = 'disable') { switch ($type) { case 'module': $dir = MODULES . "/{$name}"; break; case 'plugin': $dir = PLUGINS . "/{$name}"; break; default: return false; } if (!file_exists("{$dir}/meta.json")) { return true; } $meta = file_get_json("{$dir}/meta.json"); $return = true; $Config = Config::instance(); $L = Language::instance(); $Page = Page::instance(); /** * Checking for backward dependencies of modules */ $return_m = true; foreach ($Config->components['modules'] as $module => $module_data) { /** * If module uninstalled, disabled (in disable check mode), module name is the same as checking or meta.json file does not exists * Then skip this module */ if ($module_data['active'] == -1 || $mode == 'disable' && $module_data['active'] == 0 || $module == $name && $type == 'module' || !file_exists(MODULES . "/{$module}/meta.json")) { continue; } $module_require = file_get_json(MODULES . "/{$module}/meta.json"); if (!isset($module_require['require'])) { continue; } $module_require = dep_normal($module_require['require']); if (isset($module_require[$meta['package']]) || isset($meta['provide']) && array_intersect(array_keys($module_require), (array) $meta['provide'])) { if ($return_m) { $Page->warning($L->dependencies_not_satisfied); } $return_m = false; $Page->warning($L->this_package_is_used_by_module($module)); } } $return = $return && $return_m; unset($return_m, $module, $module_data, $module_require); /** * Checking for backward dependencies of plugins */ $return_p = true; foreach ($Config->components['plugins'] as $plugin) { if ($plugin == $name && $type == 'plugin' || !file_exists(PLUGINS . "/{$plugin}/meta.json")) { continue; } $plugin_require = file_get_json(PLUGINS . "/{$plugin}/meta.json"); if (!isset($plugin_require['require'])) { continue; } $plugin_require = dep_normal($plugin_require['require']); if (isset($plugin_require[$meta['package']]) || isset($meta['provide']) && array_intersect(array_keys($plugin_require), (array) $meta['provide'])) { if ($return_p) { $Page->warning($L->dependencies_not_satisfied); } $return_p = false; $Page->warning($L->this_package_is_used_by_plugin($plugin)); } } return $return && $return_p; }
case 'api': return; case 'Static_pages': $rc = ['index']; } $Static_pages = Static_pages::instance(); $structure = $Static_pages->get_structure(); $categories = array_slice($rc, 0, -1); if (!empty($categories)) { foreach ($categories as $category) { if (isset($structure['categories'][$category])) { $structure = $structure['categories'][$category]; $path[] = $structure['path']; } } unset($category); } unset($categories); if (isset($structure['pages'][array_slice($rc, -1)[0]])) { $data['rc'] = 'Static_pages/' . $structure['pages'][array_slice($rc, -1)[0]]; } })->register('System/Index/construct', function () { if (!ADMIN) { return; } switch (Config::instance()->components['modules']['Static_pages']['active']) { case 0: case 1: require __DIR__ . '/trigger/installed.php'; } });
<?php /** * @package OAuth2 * @category modules * @author Nazar Mokrynskyi <*****@*****.**> * @copyright Copyright (c) 2011-2014, Nazar Mokrynskyi * @license MIT License, see license.txt */ namespace cs\modules\OAuth2; use h, cs\Config, cs\Index, cs\Language\Prefix, cs\Page; $Index = Index::instance(); $L = new Prefix('oauth2_'); $client = OAuth2::instance()->get_client(Config::instance()->route[2]); Page::instance()->title($L->editing_of_client($client['name'])); $Index->apply_button = false; $Index->cancel_button_back = true; $Index->action = 'admin/OAuth2/clients/list'; $Index->content(h::{'p.lead.cs-center'}($L->editing_of_client($client['name'])) . h::{'table.cs-table-borderless.cs-left-even.cs-right-odd tr'}(h::th($L->client_name) . h::{'td input[name=name]'}(['value' => $client['name']]), h::th('client_secret') . h::{'td input[name=secret]'}(['value' => $client['secret']]), h::th($L->client_domain) . h::{'td input[name=domain]'}(['value' => $client['domain']]), h::th($L->active) . h::{'td input[type=radio][name=active]'}(['checked' => $client['active'], 'value' => [0, 1], 'in' => [$L->no, $L->yes]])) . h::{'input[type=hidden][name=id]'}(['value' => $client['id']]) . h::{'input[type=hidden][name=mode][value=edit]'}());
<?php /** * @package Moderation * @category modules * @author Nazar Mokrynskyi <*****@*****.**> * @copyright Copyright (c) 2014, Nazar Mokrynskyi * @license MIT License, see license.txt */ namespace cs\modules\Precincts; use cs\Config, cs\Index, cs\User; $module_properties = Config::instance()->module('Moderation'); $User = User::instance(); if (!$User->admin() && !in_array($module_properties->moderators_group ?: User::ADMIN_GROUP_ID, $User->get_groups())) { error_code(403); return; } $Index = Index::instance(); if (!isset($Index->route_path[1])) { $Index->route_path[1] = 'default'; }
<?php /** * @package Static Pages * @category modules * @author Nazar Mokrynskyi <*****@*****.**> * @copyright Copyright (c) 2011-2014, Nazar Mokrynskyi * @license MIT License, see license.txt */ namespace cs\modules\Static_pages; use h, cs\Config, cs\Index, cs\Language; $Index = Index::instance(); $L = Language::instance(); $rc = Config::instance()->route; $Index->buttons = false; $Index->content(h::{'table.cs-left-all.cs-table'}(h::{'thead tr th'}([$L->page_title, ['style' => 'width: 80%']], $L->action) . h::{'tbody tr| td'}(get_pages_rows())) . h::{'p.cs-left a.cs-button'}([$L->add_page, ['href' => 'admin/Static_pages/add_page/' . array_slice($rc, -1)[0]]]));
/** * Pseudo tag for labels with tooltips, specified <i>input</i> is translation item of <b>$L</b> object, * <i>input</i>_into item of <b>$L</b> is content of tooltip * * @static * * @param array|string $in * @param array $data * * @return mixed */ static function info($in = '', $data = []) { if (isset($in['insert']) || isset($data['insert'])) { return static::__callStatic(__FUNCTION__, func_get_args()); } if ($in === false) { return ''; } elseif (is_array($in)) { return static::__callStatic(__FUNCTION__, [$in, $data]); } $L = Language::instance(); if (Config::instance(true)->core['show_tooltips']) { return static::span($L->{$in}, array_merge(['data-title' => $L->{$in . '_info'}], $data)); } else { return static::span($L->{$in}, $data); } }
<?php /** * @package OAuth2 * @category modules * @author Nazar Mokrynskyi <*****@*****.**> * @copyright Copyright (c) 2011-2014, Nazar Mokrynskyi * @license MIT License, see license.txt */ namespace cs\modules\OAuth2; use cs\Config, cs\Index; $OAuth2 = OAuth2::instance(); $Index = Index::instance(); if (isset($_POST['mode'])) { switch ($_POST['mode']) { case 'add': $Index->save((bool) $OAuth2->oauth2_add_client($_POST['name'], $_POST['domain'], $_POST['active'])); break; case 'edit': $Index->save($OAuth2->set_client($_POST['id'], $_POST['secret'], $_POST['name'], $_POST['domain'], $_POST['active'])); break; case 'delete': $Index->save($OAuth2->del_client($_POST['id'])); } } if (isset($_POST['general'])) { $Index->save(Config::instance()->module('OAuth2')->set($_POST['general'])); }
function get_block_content($id) { $Config = Config::instance(); return Text::instance()->process($Config->module('System')->db('texts'), $Config->components['blocks'][$id]['content']); }
$Page->error(['access_denied', 'client_secret do not corresponds client_id']); } $token_data = $OAuth2->get_token($access_token, $client_id, $client['secret']); } else { $token_data = $OAuth2->get_token($access_token, $client_id, $client['secret']); if ($token_data['type'] == 'code') { error_code(403); $Page->error(['invalid_request', "This access_token can't be used without client_secret"]); } } if (!$token_data) { error_code(403); $Page->error(['access_denied', 'access_token expired']); } $_POST['session'] = $_REQUEST['session'] = $token_data['session']; _setcookie('session', $token_data['session']); if (!Config::instance()->module('OAuth2')->guest_tokens) { Trigger::instance()->register('System/User/construct/after', function () { if (!User::instance()->user()) { error_code(403); Page::instance()->error(['access_denied', 'Guest tokens disabled']); } }); } })->register('System/Index/mainmenu', function ($data) { if ($data['path'] == 'OAuth2') { $data['hide'] = true; return false; } return true; });
/** * Get token data * * @param string $access_token * @param string $client Client id * @param string $secret Client secret * * @return array|bool <i>false</i> on failure, array ['user' => id, 'session' => id, 'expire' => unix time, 'type' => 'code'|'token'] */ function get_token($access_token, $client, $secret) { $client = $this->get_client($client); if (!is_md5($access_token) || !$client || $client['secret'] != $secret) { return false; } $Cache = $this->cache; $data = $Cache->get("tokens/{$access_token}", function () use($client, $access_token) { return $this->db()->qf(["SELECT\n\t\t\t\t\t`user`,\n\t\t\t\t\t`session`,\n\t\t\t\t\t`expire`,\n\t\t\t\t\t`type`\n\t\t\t\tFROM `[prefix]oauth2_clients_sessions`\n\t\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t\t`id`\t\t\t= '%s' AND\n\t\t\t\t\t`access_token`\t= '%s'\n\t\t\t\tLIMIT 1", $client['id'], $access_token]); }); if ($data) { if ($data['expire'] < TIME) { return false; } if (!$this->get_access($client['id'], $data['user'])) { $this->db_prime()->q(["DELETE FROM `[prefix]oauth2_clients_sessions`\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t\t\t`id`\t\t\t= '%s' AND\n\t\t\t\t\t\t`access_token`\t= '%s'\n\t\t\t\t\tLIMIT 1", $client['id'], $access_token]); unset($Cache->{"tokens/{$access_token}"}); $data = false; /** * Automatic prolongation of tokens' expiration time if configured */ } elseif ($this->automatic_prolongation && $data['expire'] < TIME - $this->expiration * Config::instance()->core['update_ratio'] / 100) { $data['expire'] = TIME + $this->expiration; $this->db_prime()->q("UPDATE `[prefix]oauth2_clients_sessions`\n\t\t\t\t\tSET `expire` = '%s'\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t\t\t`id`\t\t\t= '%s' AND\n\t\t\t\t\t\t`access_token`\t= '%s'\n\t\t\t\t\tLIMIT 1", $data['expire'], $client['id'], $access_token); $Cache->{"tokens/{$access_token}"} = $data; } } return $data; }
<?php /** * @package Static Pages * @category modules * @author Nazar Mokrynskyi <*****@*****.**> * @copyright Copyright (c) 2011-2014, Nazar Mokrynskyi * @license MIT License, see license.txt */ namespace cs\modules\Static_pages; use h, cs\Config, cs\Index, cs\Language, cs\Page; $Index = Index::instance(); $L = Language::instance(); $id = (int) Config::instance()->route[1]; $data = Static_pages::instance()->get_category($id); Page::instance()->title($L->editing_of_page_category($data['title'])); $Index->apply_button = false; $Index->cancel_button_back = true; $Index->action = 'admin/Static_pages'; $Index->content(h::{'p.lead.cs-center'}($L->editing_of_page_category($data['title'])) . h::{'table.cs-table-borderless.cs-center-all'}(h::{'thead tr th'}($L->parent_category, $L->category_title, h::info('category_path')), h::{'tbody tr td'}(h::{'select[name=parent][size=5]'}(get_categories_list($id), ['selected' => $data['parent']]), h::{'input[name=title]'}(['value' => $data['title']]), h::{'input[name=path]'}(['value' => $data['path']]))) . h::{'input[type=hidden][name=id]'}(['value' => $id]) . h::{'input[type=hidden][name=mode][value=edit_category]'}());
protected function cdb() { return Config::instance()->module('Precincts')->db('precincts'); }
/** * Put or change data of cache item * * @param string $item May contain "/" symbols for cache structure, for example users/<i>user_id</i> * @param mixed $data * * @return bool */ function set($item, $data) { $data = @_json_encode($data); if (mb_strpos($item, '/') !== false) { $path = mb_substr($item, 0, mb_strrpos($item, '/')); if (!is_dir(CACHE . "/{$path}")) { @mkdir(CACHE . "/{$path}", 0700, true); } unset($path); } if (!file_exists(CACHE . "/{$item}") || is_writable(CACHE . "/{$item}")) { if ($this->cache_size > 0) { $dsize = strlen($data); if ($dsize > $this->cache_size) { return false; } if (file_exists(CACHE . "/{$item}")) { $dsize -= filesize(CACHE . "/{$item}"); } $cache_size_file = fopen(CACHE . '/size', 'c+b'); $time = microtime(true); while (!flock($cache_size_file, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB)) { if ($time < microtime(true) - 0.5) { fclose($cache_size_file); return false; } usleep(1000); } unset($time); $cache_size = (int) stream_get_contents($cache_size_file); $cache_size += $dsize; if ($cache_size > $this->cache_size) { $cache_list = get_files_list(CACHE, false, 'f', true, true, 'date|desc'); foreach ($cache_list as $file) { $cache_size -= filesize($file); unlink($file); $disk_size = $this->cache_size * 2 / 3; if ($cache_size <= $disk_size * Config::instance()->core['update_ratio'] / 100) { break; } } unset($cache_list, $file); } if (($return = file_put_contents(CACHE . "/{$item}", $data, LOCK_EX | FILE_BINARY)) !== false) { ftruncate($cache_size_file, 0); fseek($cache_size_file, 0); fwrite($cache_size_file, $cache_size > 0 ? $cache_size : 0); } flock($cache_size_file, LOCK_UN); fclose($cache_size_file); return $return; } else { return file_put_contents(CACHE . "/{$item}", $data, LOCK_EX | FILE_BINARY); } } else { $L = Language::instance(); trigger_error($L->file . ' ' . CACHE . "/{$item} {$L->not_writable}", E_USER_WARNING); return false; } }