 * Adds module specific settings to the settings block.
 * @param settings_navigation $settings The settings navigation object
 * @param stdClass $context The node context
function local_loginas_extends_settings_navigation(settings_navigation $settings, $context)
    global $DB, $CFG, $PAGE, $USER;
    // Course id and context.
    $courseid = !empty($PAGE->course->id) ? $PAGE->course->id : SITEID;
    $coursecontext = context_course::instance($courseid);
    // Must have the loginas capability.
    if (!has_capability('moodle/user:loginas', $coursecontext)) {
    // Set the settings category.
    $loginas = $settings->add(get_string('loginas'));
    // Login as list by admin setting.
    if (is_siteadmin($USER)) {
        // Admin settings page.
        $url = new moodle_url('/admin/settings.php', array('section' => 'localsettingloginas'));
        $loginas->add(get_string('settings'), $url, $settings::TYPE_SETTING);
        // Users list.
        $loginasusers = array();
        // Since 2.6, use all the required fields.
        $ufields = 'id, ' . get_all_user_name_fields(true);
        // Get users by id.
        if ($configuserids = get_config('local_loginas', 'loginasusers')) {
            $userids = explode(',', $configuserids);
            if ($users = $DB->get_records_list('user', 'id', $userids, '', $ufields)) {
                $loginasusers = $users;
        // Get users by username.
        if ($configusernames = get_config('local_loginas', 'loginasusernames')) {
            $usernames = explode(',', $configusernames);
            if ($users = $DB->get_records_list('user', 'username', $usernames, '', $ufields)) {
                $loginasusers = $loginasusers + $users;
        // Add action links for specified users.
        if ($loginasusers) {
            $params = array('id' => $courseid, 'sesskey' => sesskey());
            foreach ($loginasusers as $userid => $lauser) {
                $url = new moodle_url('/course/loginas.php', $params);
                $url->param('user', $userid);
                $loginas->add(fullname($lauser, true), $url, $settings::TYPE_SETTING);
    // Course users login as.
    if (!($configcourseusers = get_config('local_loginas', 'courseusers'))) {
    $loggedinas = \core\session\manager::is_loggedinas();
    if (!$loggedinas) {
        // Ajax link.
        $node = $loginas->add(get_string('courseusers', 'local_loginas'), 'javascript:void();', $settings::TYPE_SETTING);
 * This function extends the course navigation with the report items
 * @param navigation_node $navigation The navigation node to extend
 * @param stdClass $user
 * @param stdClass $course The course to object for the report
function report_usersessions_extend_navigation_user($navigation, $user, $course)
    global $USER;
    if (isguestuser() or !isloggedin()) {
    if (\core\session\manager::is_loggedinas() or $USER->id != $user->id) {
        // No peeking at somebody else's sessions!
    $context = context_user::instance($USER->id);
    if (has_capability('report/usersessions:manageownsessions', $context)) {
        $navigation->add(get_string('navigationlink', 'report_usersessions'), new moodle_url('/report/usersessions/user.php'), $navigation::TYPE_SETTING);
文件: lib.php 项目: evltuma/moodle
 * Add nodes to myprofile page.
 * @param \core_user\output\myprofile\tree $tree Tree object
 * @param stdClass $user user object
 * @param bool $iscurrentuser
 * @param stdClass $course Course object
 * @return bool
function report_usersessions_myprofile_navigation(core_user\output\myprofile\tree $tree, $user, $iscurrentuser, $course)
    global $USER;
    if (isguestuser() or !isloggedin()) {
    if (\core\session\manager::is_loggedinas() or $USER->id != $user->id) {
        // No peeking at somebody else's sessions!
    $context = context_user::instance($USER->id);
    if (has_capability('report/usersessions:manageownsessions', $context)) {
        $node = new core_user\output\myprofile\node('reports', 'usersessions', get_string('navigationlink', 'report_usersessions'), null, new moodle_url('/report/usersessions/user.php'));
    return true;
  * Write event in the store with buffering. Method insert_event_entries() must be
  * defined.
  * @param \core\event\base $event
  * @return void
 public function write(\core\event\base $event)
     global $PAGE;
     if ($this->is_event_ignored($event)) {
     // We need to capture current info at this moment,
     // at the same time this lowers memory use because
     // snapshots and custom objects may be garbage collected.
     $entry = $event->get_data();
     $entry['other'] = serialize($entry['other']);
     $entry['origin'] = $PAGE->requestorigin;
     $entry['ip'] = $PAGE->requestip;
     $entry['realuserid'] = \core\session\manager::is_loggedinas() ? $GLOBALS['USER']->realuser : null;
     $this->buffer[] = $entry;
     if (!isset($this->buffersize)) {
         $this->buffersize = $this->get_config('buffersize', 50);
     if ($this->count >= $this->buffersize) {
  * Return the standard string that says whether you are logged in (and switched
  * roles/logged in as another user).
  * @param bool $withlinks if false, then don't include any links in the HTML produced.
  * If not set, the default is the nologinlinks option from the theme config.php file,
  * and if that is not set, then links are included.
  * @return string HTML fragment.
 public function login_info($withlinks = null)
     global $USER, $CFG, $DB, $SESSION;
     if (during_initial_install()) {
         return '';
     if (is_null($withlinks)) {
         $withlinks = empty($this->page->layout_options['nologinlinks']);
     $loginpage = (string) $this->page->url === get_login_url();
     $course = $this->page->course;
     if (\core\session\manager::is_loggedinas()) {
         $realuser = session_get_realuser();
         $fullname = fullname($realuser, true);
         if ($withlinks) {
             $realuserinfo = " [<a href=\"{$CFG->wwwroot}/course/loginas.php?id={$course->id}&amp;sesskey=" . sesskey() . "\">{$fullname}</a>] ";
         } else {
             $realuserinfo = " [{$fullname}] ";
     } else {
         $realuserinfo = '';
     $loginurl = get_login_url();
     if (empty($course->id)) {
         // $course->id is not defined during installation
         return '';
     } else {
         if (isloggedin()) {
             $context = context_course::instance($course->id);
             $fullname = fullname($USER, true);
             // Since Moodle 2.0 this link always goes to the public profile page (not the course profile page)
             if ($withlinks) {
                 $username = "******"{$CFG->wwwroot}/user/profile.php?id={$USER->id}\">{$fullname}</a>";
             } else {
                 $username = $fullname;
             if (is_mnet_remote_user($USER) and $idprovider = $DB->get_record('mnet_host', array('id' => $USER->mnethostid))) {
                 if ($withlinks) {
                     $username .= " from <a href=\"{$idprovider->wwwroot}\">{$idprovider->name}</a>";
                 } else {
                     $username .= " from {$idprovider->name}";
             if (isguestuser()) {
                 $loggedinas = $realuserinfo . get_string('loggedinasguest');
                 if (!$loginpage && $withlinks) {
                     $loggedinas .= '<a class="btn btn-small btn-default" href="' . $loginurl . '"><i class="fa fa-sign-in"></i> ' . get_string('login') . '</a>';
             } else {
                 if (is_role_switched($course->id)) {
                     // Has switched roles
                     $rolename = '';
                     if ($role = $DB->get_record('role', array('id' => $USER->access['rsw'][$context->path]))) {
                         $rolename = ': ' . format_string($role->name);
                     $loggedinas = get_string('loggedinas', 'moodle', $username) . $rolename;
                     if ($withlinks) {
                         $loggedinas .= ' (<a href="$CFG->wwwroot/course/view.php?id=$course->id&amp;switchrole=0&amp;sesskey=' . sesskey() . '">' . get_string('switchrolereturn') . '</a>)';
                 } else {
                     $loggedinas = $realuserinfo . get_string('loggedinas', 'moodle', $username);
                     if ($withlinks) {
                         $loggedinas .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;<a class="btn btn-small" href="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/login/logout.php?sesskey=' . sesskey() . '"><i class="fa fa-sign-out"></i> ' . get_string('logout') . '</a>';
         } else {
             $loggedinas = get_string('loggedinnot', 'moodle');
             if (!$loginpage && $withlinks) {
                 $loggedinas .= ' <a class="btn btn-small btn-default" href="' . $loginurl . '"><i class="fa fa-sign-in"></i> ' . get_string('login') . '</a>';
     $loggedinas = '<div class="logininfo">' . $loggedinas . '</div>';
     if (isset($SESSION->justloggedin)) {
         if (!empty($CFG->displayloginfailures)) {
             if (!isguestuser()) {
                 // Include this file only when required.
                 require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/user/lib.php';
                 if ($count = user_count_login_failures($USER)) {
                     $loggedinas .= '<div class="loginfailures">';
                     $a = new stdClass();
                     $a->attempts = $count;
                     $loggedinas .= get_string('failedloginattempts', '', $a);
                     if (file_exists("{$CFG->dirroot}/report/log/index.php") and has_capability('report/log:view', context_system::instance())) {
                         $loggedinas .= ' (' . html_writer::link(new moodle_url('/report/log/index.php', array('chooselog' => 1, 'id' => 0, 'modid' => 'site_errors')), get_string('logs')) . ')';
                     $loggedinas .= '</div>';
     return $loggedinas;
  * Return the standard string that says whether you are logged in (and switched
  * roles/logged in as another user).
  * @param bool $withlinks if false, then don't include any links in the HTML produced.
  * If not set, the default is the nologinlinks option from the theme config.php file,
  * and if that is not set, then links are included.
  * @return string HTML fragment.
 public function login_info($withlinks = null)
     global $USER, $CFG, $DB, $SESSION;
     if (during_initial_install()) {
         return '';
     if (is_null($withlinks)) {
         $withlinks = empty($this->page->layout_options['nologinlinks']);
     $loginpage = (string) $this->page->url === get_login_url();
     $course = $this->page->course;
     if (\core\session\manager::is_loggedinas()) {
         $realuser = \core\session\manager::get_realuser();
         $fullname = fullname($realuser, true);
         if ($withlinks) {
             $loginastitle = get_string('loginas');
             $realuserinfo = " [<a href=\"{$CFG->wwwroot}/course/loginas.php?id={$course->id}&amp;sesskey=" . sesskey() . "\"";
             $realuserinfo .= "title =\"" . $loginastitle . "\">{$fullname}</a>] ";
         } else {
             $realuserinfo = " [{$fullname}] ";
     } else {
         $realuserinfo = '';
     $loginurl = get_login_url();
     if (empty($course->id)) {
         // $course->id is not defined during installation
         return '';
     } else {
         if (isloggedin()) {
             $context = context_course::instance($course->id);
             $fullname = fullname($USER, true);
             // Since Moodle 2.0 this link always goes to the public profile page (not the course profile page)
             if ($withlinks) {
                 $linktitle = get_string('viewprofile');
                 $username = "******"{$CFG->wwwroot}/user/profile.php?id={$USER->id}\" title=\"{$linktitle}\">{$fullname}</a>";
             } else {
                 $username = $fullname;
             if (is_mnet_remote_user($USER) and $idprovider = $DB->get_record('mnet_host', array('id' => $USER->mnethostid))) {
                 if ($withlinks) {
                     $username .= " from <a href=\"{$idprovider->wwwroot}\">{$idprovider->name}</a>";
                 } else {
                     $username .= " from {$idprovider->name}";
             if (isguestuser()) {
                 $loggedinas = $realuserinfo . get_string('loggedinasguest');
                 if (!$loginpage && $withlinks) {
                     $loggedinas .= " (<a href=\"{$loginurl}\">" . get_string('login') . '</a>)';
             } else {
                 if (is_role_switched($course->id)) {
                     // Has switched roles
                     $rolename = '';
                     if ($role = $DB->get_record('role', array('id' => $USER->access['rsw'][$context->path]))) {
                         $rolename = ': ' . role_get_name($role, $context);
                     $loggedinas = get_string('loggedinas', 'moodle', $username) . $rolename;
                     if ($withlinks) {
                         $url = new moodle_url('/course/switchrole.php', array('id' => $course->id, 'sesskey' => sesskey(), 'switchrole' => 0, 'returnurl' => $this->page->url->out_as_local_url(false)));
                         $loggedinas .= '(' . html_writer::tag('a', get_string('switchrolereturn'), array('href' => $url)) . ')';
                 } else {
                     $loggedinas = $realuserinfo . get_string('loggedinas', 'moodle', $username);
                     if ($withlinks) {
                         echo "<i class='fa fa-user hide979 mywhite'></i> ";
                         //****************$loggedinas .= " (<a href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/login/logout.php?sesskey=".sesskey()."\">".get_string('logout').'</a>)';
                         $loggedinas .= " <span class=\"line-trans\">|</span><a class=\"logtop\" href=\"{$CFG->wwwroot}/login/logout.php?sesskey=" . sesskey() . "\"> " . get_string('logout') . '</a><span class="line-trans"> |</span>';
         } else {
             $loggedinas = get_string('loggedinnot', 'moodle');
             if (!$loginpage && $withlinks) {
                 //****************$loggedinas $loggedinas .= " (<a href=\"$loginurl\">".get_string('login').'</a>)';
                 echo "<i class='fa fa-lock hide979 mywhite'></i> ";
                 $loggedinas .= " | <a href=\"{$loginurl}\">" . get_string('login') . '</a> |';
     $loggedinas = '<div class="logininfo">' . $loggedinas . '</div>';
     if (isset($SESSION->justloggedin)) {
         if (!empty($CFG->displayloginfailures)) {
             if (!isguestuser()) {
                 if ($count = count_login_failures($CFG->displayloginfailures, $USER->username, $USER->lastlogin)) {
                     $loggedinas .= '&nbsp;<div class="loginfailures">';
                     if (empty($count->accounts)) {
                         $loggedinas .= get_string('failedloginattempts', '', $count);
                     } else {
                         $loggedinas .= get_string('failedloginattemptsall', '', $count);
                     if (file_exists("{$CFG->dirroot}/report/log/index.php") and has_capability('report/log:view', context_system::instance())) {
                         $loggedinas .= ' (<a href="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/report/log/index.php' . '?chooselog=1&amp;id=1&amp;modid=site_errors">' . get_string('logs') . '</a>)';
                     $loggedinas .= '</div>';
     return $loggedinas;
文件: lib.php 项目: isuruAb/moodle
  * Checks if user has a capability to view the current repository.
  * @return bool true when the user can, otherwise throws an exception.
  * @throws repository_exception when the user does not meet the requirements.
 public final function check_capability()
     global $USER;
     // The context we are on.
     $currentcontext = $this->context;
     // Ensure that the user can view the repository in the current context.
     $can = has_capability('repository/' . $this->get_typename() . ':view', $currentcontext);
     // Context in which the repository has been created.
     $repocontext = context::instance_by_id($this->instance->contextid);
     // Prevent access to private repositories when logged in as.
     if ($can && \core\session\manager::is_loggedinas()) {
         if ($this->contains_private_data() || $repocontext->contextlevel == CONTEXT_USER) {
             $can = false;
     // We are going to ensure that the current context was legit, and reliable to check
     // the capability against. (No need to do that if we already cannot).
     if ($can) {
         if ($repocontext->contextlevel == CONTEXT_USER) {
             // The repository is a user instance, ensure we're the right user to access it!
             if ($repocontext->instanceid != $USER->id) {
                 $can = false;
         } else {
             if ($repocontext->contextlevel == CONTEXT_COURSE) {
                 // The repository is a course one. Let's check that we are on the right course.
                 if (in_array($currentcontext->contextlevel, array(CONTEXT_COURSE, CONTEXT_MODULE, CONTEXT_BLOCK))) {
                     $coursecontext = $currentcontext->get_course_context();
                     if ($coursecontext->instanceid != $repocontext->instanceid) {
                         $can = false;
                 } else {
                     // We are on a parent context, therefore it's legit to check the permissions
                     // in the current context.
             } else {
                 // Nothing to check here, system instances can have different permissions on different
                 // levels. We do not want to prevent URL hack here, because it does not make sense to
                 // prevent a user to access a repository in a context if it's accessible in another one.
     if ($can) {
         return true;
     throw new repository_exception('nopermissiontoaccess', 'repository');
 * Get a list of essential user navigation items.
 * @param stdclass $user user object.
 * @param moodle_page $page page object.
 * @return stdClass $returnobj navigation information object, where:
 *      $returnobj->navitems    array    array of links where each link is a
 *                                       stdClass with fields url, title, and
 *                                       pix
 *      $returnobj->metadata    array    array of useful user metadata to be
 *                                       used when constructing navigation;
 *                                       fields include:
 *          ROLE FIELDS
 *          asotherrole    bool    whether viewing as another role
 *          rolename       string  name of the role
 *          USER FIELDS
 *          These fields are for the currently-logged in user, or for
 *          the user that the real user is currently logged in as.
 *          userid         int        the id of the user in question
 *          userfullname   string     the user's full name
 *          userprofileurl moodle_url the url of the user's profile
 *          useravatar     string     a HTML fragment - the rendered
 *                                    user_picture for this user
 *          userloginfail  string     an error string denoting the number
 *                                    of login failures since last login
 *          "REAL USER" FIELDS
 *          These fields are for when asotheruser is true, and
 *          correspond to the underlying "real user".
 *          asotheruser        bool    whether viewing as another user
 *          realuserid         int        the id of the user in question
 *          realuserfullname   string     the user's full name
 *          realuserprofileurl moodle_url the url of the user's profile
 *          realuseravatar     string     a HTML fragment - the rendered
 *                                        user_picture for this user
 *          asmnetuser            bool   whether viewing as a user from an
 *                                       MNet provider
 *          mnetidprovidername    string name of the MNet provider
 *          mnetidproviderwwwroot string URL of the MNet provider
function user_get_user_navigation_info($user, $page)
    global $OUTPUT, $DB, $SESSION, $CFG;
    $returnobject = new stdClass();
    $returnobject->navitems = array();
    $returnobject->metadata = array();
    $course = $page->course;
    // Query the environment.
    $context = context_course::instance($course->id);
    // Get basic user metadata.
    $returnobject->metadata['userid'] = $user->id;
    $returnobject->metadata['userfullname'] = fullname($user, true);
    $returnobject->metadata['userprofileurl'] = new moodle_url('/user/profile.php', array('id' => $user->id));
    $returnobject->metadata['useravatar'] = $OUTPUT->user_picture($user, array('link' => false, 'visibletoscreenreaders' => false));
    // Build a list of items for a regular user.
    // Query MNet status.
    if ($returnobject->metadata['asmnetuser'] = is_mnet_remote_user($user)) {
        $mnetidprovider = $DB->get_record('mnet_host', array('id' => $user->mnethostid));
        $returnobject->metadata['mnetidprovidername'] = $mnetidprovider->name;
        $returnobject->metadata['mnetidproviderwwwroot'] = $mnetidprovider->wwwroot;
    // Did the user just log in?
    if (isset($SESSION->justloggedin)) {
        // Don't unset this flag as login_info still needs it.
        if (!empty($CFG->displayloginfailures)) {
            // We're already in /user/lib.php, so we don't need to include.
            if ($count = user_count_login_failures($user)) {
                // Get login failures string.
                $a = new stdClass();
                $a->attempts = html_writer::tag('span', $count, array('class' => 'value'));
                $returnobject->metadata['userloginfail'] = get_string('failedloginattempts', '', $a);
    // Links: Dashboard.
    $myhome = new stdClass();
    $myhome->itemtype = 'link';
    $myhome->url = new moodle_url('/my/');
    $myhome->title = get_string('mymoodle', 'admin');
    $myhome->pix = "i/course";
    $returnobject->navitems[] = $myhome;
    // Links: My Profile.
    $myprofile = new stdClass();
    $myprofile->itemtype = 'link';
    $myprofile->url = new moodle_url('/user/profile.php', array('id' => $user->id));
    $myprofile->title = get_string('profile');
    $myprofile->pix = "i/user";
    $returnobject->navitems[] = $myprofile;
    // Links: Role-return or logout link.
    $lastobj = null;
    $buildlogout = true;
    $returnobject->metadata['asotherrole'] = false;
    if (is_role_switched($course->id)) {
        if ($role = $DB->get_record('role', array('id' => $user->access['rsw'][$context->path]))) {
            // Build role-return link instead of logout link.
            $rolereturn = new stdClass();
            $rolereturn->itemtype = 'link';
            $rolereturn->url = new moodle_url('/course/switchrole.php', array('id' => $course->id, 'sesskey' => sesskey(), 'switchrole' => 0, 'returnurl' => $page->url->out_as_local_url(false)));
            $rolereturn->pix = "a/logout";
            $rolereturn->title = get_string('switchrolereturn');
            $lastobj = $rolereturn;
            $returnobject->metadata['asotherrole'] = true;
            $returnobject->metadata['rolename'] = role_get_name($role, $context);
            $buildlogout = false;
    if ($returnobject->metadata['asotheruser'] = \core\session\manager::is_loggedinas()) {
        $realuser = \core\session\manager::get_realuser();
        // Save values for the real user, as $user will be full of data for the
        // user the user is disguised as.
        $returnobject->metadata['realuserid'] = $realuser->id;
        $returnobject->metadata['realuserfullname'] = fullname($realuser, true);
        $returnobject->metadata['realuserprofileurl'] = new moodle_url('/user/profile.php', array('id' => $realuser->id));
        $returnobject->metadata['realuseravatar'] = $OUTPUT->user_picture($realuser, array('link' => false, 'visibletoscreenreaders' => false));
        // Build a user-revert link.
        $userrevert = new stdClass();
        $userrevert->itemtype = 'link';
        $userrevert->url = new moodle_url('/course/loginas.php', array('id' => $course->id, 'sesskey' => sesskey()));
        $userrevert->pix = "a/logout";
        $userrevert->title = get_string('logout');
        $lastobj = $userrevert;
        $buildlogout = false;
    if ($buildlogout) {
        // Build a logout link.
        $logout = new stdClass();
        $logout->itemtype = 'link';
        $logout->url = new moodle_url('/login/logout.php', array('sesskey' => sesskey()));
        $logout->pix = "a/logout";
        $logout->title = get_string('logout');
        $lastobj = $logout;
    // Before we add the last item (usually a logout link), add any
    // custom-defined items.
    $customitems = user_convert_text_to_menu_items($CFG->customusermenuitems, $page);
    foreach ($customitems as $item) {
        $returnobject->navitems[] = $item;
    // Add the last item to the list.
    if (!is_null($lastobj)) {
        $returnobject->navitems[] = $lastobj;
    return $returnobject;
     * Start output by sending the HTTP headers, and printing the HTML <head>
     * and the start of the <body>.
     * To control what is printed, you should set properties on $PAGE. If you
     * are familiar with the old {@link print_header()} function from Moodle 1.9
     * you will find that there are properties on $PAGE that correspond to most
     * of the old parameters to could be passed to print_header.
     * Not that, in due course, the remaining $navigation, $menu parameters here
     * will be replaced by more properties of $PAGE, but that is still to do.
     * @return string HTML that you must output this, preferably immediately.
    public function header() {
        global $USER, $CFG;

        if (\core\session\manager::is_loggedinas()) {

        // If the user is logged in, and we're not in initial install,
        // check to see if the user is role-switched and add the appropriate
        // CSS class to the body element.
        if (!during_initial_install() && isloggedin() && is_role_switched($this->page->course->id)) {

        // Give themes a chance to init/alter the page object.


        // Find the appropriate page layout file, based on $this->page->pagelayout.
        $layoutfile = $this->page->theme->layout_file($this->page->pagelayout);
        // Render the layout using the layout file.
        $rendered = $this->render_page_layout($layoutfile);

        // Slice the rendered output into header and footer.
        $cutpos = strpos($rendered, $this->unique_main_content_token);
        if ($cutpos === false) {
            $cutpos = strpos($rendered, self::MAIN_CONTENT_TOKEN);
            $token = self::MAIN_CONTENT_TOKEN;
        } else {
            $token = $this->unique_main_content_token;

        if ($cutpos === false) {
            throw new coding_exception('page layout file ' . $layoutfile . ' does not contain the main content placeholder, please include "<?php echo $OUTPUT->main_content() ?>" in theme layout file.');
        $header = substr($rendered, 0, $cutpos);
        $footer = substr($rendered, $cutpos + strlen($token));

        if (empty($this->contenttype)) {
            debugging('The page layout file did not call $OUTPUT->doctype()');
            $header = $this->doctype() . $header;

        // If this theme version is below 2.4 release and this is a course view page
        if ((!isset($this->page->theme->settings->version) || $this->page->theme->settings->version < 2012101500) &&
                $this->page->pagelayout === 'course' && $this->page->url->compare(new moodle_url('/course/view.php'), URL_MATCH_BASE)) {
            // check if course content header/footer have not been output during render of theme layout
            $coursecontentheader = $this->course_content_header(true);
            $coursecontentfooter = $this->course_content_footer(true);
            if (!empty($coursecontentheader)) {
                // display debug message and add header and footer right above and below main content
                // Please note that course header and footer (to be displayed above and below the whole page)
                // are not displayed in this case at all.
                // Besides the content header and footer are not displayed on any other course page
                debugging('The current theme is not optimised for 2.4, the course-specific header and footer defined in course format will not be output', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
                $header .= $coursecontentheader;
                $footer = $coursecontentfooter. $footer;

        send_headers($this->contenttype, $this->page->cacheable);

        $this->opencontainers->push('header/footer', $footer);

        return $header . $this->skip_link_target('maincontent');
$course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $id), '*', MUST_EXIST);
$context = context_course::instance($course->id, MUST_EXIST);
// Everybody is enrolled on the frontpage
if ($course->id == SITEID) {
if (!$course->visible && !has_capability('moodle/course:viewhiddencourses', context_course::instance($course->id))) {
$PAGE->set_url('/enrol/index.php', array('id' => $course->id));
// do not allow enrols when in login-as session
if (\core\session\manager::is_loggedinas() and $USER->loginascontext->contextlevel == CONTEXT_COURSE) {
    print_error('loginasnoenrol', '', $CFG->wwwroot . '/course/view.php?id=' . $USER->loginascontext->instanceid);
// get all enrol forms available in this course
$enrols = enrol_get_plugins(true);
$enrolinstances = enrol_get_instances($course->id, true);
$forms = array();
foreach ($enrolinstances as $instance) {
    if (!isset($enrols[$instance->enrol])) {
    $form = $enrols[$instance->enrol]->enrol_page_hook($instance);
    if ($form) {
        $forms[$instance->id] = $form;
  * Outputs the user menu.
  * @return custom_menu object
 public function custom_menu_user()
     // Die if executed during install.
     if (during_initial_install()) {
         return false;
     global $USER, $CFG, $DB;
     $loginurl = get_login_url();
     $usermenu = html_writer::start_tag('ul', array('class' => 'nav'));
     $usermenu .= html_writer::start_tag('li', array('class' => 'dropdown'));
     if (!isloggedin()) {
         if ($this->page->pagelayout != 'login') {
             $userpic = '<em><i class="fa fa-sign-in"></i>' . get_string('login') . '</em>';
             $usermenu .= html_writer::link($loginurl, $userpic, array('class' => 'loginurl'));
     } else {
         if (isguestuser()) {
             $userurl = new moodle_url('#');
             $userpic = parent::user_picture($USER, array('link' => false));
             $caret = '<i class="fa fa-caret-right"></i>';
             $userclass = array('class' => 'dropdown-toggle', 'data-toggle' => 'dropdown');
             $usermenu .= html_writer::link($userurl, $userpic . get_string('guest') . $caret, $userclass);
             // Render direct logout link.
             $usermenu .= html_writer::start_tag('ul', array('class' => 'dropdown-menu pull-right'));
             $branchlabel = '<em><i class="fa fa-sign-out"></i>' . get_string('logout') . '</em>';
             $branchurl = new moodle_url('/login/logout.php');
             $branchurl->param('sesskey', sesskey());
             $usermenu .= html_writer::tag('li', html_writer::link($branchurl, $branchlabel));
             // Render Help Link.
             $usermenu .= $this->theme_essential_render_helplink();
             $usermenu .= html_writer::end_tag('ul');
         } else {
             $course = $this->page->course;
             $context = context_course::instance($course->id);
             // Output Profile link.
             $userurl = new moodle_url('#');
             $userpic = parent::user_picture($USER, array('link' => false));
             $caret = '<i class="fa fa-caret-right"></i>';
             $userclass = array('class' => 'dropdown-toggle', 'data-toggle' => 'dropdown');
             if (!empty($USER->alternatename)) {
                 $usermenu .= html_writer::link($userurl, $userpic . $USER->alternatename . $caret, $userclass);
             } else {
                 $usermenu .= html_writer::link($userurl, $userpic . $USER->firstname . $caret, $userclass);
             // Start dropdown menu items.
             $usermenu .= html_writer::start_tag('ul', array('class' => 'dropdown-menu pull-right'));
             if (\core\session\manager::is_loggedinas()) {
                 $realuser = \core\session\manager::get_realuser();
                 $branchlabel = '<em><i class="fa fa-key"></i>' . fullname($realuser, true) . get_string('loggedinas', 'theme_essential') . fullname($USER, true) . '</em>';
             } else {
                 $branchlabel = '<em><i class="fa fa-user"></i>' . fullname($USER, true) . '</em>';
             $branchurl = new moodle_url('/user/profile.php', array('id' => $USER->id));
             $usermenu .= html_writer::tag('li', html_writer::link($branchurl, $branchlabel));
             if (is_mnet_remote_user($USER) && ($idprovider = $DB->get_record('mnet_host', array('id' => $USER->mnethostid)))) {
                 $branchlabel = '<em><i class="fa fa-users"></i>' . get_string('loggedinfrom', 'theme_essential') . $idprovider->name . '</em>';
                 $branchurl = new moodle_url($idprovider->wwwroot);
                 $usermenu .= html_writer::tag('li', html_writer::link($branchurl, $branchlabel));
             if (is_role_switched($course->id)) {
                 // Has switched roles.
                 $branchlabel = '<em><i class="fa fa-users"></i>' . get_string('switchrolereturn') . '</em>';
                 $branchurl = new moodle_url('/course/switchrole.php', array('id' => $course->id, 'sesskey' => sesskey(), 'switchrole' => 0, 'returnurl' => $this->page->url->out_as_local_url(false)));
                 $usermenu .= html_writer::tag('li', html_writer::link($branchurl, $branchlabel));
             // Add preferences submenu.
             $usermenu .= $this->theme_essential_render_preferences($context);
             $usermenu .= html_writer::empty_tag('hr', array('class' => 'sep'));
             // Output Calendar link if user is allowed to edit own calendar entries.
             if (has_capability('moodle/calendar:manageownentries', $context)) {
                 $branchlabel = '<em><i class="fa fa-calendar"></i>' . get_string('pluginname', 'block_calendar_month') . '</em>';
                 $branchurl = new moodle_url('/calendar/view.php');
                 $usermenu .= html_writer::tag('li', html_writer::link($branchurl, $branchlabel));
             // Check if messaging is enabled.
             if (!empty($CFG->messaging)) {
                 $branchlabel = '<em><i class="fa fa-envelope"></i>' . get_string('pluginname', 'block_messages') . '</em>';
                 $branchurl = new moodle_url('/message/index.php');
                 $usermenu .= html_writer::tag('li', html_writer::link($branchurl, $branchlabel));
             // Check if user is allowed to manage files.
             if (has_capability('moodle/user:manageownfiles', $context)) {
                 $branchlabel = '<em><i class="fa fa-file"></i>' . get_string('privatefiles', 'block_private_files') . '</em>';
                 $branchurl = new moodle_url('/user/files.php');
                 $usermenu .= html_writer::tag('li', html_writer::link($branchurl, $branchlabel));
             // Check if user is allowed to view discussions.
             if (has_capability('mod/forum:viewdiscussion', $context)) {
                 $branchlabel = '<em><i class="fa fa-list-alt"></i>' . get_string('forumposts', 'mod_forum') . '</em>';
                 $branchurl = new moodle_url('/mod/forum/user.php', array('id' => $USER->id));
                 $usermenu .= html_writer::tag('li', html_writer::link($branchurl, $branchlabel));
                 $branchlabel = '<em><i class="fa fa-list"></i>' . get_string('discussions', 'mod_forum') . '</em>';
                 $branchurl = new moodle_url('/mod/forum/user.php', array('id' => $USER->id, 'mode' => 'discussions'));
                 $usermenu .= html_writer::tag('li', html_writer::link($branchurl, $branchlabel));
                 $usermenu .= html_writer::empty_tag('hr', array('class' => 'sep'));
             // Output user grade links course sensitive, workaround for frontpage, selecting first enrolled course.
             if ($course->id == SITEID) {
                 $branchlabel = '<em><i class="fa fa-list-alt"></i>' . get_string('mygrades', 'theme_essential') . '</em>';
                 $branchurl = new moodle_url('/grade/report/overview/index.php', array('id' => $course->id, 'userid' => $USER->id));
                 $usermenu .= html_writer::tag('li', html_writer::link($branchurl, $branchlabel));
             } else {
                 if (has_capability('gradereport/overview:view', $context)) {
                     $branchlabel = '<em><i class="fa fa-list-alt"></i>' . get_string('mygrades', 'theme_essential') . '</em>';
                     $branchurl = new moodle_url('/grade/report/overview/index.php', array('id' => $course->id, 'userid' => $USER->id));
                     $usermenu .= html_writer::tag('li', html_writer::link($branchurl, $branchlabel));
                 if (has_capability('gradereport/user:view', $context)) {
                     // In Course also output Course grade links.
                     $branchlabel = '<em><i class="fa fa-list-alt"></i>' . get_string('coursegrades', 'theme_essential') . '</em>';
                     $branchurl = new moodle_url('/grade/report/user/index.php', array('id' => $course->id, 'userid' => $USER->id));
                     $usermenu .= html_writer::tag('li', html_writer::link($branchurl, $branchlabel));
             // Check if badges are enabled.
             if (!empty($CFG->enablebadges) && has_capability('moodle/badges:manageownbadges', $context)) {
                 $branchlabel = '<em><i class="fa fa-certificate"></i>' . get_string('badges') . '</em>';
                 $branchurl = new moodle_url('/badges/mybadges.php');
                 $usermenu .= html_writer::tag('li', html_writer::link($branchurl, $branchlabel));
             $usermenu .= html_writer::empty_tag('hr', array('class' => 'sep'));
             // Render direct logout link.
             $branchlabel = '<em><i class="fa fa-sign-out"></i>' . get_string('logout') . '</em>';
             if (\core\session\manager::is_loggedinas()) {
                 $branchurl = new moodle_url('/course/loginas.php', array('id' => $course->id, 'sesskey' => sesskey()));
             } else {
                 $branchurl = new moodle_url('/login/logout.php', array('sesskey' => sesskey()));
             $usermenu .= html_writer::tag('li', html_writer::link($branchurl, $branchlabel));
             // Render Help Link.
             $usermenu .= $this->theme_essential_render_helplink();
             $usermenu .= html_writer::end_tag('ul');
     $usermenu .= html_writer::end_tag('li');
     $usermenu .= html_writer::end_tag('ul');
     return $usermenu;
 public function test_log_writing()
     global $DB, $CFG;
     // Logging waits till the transaction gets committed.
     $dbman = $DB->get_manager();
     $user1 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
     $user2 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
     $course1 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
     $module1 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('resource', array('course' => $course1));
     $course2 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
     $module2 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('resource', array('course' => $course2));
     // Test all plugins are disabled by this command.
     set_config('enabled_stores', '', 'tool_log');
     $manager = get_log_manager(true);
     $stores = $manager->get_readers();
     $this->assertCount(0, $stores);
     // Fake the settings, we will abuse the standard plugin table here...
     $parts = explode('_', get_class($DB));
     set_config('dbdriver', $parts[1] . '/' . $parts[0], 'logstore_database');
     set_config('dbhost', $CFG->dbhost, 'logstore_database');
     set_config('dbuser', $CFG->dbuser, 'logstore_database');
     set_config('dbpass', $CFG->dbpass, 'logstore_database');
     set_config('dbname', $CFG->dbname, 'logstore_database');
     set_config('dbtable', $CFG->prefix . 'logstore_standard_log', 'logstore_database');
     if (!empty($CFG->dboptions['dbpersist'])) {
         set_config('dbpersist', 1, 'logstore_database');
     } else {
         set_config('dbpersist', 0, 'logstore_database');
     if (!empty($CFG->dboptions['dbsocket'])) {
         set_config('dbsocket', $CFG->dboptions['dbsocket'], 'logstore_database');
     } else {
         set_config('dbsocket', '', 'logstore_database');
     if (!empty($CFG->dboptions['dbport'])) {
         set_config('dbport', $CFG->dboptions['dbport'], 'logstore_database');
     } else {
         set_config('dbport', '', 'logstore_database');
     if (!empty($CFG->dboptions['dbschema'])) {
         set_config('dbschema', $CFG->dboptions['dbschema'], 'logstore_database');
     } else {
         set_config('dbschema', '', 'logstore_database');
     if (!empty($CFG->dboptions['dbcollation'])) {
         set_config('dbcollation', $CFG->dboptions['dbcollation'], 'logstore_database');
     } else {
         set_config('dbcollation', '', 'logstore_database');
     // Enable logging plugin.
     set_config('enabled_stores', 'logstore_database', 'tool_log');
     set_config('buffersize', 0, 'logstore_database');
     set_config('logguests', 1, 'logstore_database');
     $manager = get_log_manager(true);
     $stores = $manager->get_readers();
     $this->assertCount(1, $stores);
     $this->assertEquals(array('logstore_database'), array_keys($stores));
     $store = $stores['logstore_database'];
     $this->assertInstanceOf('logstore_database\\log\\store', $store);
     $this->assertInstanceOf('tool_log\\log\\writer', $store);
     $logs = $DB->get_records('logstore_standard_log', array(), 'id ASC');
     $this->assertCount(0, $logs);
     $event1 = \logstore_database\event\unittest_executed::create(array('context' => context_module::instance($module1->cmid), 'other' => array('sample' => 5, 'xx' => 10)));
     $logs = $DB->get_records('logstore_standard_log', array(), 'id ASC');
     $this->assertCount(1, $logs);
     $log1 = reset($logs);
     $log1->other = unserialize($log1->other);
     $log1 = (array) $log1;
     $data = $event1->get_data();
     $data['origin'] = 'cli';
     $data['ip'] = null;
     $data['realuserid'] = null;
     $this->assertEquals($data, $log1);
     \core\session\manager::loginas($user1->id, context_system::instance());
     $this->assertEquals(2, $DB->count_records('logstore_standard_log'));
     $event2 = \logstore_database\event\unittest_executed::create(array('context' => context_module::instance($module2->cmid), 'other' => array('sample' => 6, 'xx' => 9)));
     $logs = $DB->get_records('logstore_standard_log', array(), 'id ASC');
     $this->assertCount(3, $logs);
     $log2 = array_shift($logs);
     $this->assertSame('\\core\\event\\user_loggedinas', $log2->eventname);
     $log3 = array_shift($logs);
     $log3->other = unserialize($log3->other);
     $log3 = (array) $log3;
     $data = $event2->get_data();
     $data['origin'] = 'cli';
     $data['ip'] = null;
     $data['realuserid'] = 2;
     $this->assertEquals($data, $log3);
     // Test reading.
     $this->assertSame(3, $store->get_events_select_count('', array()));
     $events = $store->get_events_select('', array(), 'timecreated ASC', 0, 0);
     // Is actually sorted by "timecreated ASC, id ASC".
     $this->assertCount(3, $events);
     $resev1 = array_shift($events);
     $resev2 = array_shift($events);
     $this->assertEquals($event1->get_data(), $resev1->get_data());
     $this->assertEquals($event2->get_data(), $resev2->get_data());
     // Test buffering.
     set_config('buffersize', 3, 'logstore_database');
     $manager = get_log_manager(true);
     $stores = $manager->get_readers();
     /** @var \logstore_database\log\store $store */
     $store = $stores['logstore_database'];
     \logstore_database\event\unittest_executed::create(array('context' => context_module::instance($module1->cmid), 'other' => array('sample' => 5, 'xx' => 10)))->trigger();
     $this->assertEquals(0, $DB->count_records('logstore_standard_log'));
     \logstore_database\event\unittest_executed::create(array('context' => context_module::instance($module1->cmid), 'other' => array('sample' => 5, 'xx' => 10)))->trigger();
     $this->assertEquals(0, $DB->count_records('logstore_standard_log'));
     $this->assertEquals(2, $DB->count_records('logstore_standard_log'));
     \logstore_database\event\unittest_executed::create(array('context' => context_module::instance($module1->cmid), 'other' => array('sample' => 5, 'xx' => 10)))->trigger();
     $this->assertEquals(2, $DB->count_records('logstore_standard_log'));
     \logstore_database\event\unittest_executed::create(array('context' => context_module::instance($module1->cmid), 'other' => array('sample' => 5, 'xx' => 10)))->trigger();
     $this->assertEquals(2, $DB->count_records('logstore_standard_log'));
     \logstore_database\event\unittest_executed::create(array('context' => context_module::instance($module1->cmid), 'other' => array('sample' => 5, 'xx' => 10)))->trigger();
     $this->assertEquals(5, $DB->count_records('logstore_standard_log'));
     \logstore_database\event\unittest_executed::create(array('context' => context_module::instance($module1->cmid), 'other' => array('sample' => 5, 'xx' => 10)))->trigger();
     $this->assertEquals(5, $DB->count_records('logstore_standard_log'));
     \logstore_database\event\unittest_executed::create(array('context' => context_module::instance($module1->cmid), 'other' => array('sample' => 5, 'xx' => 10)))->trigger();
     $this->assertEquals(5, $DB->count_records('logstore_standard_log'));
     \logstore_database\event\unittest_executed::create(array('context' => context_module::instance($module1->cmid), 'other' => array('sample' => 5, 'xx' => 10)))->trigger();
     $this->assertEquals(8, $DB->count_records('logstore_standard_log'));
     // Test guest logging setting.
     set_config('logguests', 0, 'logstore_database');
     set_config('buffersize', 0, 'logstore_database');
     \logstore_database\event\unittest_executed::create(array('context' => context_module::instance($module1->cmid), 'other' => array('sample' => 5, 'xx' => 10)))->trigger();
     $this->assertEquals(0, $DB->count_records('logstore_standard_log'));
     \logstore_database\event\unittest_executed::create(array('context' => context_module::instance($module1->cmid), 'other' => array('sample' => 5, 'xx' => 10)))->trigger();
     $this->assertEquals(0, $DB->count_records('logstore_standard_log'));
     \logstore_database\event\unittest_executed::create(array('context' => context_module::instance($module1->cmid), 'other' => array('sample' => 5, 'xx' => 10)))->trigger();
     $this->assertEquals(1, $DB->count_records('logstore_standard_log'));
     \logstore_database\event\unittest_executed::create(array('context' => context_module::instance($module1->cmid), 'other' => array('sample' => 5, 'xx' => 10)))->trigger();
     $this->assertEquals(2, $DB->count_records('logstore_standard_log'));
     set_config('enabled_stores', '', 'tool_log');
     Function to build the user's menu for the top navigation bar
     @param bool $withlinks - not sure if we want this
     @return string HTML fragment
 public function user_menu($user = NULL, $withlinks = NULL)
     global $USER, $CFG, $DB, $SESSION, $PAGE;
     // if we are during install return an empty string
     if (during_initial_install()) {
         return '';
     $course = $this->page->course;
     // at certain times - i.e. installation course id will be empty or null
     if (empty($course->id)) {
         return '';
     // this is the login page so return nothing
     $loginurl = get_login_url();
     if ((string) $this->page->url === $loginurl) {
         return '';
     // user not logged in so return login link
     if (!isloggedin()) {
         return "<li><a href=\"{$loginurl}\">" . get_string('login') . '</a></li>';
     // begin building the user's display name
     $user_string = "";
     // check if the user is logged in as someone else
     #if (session_is_loggedinas()) {
     #    $realuser = session_get_realuser();
     if (\core\session\manager::is_loggedinas()) {
         $realuser = \core\session\manager::get_realuser();
         $user_string = fullname($realuser, true) . " pretending to be ";
     $user_string .= fullname($USER, true);
     $role_switched = false;
     if (is_role_switched($course->id)) {
         // Has switched roles
         $context = context_course::instance($course->id);
         $role_switched = true;
         $rolename = '';
         if ($role = $DB->get_record('role', array('id' => $USER->access['rsw'][$context->path]))) {
             $rolename = ': ' . role_get_name($role, $context);
         $user_string .= $rolename;
     $user_picture = new user_picture($USER);
     $userimgsrc = $user_picture->get_url($PAGE);
     $user_menu = array("<li class='dropdown'>");
     $user_menu[] = "<a class='dropdown-toggle' data-toggle='dropdown' href='#' style='min-height: 50px'>";
     $user_menu[] = "<img class='nav-avatar' src='" . $userimgsrc . "'>";
     $user_menu[] = "<span class='hidden-xs'>" . $user_string . "</span>";
     $user_menu[] = "</a>";
     $user_menu[] = "<ul class='dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-right'>";
     if ($role_switched) {
         $url = new moodle_url('/course/switchrole.php', array('id' => $course->id, 'sesskey' => sesskey(), 'switchrole' => 0, 'returnurl' => $this->page->url->out_as_local_url(false)));
         $user_menu[] = "<li><a href='" . $url . "'>" . get_string('switchrolereturn') . "</a></li>";
     $user_menu[] = "<li><a href='" . $CFG->wwwroot . "/user/profile.php?id=" . $USER->id . "'>My Profile</a></li>";
     $user_menu[] = "<li class='menu-item-resources'><a href='/'>My Modules</a></li>";
     $user_menu[] = "<li id='student-email-link' style='display: none'><a href='http://studentmail.falmouth.ac.uk/'>My Email</a></li>";
     $user_menu[] = "<li id='staff-email-link' style='display: none'><a href='http://mailspace.falmouth.ac.uk/'>My Email</a></li>";
     $user_menu[] = "<li><a href='http://mytimetable.falmouth.ac.uk/'>My Timetable</a></li>";
     $user_menu[] = "<li class='divider'></li>";
     $user_menu[] = "<li><a href='" . $CFG->wwwroot . "/login/logout.php?sesskey=" . sesskey() . "'>" . get_string('logout') . '</a></li>';
     $user_menu[] = "</ul></li>";
     return implode("", $user_menu);
 function get_content()
     global $CFG, $USER, $DB, $OUTPUT;
     // shortcut -  only for logged in users!
     if (!isloggedin() || isguestuser()) {
         return false;
     if (\core\session\manager::is_loggedinas()) {
         $this->content = new stdClass();
         $this->content->footer = html_writer::tag('span', get_string('notpermittedtojumpas', 'mnet'));
         return $this->content;
     // according to start_jump_session,
     // remote users can't on-jump
     // so don't show this block to them
     if (is_mnet_remote_user($USER)) {
         if (debugging() and !empty($CFG->debugdisplay)) {
             $this->content = new stdClass();
             $this->content->footer = html_writer::tag('span', get_string('error_localusersonly', 'block_mnet_hosts'), array('class' => 'error'));
             return $this->content;
         } else {
             return '';
     if (!is_enabled_auth('mnet')) {
         if (debugging() and !empty($CFG->debugdisplay)) {
             $this->content = new stdClass();
             $this->content->footer = html_writer::tag('span', get_string('error_authmnetneeded', 'block_mnet_hosts'), array('class' => 'error'));
             return $this->content;
         } else {
             return '';
     if (!has_capability('moodle/site:mnetlogintoremote', context_system::instance(), NULL, false)) {
         if (debugging() and !empty($CFG->debugdisplay)) {
             $this->content = new stdClass();
             $this->content->footer = html_writer::tag('span', get_string('error_roamcapabilityneeded', 'block_mnet_hosts'), array('class' => 'error'));
             return $this->content;
         } else {
             return '';
     if ($this->content !== NULL) {
         return $this->content;
     // TODO: Test this query - it's appropriate? It works?
     // get the hosts and whether we are doing SSO with them
     $sql = "\n             SELECT DISTINCT\n                 h.id,\n                 h.name,\n                 h.wwwroot,\n                 a.name as application,\n                 a.display_name\n             FROM\n                 {mnet_host} h,\n                 {mnet_application} a,\n                 {mnet_host2service} h2s_IDP,\n                 {mnet_service} s_IDP,\n                 {mnet_host2service} h2s_SP,\n                 {mnet_service} s_SP\n             WHERE\n                 h.id <> ? AND\n                 h.id <> ? AND\n                 h.id = h2s_IDP.hostid AND\n                 h.deleted = 0 AND\n                 h.applicationid = a.id AND\n                 h2s_IDP.serviceid = s_IDP.id AND\n                 s_IDP.name = 'sso_idp' AND\n                 h2s_IDP.publish = '1' AND\n                 h.id = h2s_SP.hostid AND\n                 h2s_SP.serviceid = s_SP.id AND\n                 s_SP.name = 'sso_idp' AND\n                 h2s_SP.publish = '1'\n             ORDER BY\n                 a.display_name,\n                 h.name";
     $hosts = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, array($CFG->mnet_localhost_id, $CFG->mnet_all_hosts_id));
     $this->content = new stdClass();
     $this->content->items = array();
     $this->content->icons = array();
     $this->content->footer = '';
     if ($hosts) {
         foreach ($hosts as $host) {
             $icon = '<img src="' . $OUTPUT->pix_url('i/' . $host->application . '_host') . '"' . ' class="icon" alt="' . get_string('server', 'block_mnet_hosts') . '" />&nbsp;';
             if ($host->id == $USER->mnethostid) {
                 $this->content->items[] = "<a title=\"" . s($host->name) . "\" href=\"{$host->wwwroot}\">" . $icon . s($host->name) . "</a>";
             } else {
                 $this->content->items[] = "<a title=\"" . s($host->name) . "\" href=\"{$CFG->wwwroot}/auth/mnet/jump.php?hostid={$host->id}\">" . $icon . s($host->name) . "</a>";
     return $this->content;
  * Print fixy (login or menu for signed in users)
 public function print_fixed_menu()
     global $CFG, $USER, $PAGE, $DB;
     $logout = get_string('logout');
     $isguest = isguestuser();
     if (!isloggedin() || $isguest) {
         $login = get_string('login');
         $cancel = get_string('cancel');
         $username = get_string('username');
         $password = get_string('password');
         $loginform = get_string('loginform', 'theme_snap');
         $helpstr = '';
         if (empty($CFG->forcelogin) || $isguest || !isloggedin() || !empty($CFG->registerauth) || is_enabled_auth('none') || !empty($CFG->auth_instructions)) {
             if ($isguest) {
                 $helpstr = '<p class="text-center">' . get_string('loggedinasguest', 'theme_snap') . '</p>';
                 $helpstr .= '<p class="text-center">' . '<a class="btn btn-primary" href="' . s($CFG->wwwroot) . '/login/logout.php?sesskey=' . sesskey() . '">' . $logout . '</a></p>';
                 $helpstr .= '<p class="text-center">' . '<a href="' . s($CFG->wwwroot) . '/login/index.php">' . get_string('helpwithloginandguest', 'theme_snap') . '</a></p>';
             } else {
                 if (empty($CFG->forcelogin)) {
                     $help = get_string('helpwithloginandguest', 'theme_snap');
                 } else {
                     $help = get_string('helpwithlogin', 'theme_snap');
                 $helpstr = "<p class='text-center'><a href='" . s($CFG->wwwroot) . "/login/index.php'>{$help}</a></p>";
         echo $this->print_login_button();
         echo "<form class=fixy action='{$CFG->wwwroot}/login/'  method='post' id='login'>\n        <a id='fixy-close' class='pull-right snap-action-icon' href='#'>\n            <i class='icon icon-office-52'></i><small>{$cancel}</small>\n        </a>\n            <div class=fixy-inner>\n            <legend>{$loginform}</legend>\n            <label for='username'>{$username}</label>\n            <input autocapitalize='off' type='text' name='username' id='username' placeholder='" . s($username) . "'>\n            <label for='password'>{$password}</label>\n            <input type='password' name='password' id='password' placeholder='" . s($password) . "'>\n            <br>\n            <input type='submit' id='loginbtn' value='" . s($login) . "'>\n            {$helpstr}\n            </div>\n        </form>";
     } else {
         $courselist = "";
         $userpicture = new user_picture($USER);
         $userpicture->link = false;
         $userpicture->alttext = false;
         $userpicture->size = 100;
         $picture = $this->render($userpicture);
         $mycourses = enrol_get_my_courses(null, 'visible DESC, fullname ASC, id DESC');
         $courselist .= "<section id='fixy-my-courses'><div class='clearfix'><h2>" . get_string('courses') . "</h2>";
         foreach ($mycourses as $c) {
             $pubstatus = "";
             if (!$c->visible) {
                 $notpublished = get_string('notpublished', 'theme_snap');
                 $pubstatus = "<small class='published-status'>" . $notpublished . "</small>";
             $bgcolor = local::get_course_color($c->id);
             $courseimagecss = "background-color: #{$bgcolor};";
             $bgimage = local::course_coverimage_url($c->id);
             if (!empty($bgimage)) {
                 $courseimagecss .= "background-image: url({$bgimage});";
             $dynamicinfo = '<div data-courseid="' . $c->id . '" class=dynamicinfo></div>';
             $teachers = '';
             $courseteachers = '';
             $clist = new course_in_list($c);
             $teachers = $clist->get_course_contacts();
             if (!empty($teachers)) {
                 $courseteachers = "<div class='sr-only'>" . get_string('coursecontacts', 'theme_snap') . "</div>";
                 // Get all teacher user records in one go.
                 $teacherids = array();
                 foreach ($teachers as $teacher) {
                     $teacherids[] = $teacher['user']->id;
                 $teacherusers = $DB->get_records_list('user', 'id', $teacherids);
                 foreach ($teachers as $teacher) {
                     if (!isset($teacherusers[$teacher['user']->id])) {
                     $teacheruser = $teacherusers[$teacher['user']->id];
                     $userpicture = new user_picture($teacheruser);
                     $userpicture->link = false;
                     $userpicture->size = 100;
                     $teacherpicture = $this->render($userpicture);
                     $courseteachers .= $teacherpicture;
             $clink = '<div data-href="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/course/view.php?id=' . $c->id . '" class="courseinfo" style="' . $courseimagecss . '">
                 <div class="courseinfo-body"><h3><a href="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/course/view.php?id=' . $c->id . '">' . format_string($c->fullname) . '</a></h3>' . $dynamicinfo . $courseteachers . $pubstatus . '</div></div>';
             $courselist .= $clink;
         $courselist .= "</div>";
         $courselist .= '<div class="row fixy-browse-search-courses"><br>';
         if (has_capability('moodle/site:config', context_system::instance())) {
             $courserenderer = $PAGE->get_renderer('core', 'course');
             $courselist .= '<div class="col-md-6">';
             $courselist .= $courserenderer->course_search_form(null, 'fixy');
             $courselist .= '</div>';
         $courselist .= '<div class="col-md-6">';
         $courselist .= $this->print_view_all_courses();
         $courselist .= '</div>';
         $courselist .= '</div></section>';
         // Close row.
         $menu = get_string('menu', 'theme_snap');
         echo '<a href="#primary-nav" aria-haspopup="true" class="fixy-trigger" id="js-personal-menu-trigger" ' . 'aria-controls="primary-nav" title="' . get_string('sitenavigation', 'theme_snap') . '" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="bottom">' . $menu . $picture . $this->render_badge_count() . '</a>';
         $close = get_string('close', 'theme_snap');
         $viewyourprofile = get_string('viewyourprofile', 'theme_snap');
         $realuserinfo = '';
         if (\core\session\manager::is_loggedinas()) {
             $realuser = \core\session\manager::get_realuser();
             $via = get_string('via', 'theme_snap');
             $fullname = fullname($realuser, true);
             $realuserinfo = html_writer::span($via . ' ' . html_writer::span($fullname, 'real-user-name'), 'real-user-info');
         echo '<nav id="primary-nav" class="fixy toggle-details" tabindex="0">
     <a id="fixy-close" class="pull-right snap-action-icon" href="#">
         <i class="icon icon-office-52"></i><small>' . $close . '</small>
     <div class=fixy-inner>
     <h1 id="fixy-profile-link">
         <a title="' . s($viewyourprofile) . '" href="' . s($CFG->wwwroot) . '/user/profile.php" >' . $picture . '<span id="fixy-username">' . format_string(fullname($USER)) . '</span>
     </h1>' . $realuserinfo . $courselist . $this->render_callstoaction() . '
     <div class="fixy-logout-footer clearfix text-center">
         <a class="btn btn-default logout" href="' . s($CFG->wwwroot) . '/login/logout.php?sesskey=' . sesskey() . '">' . $logout . '</a>
     </div><!-- end fixy-inner -->
     </nav><!-- end primary nav -->';
 * Store user last access times - called when use enters a course or site
 * @package core
 * @category log
 * @global stdClass $USER
 * @global stdClass $CFG
 * @global moodle_database $DB
 * @uses SITEID
 * @param int $courseid  empty courseid means site
 * @return void
function user_accesstime_log($courseid = 0)
    global $USER, $CFG, $DB;
    if (!isloggedin() or \core\session\manager::is_loggedinas()) {
        // no access tracking
    if (isguestuser()) {
        // Do not update guest access times/ips for performance.
    if (empty($courseid)) {
        $courseid = SITEID;
    $timenow = time();
    /// Store site lastaccess time for the current user
    if ($timenow - $USER->lastaccess > LASTACCESS_UPDATE_SECS) {
        /// Update $USER->lastaccess for next checks
        $USER->lastaccess = $timenow;
        $last = new stdClass();
        $last->id = $USER->id;
        $last->lastip = getremoteaddr();
        $last->lastaccess = $timenow;
        $DB->update_record_raw('user', $last);
    if ($courseid == SITEID) {
        ///  no user_lastaccess for frontpage
    /// Store course lastaccess times for the current user
    if (empty($USER->currentcourseaccess[$courseid]) or $timenow - $USER->currentcourseaccess[$courseid] > LASTACCESS_UPDATE_SECS) {
        $lastaccess = $DB->get_field('user_lastaccess', 'timeaccess', array('userid' => $USER->id, 'courseid' => $courseid));
        if ($lastaccess === false) {
            // Update course lastaccess for next checks
            $USER->currentcourseaccess[$courseid] = $timenow;
            $last = new stdClass();
            $last->userid = $USER->id;
            $last->courseid = $courseid;
            $last->timeaccess = $timenow;
            try {
                $DB->insert_record_raw('user_lastaccess', $last, false);
            } catch (dml_write_exception $e) {
                // During a race condition we can fail to find the data, then it appears.
                // If we still can't find it, rethrow the exception.
                $lastaccess = $DB->get_field('user_lastaccess', 'timeaccess', array('userid' => $USER->id, 'courseid' => $courseid));
                if ($lastaccess === false) {
                    throw $e;
                // If we did find it, the race condition was true and another thread has inserted the time for us.
                // We can just continue without having to do anything.
        } else {
            if ($timenow - $lastaccess < LASTACCESS_UPDATE_SECS) {
                // no need to update now, it was updated recently in concurrent login ;-)
            } else {
                // Update course lastaccess for next checks
                $USER->currentcourseaccess[$courseid] = $timenow;
                $DB->set_field('user_lastaccess', 'timeaccess', $timenow, array('userid' => $USER->id, 'courseid' => $courseid));
  * This function gets called by {@link settings_navigation::load_user_settings()} and actually works out
  * what can be shown/done
  * @param int $courseid The current course' id
  * @param int $userid The user id to load for
  * @param string $gstitle The string to pass to get_string for the branch title
  * @return navigation_node|false
 protected function generate_user_settings($courseid, $userid, $gstitle = 'usercurrentsettings')
     global $DB, $CFG, $USER, $SITE;
     if ($courseid != $SITE->id) {
         if (!empty($this->page->course->id) && $this->page->course->id == $courseid) {
             $course = $this->page->course;
         } else {
             $select = context_helper::get_preload_record_columns_sql('ctx');
             $sql = "SELECT c.*, {$select}\n                          FROM {course} c\n                          JOIN {context} ctx ON c.id = ctx.instanceid\n                         WHERE c.id = :courseid AND ctx.contextlevel = :contextlevel";
             $params = array('courseid' => $courseid, 'contextlevel' => CONTEXT_COURSE);
             $course = $DB->get_record_sql($sql, $params, MUST_EXIST);
     } else {
         $course = $SITE;
     $coursecontext = context_course::instance($course->id);
     // Course context
     $systemcontext = context_system::instance();
     $currentuser = $USER->id == $userid;
     if ($currentuser) {
         $user = $USER;
         $usercontext = context_user::instance($user->id);
         // User context
     } else {
         $select = context_helper::get_preload_record_columns_sql('ctx');
         $sql = "SELECT u.*, {$select}\n                      FROM {user} u\n                      JOIN {context} ctx ON u.id = ctx.instanceid\n                     WHERE u.id = :userid AND ctx.contextlevel = :contextlevel";
         $params = array('userid' => $userid, 'contextlevel' => CONTEXT_USER);
         $user = $DB->get_record_sql($sql, $params, IGNORE_MISSING);
         if (!$user) {
             return false;
         // Check that the user can view the profile
         $usercontext = context_user::instance($user->id);
         // User context
         $canviewuser = has_capability('moodle/user:viewdetails', $usercontext);
         if ($course->id == $SITE->id) {
             if ($CFG->forceloginforprofiles && !has_coursecontact_role($user->id) && !$canviewuser) {
                 // Reduce possibility of "browsing" userbase at site level
                 // Teachers can browse and be browsed at site level. If not forceloginforprofiles, allow access (bug #4366)
                 return false;
         } else {
             $canviewusercourse = has_capability('moodle/user:viewdetails', $coursecontext);
             $userisenrolled = is_enrolled($coursecontext, $user->id);
             if (!$canviewusercourse && !$canviewuser || !$userisenrolled) {
                 return false;
             $canaccessallgroups = has_capability('moodle/site:accessallgroups', $coursecontext);
             if (!$canaccessallgroups && groups_get_course_groupmode($course) == SEPARATEGROUPS) {
                 // If groups are in use, make sure we can see that group
                 return false;
     $fullname = fullname($user, has_capability('moodle/site:viewfullnames', $this->page->context));
     $key = $gstitle;
     if ($gstitle != 'usercurrentsettings') {
         $key .= $userid;
     // Add a user setting branch
     $usersetting = $this->add(get_string($gstitle, 'moodle', $fullname), null, self::TYPE_CONTAINER, null, $key);
     $usersetting->id = 'usersettings';
     if ($this->page->context->contextlevel == CONTEXT_USER && $this->page->context->instanceid == $user->id) {
         // Automatically start by making it active
     // Check if the user has been deleted
     if ($user->deleted) {
         if (!has_capability('moodle/user:update', $coursecontext)) {
             // We can't edit the user so just show the user deleted message
             $usersetting->add(get_string('userdeleted'), null, self::TYPE_SETTING);
         } else {
             // We can edit the user so show the user deleted message and link it to the profile
             if ($course->id == $SITE->id) {
                 $profileurl = new moodle_url('/user/profile.php', array('id' => $user->id));
             } else {
                 $profileurl = new moodle_url('/user/view.php', array('id' => $user->id, 'course' => $course->id));
             $usersetting->add(get_string('userdeleted'), $profileurl, self::TYPE_SETTING);
         return true;
     $userauthplugin = false;
     if (!empty($user->auth)) {
         $userauthplugin = get_auth_plugin($user->auth);
     // Add the profile edit link
     if (isloggedin() && !isguestuser($user) && !is_mnet_remote_user($user)) {
         if (($currentuser || is_siteadmin($USER) || !is_siteadmin($user)) && has_capability('moodle/user:update', $systemcontext)) {
             $url = new moodle_url('/user/editadvanced.php', array('id' => $user->id, 'course' => $course->id));
             $usersetting->add(get_string('editmyprofile'), $url, self::TYPE_SETTING);
         } else {
             if (has_capability('moodle/user:editprofile', $usercontext) && !is_siteadmin($user) || $currentuser && has_capability('moodle/user:editownprofile', $systemcontext)) {
                 if ($userauthplugin && $userauthplugin->can_edit_profile()) {
                     $url = $userauthplugin->edit_profile_url();
                     if (empty($url)) {
                         $url = new moodle_url('/user/edit.php', array('id' => $user->id, 'course' => $course->id));
                     $usersetting->add(get_string('editmyprofile'), $url, self::TYPE_SETTING);
     // Change password link
     if ($userauthplugin && $currentuser && !\core\session\manager::is_loggedinas() && !isguestuser() && has_capability('moodle/user:changeownpassword', $systemcontext) && $userauthplugin->can_change_password()) {
         $passwordchangeurl = $userauthplugin->change_password_url();
         if (empty($passwordchangeurl)) {
             $passwordchangeurl = new moodle_url('/login/change_password.php', array('id' => $course->id));
         $usersetting->add(get_string("changepassword"), $passwordchangeurl, self::TYPE_SETTING);
     // View the roles settings
     if (has_any_capability(array('moodle/role:assign', 'moodle/role:safeoverride', 'moodle/role:override', 'moodle/role:manage'), $usercontext)) {
         $roles = $usersetting->add(get_string('roles'), null, self::TYPE_SETTING);
         $url = new moodle_url('/admin/roles/usersroles.php', array('userid' => $user->id, 'courseid' => $course->id));
         $roles->add(get_string('thisusersroles', 'role'), $url, self::TYPE_SETTING);
         $assignableroles = get_assignable_roles($usercontext, ROLENAME_BOTH);
         if (!empty($assignableroles)) {
             $url = new moodle_url('/admin/roles/assign.php', array('contextid' => $usercontext->id, 'userid' => $user->id, 'courseid' => $course->id));
             $roles->add(get_string('assignrolesrelativetothisuser', 'role'), $url, self::TYPE_SETTING);
         if (has_capability('moodle/role:review', $usercontext) || count(get_overridable_roles($usercontext, ROLENAME_BOTH)) > 0) {
             $url = new moodle_url('/admin/roles/permissions.php', array('contextid' => $usercontext->id, 'userid' => $user->id, 'courseid' => $course->id));
             $roles->add(get_string('permissions', 'role'), $url, self::TYPE_SETTING);
         $url = new moodle_url('/admin/roles/check.php', array('contextid' => $usercontext->id, 'userid' => $user->id, 'courseid' => $course->id));
         $roles->add(get_string('checkpermissions', 'role'), $url, self::TYPE_SETTING);
     // Portfolio
     if ($currentuser && !empty($CFG->enableportfolios) && has_capability('moodle/portfolio:export', $systemcontext)) {
         require_once $CFG->libdir . '/portfoliolib.php';
         if (portfolio_has_visible_instances()) {
             $portfolio = $usersetting->add(get_string('portfolios', 'portfolio'), null, self::TYPE_SETTING);
             $url = new moodle_url('/user/portfolio.php', array('courseid' => $course->id));
             $portfolio->add(get_string('configure', 'portfolio'), $url, self::TYPE_SETTING);
             $url = new moodle_url('/user/portfoliologs.php', array('courseid' => $course->id));
             $portfolio->add(get_string('logs', 'portfolio'), $url, self::TYPE_SETTING);
     $enablemanagetokens = false;
     if (!empty($CFG->enablerssfeeds)) {
         $enablemanagetokens = true;
     } else {
         if (!is_siteadmin($USER->id) && !empty($CFG->enablewebservices) && has_capability('moodle/webservice:createtoken', context_system::instance())) {
             $enablemanagetokens = true;
     // Security keys
     if ($currentuser && $enablemanagetokens) {
         $url = new moodle_url('/user/managetoken.php', array('sesskey' => sesskey()));
         $usersetting->add(get_string('securitykeys', 'webservice'), $url, self::TYPE_SETTING);
     // Messaging
     if ($currentuser && has_capability('moodle/user:editownmessageprofile', $systemcontext) || !isguestuser($user) && has_capability('moodle/user:editmessageprofile', $usercontext) && !is_primary_admin($user->id)) {
         $url = new moodle_url('/message/edit.php', array('id' => $user->id));
         $usersetting->add(get_string('messaging', 'message'), $url, self::TYPE_SETTING);
     // Blogs
     if ($currentuser && !empty($CFG->enableblogs)) {
         $blog = $usersetting->add(get_string('blogs', 'blog'), null, navigation_node::TYPE_CONTAINER, null, 'blogs');
         $blog->add(get_string('preferences', 'blog'), new moodle_url('/blog/preferences.php'), navigation_node::TYPE_SETTING);
         if (!empty($CFG->useexternalblogs) && $CFG->maxexternalblogsperuser > 0 && has_capability('moodle/blog:manageexternal', context_system::instance())) {
             $blog->add(get_string('externalblogs', 'blog'), new moodle_url('/blog/external_blogs.php'), navigation_node::TYPE_SETTING);
             $blog->add(get_string('addnewexternalblog', 'blog'), new moodle_url('/blog/external_blog_edit.php'), navigation_node::TYPE_SETTING);
     // Badges.
     if ($currentuser && !empty($CFG->enablebadges)) {
         $badges = $usersetting->add(get_string('badges'), null, navigation_node::TYPE_CONTAINER, null, 'badges');
         $badges->add(get_string('preferences'), new moodle_url('/badges/preferences.php'), navigation_node::TYPE_SETTING);
         if (!empty($CFG->badges_allowexternalbackpack)) {
             $badges->add(get_string('backpackdetails', 'badges'), new moodle_url('/badges/mybackpack.php'), navigation_node::TYPE_SETTING);
     // Add reports node.
     $reporttab = $usersetting->add(get_string('activityreports'));
     $reports = get_plugin_list_with_function('report', 'extend_navigation_user', 'lib.php');
     foreach ($reports as $reportfunction) {
         $reportfunction($reporttab, $user, $course);
     $anyreport = has_capability('moodle/user:viewuseractivitiesreport', $usercontext);
     if ($anyreport || $course->showreports && $currentuser) {
         // Add grade hardcoded grade report if necessary.
         $gradeaccess = false;
         if (has_capability('moodle/grade:viewall', $coursecontext)) {
             // Can view all course grades.
             $gradeaccess = true;
         } else {
             if ($course->showgrades) {
                 if ($currentuser && has_capability('moodle/grade:view', $coursecontext)) {
                     // Can view own grades.
                     $gradeaccess = true;
                 } else {
                     if (has_capability('moodle/grade:viewall', $usercontext)) {
                         // Can view grades of this user - parent most probably.
                         $gradeaccess = true;
                     } else {
                         if ($anyreport) {
                             // Can view grades of this user - parent most probably.
                             $gradeaccess = true;
         if ($gradeaccess) {
             $reporttab->add(get_string('grade'), new moodle_url('/course/user.php', array('mode' => 'grade', 'id' => $course->id, 'user' => $usercontext->instanceid)));
     // Check the number of nodes in the report node... if there are none remove the node
     // Login as ...
     if (!$user->deleted and !$currentuser && !\core\session\manager::is_loggedinas() && has_capability('moodle/user:loginas', $coursecontext) && !is_siteadmin($user->id)) {
         $url = new moodle_url('/course/loginas.php', array('id' => $course->id, 'user' => $user->id, 'sesskey' => sesskey()));
         $usersetting->add(get_string('loginas'), $url, self::TYPE_SETTING);
     return $usersetting;
    public function login_info($withlinks = null) {
        global $USER, $CFG, $DB, $SESSION,$OUTPUT;

        if (during_initial_install()) {
            return '';

        if (is_null($withlinks)) {
            $withlinks = empty($this->page->layout_options['nologinlinks']);

        $loginpage = ((string)$this->page->url === get_login_url());
        $course = $this->page->course;
        if (\core\session\manager::is_loggedinas()) {
            $realuser = session_get_realuser();
            $fullname = fullname($realuser, true);
            if ($withlinks) {
                $loginastitle = get_string('loginas');
                $realuserinfo = " <a href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/course/loginas.php?id=$course->id&amp;sesskey=".sesskey()."\"";
                $realuserinfo .= "title =\"".$loginastitle."\">$fullname</a>";
            } else {
                $realuserinfo = "$fullname";
        } else {
            $realuserinfo = '';

        $loginurl = get_login_url();

        if (empty($course->id)) {
            // $course->id is not defined during installation
            return '';
        } else if (isloggedin()) {
            $context = context_course::instance($course->id);

            $fullname = fullname($USER, true);
            // Since Moodle 2.0 this link always goes to the public profile page (not the course profile page)
            if ($withlinks) {
                $linktitle = get_string('viewprofile');
                $username = "******"$CFG->wwwroot/user/view.php?id=$USER->id&course=$course->id\" title=\"$linktitle\">$fullname</a>";
            } else {
                $username = $fullname;
            if (is_mnet_remote_user($USER) and $idprovider = $DB->get_record('mnet_host', array('id'=>$USER->mnethostid))) {
                if ($withlinks) {
                    $username .= " from <a href=\"{$idprovider->wwwroot}\">{$idprovider->name}</a>";
                } else {
                    $username .= " from {$idprovider->name}";
            if (isguestuser()) {
                $loggedinas = get_string('loggedinasguest','theme_colms');
                $loggout = "<a href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/login/logout.php?sesskey=".sesskey()."\" id='logout'>".get_string('logout').'</a>';
                if (!$loginpage && $withlinks) {
                    $loggedinas .= " (<a href=\"$loginurl\" style=\"vertical-align:middle;margin:0;\">".get_string('login').'</a>)';
            } else if (is_role_switched($course->id)) { // Has switched roles
                $rolename = '';
                if ($role = $DB->get_record('role', array('id'=>$USER->access['rsw'][$context->path]))) {
                    // $rolename = ': '.role_get_name($role, $context);
					$rolename = '';
                $loggedinas = get_string('loggedinas', 'theme_colms', $username).$rolename;
                if ($withlinks) {
                    $url = new moodle_url('/course/switchrole.php', array('id'=>$course->id,'sesskey'=>sesskey(), 'switchrole'=>0, 'returnurl'=>$this->page->url->out_as_local_url(false)));
                    // $loggedinas .= '('.html_writer::tag('a', get_string('switchrolereturn'), array('href'=>$url)).')';
            } else {
                $loggedinas = $realuserinfo.get_string('loggedinas', 'theme_colms', $username);
                if ($withlinks) {
                    $loggout = "<a href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/login/logout.php?sesskey=".sesskey()."\" id='logout'>".get_string('logout').'</a>';
        } else {
            $loggedinas = get_string('loggedinnot', 'theme_colms');
            if (!$loginpage && $withlinks) {
                $loggedinas = "<a href='javascript:void(0)' id='login_button'>".get_string('login').'</a>';
        // if(isloggedin() || isguestuser()){
        // $loggedinas = '<div class="logininfo"><div id="logoutlink">'. $loggedinas .'<a href="javascript:void(0)" id="pop_logout"><img src=' . $OUTPUT->pix_url("down_arrow","theme") .'  /></a></div>', array("class"=>"userimg")) . ''.$loggout.'</div>';
        // }
		if(isloggedin() || isguestuser()){
		$loggout = "<a href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/login/logout.php?sesskey=".sesskey()."\" class='box_log'>".get_string('logout').'</a>';
        $loggedinas = '<div class="logininfo"><div class="logoutlink">'. $loggedinas .'</div><div class="box_log">'.$loggout.'</div></div>';
        if (isset($SESSION->justloggedin)) {
            if (!empty($CFG->displayloginfailures)) {
                if (!isguestuser()) {
                    if ($count = count_login_failures($CFG->displayloginfailures, $USER->username, $USER->lastlogin)) {
                        $loggedinas .= '&nbsp;<div class="loginfailures">';
                        if (empty($count->accounts)) {
                            $loggedinas .= get_string('failedloginattempts', '', $count);
                        } else {
                            $loggedinas .= get_string('failedloginattemptsall', '', $count);
                        if (file_exists("$CFG->dirroot/report/log/index.php") and has_capability('report/log:view', context_system::instance())) {
                            $loggedinas .= ' (<a href="'.$CFG->wwwroot.'/report/log/index.php'.
                        $loggedinas .= '</div>';
        return $loggedinas;
 * Is current $USER logged-in-as somebody else?
 * @deprecated since 2.6
 * @return bool
function session_is_loggedinas()
    debugging('session_is_loggedinas() is deprecated, use \\core\\session\\manager::is_loggedinas() instead', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
    return \core\session\manager::is_loggedinas();
 public function test_log_writing()
     global $DB;
     // Logging waits till the transaction gets committed.
     $user1 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
     $user2 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
     $course1 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
     $module1 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('resource', array('course' => $course1));
     $course2 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
     $module2 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('resource', array('course' => $course2));
     // Test all plugins are disabled by this command.
     set_config('enabled_stores', '', 'tool_log');
     $manager = get_log_manager(true);
     $stores = $manager->get_readers();
     $this->assertCount(0, $stores);
     // Enable logging plugin.
     set_config('enabled_stores', 'logstore_standard', 'tool_log');
     set_config('buffersize', 0, 'logstore_standard');
     set_config('logguests', 1, 'logstore_standard');
     $manager = get_log_manager(true);
     $stores = $manager->get_readers();
     $this->assertCount(1, $stores);
     $this->assertEquals(array('logstore_standard'), array_keys($stores));
     /** @var \logstore_standard\log\store $store */
     $store = $stores['logstore_standard'];
     $this->assertInstanceOf('logstore_standard\\log\\store', $store);
     $this->assertInstanceOf('tool_log\\log\\writer', $store);
     $logs = $DB->get_records('logstore_standard_log', array(), 'id ASC');
     $this->assertCount(0, $logs);
     $event1 = \logstore_standard\event\unittest_executed::create(array('context' => context_module::instance($module1->cmid), 'other' => array('sample' => 5, 'xx' => 10)));
     $logs = $DB->get_records('logstore_standard_log', array(), 'id ASC');
     $this->assertCount(1, $logs);
     $log1 = reset($logs);
     $log1->other = unserialize($log1->other);
     $log1 = (array) $log1;
     $data = $event1->get_data();
     $data['origin'] = 'cli';
     $data['ip'] = null;
     $data['realuserid'] = null;
     $this->assertEquals($data, $log1);
     \core\session\manager::loginas($user1->id, context_system::instance());
     $this->assertEquals(2, $DB->count_records('logstore_standard_log'));
     $event2 = \logstore_standard\event\unittest_executed::create(array('context' => context_module::instance($module2->cmid), 'other' => array('sample' => 6, 'xx' => 9)));
     $logs = $DB->get_records('logstore_standard_log', array(), 'id ASC');
     $this->assertCount(3, $logs);
     $log2 = array_shift($logs);
     $this->assertSame('\\core\\event\\user_loggedinas', $log2->eventname);
     $this->assertSame('cli', $log2->origin);
     $log3 = array_shift($logs);
     $log3->other = unserialize($log3->other);
     $log3 = (array) $log3;
     $data = $event2->get_data();
     $data['origin'] = 'restore';
     $data['ip'] = null;
     $data['realuserid'] = 2;
     $this->assertEquals($data, $log3);
     // Test table exists.
     $tablename = $store->get_internal_log_table_name();
     // Test reading.
     $this->assertSame(3, $store->get_events_select_count('', array()));
     $events = $store->get_events_select('', array(), 'timecreated ASC', 0, 0);
     // Is actually sorted by "timecreated ASC, id ASC".
     $this->assertCount(3, $events);
     $resev1 = array_shift($events);
     $resev2 = array_shift($events);
     $this->assertEquals($event1->get_data(), $resev1->get_data());
     $this->assertEquals($event2->get_data(), $resev2->get_data());
     // Test buffering.
     set_config('buffersize', 3, 'logstore_standard');
     $manager = get_log_manager(true);
     $stores = $manager->get_readers();
     /** @var \logstore_standard\log\store $store */
     $store = $stores['logstore_standard'];
     \logstore_standard\event\unittest_executed::create(array('context' => context_module::instance($module1->cmid), 'other' => array('sample' => 5, 'xx' => 10)))->trigger();
     $this->assertEquals(0, $DB->count_records('logstore_standard_log'));
     \logstore_standard\event\unittest_executed::create(array('context' => context_module::instance($module1->cmid), 'other' => array('sample' => 5, 'xx' => 10)))->trigger();
     $this->assertEquals(0, $DB->count_records('logstore_standard_log'));
     $this->assertEquals(2, $DB->count_records('logstore_standard_log'));
     \logstore_standard\event\unittest_executed::create(array('context' => context_module::instance($module1->cmid), 'other' => array('sample' => 5, 'xx' => 10)))->trigger();
     $this->assertEquals(2, $DB->count_records('logstore_standard_log'));
     \logstore_standard\event\unittest_executed::create(array('context' => context_module::instance($module1->cmid), 'other' => array('sample' => 5, 'xx' => 10)))->trigger();
     $this->assertEquals(2, $DB->count_records('logstore_standard_log'));
     \logstore_standard\event\unittest_executed::create(array('context' => context_module::instance($module1->cmid), 'other' => array('sample' => 5, 'xx' => 10)))->trigger();
     $this->assertEquals(5, $DB->count_records('logstore_standard_log'));
     \logstore_standard\event\unittest_executed::create(array('context' => context_module::instance($module1->cmid), 'other' => array('sample' => 5, 'xx' => 10)))->trigger();
     $this->assertEquals(5, $DB->count_records('logstore_standard_log'));
     \logstore_standard\event\unittest_executed::create(array('context' => context_module::instance($module1->cmid), 'other' => array('sample' => 5, 'xx' => 10)))->trigger();
     $this->assertEquals(5, $DB->count_records('logstore_standard_log'));
     \logstore_standard\event\unittest_executed::create(array('context' => context_module::instance($module1->cmid), 'other' => array('sample' => 5, 'xx' => 10)))->trigger();
     $this->assertEquals(8, $DB->count_records('logstore_standard_log'));
     // Test guest logging setting.
     set_config('logguests', 0, 'logstore_standard');
     set_config('buffersize', 0, 'logstore_standard');
     \logstore_standard\event\unittest_executed::create(array('context' => context_module::instance($module1->cmid), 'other' => array('sample' => 5, 'xx' => 10)))->trigger();
     $this->assertEquals(0, $DB->count_records('logstore_standard_log'));
     \logstore_standard\event\unittest_executed::create(array('context' => context_module::instance($module1->cmid), 'other' => array('sample' => 5, 'xx' => 10)))->trigger();
     $this->assertEquals(0, $DB->count_records('logstore_standard_log'));
     \logstore_standard\event\unittest_executed::create(array('context' => context_module::instance($module1->cmid), 'other' => array('sample' => 5, 'xx' => 10)))->trigger();
     $this->assertEquals(1, $DB->count_records('logstore_standard_log'));
     \logstore_standard\event\unittest_executed::create(array('context' => context_module::instance($module1->cmid), 'other' => array('sample' => 5, 'xx' => 10)))->trigger();
     $this->assertEquals(2, $DB->count_records('logstore_standard_log'));
     set_config('enabled_stores', '', 'tool_log');
 * This function checks that the current user is logged in and has the
 * required privileges
 * This function checks that the current user is logged in, and optionally
 * whether they are allowed to be in a particular course and view a particular
 * course module.
 * If they are not logged in, then it redirects them to the site login unless
 * $autologinguest is set and {@link $CFG}->autologinguests is set to 1 in which
 * case they are automatically logged in as guests.
 * If $courseid is given and the user is not enrolled in that course then the
 * user is redirected to the course enrolment page.
 * If $cm is given and the course module is hidden and the user is not a teacher
 * in the course then the user is redirected to the course home page.
 * When $cm parameter specified, this function sets page layout to 'module'.
 * You need to change it manually later if some other layout needed.
 * @package    core_access
 * @category   access
 * @param mixed $courseorid id of the course or course object
 * @param bool $autologinguest default true
 * @param object $cm course module object
 * @param bool $setwantsurltome Define if we want to set $SESSION->wantsurl, defaults to
 *             true. Used to avoid (=false) some scripts (file.php...) to set that variable,
 *             in order to keep redirects working properly. MDL-14495
 * @param bool $preventredirect set to true in scripts that can not redirect (CLI, rss feeds, etc.), throws exceptions
 * @return mixed Void, exit, and die depending on path
 * @throws coding_exception
 * @throws require_login_exception
function require_login($courseorid = null, $autologinguest = true, $cm = null, $setwantsurltome = true, $preventredirect = false)
    global $CFG, $SESSION, $USER, $PAGE, $SITE, $DB, $OUTPUT;
    // Must not redirect when byteserving already started.
    if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_RANGE'])) {
        $preventredirect = true;
    if (AJAX_SCRIPT) {
        // We cannot redirect for AJAX scripts either.
        $preventredirect = true;
    // Setup global $COURSE, themes, language and locale.
    if (!empty($courseorid)) {
        if (is_object($courseorid)) {
            $course = $courseorid;
        } else {
            if ($courseorid == SITEID) {
                $course = clone $SITE;
            } else {
                $course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $courseorid), '*', MUST_EXIST);
        if ($cm) {
            if ($cm->course != $course->id) {
                throw new coding_exception('course and cm parameters in require_login() call do not match!!');
            // Make sure we have a $cm from get_fast_modinfo as this contains activity access details.
            if (!$cm instanceof cm_info) {
                // Note: nearly all pages call get_fast_modinfo anyway and it does not make any
                // db queries so this is not really a performance concern, however it is obviously
                // better if you use get_fast_modinfo to get the cm before calling this.
                $modinfo = get_fast_modinfo($course);
                $cm = $modinfo->get_cm($cm->id);
    } else {
        // Do not touch global $COURSE via $PAGE->set_course(),
        // the reasons is we need to be able to call require_login() at any time!!
        $course = $SITE;
        if ($cm) {
            throw new coding_exception('cm parameter in require_login() requires valid course parameter!');
    // If this is an AJAX request and $setwantsurltome is true then we need to override it and set it to false.
    // Otherwise the AJAX request URL will be set to $SESSION->wantsurl and events such as self enrolment in the future
    // risk leading the user back to the AJAX request URL.
    if ($setwantsurltome && defined('AJAX_SCRIPT') && AJAX_SCRIPT) {
        $setwantsurltome = false;
    // Redirect to the login page if session has expired, only with dbsessions enabled (MDL-35029) to maintain current behaviour.
    if ((!isloggedin() or isguestuser()) && !empty($SESSION->has_timed_out) && !empty($CFG->dbsessions)) {
        if ($preventredirect) {
            throw new require_login_session_timeout_exception();
        } else {
            if ($setwantsurltome) {
                $SESSION->wantsurl = qualified_me();
    // If the user is not even logged in yet then make sure they are.
    if (!isloggedin()) {
        if ($autologinguest and !empty($CFG->guestloginbutton) and !empty($CFG->autologinguests)) {
            if (!($guest = get_complete_user_data('id', $CFG->siteguest))) {
                // Misconfigured site guest, just redirect to login page.
                // Never reached.
            $lang = isset($SESSION->lang) ? $SESSION->lang : $CFG->lang;
            $USER->autologinguest = true;
            $SESSION->lang = $lang;
        } else {
            // NOTE: $USER->site check was obsoleted by session test cookie, $USER->confirmed test is in login/index.php.
            if ($preventredirect) {
                throw new require_login_exception('You are not logged in');
            if ($setwantsurltome) {
                $SESSION->wantsurl = qualified_me();
            $referer = get_local_referer(false);
            if (!empty($referer)) {
                $SESSION->fromurl = $referer;
            // Give auth plugins an opportunity to authenticate or redirect to an external login page
            $authsequence = get_enabled_auth_plugins(true);
            // auths, in sequence
            foreach ($authsequence as $authname) {
                $authplugin = get_auth_plugin($authname);
                if (isloggedin()) {
            // If we're still not logged in then go to the login page
            if (!isloggedin()) {
                // Never reached.
    // Loginas as redirection if needed.
    if ($course->id != SITEID and \core\session\manager::is_loggedinas()) {
        if ($USER->loginascontext->contextlevel == CONTEXT_COURSE) {
            if ($USER->loginascontext->instanceid != $course->id) {
                print_error('loginasonecourse', '', $CFG->wwwroot . '/course/view.php?id=' . $USER->loginascontext->instanceid);
    // Check whether the user should be changing password (but only if it is REALLY them).
    if (get_user_preferences('auth_forcepasswordchange') && !\core\session\manager::is_loggedinas()) {
        $userauth = get_auth_plugin($USER->auth);
        if ($userauth->can_change_password() and !$preventredirect) {
            if ($setwantsurltome) {
                $SESSION->wantsurl = qualified_me();
            if ($changeurl = $userauth->change_password_url()) {
                // Use plugin custom url.
            } else {
                // Use moodle internal method.
                if (empty($CFG->loginhttps)) {
                    redirect($CFG->wwwroot . '/login/change_password.php');
                } else {
                    $wwwroot = str_replace('http:', 'https:', $CFG->wwwroot);
                    redirect($wwwroot . '/login/change_password.php');
        } else {
            if ($userauth->can_change_password()) {
                throw new moodle_exception('forcepasswordchangenotice');
            } else {
                throw new moodle_exception('nopasswordchangeforced', 'auth');
    // Check that the user account is properly set up. If we can't redirect to
    // edit their profile, perform just the lax check. It will allow them to
    // use filepicker on the profile edit page.
    if ($preventredirect) {
        $usernotfullysetup = user_not_fully_set_up($USER, false);
    } else {
        $usernotfullysetup = user_not_fully_set_up($USER, true);
    if ($usernotfullysetup) {
        if ($preventredirect) {
            throw new moodle_exception('usernotfullysetup');
        if ($setwantsurltome) {
            $SESSION->wantsurl = qualified_me();
        redirect($CFG->wwwroot . '/user/edit.php?id=' . $USER->id . '&amp;course=' . SITEID);
    // Make sure the USER has a sesskey set up. Used for CSRF protection.
    // Do not bother admins with any formalities.
    if (is_siteadmin()) {
        // Set the global $COURSE.
        if ($cm) {
            $PAGE->set_cm($cm, $course);
        } else {
            if (!empty($courseorid)) {
        // Set accesstime or the user will appear offline which messes up messaging.
    // Check that the user has agreed to a site policy if there is one - do not test in case of admins.
    if (!$USER->policyagreed and !is_siteadmin()) {
        if (!empty($CFG->sitepolicy) and !isguestuser()) {
            if ($preventredirect) {
                throw new moodle_exception('sitepolicynotagreed', 'error', '', $CFG->sitepolicy);
            if ($setwantsurltome) {
                $SESSION->wantsurl = qualified_me();
            redirect($CFG->wwwroot . '/user/policy.php');
        } else {
            if (!empty($CFG->sitepolicyguest) and isguestuser()) {
                if ($preventredirect) {
                    throw new moodle_exception('sitepolicynotagreed', 'error', '', $CFG->sitepolicyguest);
                if ($setwantsurltome) {
                    $SESSION->wantsurl = qualified_me();
                redirect($CFG->wwwroot . '/user/policy.php');
    // Fetch the system context, the course context, and prefetch its child contexts.
    $sysctx = context_system::instance();
    $coursecontext = context_course::instance($course->id, MUST_EXIST);
    if ($cm) {
        $cmcontext = context_module::instance($cm->id, MUST_EXIST);
    } else {
        $cmcontext = null;
    // If the site is currently under maintenance, then print a message.
    if (!empty($CFG->maintenance_enabled) and !has_capability('moodle/site:maintenanceaccess', $sysctx)) {
        if ($preventredirect) {
            throw new require_login_exception('Maintenance in progress');
    // Make sure the course itself is not hidden.
    if ($course->id == SITEID) {
        // Frontpage can not be hidden.
    } else {
        if (is_role_switched($course->id)) {
            // When switching roles ignore the hidden flag - user had to be in course to do the switch.
        } else {
            if (!$course->visible and !has_capability('moodle/course:viewhiddencourses', $coursecontext)) {
                // Originally there was also test of parent category visibility, BUT is was very slow in complex queries
                // involving "my courses" now it is also possible to simply hide all courses user is not enrolled in :-).
                if ($preventredirect) {
                    throw new require_login_exception('Course is hidden');
                // We need to override the navigation URL as the course won't have been added to the navigation and thus
                // the navigation will mess up when trying to find it.
                navigation_node::override_active_url(new moodle_url('/'));
                notice(get_string('coursehidden'), $CFG->wwwroot . '/');
    // Is the user enrolled?
    if ($course->id == SITEID) {
        // Everybody is enrolled on the frontpage.
    } else {
        if (\core\session\manager::is_loggedinas()) {
            // Make sure the REAL person can access this course first.
            $realuser = \core\session\manager::get_realuser();
            if (!is_enrolled($coursecontext, $realuser->id, '', true) and !is_viewing($coursecontext, $realuser->id) and !is_siteadmin($realuser->id)) {
                if ($preventredirect) {
                    throw new require_login_exception('Invalid course login-as access');
                echo $OUTPUT->header();
                notice(get_string('studentnotallowed', '', fullname($USER, true)), $CFG->wwwroot . '/');
        $access = false;
        if (is_role_switched($course->id)) {
            // Ok, user had to be inside this course before the switch.
            $access = true;
        } else {
            if (is_viewing($coursecontext, $USER)) {
                // Ok, no need to mess with enrol.
                $access = true;
            } else {
                if (isset($USER->enrol['enrolled'][$course->id])) {
                    if ($USER->enrol['enrolled'][$course->id] > time()) {
                        $access = true;
                        if (isset($USER->enrol['tempguest'][$course->id])) {
                    } else {
                        // Expired.
                if (isset($USER->enrol['tempguest'][$course->id])) {
                    if ($USER->enrol['tempguest'][$course->id] == 0) {
                        $access = true;
                    } else {
                        if ($USER->enrol['tempguest'][$course->id] > time()) {
                            $access = true;
                        } else {
                            // Expired.
                if (!$access) {
                    // Cache not ok.
                    $until = enrol_get_enrolment_end($coursecontext->instanceid, $USER->id);
                    if ($until !== false) {
                        // Active participants may always access, a timestamp in the future, 0 (always) or false.
                        if ($until == 0) {
                            $until = ENROL_MAX_TIMESTAMP;
                        $USER->enrol['enrolled'][$course->id] = $until;
                        $access = true;
                    } else {
                        $params = array('courseid' => $course->id, 'status' => ENROL_INSTANCE_ENABLED);
                        $instances = $DB->get_records('enrol', $params, 'sortorder, id ASC');
                        $enrols = enrol_get_plugins(true);
                        // First ask all enabled enrol instances in course if they want to auto enrol user.
                        foreach ($instances as $instance) {
                            if (!isset($enrols[$instance->enrol])) {
                            // Get a duration for the enrolment, a timestamp in the future, 0 (always) or false.
                            $until = $enrols[$instance->enrol]->try_autoenrol($instance);
                            if ($until !== false) {
                                if ($until == 0) {
                                    $until = ENROL_MAX_TIMESTAMP;
                                $USER->enrol['enrolled'][$course->id] = $until;
                                $access = true;
                        // If not enrolled yet try to gain temporary guest access.
                        if (!$access) {
                            foreach ($instances as $instance) {
                                if (!isset($enrols[$instance->enrol])) {
                                // Get a duration for the guest access, a timestamp in the future or false.
                                $until = $enrols[$instance->enrol]->try_guestaccess($instance);
                                if ($until !== false and $until > time()) {
                                    $USER->enrol['tempguest'][$course->id] = $until;
                                    $access = true;
        if (!$access) {
            if ($preventredirect) {
                throw new require_login_exception('Not enrolled');
            if ($setwantsurltome) {
                $SESSION->wantsurl = qualified_me();
            redirect($CFG->wwwroot . '/enrol/index.php?id=' . $course->id);
    // Check visibility of activity to current user; includes visible flag, conditional availability, etc.
    if ($cm && !$cm->uservisible) {
        if ($preventredirect) {
            throw new require_login_exception('Activity is hidden');
        if ($course->id != SITEID) {
            $url = new moodle_url('/course/view.php', array('id' => $course->id));
        } else {
            $url = new moodle_url('/');
        redirect($url, get_string('activityiscurrentlyhidden'));
    // Set the global $COURSE.
    if ($cm) {
        $PAGE->set_cm($cm, $course);
    } else {
        if (!empty($courseorid)) {
    // Finally access granted, update lastaccess times.
 public function test_is_loggedinas()
     $user1 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
     $user2 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
     \core\session\manager::loginas($user2->id, context_system::instance());
// Apache log integration. In apache conf file one can use ${MOODULEUSER}n in
// LogFormat to get the current logged in username in moodle.
if ($USER && function_exists('apache_note') && !empty($CFG->apacheloguser) && isset($USER->username)) {
    $apachelog_userid = $USER->id;
    $apachelog_username = clean_filename($USER->username);
    $apachelog_name = '';
    if (isset($USER->firstname)) {
        // We can assume both will be set
        // - even if to empty.
        $apachelog_name = clean_filename($USER->firstname . " " . $USER->lastname);
    if (\core\session\manager::is_loggedinas()) {
        $realuser = \core\session\manager::get_realuser();
        $apachelog_username = clean_filename($realuser->username . " as " . $apachelog_username);
        $apachelog_name = clean_filename($realuser->firstname . " " . $realuser->lastname . " as " . $apachelog_name);
        $apachelog_userid = clean_filename($realuser->id . " as " . $apachelog_userid);
    switch ($CFG->apacheloguser) {
        case 3:
            $logname = $apachelog_username;
        case 2:
            $logname = $apachelog_name;
        case 1:
            $logname = $apachelog_userid;
 * Store user last access times - called when use enters a course or site
 * @package core
 * @category log
 * @global stdClass $USER
 * @global stdClass $CFG
 * @global moodle_database $DB
 * @uses SITEID
 * @param int $courseid  empty courseid means site
 * @return void
function user_accesstime_log($courseid = 0)
    global $USER, $CFG, $DB;
    if (!isloggedin() or \core\session\manager::is_loggedinas()) {
        // no access tracking
    if (isguestuser()) {
        // Do not update guest access times/ips for performance.
    if (empty($courseid)) {
        $courseid = SITEID;
    $timenow = time();
    /// Store site lastaccess time for the current user
    if ($timenow - $USER->lastaccess > LASTACCESS_UPDATE_SECS) {
        /// Update $USER->lastaccess for next checks
        $USER->lastaccess = $timenow;
        $last = new stdClass();
        $last->id = $USER->id;
        $last->lastip = getremoteaddr();
        $last->lastaccess = $timenow;
        $DB->update_record_raw('user', $last);
    if ($courseid == SITEID) {
        ///  no user_lastaccess for frontpage
    /// Store course lastaccess times for the current user
    if (empty($USER->currentcourseaccess[$courseid]) or $timenow - $USER->currentcourseaccess[$courseid] > LASTACCESS_UPDATE_SECS) {
        $lastaccess = $DB->get_field('user_lastaccess', 'timeaccess', array('userid' => $USER->id, 'courseid' => $courseid));
        if ($lastaccess === false) {
            // Update course lastaccess for next checks
            $USER->currentcourseaccess[$courseid] = $timenow;
            $last = new stdClass();
            $last->userid = $USER->id;
            $last->courseid = $courseid;
            $last->timeaccess = $timenow;
            $DB->insert_record_raw('user_lastaccess', $last, false);
        } else {
            if ($timenow - $lastaccess < LASTACCESS_UPDATE_SECS) {
                // no need to update now, it was updated recently in concurrent login ;-)
            } else {
                // Update course lastaccess for next checks
                $USER->currentcourseaccess[$courseid] = $timenow;
                $DB->set_field('user_lastaccess', 'timeaccess', $timenow, array('userid' => $USER->id, 'courseid' => $courseid));
  * Legacy add_to_log() code.
  * @param    int $courseid The course id
  * @param    string $module The module name  e.g. forum, journal, resource, course, user etc
  * @param    string $action 'view', 'update', 'add' or 'delete', possibly followed by another word to clarify.
  * @param    string $url The file and parameters used to see the results of the action
  * @param    string $info Additional description information
  * @param    int $cm The course_module->id if there is one
  * @param    int|\stdClass $user If log regards $user other than $USER
 public function legacy_add_to_log($courseid, $module, $action, $url, $info, $cm, $user)
     // Note that this function intentionally does not follow the normal Moodle DB access idioms.
     // This is for a good reason: it is the most frequently used DB update function,
     // so it has been optimised for speed.
     global $DB, $CFG, $USER;
     if (!$this->is_logging()) {
     if ($cm === '' || is_null($cm)) {
         // Postgres won't translate empty string to its default.
         $cm = 0;
     if ($user) {
         $userid = $user;
     } else {
         if (\core\session\manager::is_loggedinas()) {
             // Don't log.
         $userid = empty($USER->id) ? '0' : $USER->id;
     if (isset($CFG->logguests) and !$CFG->logguests) {
         if (!$userid or isguestuser($userid)) {
     $remoteaddr = getremoteaddr();
     $timenow = time();
     if (!empty($url)) {
         // Could break doing html_entity_decode on an empty var.
         $url = html_entity_decode($url, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
     } else {
         $url = '';
     // Restrict length of log lines to the space actually available in the
     // database so that it doesn't cause a DB error. Log a warning so that
     // developers can avoid doing things which are likely to cause this on a
     // routine basis.
     if (\core_text::strlen($action) > 40) {
         $action = \core_text::substr($action, 0, 37) . '...';
         debugging('Warning: logged very long action', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
     if (!empty($info) && \core_text::strlen($info) > 255) {
         $info = \core_text::substr($info, 0, 252) . '...';
         debugging('Warning: logged very long info', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
     // If the 100 field size is changed, also need to alter print_log in course/lib.php.
     if (!empty($url) && \core_text::strlen($url) > 100) {
         $url = \core_text::substr($url, 0, 97) . '...';
         debugging('Warning: logged very long URL', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
     if (defined('MDL_PERFDB')) {
         global $PERF;
     $log = array('time' => $timenow, 'userid' => $userid, 'course' => $courseid, 'ip' => $remoteaddr, 'module' => $module, 'cmid' => $cm, 'action' => $action, 'url' => $url, 'info' => $info);
     try {
         $DB->insert_record_raw('log', $log, false);
     } catch (\dml_exception $e) {
         debugging('Error: Could not insert a new entry to the Moodle log. ' . $e->errorcode, DEBUG_ALL);
         // MDL-11893, alert $CFG->supportemail if insert into log failed.
         if ($CFG->supportemail and empty($CFG->noemailever)) {
             // Function email_to_user is not usable because email_to_user tries to write to the logs table,
             // and this will get caught in an infinite loop, if disk is full.
             $site = get_site();
             $subject = 'Insert into log failed at your moodle site ' . $site->fullname;
             $message = "Insert into log table failed at " . date('l dS \\of F Y h:i:s A') . ".\n It is possible that your disk is full.\n\n";
             $message .= "The failed query parameters are:\n\n" . var_export($log, true);
             $lasttime = get_config('admin', 'lastloginserterrormail');
             if (empty($lasttime) || time() - $lasttime > 60 * 60 * 24) {
                 // Limit to 1 email per day.
                 // Using email directly rather than messaging as they may not be able to log in to access a message.
                 mail($CFG->supportemail, $subject, $message);
                 set_config('lastloginserterrormail', time(), 'admin');
文件: auth.php 项目: covex-nn/moodle
  * Starts an RPC jump session and returns the jump redirect URL.
  * @param int $mnethostid id of the mnet host to jump to
  * @param string $wantsurl url to redirect to after the jump (usually on remote system)
  * @param boolean $wantsurlbackhere defaults to false, means that the remote system should bounce us back here
  *                                  rather than somewhere inside *its* wwwroot
 function start_jump_session($mnethostid, $wantsurl, $wantsurlbackhere = false)
     global $CFG, $USER, $DB;
     require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/mnet/xmlrpc/client.php';
     if (\core\session\manager::is_loggedinas()) {
         print_error('notpermittedtojumpas', 'mnet');
     // check remote login permissions
     if (!has_capability('moodle/site:mnetlogintoremote', context_system::instance()) or is_mnet_remote_user($USER) or isguestuser() or !isloggedin()) {
         print_error('notpermittedtojump', 'mnet');
     // check for SSO publish permission first
     if ($this->has_service($mnethostid, 'sso_sp') == false) {
         print_error('hostnotconfiguredforsso', 'mnet');
     // set RPC timeout to 30 seconds if not configured
     if (empty($this->config->rpc_negotiation_timeout)) {
         $this->config->rpc_negotiation_timeout = 30;
         set_config('rpc_negotiation_timeout', '30', 'auth_mnet');
     // get the host info
     $mnet_peer = new mnet_peer();
     // set up the session
     $mnet_session = $DB->get_record('mnet_session', array('userid' => $USER->id, 'mnethostid' => $mnethostid, 'useragent' => sha1($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])));
     if ($mnet_session == false) {
         $mnet_session = new stdClass();
         $mnet_session->mnethostid = $mnethostid;
         $mnet_session->userid = $USER->id;
         $mnet_session->username = $USER->username;
         $mnet_session->useragent = sha1($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
         $mnet_session->token = $this->generate_token();
         $mnet_session->confirm_timeout = time() + $this->config->rpc_negotiation_timeout;
         $mnet_session->expires = time() + (int) ini_get('session.gc_maxlifetime');
         $mnet_session->session_id = session_id();
         $mnet_session->id = $DB->insert_record('mnet_session', $mnet_session);
     } else {
         $mnet_session->useragent = sha1($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
         $mnet_session->token = $this->generate_token();
         $mnet_session->confirm_timeout = time() + $this->config->rpc_negotiation_timeout;
         $mnet_session->expires = time() + (int) ini_get('session.gc_maxlifetime');
         $mnet_session->session_id = session_id();
         $DB->update_record('mnet_session', $mnet_session);
     // construct the redirection URL
     //$transport = mnet_get_protocol($mnet_peer->transport);
     $wantsurl = urlencode($wantsurl);
     $url = "{$mnet_peer->wwwroot}{$mnet_peer->application->sso_land_url}?token={$mnet_session->token}&idp={$this->mnet->wwwroot}&wantsurl={$wantsurl}";
     if ($wantsurlbackhere) {
         $url .= '&remoteurl=1';
     return $url;
  * This function gets called by {@link settings_navigation::load_user_settings()} and actually works out
  * what can be shown/done
  * @param int $courseid The current course' id
  * @param int $userid The user id to load for
  * @param string $gstitle The string to pass to get_string for the branch title
  * @return navigation_node|false
 protected function generate_user_settings($courseid, $userid, $gstitle = 'usercurrentsettings')
     global $DB, $CFG, $USER, $SITE;
     if ($courseid != $SITE->id) {
         if (!empty($this->page->course->id) && $this->page->course->id == $courseid) {
             $course = $this->page->course;
         } else {
             $select = context_helper::get_preload_record_columns_sql('ctx');
             $sql = "SELECT c.*, {$select}\n                          FROM {course} c\n                          JOIN {context} ctx ON c.id = ctx.instanceid\n                         WHERE c.id = :courseid AND ctx.contextlevel = :contextlevel";
             $params = array('courseid' => $courseid, 'contextlevel' => CONTEXT_COURSE);
             $course = $DB->get_record_sql($sql, $params, MUST_EXIST);
     } else {
         $course = $SITE;
     $coursecontext = context_course::instance($course->id);
     // Course context
     $systemcontext = context_system::instance();
     $currentuser = $USER->id == $userid;
     if ($currentuser) {
         $user = $USER;
         $usercontext = context_user::instance($user->id);
         // User context
     } else {
         $select = context_helper::get_preload_record_columns_sql('ctx');
         $sql = "SELECT u.*, {$select}\n                      FROM {user} u\n                      JOIN {context} ctx ON u.id = ctx.instanceid\n                     WHERE u.id = :userid AND ctx.contextlevel = :contextlevel";
         $params = array('userid' => $userid, 'contextlevel' => CONTEXT_USER);
         $user = $DB->get_record_sql($sql, $params, IGNORE_MISSING);
         if (!$user) {
             return false;
         // Check that the user can view the profile
         $usercontext = context_user::instance($user->id);
         // User context
         $canviewuser = has_capability('moodle/user:viewdetails', $usercontext);
         if ($course->id == $SITE->id) {
             if ($CFG->forceloginforprofiles && !has_coursecontact_role($user->id) && !$canviewuser) {
                 // Reduce possibility of "browsing" userbase at site level
                 // Teachers can browse and be browsed at site level. If not forceloginforprofiles, allow access (bug #4366)
                 return false;
         } else {
             $canviewusercourse = has_capability('moodle/user:viewdetails', $coursecontext);
             $userisenrolled = is_enrolled($coursecontext, $user->id, '', true);
             if (!$canviewusercourse && !$canviewuser || !$userisenrolled) {
                 return false;
             $canaccessallgroups = has_capability('moodle/site:accessallgroups', $coursecontext);
             if (!$canaccessallgroups && groups_get_course_groupmode($course) == SEPARATEGROUPS && !$canviewuser) {
                 // If groups are in use, make sure we can see that group (MDL-45874). That does not apply to parents.
                 if ($courseid == $this->page->course->id) {
                     $mygroups = get_fast_modinfo($this->page->course)->groups;
                 } else {
                     $mygroups = groups_get_user_groups($courseid);
                 $usergroups = groups_get_user_groups($courseid, $userid);
                 if (!array_intersect_key($mygroups[0], $usergroups[0])) {
                     return false;
     $fullname = fullname($user, has_capability('moodle/site:viewfullnames', $this->page->context));
     $key = $gstitle;
     $prefurl = new moodle_url('/user/preferences.php');
     if ($gstitle != 'usercurrentsettings') {
         $key .= $userid;
         $prefurl->param('userid', $userid);
     // Add a user setting branch.
     if ($gstitle == 'usercurrentsettings') {
         $dashboard = $this->add(get_string('myhome'), new moodle_url('/my/'), self::TYPE_CONTAINER, null, 'dashboard');
         // This should be set to false as we don't want to show this to the user. It's only for generating the correct
         // breadcrumb.
         $dashboard->display = false;
         if (get_home_page() == HOMEPAGE_MY) {
             $dashboard->mainnavonly = true;
         $iscurrentuser = $user->id == $USER->id;
         $baseargs = array('id' => $user->id);
         if ($course->id != $SITE->id && !$iscurrentuser) {
             $baseargs['course'] = $course->id;
             $issitecourse = false;
         } else {
             // Load all categories and get the context for the system.
             $issitecourse = true;
         // Add the user profile to the dashboard.
         $profilenode = $dashboard->add(get_string('profile'), new moodle_url('/user/profile.php', array('id' => $user->id)), self::TYPE_SETTING, null, 'myprofile');
         if (!empty($CFG->navadduserpostslinks)) {
             // Add nodes for forum posts and discussions if the user can view either or both
             // There are no capability checks here as the content of the page is based
             // purely on the forums the current user has access too.
             $forumtab = $profilenode->add(get_string('forumposts', 'forum'));
             $forumtab->add(get_string('posts', 'forum'), new moodle_url('/mod/forum/user.php', $baseargs), null, 'myposts');
             $forumtab->add(get_string('discussions', 'forum'), new moodle_url('/mod/forum/user.php', array_merge($baseargs, array('mode' => 'discussions'))), null, 'mydiscussions');
         // Add blog nodes.
         if (!empty($CFG->enableblogs)) {
             if (!$this->cache->cached('userblogoptions' . $user->id)) {
                 require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/blog/lib.php';
                 // Get all options for the user.
                 $options = blog_get_options_for_user($user);
                 $this->cache->set('userblogoptions' . $user->id, $options);
             } else {
                 $options = $this->cache->{'userblogoptions' . $user->id};
             if (count($options) > 0) {
                 $blogs = $profilenode->add(get_string('blogs', 'blog'), null, navigation_node::TYPE_CONTAINER);
                 foreach ($options as $type => $option) {
                     if ($type == "rss") {
                         $blogs->add($option['string'], $option['link'], self::TYPE_SETTING, null, null, new pix_icon('i/rss', ''));
                     } else {
                         $blogs->add($option['string'], $option['link'], self::TYPE_SETTING, null, 'blog' . $type);
         // Add the messages link.
         // It is context based so can appear in the user's profile and in course participants information.
         if (!empty($CFG->messaging)) {
             $messageargs = array('user1' => $USER->id);
             if ($USER->id != $user->id) {
                 $messageargs['user2'] = $user->id;
             if ($course->id != $SITE->id) {
                 $messageargs['viewing'] = MESSAGE_VIEW_COURSE . $course->id;
             $url = new moodle_url('/message/index.php', $messageargs);
             $dashboard->add(get_string('messages', 'message'), $url, self::TYPE_SETTING, null, 'messages');
         // Add the "My private files" link.
         // This link doesn't have a unique display for course context so only display it under the user's profile.
         if ($issitecourse && $iscurrentuser && has_capability('moodle/user:manageownfiles', $usercontext)) {
             $url = new moodle_url('/user/files.php');
             $dashboard->add(get_string('privatefiles'), $url, self::TYPE_SETTING);
         // Add a node to view the users notes if permitted.
         if (!empty($CFG->enablenotes) && has_any_capability(array('moodle/notes:manage', 'moodle/notes:view'), $coursecontext)) {
             $url = new moodle_url('/notes/index.php', array('user' => $user->id));
             if ($coursecontext->instanceid != SITEID) {
                 $url->param('course', $coursecontext->instanceid);
             $profilenode->add(get_string('notes', 'notes'), $url);
         // Show the grades node.
         if ($issitecourse && $iscurrentuser || has_capability('moodle/user:viewdetails', $usercontext)) {
             require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/user/lib.php';
             // Set the grades node to link to the "Grades" page.
             if ($course->id == SITEID) {
                 $url = user_mygrades_url($user->id, $course->id);
             } else {
                 // Otherwise we are in a course and should redirect to the user grade report (Activity report version).
                 $url = new moodle_url('/course/user.php', array('mode' => 'grade', 'id' => $course->id, 'user' => $user->id));
             $dashboard->add(get_string('grades', 'grades'), $url, self::TYPE_SETTING, null, 'mygrades');
         // Let plugins hook into user navigation.
         $pluginsfunction = get_plugins_with_function('extend_navigation_user', 'lib.php');
         foreach ($pluginsfunction as $plugintype => $plugins) {
             if ($plugintype != 'report') {
                 foreach ($plugins as $pluginfunction) {
                     $pluginfunction($profilenode, $user, $usercontext, $course, $coursecontext);
         $usersetting = navigation_node::create(get_string('preferences', 'moodle'), $prefurl, self::TYPE_CONTAINER, null, $key);
     } else {
         $usersetting = $this->add(get_string('preferences', 'moodle'), $prefurl, self::TYPE_CONTAINER, null, $key);
         $usersetting->display = false;
     $usersetting->id = 'usersettings';
     // Check if the user has been deleted.
     if ($user->deleted) {
         if (!has_capability('moodle/user:update', $coursecontext)) {
             // We can't edit the user so just show the user deleted message.
             $usersetting->add(get_string('userdeleted'), null, self::TYPE_SETTING);
         } else {
             // We can edit the user so show the user deleted message and link it to the profile.
             if ($course->id == $SITE->id) {
                 $profileurl = new moodle_url('/user/profile.php', array('id' => $user->id));
             } else {
                 $profileurl = new moodle_url('/user/view.php', array('id' => $user->id, 'course' => $course->id));
             $usersetting->add(get_string('userdeleted'), $profileurl, self::TYPE_SETTING);
         return true;
     $userauthplugin = false;
     if (!empty($user->auth)) {
         $userauthplugin = get_auth_plugin($user->auth);
     $useraccount = $usersetting->add(get_string('useraccount'), null, self::TYPE_CONTAINER, null, 'useraccount');
     // Add the profile edit link.
     if (isloggedin() && !isguestuser($user) && !is_mnet_remote_user($user)) {
         if (($currentuser || is_siteadmin($USER) || !is_siteadmin($user)) && has_capability('moodle/user:update', $systemcontext)) {
             $url = new moodle_url('/user/editadvanced.php', array('id' => $user->id, 'course' => $course->id));
             $useraccount->add(get_string('editmyprofile'), $url, self::TYPE_SETTING);
         } else {
             if (has_capability('moodle/user:editprofile', $usercontext) && !is_siteadmin($user) || $currentuser && has_capability('moodle/user:editownprofile', $systemcontext)) {
                 if ($userauthplugin && $userauthplugin->can_edit_profile()) {
                     $url = $userauthplugin->edit_profile_url();
                     if (empty($url)) {
                         $url = new moodle_url('/user/edit.php', array('id' => $user->id, 'course' => $course->id));
                     $useraccount->add(get_string('editmyprofile'), $url, self::TYPE_SETTING);
     // Change password link.
     if ($userauthplugin && $currentuser && !\core\session\manager::is_loggedinas() && !isguestuser() && has_capability('moodle/user:changeownpassword', $systemcontext) && $userauthplugin->can_change_password()) {
         $passwordchangeurl = $userauthplugin->change_password_url();
         if (empty($passwordchangeurl)) {
             $passwordchangeurl = new moodle_url('/login/change_password.php', array('id' => $course->id));
         $useraccount->add(get_string("changepassword"), $passwordchangeurl, self::TYPE_SETTING, null, 'changepassword');
     if (isloggedin() && !isguestuser($user) && !is_mnet_remote_user($user)) {
         if ($currentuser && has_capability('moodle/user:editownprofile', $systemcontext) || has_capability('moodle/user:editprofile', $usercontext)) {
             $url = new moodle_url('/user/language.php', array('id' => $user->id, 'course' => $course->id));
             $useraccount->add(get_string('preferredlanguage'), $url, self::TYPE_SETTING, null, 'preferredlanguage');
     $pluginmanager = core_plugin_manager::instance();
     $enabled = $pluginmanager->get_enabled_plugins('mod');
     if (isset($enabled['forum']) && isloggedin() && !isguestuser($user) && !is_mnet_remote_user($user)) {
         if ($currentuser && has_capability('moodle/user:editownprofile', $systemcontext) || has_capability('moodle/user:editprofile', $usercontext)) {
             $url = new moodle_url('/user/forum.php', array('id' => $user->id, 'course' => $course->id));
             $useraccount->add(get_string('forumpreferences'), $url, self::TYPE_SETTING);
     $editors = editors_get_enabled();
     if (count($editors) > 1) {
         if (isloggedin() && !isguestuser($user) && !is_mnet_remote_user($user)) {
             if ($currentuser && has_capability('moodle/user:editownprofile', $systemcontext) || has_capability('moodle/user:editprofile', $usercontext)) {
                 $url = new moodle_url('/user/editor.php', array('id' => $user->id, 'course' => $course->id));
                 $useraccount->add(get_string('editorpreferences'), $url, self::TYPE_SETTING);
     // Add "Course preferences" link.
     if (isloggedin() && !isguestuser($user)) {
         if ($currentuser && has_capability('moodle/user:editownprofile', $systemcontext) || has_capability('moodle/user:editprofile', $usercontext)) {
             $url = new moodle_url('/user/course.php', array('id' => $user->id, 'course' => $course->id));
             $useraccount->add(get_string('coursepreferences'), $url, self::TYPE_SETTING, null, 'coursepreferences');
     // View the roles settings.
     if (has_any_capability(array('moodle/role:assign', 'moodle/role:safeoverride', 'moodle/role:override', 'moodle/role:manage'), $usercontext)) {
         $roles = $usersetting->add(get_string('roles'), null, self::TYPE_SETTING);
         $url = new moodle_url('/admin/roles/usersroles.php', array('userid' => $user->id, 'courseid' => $course->id));
         $roles->add(get_string('thisusersroles', 'role'), $url, self::TYPE_SETTING);
         $assignableroles = get_assignable_roles($usercontext, ROLENAME_BOTH);
         if (!empty($assignableroles)) {
             $url = new moodle_url('/admin/roles/assign.php', array('contextid' => $usercontext->id, 'userid' => $user->id, 'courseid' => $course->id));
             $roles->add(get_string('assignrolesrelativetothisuser', 'role'), $url, self::TYPE_SETTING);
         if (has_capability('moodle/role:review', $usercontext) || count(get_overridable_roles($usercontext, ROLENAME_BOTH)) > 0) {
             $url = new moodle_url('/admin/roles/permissions.php', array('contextid' => $usercontext->id, 'userid' => $user->id, 'courseid' => $course->id));
             $roles->add(get_string('permissions', 'role'), $url, self::TYPE_SETTING);
         $url = new moodle_url('/admin/roles/check.php', array('contextid' => $usercontext->id, 'userid' => $user->id, 'courseid' => $course->id));
         $roles->add(get_string('checkpermissions', 'role'), $url, self::TYPE_SETTING);
     // Repositories.
     if (!$this->cache->cached('contexthasrepos' . $usercontext->id)) {
         require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/repository/lib.php';
         $editabletypes = repository::get_editable_types($usercontext);
         $haseditabletypes = !empty($editabletypes);
         $this->cache->set('contexthasrepos' . $usercontext->id, $haseditabletypes);
     } else {
         $haseditabletypes = $this->cache->{'contexthasrepos' . $usercontext->id};
     if ($haseditabletypes) {
         $repositories = $usersetting->add(get_string('repositories', 'repository'), null, self::TYPE_SETTING);
         $repositories->add(get_string('manageinstances', 'repository'), new moodle_url('/repository/manage_instances.php', array('contextid' => $usercontext->id)));
     // Portfolio.
     if ($currentuser && !empty($CFG->enableportfolios) && has_capability('moodle/portfolio:export', $systemcontext)) {
         require_once $CFG->libdir . '/portfoliolib.php';
         if (portfolio_has_visible_instances()) {
             $portfolio = $usersetting->add(get_string('portfolios', 'portfolio'), null, self::TYPE_SETTING);
             $url = new moodle_url('/user/portfolio.php', array('courseid' => $course->id));
             $portfolio->add(get_string('configure', 'portfolio'), $url, self::TYPE_SETTING);
             $url = new moodle_url('/user/portfoliologs.php', array('courseid' => $course->id));
             $portfolio->add(get_string('logs', 'portfolio'), $url, self::TYPE_SETTING);
     $enablemanagetokens = false;
     if (!empty($CFG->enablerssfeeds)) {
         $enablemanagetokens = true;
     } else {
         if (!is_siteadmin($USER->id) && !empty($CFG->enablewebservices) && has_capability('moodle/webservice:createtoken', context_system::instance())) {
             $enablemanagetokens = true;
     // Security keys.
     if ($currentuser && $enablemanagetokens) {
         $url = new moodle_url('/user/managetoken.php', array('sesskey' => sesskey()));
         $useraccount->add(get_string('securitykeys', 'webservice'), $url, self::TYPE_SETTING);
     // Messaging.
     if ($currentuser && has_capability('moodle/user:editownmessageprofile', $systemcontext) || !isguestuser($user) && has_capability('moodle/user:editmessageprofile', $usercontext) && !is_primary_admin($user->id)) {
         $url = new moodle_url('/message/edit.php', array('id' => $user->id));
         $useraccount->add(get_string('messaging', 'message'), $url, self::TYPE_SETTING);
     // Blogs.
     if ($currentuser && !empty($CFG->enableblogs)) {
         $blog = $usersetting->add(get_string('blogs', 'blog'), null, navigation_node::TYPE_CONTAINER, null, 'blogs');
         if (has_capability('moodle/blog:view', $systemcontext)) {
             $blog->add(get_string('preferences', 'blog'), new moodle_url('/blog/preferences.php'), navigation_node::TYPE_SETTING);
         if (!empty($CFG->useexternalblogs) && $CFG->maxexternalblogsperuser > 0 && has_capability('moodle/blog:manageexternal', $systemcontext)) {
             $blog->add(get_string('externalblogs', 'blog'), new moodle_url('/blog/external_blogs.php'), navigation_node::TYPE_SETTING);
             $blog->add(get_string('addnewexternalblog', 'blog'), new moodle_url('/blog/external_blog_edit.php'), navigation_node::TYPE_SETTING);
         // Remove the blog node if empty.
     // Badges.
     if ($currentuser && !empty($CFG->enablebadges)) {
         $badges = $usersetting->add(get_string('badges'), null, navigation_node::TYPE_CONTAINER, null, 'badges');
         if (has_capability('moodle/badges:manageownbadges', $usercontext)) {
             $url = new moodle_url('/badges/mybadges.php');
             $badges->add(get_string('managebadges', 'badges'), $url, self::TYPE_SETTING);
         $badges->add(get_string('preferences', 'badges'), new moodle_url('/badges/preferences.php'), navigation_node::TYPE_SETTING);
         if (!empty($CFG->badges_allowexternalbackpack)) {
             $badges->add(get_string('backpackdetails', 'badges'), new moodle_url('/badges/mybackpack.php'), navigation_node::TYPE_SETTING);
     // Let plugins hook into user settings navigation.
     $pluginsfunction = get_plugins_with_function('extend_navigation_user_settings', 'lib.php');
     foreach ($pluginsfunction as $plugintype => $plugins) {
         foreach ($plugins as $pluginfunction) {
             $pluginfunction($usersetting, $user, $usercontext, $course, $coursecontext);
     return $usersetting;
 * Defines core nodes for my profile navigation tree.
 * @param \core_user\output\myprofile\tree $tree Tree object
 * @param stdClass $user user object
 * @param bool $iscurrentuser is the user viewing profile, current user ?
 * @param stdClass $course course object
 * @return bool
function core_myprofile_navigation(core_user\output\myprofile\tree $tree, $user, $iscurrentuser, $course)
    global $CFG, $USER, $DB;
    $usercontext = context_user::instance($user->id, MUST_EXIST);
    $systemcontext = context_system::instance();
    $context = !empty($course) ? context_course::instance($course->id) : $systemcontext;
    $courseid = !empty($course) ? $course->id : SITEID;
    $contactcategory = new core_user\output\myprofile\category('contact', get_string('userdetails'));
    $coursedetailscategory = new core_user\output\myprofile\category('coursedetails', get_string('coursedetails'), 'contact');
    $miscategory = new core_user\output\myprofile\category('miscellaneous', get_string('miscellaneous'), 'coursedetails');
    $reportcategory = new core_user\output\myprofile\category('reports', get_string('reports'), 'miscellaneous');
    $admincategory = new core_user\output\myprofile\category('administration', get_string('administration'), 'reports');
    $loginactivitycategory = new core_user\output\myprofile\category('loginactivity', get_string('loginactivity'), 'administration');
    // Add categories.
    // Add core nodes.
    // Full profile node.
    if (!empty($course)) {
        if (empty($CFG->forceloginforprofiles) || $iscurrentuser || has_capability('moodle/user:viewdetails', context_user::instance($user->id)) || has_coursecontact_role($user->id)) {
            $url = new moodle_url('/user/profile.php', array('id' => $user->id));
            $node = new core_user\output\myprofile\node('miscellaneous', 'fullprofile', get_string('fullprofile'), null, $url);
    // Edit profile.
    if (isloggedin() && !isguestuser($user) && !is_mnet_remote_user($user)) {
        if (($iscurrentuser || is_siteadmin($USER) || !is_siteadmin($user)) && has_capability('moodle/user:update', $systemcontext)) {
            $url = new moodle_url('/user/editadvanced.php', array('id' => $user->id, 'course' => $courseid));
            $node = new core_user\output\myprofile\node('contact', 'editprofile', get_string('editmyprofile'), null, $url);
        } else {
            if (has_capability('moodle/user:editprofile', $usercontext) && !is_siteadmin($user) || $iscurrentuser && has_capability('moodle/user:editownprofile', $systemcontext)) {
                $userauthplugin = false;
                if (!empty($user->auth)) {
                    $userauthplugin = get_auth_plugin($user->auth);
                if ($userauthplugin && $userauthplugin->can_edit_profile()) {
                    $url = $userauthplugin->edit_profile_url();
                    if (empty($url)) {
                        if (empty($course)) {
                            $url = new moodle_url('/user/edit.php', array('userid' => $user->id));
                        } else {
                            $url = new moodle_url('/user/edit.php', array('userid' => $user->id, 'course' => $course->id));
                    $node = new core_user\output\myprofile\node('contact', 'editprofile', get_string('editmyprofile'), null, $url);
    // Preference page. Only visible by administrators.
    if (is_siteadmin()) {
        $url = new moodle_url('/user/preferences.php', array('userid' => $user->id));
        $title = $iscurrentuser ? get_string('mypreferences') : get_string('userspreferences', 'moodle', fullname($user));
        $node = new core_user\output\myprofile\node('administration', 'preferences', $title, null, $url);
    // Login as ...
    if (!$user->deleted && !$iscurrentuser && !\core\session\manager::is_loggedinas() && has_capability('moodle/user:loginas', $context) && !is_siteadmin($user->id)) {
        $url = new moodle_url('/course/loginas.php', array('id' => $courseid, 'user' => $user->id, 'sesskey' => sesskey()));
        $node = new core_user\output\myprofile\node('administration', 'loginas', get_string('loginas'), null, $url);
    // Contact details.
    if (has_capability('moodle/user:viewhiddendetails', $usercontext)) {
        $hiddenfields = array();
    } else {
        $hiddenfields = array_flip(explode(',', $CFG->hiddenuserfields));
    if (has_capability('moodle/site:viewuseridentity', $context)) {
        $identityfields = array_flip(explode(',', $CFG->showuseridentity));
    } else {
        $identityfields = array();
    if (is_mnet_remote_user($user)) {
        $sql = "SELECT h.id, h.name, h.wwwroot,\n                       a.name as application, a.display_name\n                  FROM {mnet_host} h, {mnet_application} a\n                 WHERE h.id = ? AND h.applicationid = a.id";
        $remotehost = $DB->get_record_sql($sql, array($user->mnethostid));
        $remoteuser = new stdclass();
        $remoteuser->remotetype = $remotehost->display_name;
        $hostinfo = new stdclass();
        $hostinfo->remotename = $remotehost->name;
        $hostinfo->remoteurl = $remotehost->wwwroot;
        $node = new core_user\output\myprofile\node('contact', 'mnet', get_string('remoteuser', 'mnet', $remoteuser), null, null, get_string('remoteuserinfo', 'mnet', $hostinfo), null, 'remoteuserinfo');
    if (isset($identityfields['email']) and ($iscurrentuser or $user->maildisplay == 1 or has_capability('moodle/course:useremail', $usercontext) or $user->maildisplay == 2 and enrol_sharing_course($user, $USER))) {
        $node = new core_user\output\myprofile\node('contact', 'email', get_string('email'), null, null, obfuscate_mailto($user->email, ''));
    if (!isset($hiddenfields['country']) && $user->country) {
        $node = new core_user\output\myprofile\node('contact', 'country', get_string('country'), null, null, get_string($user->country, 'countries'));
    if (!isset($hiddenfields['city']) && $user->city) {
        $node = new core_user\output\myprofile\node('contact', 'city', get_string('city'), null, null, $user->city);
    if (isset($identityfields['address']) && $user->address) {
        $node = new core_user\output\myprofile\node('contact', 'address', get_string('address'), null, null, $user->address);
    if (isset($identityfields['phone1']) && $user->phone1) {
        $node = new core_user\output\myprofile\node('contact', 'phone1', get_string('phone'), null, null, $user->phone1);
    if (isset($identityfields['phone2']) && $user->phone2) {
        $node = new core_user\output\myprofile\node('contact', 'phone2', get_string('phone2'), null, null, $user->phone2);
    if (isset($identityfields['institution']) && $user->institution) {
        $node = new core_user\output\myprofile\node('contact', 'institution', get_string('institution'), null, null, $user->institution);
    if (isset($identityfields['department']) && $user->department) {
        $node = new core_user\output\myprofile\node('contact', 'department', get_string('department'), null, null, $user->institution);
    if (isset($identityfields['idnumber']) && $user->idnumber) {
        $node = new core_user\output\myprofile\node('contact', 'idnumber', get_string('idnumber'), null, null, $user->institution);
    if ($user->url && !isset($hiddenfields['webpage'])) {
        $url = $user->url;
        if (strpos($user->url, '://') === false) {
            $url = 'http://' . $url;
        $webpageurl = new moodle_url($url);
        $node = new core_user\output\myprofile\node('contact', 'webpage', get_string('webpage'), null, null, html_writer::link($url, $webpageurl));
    // Printing tagged interests. We want this only for full profile.
    if (!empty($CFG->usetags) && empty($course)) {
        if ($interests = tag_get_tags_csv('user', $user->id)) {
            $node = new core_user\output\myprofile\node('contact', 'interests', get_string('interests'), null, null, $interests);
    if (!isset($hiddenfields['mycourses'])) {
        $showallcourses = optional_param('showallcourses', 0, PARAM_INT);
        if ($mycourses = enrol_get_all_users_courses($user->id, true, null, 'visible DESC, sortorder ASC')) {
            $shown = 0;
            $courselisting = html_writer::start_tag('ul');
            foreach ($mycourses as $mycourse) {
                if ($mycourse->category) {
                    $ccontext = context_course::instance($mycourse->id);
                    if (!isset($course) || $mycourse->id != $course->id) {
                        $linkattributes = null;
                        if ($mycourse->visible == 0) {
                            if (!has_capability('moodle/course:viewhiddencourses', $ccontext)) {
                            $linkattributes['class'] = 'dimmed';
                        $params = array('id' => $user->id, 'course' => $mycourse->id);
                        if ($showallcourses) {
                            $params['showallcourses'] = 1;
                        $url = new moodle_url('/user/view.php', $params);
                        $courselisting .= html_writer::tag('li', html_writer::link($url, $ccontext->get_context_name(false), $linkattributes));
                    } else {
                        $courselisting .= html_writer::tag('li', $course->fullname);
                if (!$showallcourses && $shown == $CFG->navcourselimit) {
                    $url = null;
                    if (isset($course)) {
                        $url = new moodle_url('/user/view.php', array('id' => $user->id, 'course' => $course->id, 'showallcourses' => 1));
                    } else {
                        $url = new moodle_url('/user/profile.php', array('id' => $user->id, 'showallcourses' => 1));
                    $courselisting .= html_writer::tag('li', html_writer::link($url, get_string('viewmore'), array('title' => get_string('viewmore'))));
            $courselisting .= html_writer::end_tag('ul');
            if (!empty($mycourses)) {
                // Add this node only if there are courses to display.
                $node = new core_user\output\myprofile\node('coursedetails', 'courseprofiles', get_string('courseprofiles'), null, null, rtrim($courselisting, ', '));
    if (!empty($course)) {
        // Show roles in this course.
        if ($rolestring = get_user_roles_in_course($user->id, $course->id)) {
            $node = new core_user\output\myprofile\node('coursedetails', 'roles', get_string('roles'), null, null, $rolestring);
        // Show groups this user is in.
        if (!isset($hiddenfields['groups']) && !empty($course)) {
            $accessallgroups = has_capability('moodle/site:accessallgroups', $context);
            if ($usergroups = groups_get_all_groups($course->id, $user->id)) {
                $groupstr = '';
                foreach ($usergroups as $group) {
                    if ($course->groupmode == SEPARATEGROUPS and !$accessallgroups and $user->id != $USER->id) {
                        if (!groups_is_member($group->id, $user->id)) {
                    if ($course->groupmode != NOGROUPS) {
                        $groupstr .= ' <a href="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/user/index.php?id=' . $course->id . '&amp;group=' . $group->id . '">' . format_string($group->name) . '</a>,';
                    } else {
                        // The user/index.php shows groups only when course in group mode.
                        $groupstr .= ' ' . format_string($group->name);
                if ($groupstr !== '') {
                    $node = new core_user\output\myprofile\node('coursedetails', 'groups', get_string('group'), null, null, rtrim($groupstr, ', '));
        if (!isset($hiddenfields['suspended'])) {
            if ($user->suspended) {
                $node = new core_user\output\myprofile\node('coursedetails', 'suspended', null, null, null, get_string('suspended', 'auth'));
        echo html_writer::end_tag('dl');
    if ($user->icq && !isset($hiddenfields['icqnumber'])) {
        $imurl = new moodle_url('http://web.icq.com/wwp', array('uin' => $user->icq));
        $iconurl = new moodle_url('http://web.icq.com/whitepages/online', array('icq' => $user->icq, 'img' => '5'));
        $statusicon = html_writer::tag('img', '', array('src' => $iconurl, 'class' => 'icon icon-post', 'alt' => get_string('status')));
        $node = new core_user\output\myprofile\node('contact', 'icqnumber', get_string('icqnumber'), null, null, html_writer::link($imurl, s($user->icq) . $statusicon));
    if ($user->skype && !isset($hiddenfields['skypeid'])) {
        $imurl = 'skype:' . urlencode($user->skype) . '?call';
        $iconurl = new moodle_url('http://mystatus.skype.com/smallicon/' . urlencode($user->skype));
        if (is_https()) {
            // Bad luck, skype devs are lazy to set up SSL on their servers - see MDL-37233.
            $statusicon = '';
        } else {
            $statusicon = html_writer::empty_tag('img', array('src' => $iconurl, 'class' => 'icon icon-post', 'alt' => get_string('status')));
        $node = new core_user\output\myprofile\node('contact', 'skypeid', get_string('skypeid'), null, null, html_writer::link($imurl, s($user->skype) . $statusicon));
    if ($user->yahoo && !isset($hiddenfields['yahooid'])) {
        $imurl = new moodle_url('http://edit.yahoo.com/config/send_webmesg', array('.target' => $user->yahoo, '.src' => 'pg'));
        $iconurl = new moodle_url('http://opi.yahoo.com/online', array('u' => $user->yahoo, 'm' => 'g', 't' => '0'));
        $statusicon = html_writer::tag('img', '', array('src' => $iconurl, 'class' => 'iconsmall icon-post', 'alt' => get_string('status')));
        $node = new core_user\output\myprofile\node('contact', 'yahooid', get_string('yahooid'), null, null, html_writer::link($imurl, s($user->yahoo) . $statusicon));
    if ($user->aim && !isset($hiddenfields['aimid'])) {
        $imurl = 'aim:goim?screenname=' . urlencode($user->aim);
        $node = new core_user\output\myprofile\node('contact', 'aimid', get_string('aimid'), null, null, html_writer::link($imurl, s($user->aim)));
    if ($user->msn && !isset($hiddenfields['msnid'])) {
        $node = new core_user\output\myprofile\node('contact', 'msnid', get_string('msnid'), null, null, s($user->msn));
    if ($categories = $DB->get_records('user_info_category', null, 'sortorder ASC')) {
        foreach ($categories as $category) {
            if ($fields = $DB->get_records('user_info_field', array('categoryid' => $category->id), 'sortorder ASC')) {
                foreach ($fields as $field) {
                    require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/user/profile/field/' . $field->datatype . '/field.class.php';
                    $newfield = 'profile_field_' . $field->datatype;
                    $formfield = new $newfield($field->id, $user->id);
                    if ($formfield->is_visible() and !$formfield->is_empty()) {
                        $node = new core_user\output\myprofile\node('contact', $formfield->field->shortname, format_string($formfield->field->name), null, null, $formfield->display_data());
    // First access. (Why only for sites ?)
    if (!isset($hiddenfields['firstaccess']) && empty($course)) {
        if ($user->firstaccess) {
            $datestring = userdate($user->firstaccess) . "&nbsp; (" . format_time(time() - $user->firstaccess) . ")";
        } else {
            $datestring = get_string("never");
        $node = new core_user\output\myprofile\node('loginactivity', 'firstaccess', get_string('firstsiteaccess'), null, null, $datestring);
    // Last access.
    if (!isset($hiddenfields['lastaccess'])) {
        if (empty($course)) {
            $string = get_string('lastsiteaccess');
            if ($user->lastaccess) {
                $datestring = userdate($user->lastaccess) . "&nbsp; (" . format_time(time() - $user->lastaccess) . ")";
            } else {
                $datestring = get_string("never");
        } else {
            $string = get_string('lastcourseaccess');
            if ($lastaccess = $DB->get_record('user_lastaccess', array('userid' => $user->id, 'courseid' => $course->id))) {
                $datestring = userdate($lastaccess->timeaccess) . "&nbsp; (" . format_time(time() - $lastaccess->timeaccess) . ")";
            } else {
                $datestring = get_string("never");
        $node = new core_user\output\myprofile\node('loginactivity', 'lastaccess', $string, null, null, $datestring);
    // Last ip.
    if (has_capability('moodle/user:viewlastip', $usercontext) && !isset($hiddenfields['lastip'])) {
        if ($user->lastip) {
            $iplookupurl = new moodle_url('/iplookup/index.php', array('ip' => $user->lastip, 'user' => $USER->id));
            $ipstring = html_writer::link($iplookupurl, $user->lastip);
        } else {
            $ipstring = get_string("none");
        $node = new core_user\output\myprofile\node('loginactivity', 'lastip', get_string('lastip'), null, null, $ipstring);
                $row->cells[1]->text .= $OUTPUT->container_end();
                $row->cells[2] = new html_table_cell();
                $row->cells[2]->attributes['class'] = 'links';
                $row->cells[2]->text = '';
                $links = array();
                if ($CFG->enableblogs && ($CFG->bloglevel != BLOG_USER_LEVEL || $USER->id == $user->id)) {
                    $links[] = html_writer::link(new moodle_url('/blog/index.php?userid=' . $user->id), get_string('blogs', 'blog'));
                if (!empty($CFG->enablenotes) and has_capability('moodle/notes:manage', $context) || has_capability('moodle/notes:view', $context)) {
                    $links[] = html_writer::link(new moodle_url('/notes/index.php?course=' . $course->id . '&user='******'notes', 'notes'));
                if (has_capability('moodle/site:viewreports', $context) or has_capability('moodle/user:viewuseractivitiesreport', $usercontext)) {
                    $links[] = html_writer::link(new moodle_url('/course/user.php?id=' . $course->id . '&user='******'activity'));
                if ($USER->id != $user->id && !\core\session\manager::is_loggedinas() && has_capability('moodle/user:loginas', $context) && !is_siteadmin($user->id)) {
                    $links[] = html_writer::link(new moodle_url('/course/loginas.php?id=' . $course->id . '&user='******'&sesskey=' . sesskey()), get_string('loginas'));
                $links[] = html_writer::link(new moodle_url('/user/view.php?id=' . $user->id . '&course=' . $course->id), get_string('fullprofile') . '...');
                $row->cells[2]->text .= implode('', $links);
                if ($bulkoperations) {
                    $row->cells[2]->text .= '<br /><input type="checkbox" class="usercheckbox" name="user' . $user->id . '" /> ';
                $table->data = array($row);
                echo html_writer::table($table);
        } else {
            echo $OUTPUT->heading(get_string('nothingtodisplay'));
} else {
     * The "fixy" overlay that drops down when the link in the top right corner is clicked. It will say either
     * "login" or "menu" (for signed in users).
    public function fixed_menu()
        global $CFG, $USER;
        $logout = get_string('logout');
        $isguest = isguestuser();
        $courseservice = course::service();
        $output = '';
        if (!isloggedin() || $isguest) {
            $login = get_string('login');
            $cancel = get_string('cancel');
            if (!empty($CFG->loginpasswordautocomplete)) {
                $autocomplete = 'autocomplete="off"';
            } else {
                $autocomplete = '';
            if (empty($CFG->authloginviaemail)) {
                $username = get_string('username');
            } else {
                $username = get_string('usernameemail');
            if (empty($CFG->loginhttps)) {
                $wwwroot = $CFG->wwwroot;
            } else {
                $wwwroot = str_replace("http://", "https://", $CFG->wwwroot);
            $password = get_string('password');
            $loginform = get_string('loginform', 'theme_snap');
            $helpstr = '';
            if (empty($CFG->forcelogin) || $isguest || !isloggedin() || !empty($CFG->registerauth) || is_enabled_auth('none') || !empty($CFG->auth_instructions)) {
                if ($isguest) {
                    $helpstr = '<p class="text-center">' . get_string('loggedinasguest', 'theme_snap') . '</p>';
                    $helpstr .= '<p class="text-center">' . '<a class="btn btn-primary" href="' . s($CFG->wwwroot) . '/login/logout.php?sesskey=' . sesskey() . '">' . $logout . '</a></p>';
                    $helpstr .= '<p class="text-center">' . '<a href="' . s($wwwroot) . '/login/index.php">' . get_string('helpwithloginandguest', 'theme_snap') . '</a></p>';
                } else {
                    if (empty($CFG->forcelogin)) {
                        $help = get_string('helpwithloginandguest', 'theme_snap');
                    } else {
                        $help = get_string('helpwithlogin', 'theme_snap');
                    $helpstr = "<p class='text-center'><a href='" . s($wwwroot) . "/login/index.php'>{$help}</a></p>";
            if (local::current_url_path() != '/login/index.php') {
                $output .= $this->login_button();
                $altlogins = $this->render_login_alternative_methods(new login_alternative_methods());
                $output .= "<div class='fixy' id='snap-login' role='dialog' aria-label='{$loginform}' tabindex='-1'>\n                    <form action='{$wwwroot}/login/index.php'  method='post'>\n                    <div class=fixy-inner>\n                    <div class=fixy-header>\n                    <a id='fixy-close' class='js-personal-menu-trigger pull-right snap-action-icon' href='#'>\n                        <i class='icon icon-close'></i><small>{$cancel}</small>\n                    </a>\n                    <h1>{$login}</h1>\n                    </div>\n                    <label for='username'>{$username}</label>\n                    <input autocapitalize='off' type='text' name='username' id='username'>\n                    <label for='password'>{$password}</label>\n                    <input type='password' name='password' id='password' {$autocomplete}>\n                    <br>\n                    <input type='submit' value='" . s($login) . "'>\n                    {$helpstr}\n                    {$altlogins}\n                    </div>\n                    </form></div>";
        } else {
            $courselist = "";
            $userpicture = new user_picture($USER);
            $userpicture->link = false;
            $userpicture->alttext = false;
            $userpicture->size = 100;
            $picture = $this->render($userpicture);
            list($favorited, $notfavorited) = $courseservice->my_courses_split_by_favorites();
            // Create courses array with favorites first.
            $mycourses = $favorited + $notfavorited;
            $courselist .= '<section id="fixy-my-courses"><div class="clearfix"><h2>' . get_string('courses') . '</h2>';
            $courselist .= '<div id="fixy-visible-courses">';
            // Default text when no courses.
            if (!$mycourses) {
                $courselist .= "<p>" . get_string('coursefixydefaulttext', 'theme_snap') . "</p>";
            // Visible / hidden course vars.
            $visiblecoursecount = 0;
            // How many courses are in the hidden section (hidden and not favorited).
            $hiddencoursecount = 0;
            $hiddencourselist = '';
            // How many courses are actually hidden.
            $actualhiddencount = 0;
            foreach ($mycourses as $course) {
                $ccard = new course_card($course->id);
                $coursecard = $this->render($ccard);
                // If course is not visible.
                if (!$course->visible) {
                    // Only add to list of hidden courses if not favorited.
                    if (!isset($favorited[$course->id])) {
                        $hiddencourselist .= $coursecard;
                    } else {
                        // OK, this is hidden but it's favorited, so technically visible.
                        $courselist .= $coursecard;
                } else {
                    $courselist .= $coursecard;
            $courselist .= '</div>';
            $courselist .= $this->browse_all_courses_button();
            $courselist .= '</div>';
            if ($actualhiddencount && $visiblecoursecount) {
                // Output hidden courses toggle when there are visible courses.
                $togglevisstate = !empty($hiddencourselist) ? ' state-visible' : '';
                $hiddencourses = '<div class="clearfix"><h2 class="header-hidden-courses' . $togglevisstate . '"><a id="js-toggle-hidden-courses" href="#">' . get_string('hiddencoursestoggle', 'theme_snap', $hiddencoursecount) . '</a></h2>';
                $hiddencourses .= '<div id="fixy-hidden-courses" class="clearfix" tabindex="-1">' . $hiddencourselist . '</div>';
                $hiddencourses .= '</div>';
                $courselist .= $hiddencourses;
            } else {
                if (!$visiblecoursecount && $hiddencoursecount) {
                    $hiddencourses = '<div id="fixy-hidden-courses" class="clearfix state-visible">' . $hiddencourselist . '</div>';
                    $courselist .= $hiddencourses;
            $courselist .= '</section>';
            $menu = get_string('menu', 'theme_snap');
            $badge = $this->render_badge_count();
            $linkcontent = $menu . $picture . $badge;
            $attributes = array('aria-haspopup' => 'true', 'class' => 'js-personal-menu-trigger snap-my-courses-menu', 'id' => 'fixy-trigger', 'aria-controls' => 'primary-nav');
            $output .= html_writer::link('#', $linkcontent, $attributes);
            $close = get_string('close', 'theme_snap');
            $viewyourprofile = get_string('viewyourprofile', 'theme_snap');
            $realuserinfo = '';
            if (\core\session\manager::is_loggedinas()) {
                $realuser = \core\session\manager::get_realuser();
                $via = get_string('via', 'theme_snap');
                $fullname = fullname($realuser, true);
                $realuserinfo = html_writer::span($via . ' ' . html_writer::span($fullname, 'real-user-name'), 'real-user-info');
            $output .= '<nav id="primary-nav" class="fixy toggle-details" tabindex="-1">
            <div class="fixy-inner">
            <div class="fixy-header">
            <a id="fixy-close" class="js-personal-menu-trigger pull-right snap-action-icon" href="#">
                <i class="icon icon-close"></i><small>' . $close . '</small>

            <div id="fixy-user">' . $picture . '
            <div id="fixy-user-details">
                <a title="' . s($viewyourprofile) . '" href="' . s($CFG->wwwroot) . '/user/profile.php" >' . '<span class="h1" role="heading" aria-level="1">' . format_string(fullname($USER)) . '</span>
                </a> ' . $realuserinfo . '
                <a id="fixy-logout" href="' . s($CFG->wwwroot) . '/login/logout.php?sesskey=' . sesskey() . '">' . $logout . '</a>

        <div id="fixy-content">' . $courselist . $this->render_callstoaction() . '
        </div><!-- end fixy-content -->
        </div><!-- end fixy-inner -->
        </nav><!-- end primary nav -->';
        return $output;